I could not find that post.
Guild Events
Guild Events
New Thread
Magic Events?
- (3 replies)
created by - SPZR0
Plat Making Event
- (0 replies)
created by - GREENGUY
Adopt a Young One Events
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created by - SPANTONV
Guild Event Suggestion - Flea Market Sales
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created by - GRINOM
Horse Clan: A Searching for a Tribe
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created by - SHADOW7988
Shard Festival of Weapons -- Recruiting Traders
- (1 reply)
created by - PRIMEQ
Bridal Faire April 28th and 29th
- (1 reply)
created by - SPANTONV
Did I miss something?
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created by - POWERHAUS
Trader Fight Club
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created by - REASONMJ
trader social hosted by mentor society...
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created by - CARLI1
Unofficial Grand Opening of the Zoluren Market Plaza
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Kudos to Mardan!
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created by - SPANTONV
a small caravan-shaped card
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created by - BROMAS
Reminder for 4/1 Trader events...
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
The Trader Guild & Mentor Society presents...
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Social With GM Adera (long)
- (1 reply)
created by - SPANTONV
A Social you won't want to miss!
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Hullivar Meets in Riverhaven to Organize Boycott
- (13 replies)
created by - MSMAIDEN
Trader Social
- (20 replies)
created by - UPSHIFT
Sunday, August 23 Social
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created by - GRANTJ47
August Trader Convoy
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
May 2009 Trader Market Day
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created by - SPANTONV
April 2009 Trader Market Day
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created by - SPANTONV
Don't forget! Convoy to sign registers tonight (3/22), 8pm EST, Crossing Guild
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Reminder: Trader Convoy 3/22 8pm EST, Register signing!
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Reminder: Trader Convoy 2/22 8pm EST, Interprovince trading!
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Sweethearts Faire 2009 feedback
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created by - SPANTONV
Reminder: Trader Convoy, 2/25 8pm EST, Commodities!
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Trader Convoy, Sunday 23rd at 8pm EST
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Trader Convoy on Sunday the 9th at 8pm EST
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Auction 10/18 at 8pm
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created by - ELLUSIONZ
Trader Market Day October 25, 2008
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created by - SPANTONV
Reminder: Trader Convoy, Sunday 12th at 6pm
- (1 reply)
created by - ELLUSIONZ
Reminder: Trader Convoy, Sunday 10th at 6pm
- (0 replies)
created by - ELLUSIONZ
Reminder: Trader Convoy, Sunday 28th at 6pm
- (0 replies)
created by - ELLUSIONZ
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created by - GONIFTHEEF
Social for 9/21
- (1 reply)
created by - GRANTJ47
An encounter with an attendant and a worker. (very long)
- (3 replies)
created by - FISHKING
Hirelings log
- (7 replies)
created by - ELLUSIONZ
Silly me
- (3 replies)
created by - ELLUSIONZ
New Thread
Guild Events