General Discussions on Policy
General Discussions on Policy
New Thread
Name policy and BADNAME
- (3 replies)
created by - APCAR
Question about Character Transfer Policy
- (2 replies)
created by - NKSTROUD
Vulgarity Room
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created by - KLYNLYN
Post moved
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created by - DR-HELJE
Multiple logins from same account.
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created by - LOWTHERC
GM Lyneya is Soliciting Opinions on Current PVP Policy
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created by - ZERODIVIDES
Re: Droughtmans and no stealing
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created by - DR-CORDULIA
A case for changing AFK scripting penalties
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created by - SHIFT3
Policy rant... well kinda
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created by - LOCUTIS1
Request to review current policy regarding item registration
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created by - SHADOWFAX22
Now F2P are barred from being Order officers?
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created by - SYRAKEN
Re: New Souls.
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created by - DR-HELJE
Policy Discussion/Questions
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created by - DOORKEEPER
The Witch hunt
- (30 replies)
created by - MISSING33
Thread Moved
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created by - DR-HELJE
What bugs me more than AFK/Scripting.
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created by - GODKING
Abuse of Disconnecting
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created by - GENETIC-STRIFE
I just had the feeling of Elanthia
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created by - HOTPOCKETS
Re: New MOCK verbs ::Thread Moved::
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created by - DR-HELJE
Discussion of possible harassment on Elanthipedia
- (6 replies)
created by - DR-PERSIDA
Policy Abuse
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created by - TRAILLAZER
::Posts Hidden::
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created by - DR-ANNWYL
::Post Hidden::
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created by - DR-ANNWYL
Discussion on Policy
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created by - SIMU-LYNEYA
So About Stealing...
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created by - DR-ANNWYL
Keeping coins through rerolling
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created by - DYERA7
the use of Double entendre words on the gweth
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created by - ELFVERHAN
Mentor events policy and conflict
- (45 replies)
created by - ZULJIN
The Policy on Multi-boxing
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created by - MASTER-MAHAN
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created by - NATURELAD
::Post Hidden::
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created by - DR-ANNWYL
What to do?
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created by - THELOST1
is this mechanics abuse, pvp policy violation, or both?
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created by - SQUIRRELYB
(no subject)
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created by - SUNNFIRE
(no subject)
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created by - SUNNFIRE
Worst scripting experience ever?
- (25 replies)
created by - NITUKI
Going afk to drain experience
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created by - THETRUEBOB
Hunting policy
- (10 replies)
created by - YOUNGS14
Times have changed. Policy and enforcement have changed?
- (18 replies)
created by - DUCKDUCK
New Thread
General Discussions on Policy