Brooch upgrade idea - storing unused rubs 10/31/2021 11:54 AM CDT
Hello, I am still loving my RoL brooch. Unfortunately however, my schedule is changing such that daily use is unlikely or difficult (and I have heard this from others as well). An upgrade option that allows us to save up or store unused brooch rubs in some fashion would be greatly welcomed. 1:1 would be ideal, but likely too forgiving. Happy to field suggestions from others on this too.


Some lady softly says, "Naamit is over-rated."
You reply, speaking to the lady, "At least I have ratings."
Re: Brooch upgrade idea - storing unused rubs 10/31/2021 06:33 PM CDT
Suffuse those brooch rubs!


With that said... I kind of disagree. You don't get the use of your 'mana spellup' for the skipped day either, nor the Boost counter, nor any x/day SpellBound items for cumulative durations.


You weren't here.
Re: Brooch upgrade idea - storing unused rubs 11/14/2021 11:01 AM CST
> 1:1 would be ideal, but likely too forgiving

If they do it as an upgrade then it's not too'd cost lucre to get it done after all.

But I too hope they offer an enhancement!
Re: Brooch upgrade idea - storing unused rubs 12/03/2021 05:34 AM CST
Not entirely correct.

"Even if the character is not logged in every day to hunt, it can still earn a lesser number of long-term boosts. A free "away" boost is granted upon the next login once every three (3) days that the characters does not earn a long-term boost (the days need not be consecutive)."