GemStone IV
Avalon (was Warlock FE) - for Macintosh OS X
Avalon (was Warlock FE) - for Macintosh OS X
New Thread
Global Highlights.plist
- (0 replies)
created by - KANDOR
Scripting Engine Issue - Avalon
- (8 replies)
created by - DOUG
Bjornsong thanks you
- (1 reply)
created by - JCCHESS
Avalon limitations
- (5 replies)
created by - JCCHESS
Avalon 4.3.5
- (7 replies)
created by - GS4-IXIX
Avalon 4.3.4
- (13 replies)
created by - GS4-IXIX
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created by - RAVENNA
Font size question
- (5 replies)
created by - RAVENNA
Avalon 4.3.3
- (48 replies)
created by - GS4-IXIX
Avalon Issues
- (9 replies)
created by - PFLATS
Lich Yes, Windows No
- (19 replies)
created by - GSMATT
Lich and YASSE
- (3 replies)
created by - DVDMORSE
Avalon 4.1.5
- (4 replies)
created by - TREYETHAM
Highlights and so on
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created by - KASUGA
F2P with Avalon 4.1.5
- (3 replies)
created by - TREYETHAM
Graphics and Character Management
- (6 replies)
created by - GLEWT
Running Lich on Mac OSX (10.9 and 10.10) Platforms
- (15 replies)
created by - DOUG
highlight sound feature
- (1 reply)
created by - CHUCK3B
Avalon files
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created by - TREYETHAM
Probably a long shot, but..
- (2 replies)
created by - NARCISSIIA
Bug with Avalon affecting NEW PLAYER
- (1 reply)
created by - DOUG
Avalon 4.3.2
- (0 replies)
created by - GS4-IXIX
Running Lich on Mac OSX (10.6 through 10.8) Platforms
- (3 replies)
created by - DOUG
Lich with Avalon
- (10 replies)
created by - MAEVIE8
This is weird
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created by - DVDMORSE
Multi Accounting
- (2 replies)
created by - HIPPO-GRANDE
Missing macros
- (3 replies)
created by - DVDMORSE
Avalon and Stormfront
- (7 replies)
created by - MAEVIE8
Keyboard Problems
- (3 replies)
created by - DVDMORSE
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created by - SHAFTJ
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created by - CLAIRELROJ
Back from over a decades absence - the setup
- (2 replies)
created by - BRYANSCHUETZ
Lich with StormFront via CrossOver
- (2 replies)
created by - CAFARD
Finding Scripts
- (3 replies)
created by - GORMANG
Lich with Avalon?
- (2 replies)
created by - MRIMP
Avalon scripting engine
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created by - BRIARFOX
Re: Snow Leopard?
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created by - GS4-ANDRASTE
This is a problem
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created by - YSEULT
HowMuchMore update
- (0 replies)
created by - SHAFTJ
Yasse question
- (0 replies)
created by - HOLOCENE
New Thread
GemStone IV
Avalon (was Warlock FE) - for Macintosh OS X