GemStone IV
Rings of Lumnis
Rings of Lumnis
New Thread
New Event End Time
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Iskandr's Events for Rings of Lumnis Festival(Every Saturday, 11:30 PM EST)
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created by - RSCODY
Chaos ring bonus issue
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created by - MALMUDDY
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created by - LUXELLE
Shears Leatherworks
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The Last Chapter Book Issue
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created by - GS4-VALYRKA
Wyil's Books Find a Home
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created by - GS4-VALYRKA
Rings of Lumnis – Quintuple Brooch Gets Two New Verbs
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Rings of Lumnis Teaser - Vanity Flair
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created by - GS4-ELIDI
Ring of Lumnis – Teaser – Little Things
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Rings of Lumnis - Teaser - Shears Leatherworks
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created by - GS4-NETZ
Rings of Lumnis - Teaser - Glitzy Giftboxes
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Rings of Lumnis - Teaser - Paint-in-ator
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Rings of Lumnis Teaser 2 - I Dream of Geology Series
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Rings of Lumnis: Servants of Lumnis Announced
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Rings of Lumnis: Agora Promenade Announced
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Countdown to Announcement 1
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Brooch upgrade idea - storing unused rubs
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created by - NAAMIT
Rings of Lumnis 2022 Dates
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Elemental - Minor improvement
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created by - GREMINTY
EXP verb suggestion, field exp
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created by - LEAFIARA
Gem contraption puzzle
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created by - ALYSERAH
By the light of the silvery....
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created by - GS4-THANDIWE
Should the quintuple orb brooch be labeled functional?
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created by - CALAEL
Silver entry?
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created by - KAIER
Rings of Lumnis: Brooch Upgrade
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created by - GS4-ESTILD
Chaos Ring Issues
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created by - BURTNETTJ
RoL Brooch Proposal - Instant Change of Ring Bonus Type
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created by - ASUNAS
Rings of Lumnis Returns
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created by - GS4-HALISTE
Request to transfer brooches from Prime
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created by - BELZEDAR
Light/Deep notes and the Giantkin Monk
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created by - GS4-HALISTE
how many brooches on an account?
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created by - CHUCK3B
Deepen Note Exchange
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created by - SIMU-WYROM
Ring of Lumnis - Timeline and Rewards
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created by - SIMU-WYROM
Puzzle "bugs"...
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created by - GS4-HALISTE
RoL - changes for upcoming runs
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created by - GS4-HALISTE
Tile Puzzle
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created by - CLEMENSS1
Coming Back...
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created by - SIMU-WYROM
Lightening and Deepening Notes
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created by - TRAVAKAL
When is it coming back?
- (8 replies)
created by - NEWHALLJ
New Thread
GemStone IV
Rings of Lumnis