Spells - Necromancers
Spells - Necromancers
New Thread
EMC and the Silver Bullet
- (7 replies)
created by - TK-421
- (9 replies)
created by - TK-421
Book Burning
- (3 replies)
created by - NITUKI
Animation/Blood Magic Capstone: Mastery of the Knife
- (1 reply)
created by - TEVESHSZAT
Transcendental Necromancy Capstone: Defiance of Oblivion
- (0 replies)
created by - TEVESHSZAT
Corruption Capstone: Innocence Defied
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created by - TEVESHSZAT
Synthetic Creation Capstone: Alchemical Understanding
- (0 replies)
created by - TEVESHSZAT
RoC/RoG & Anti-magic Rooms.
- (7 replies)
created by - ACIDICSNAIL
Wound Deferral & Emuin's Candlelight
- (2 replies)
created by - TK-421
Rite of Forbearance - Scaling
- (2 replies)
created by - TK-421
Oh, broken VoD.
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created by - DRTRV80
Spell reqs vs circle reqs for Vivi and USOL
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created by - VYRATH2
Necrotic Reconstruction
- (6 replies)
created by - TK-421
Rite of Contrition question
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created by - BURGERM
BLB + Naphtha
- (0 replies)
created by - TK-421
Divine Outrage, Sorcery, and You!
- (1 reply)
created by - ANARCHIE
CRE versus Favors
- (0 replies)
created by - TK-421
BLB Metamagic Improvements
- (1 reply)
created by - ANARCHIE
Blood Burst - useful?
- (2 replies)
created by - DRSCOTT
Rite of Contrition Question
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created by - DRSCOTT
Quicken the Earth
- (2 replies)
created by - GOLDENOAK
Kura-Silma and Darkvision
- (1 reply)
created by - KAIJITALEX
Blood Burst
- (9 replies)
created by - DRSCOTT
Worms Mist
- (1 reply)
created by - JHALIASCLERIC
EOTB Potency question
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created by - RAISER
- (9 replies)
created by - KADE
Rite of Grace
- (0 replies)
created by - JHALIASCLERIC
Disease, disease, disease.
- (2 replies)
created by - RAISER
Which spells cause DO?
- (23 replies)
created by - HOLSCHAUERK
Necromancer Spells: Your top and bottom spells?
- (49 replies)
created by - NITUKI
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created by - THAYET
USOL curiousness
- (2 replies)
created by - RAISER
Back - Stupid Question
- (4 replies)
created by - SOLIBETHY
Locate Block
- (36 replies)
created by - TIM
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created by - SLHUBBARD
EOTB Spell Learning Oddity
- (5 replies)
created by - YANSHADEY
Vivisection snipe
- (12 replies)
created by - SJORDAN2
Vivi minimum TM
- (5 replies)
created by - DRTRV80
Magic Training Question
- (7 replies)
created by - JANUS1131
WORM questions
- (4 replies)
created by - JESSEPEN
New Thread
Spells - Necromancers