Task System: General Discussion and Bugs
Task System: General Discussion and Bugs
New Thread
More boss tasks
- (3 replies)
created by - MAGE-WARRIOR
THE TASK SYSTEM! Is there anything gently stewing behind the scenes?
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created by - SYRAKEN
Foraging tasks out of season
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created by - FLINT-TIPPED
Delivery Tasks, F2P, and Low Levels
- (1 reply)
created by - DR-JAVAC
HE-type Tasks Year Round
- (17 replies)
created by - STORM1
Task Updates
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created by - DR-ZADRAES
Foraging Task
- (7 replies)
created by - DR-ZADRAES
Couple of bugs
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created by - ILLIENA
searching tasks and locations
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created by - DYERA7
agonars tasks no longer in the system- TF?
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created by - GERSTEINJ2
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created by - EROES
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created by - DR-ANNWYL
Bugged, STILL.
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created by - GERSTEINJ2
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created by - KALIRA
Searching near Grassland Road, Meadow
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created by - ABELIAN
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created by - GRIM45
Issue with item recovery(area)
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created by - HIMESS7
Task System
- (113 replies)
created by - DR-OBSEDEN
Boss tasks
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created by - IDONS-BUDDY
Status of the task system?
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created by - NJP
Delivery not accepted
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created by - MEATLOAFFTCS2000
Recovery task bug.
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created by - MOOK1
More complaints. Kill quest. Yeah.
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created by - SHOOBS
another problem with tasks
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created by - GONIFTHEEF
First time boss name
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created by - HIGHLANDER79
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created by - SHYGOAT
Bug with beggar
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created by - BRATONA
Island tasks?
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created by - GLASS13
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created by - GONIFTHEEF
REsubmitted POST - request for TF
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created by - GONIFTHEEF
Post Hidden
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created by - MOD-LIRIONIC
request for toggle switch in TF
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created by - GONIFTHEEF
payout discrepency for tasks?
- (13 replies)
created by - GONIFTHEEF
Street urchin bug?
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created by - DRACOSIII
Child's Hammer search task bug?
- (1 reply)
created by - YZRAQHUNT
not sure if a bug or not
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created by - GONIFTHEEF
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created by - DR-OBSEDEN
The Beggar
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created by - PRAIRYE
general release?
- (2 replies)
created by - LITTLEPAGED2
Foraging task for seolarn weed don't work
- (7 replies)
created by - THREEPHI
New Thread
Task System: General Discussion and Bugs