Should the quintuple orb brooch be labeled functional? 08/26/2019 07:09 PM CDT

Is there any chance that the quintuple orb brooch from this event could be tagged as non-functional? This seems to be common with items that aren't enhancive or combat related. For example, from INV LOCATION:

a shimmering trinket (non-functional)
a small bone periapt (non-functional)
a quintuple orb brooch (functional)
a trident pin (non-functional) <-- FWI teleporter

Re: Should the quintuple orb brooch be labeled functional? 09/11/2020 12:01 AM CDT
Bump! This would be nice.
Re: Should the quintuple orb brooch be labeled functional? 04/15/2021 01:28 PM CDT
Bump again on this, with RoL coming up it would be nice for at least some simple QoL upgrades to the brooch.
Re: Should the quintuple orb brooch be labeled functional? 04/15/2021 03:24 PM CDT
Up you go! Regain a functional pin slot? Yes please.
Re: Should the quintuple orb brooch be labeled functional? 04/17/2021 01:54 AM CDT

Re: Should the quintuple orb brooch be labeled functional? 04/21/2021 10:42 AM CDT
Re: Should the quintuple orb brooch be labeled functional? 04/22/2021 04:20 PM CDT
I posted about this issue in the General Gemstone/Items and Inventory folder (title: review on functional vs. non-functional items). Wyrom responded in that folder that he would bring it up at the next meeting.