Prereq: Covetous Rebirth and Spiteful Rebirth
Slot Cost: 1
Mana Type: Arcane (duh)
Spell Type: metaspell
Target: n/a
Duration: n/a
Description: Pulling from patterns that many Necromancers even shy away from, Defiance of Oblivion aims to refuse the few limitations the divine continue to place upon their subjects.
This metaspell explicitly effects dead patterns in the following ways:
1) Covetous Rebirth allows you to continue ownership of your memories.
2) Spiteful Rebrith does not cause Death's Sting.
3) Holy magic/affects do not block dead patterns from being invoked upon death.
Solace already addresses the explicit/direct damage caused by holy magic, and most drawbacks to transcendental magic are already offset by what ROC/ROG bring to the table. This left us with dead patterns, where are very hyper-specific and limited in very few ways. The primary drawbacks to CRE/SRE are how often you can use them, so I didn't want to push for anything that circumvented those guardrails, so instead I leaned toward a very specific way CRE and SRE could be enhanced unique to them, as well as a more generalized/specific way they could be blocked.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.