Prereq: Reverse Putrefaction, Necrotic Reconstruction, Devour,
Slot Cost: 2
Mana Type: Arcane (duh)
Spell Type: ritual / augmentation, utility
Target: Self
Duration: 30 minutes / 90 minutes
Description: Pulling from the knowledge and application of controlling flesh gained from through animation and blood magic, Mastery of the Knife allows a never-before-seen level of control for rebuilding what was once destroyed.
While this spell is active, the following changes occur with your magic:
1) Consume Flesh and Necrotic Reconstruction heals a randomized second part at half-strength of the original cast, if applicable.
2) The number of parts healed per Devour pulse is increased. Harvested materials gain a 50% chance to not get consumed by the spell.
3) Zombies who are commanded to use a SPECIAL attack when there is a corpse prepared for consumption in the room will devour it and heal some of its wounds instead of its standard action.
4) Reduced ritual roundtime.
This feels like the natural conclusion someone would reach when trying to gain a greater understanding of using flesh for Necromantic purposes. You can repair yourself/corpses faster, "operate" quicker, and teach your zombie a new trick. These two books were combined to share a capstone since they're rather small/linear books, and SV/BLB already benefit from EBOTS, so I focused on what a healing capstone would look like for a non-Redeemed Necromancer.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.