a bone-hilted waraxe (2x, HCW, more than 11 years old) 02/04/2018 10:19 PM CST
This waraxe I recently rediscovered cannot be tempered under the new enchanting system. Can the waraxe be updated so it can be tempered and enchanted?

a bone-hilted waraxe, 2x, HCW

405 says
The essence swirls as it flows in a fog of chaotic patterns around the waraxe. You can't make any sense from the patterns.

925 says
A muted glow instantly surrounds the bone-hilted waraxe, flickering slightly, and fades a moment later. Assuming a bone-hilted waraxe can be tempered somehow...Unless you are horribly unlucky, you should have no trouble enchanting a bone-hilted waraxe.