Discussion of possible harassment on Elanthipedia 01/08/2017 09:32 AM CST
Some folks were talking in the scripting policy folder, and this subject came up. As it's not really related to scripting policy, I wanted to give it its own thread in a more appropriate folder.

>>Except GM's are in a unique position here - as Elanthipedia login requires a play.net account and GM accounts are given administrative privileges automatically. The further have the ability to determine what other accounts are associated with the one used on Elanthipedia. This coupled with Simu's support of the page makes for this unique circumstance.

If there are instances where the site moderators are not taking care of harassment issues, then please go ahead and advise GM staff. The site moderators are the ones who handle the day to day operations oversight of Elanthipedia beyond server-related things.

Re: Duscussion of possible harassment on Elanthipedia 01/08/2017 10:24 AM CST

I dunno, my characters name was added to that list because I chat frequently in lnet. I principally use lich for the go2/mapping functionality.

Personally, I dont see why GEnie users get some kind of free pass here, but the lich community as a whole is being harassed. I would like that elanthipedia page deleted, though I recognize that it wont stop its spread nor the harassment.

Im getting pretty sick of a small group of people thinking its acceptable to harass anyone they want for the tissue-paper-est thin of reasons. Imagine the outrage if someone posted a list of GEnie users and started intentionally mucking with their scripts.

Hell, the number of GEnie users popping into lchat to be obnoxious tells you everything you need to know about this 'conflict'.
Re: Discussion of possible harassment on Elanthipedia 01/08/2017 10:59 AM CST
No community (or player) has a 'free pass' regarding harassment, and staff certainly doesn't keep track of or care who happens to choose to use which third party utility, if any -- beyond our normal warnings that any player uses third party utilities at their own risk since they aren't made or supported by the company.

If issues are occurring that are breaking game policy, the way to resolve that is to REPORT or ASSIST in game.

The Elanthipedia page you're referring to (or any other one for that matter) should be directed to the Elanthipedia moderators for deletion if there is a harassment issue or defamation issue going on. It's easiest and fastest to get their attention via Elanthipedia itself.

Any other non policy-breaking issues between players, regardless of any groupings or community involvement or not, is not something game staff get involved with, as much as we as just people might like to see other people treat each other better.

We do have a place you can discuss that sort of thing, though. If you have a conflict you'd like to address that isn't related to policy issues, the OOC Conflicts folder is the place to bring it up. You can find it here: http://forums.play.net/forums/DragonRealms/The%20Social%20Side%20of%20DragonRealms/Conflicts%20-%20Strictly%20Out%20of%20Character/view

Re: Discussion of possible harassment on Elanthipedia ::posts moved:: 01/08/2017 03:47 PM CST
Some posts were moved. They now live in the OOC conflicts folder where they are more suited.

Please keep this thread focus on harassment policy, as it pertains to people possibly harassing folks via Elanthipedia.

Thank you.
