Bugs - Races
Bugs - Races
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Rakash favor buggy
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created by - TWOSHAY13
Shariza Symbols and Enchanting
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created by - PESKERS
Prydaen claws
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created by - BULLOCKR
Speaking of smoking........
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created by - GABELA
Some S'kra racial titles
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created by - ILLIENA
Son and Son of Stone titles
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created by - DR-HELJE
Non-Olvi smoking teachers
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Prydaen favors & 3.0
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created by - GAMMERGIRL151
Prydaen favor altar not working right
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created by - WITCHRAVEN
Long Time Storage
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created by - SHNURUI
Skra eyes and the festival rings
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created by - WISERTIME
a blood-red haversack decorated with a golden medallion
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Pr'ysin and ysin
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
grunt unknown
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created by - LEGERES
rakash dimples?
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Gor'Tog stat cost
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created by - SYMETRY3
Ears in moonskin?
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created by - GABRIELBLACK
Elven Ears
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created by - NICHOLSONC
Minor Slinking Bug
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created by - WINTERHART
Alignment of Kaldar page
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How does lifespan work?
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created by - HIDALGOL1
Presumptuous Snake Charm
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created by - NEGEI
Those Hairy S'kra Mur
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created by - PHILPEACH
Snake Charms
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created by - NEGEI
Re: Ever Wonder Why?
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created by - PHILPEACH
Every wonder why?
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created by - SIRDRACOS
Gobble verb bug?
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created by - ZIRITH
Meow Verb
- (7 replies)
created by - EHRMANTRAUTM
Yelling and Language
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created by - SLEEPLING
Glare ... S'Kra
- (4 replies)
created by - NEGEI
Grunting bug?
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created by - STEVEH999
The Human Clans
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created by - FUNKB
What happened?
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created by - LIVINGSTEEL
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created by - LIVINGSTEEL
Burden Problems
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created by - DRLIGHT
MORE burden?
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created by - YARASLAV
Bug with trill
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created by - SCHUBERTJ
Havor Foehammer (Tiger Clan Blacksmith) - Just a description thing
- (6 replies)
created by - ZEMENCO
Talking TO someone
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created by - PANTHER31
Skin color changed?
- (10 replies)
created by - ADVAX
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Bugs - Races