GemStone IV
Information, Questions, and Appraisals
Information, Questions, and Appraisals
New Thread
What the heck is this?
- (3 replies)
created by - THROGG
Hooded cloak - Where???
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created by - JBIRD-90
a bone-hilted waraxe (2x, HCW, more than 11 years old)
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created by - MAC1183
Betta fish food
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created by - HAWKINSB1
I found a goat... not a pin
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created by - ICEFLOE
Mechanical flares?
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created by - KRAKII
Laughed when I saw
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created by - OM1E5GA
Price check on Aisle 5?
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created by - KRAKII
Water Cannons
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created by - LUPINE
Wavedancer Rings
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created by - VICIMER
Any ideas on this?
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created by - DVDMORSE
Iasha Weapon Price Check
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created by - DALESHAN1
A flowering salubrious plant
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created by - ROBERTSM8
several suits of armor
- (12 replies)
created by - THROGG
4x heavy crit falchion with stunning skull
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created by - TYVER
Longsword enhansive appraisal
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created by - BIGDOG2178
Looking for alter fodder
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created by - ARCHSENEX
Simucon goodie bag - Auction block
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created by - ZOEYHEART
funny quirky robes
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created by - CANDIDE
Mystic Focus/1711?
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created by - KRAKII
4x spiked swcp hauberk?
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created by - COYOTERRE
Found a ring with...
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created by - RROY
Help with lore song for some armor
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created by - RARJR
Player Shops
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created by - FALAN
mithril-bound boiled leather codex
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created by - CRYHEART
Some stuff from back then.
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created by - COYOTERRE
Holder for blue crystals
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created by - UCNTWIN
Looking for Value of These Items.
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created by - CRYHEART
feanor claidhmore
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created by - THROGG
A brass and gold disk inset with a swirling aetherstone
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created by - SPACEACE1
Fireworks wand
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Vultite twohanded sword
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created by - MAYNIST
Scripted wearable fangs
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created by - MIRAKRYE
a sealed parchment envelope
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created by - SULLIVANR4
Playing Cards?
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created by - ELVENLASS
Ipantor Composite Bow, Ora Katana
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created by - HEADER
Questions on Player Shops
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created by - NAIKITA
Holy items and defenders, etc.
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created by - ZIZZLE-ZEARL
Illthorn runestaff
- (7 replies)
created by - OM1E5GA
Locker stuff
- (4 replies)
created by - TRUE
New Thread
GemStone IV
Information, Questions, and Appraisals