Guildleader Ansprahv just arrived.
Rajara's head is dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around her.
Ansprahv blinks.
Ansprahv asks, "What is this?"
Inventor Chippy's group just arrived.
Pitney says, "Wormy apples"
Pitney's head is dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around him.
Pitney nods to Ansprahv.
Ansprahv asks, "Doesn't anyone work anymore?"
Rajara asks, "work? whats that?"
Dulan bows to Chippy.
Pitney says, "I was"
Abison blinks.
Pitney sticks out his tongue at Rajara and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from his lips!
Dulan gets a simple black compendium from inside his cougar-pelt backpack.
Dulan opens his black compendium.
Abison says, "I'm working on a hangover"
Rajara's head is dripping water everywhere.
Dulan asks, "so what's everyone doing here?"
Abison takes a sip of his absinthe.
Pitney gasps at Abison!
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
Rajara says, "Not working."
Rajara grins at Dulan, her dimples flashing into view.
Ansprahv says, "That is my question as well."
Chippy says, "Trader social"
Rajara nods.
Dulan says, "ahh"
Rajara asks, "So.. any questions, comments, whateverness?"
Pitney's head is dripping water everywhere.
Pitney asks Rajara, "Why did you get a basin full of wormy apples?"
Rajara shrugs.
Rajara's head is soaked.
Rajara says, "its been in the back for a while."
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Pitney laughs!
Ansprahv asks, "How long do you plan on using this room?"
Pitney glances at something inside a wide wood basin.
Rajara ponders.
Pitney's head is soaked.
Rajara asks, "Did ya need it soon sir?"
Rajara smiles at Ansprahv, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Rajara says, "We can wrap it up if nobody has anything they wish to talk about."
Rajara nods to Ansprahv.
Ansprahv says, "Not really soon, but I am supposed to be meeting Willowbrook."
Rajara says, "ahh."
Ansprahv says, "No, no, do what you need to."
Guildleader Willowbrook just arrived.
Rajara nods to Ansprahv.
Capturing elegance with a single flowing movement, Willowbrook bows her head slightly as she sinks into a curtsy fit for royalty, rising slowly back to her feet, smiling enchantingly.
A dour attendant just arrived.
Rajara curtsies to Willowbrook.
Pitney says, "Tada"
Ansprahv says, "There you are Willowbrook."
Willowbrook glances around at all the drinks lying around.
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Ansprahv.
Rajara fidgets nervously.
Chippy says, "I wanna talk about thing-a-ma-jigs and doohickeys."
Willowbrook says, "Good evening, Guildleader."
Chippy drums his fingers on his gadget box, creating an oddly musical effect.
(Rajara kicks some drinks under the sofa.)
Rajara warbles out an airy whistle.
Ansprahv asks, "Did you know your guild was being used as a layabout?"
Abison takes a sip of his absinthe.
A dour attendant asks, "Perhaps you'd care for a seat, Madame Willowbrook?"
Willowbrook says, "I see... well, we do want our members to be comfortable."
Pitney appears to be trying hard not to grin.
A dour attendant gestures to the soft couch.
Willowbrook says, "Yes, thank you, that will be lovely."
Willowbrook moves carefully around the drinks.
Willowbrook sits down on the soft couch.
A dour attendant uses a soft brush to dust off an area on the couch.
Ansprahv asks, "Is this common with the Riverhaven traders?"
Willowbrook says, "No, this one will be fine."
A dour attendant says, "Very well, madam."
Willowbrook says, "I'm afraid I don't attend many of their gatherings."
Willowbrook casually observes the area.
Rajara smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Dulan bows to Willowbrook.
Willowbrook nods to Dulan.
Rajara says, "We have a social on a regular basis to help with any questions and to just keep up with each other."
Willowbrook asks, "Can the rest of you answer the Guildleader's question?"
Rajara nods in agreement.
Abison says, "Well, considering most of these people I only get to wave at as I pass them on the routes, it nic to get together once in awhile"
Dulan says, "how lucky for traders, I can't think of a time a ranger leader has shown such interest"
Willowbrook says, "Ah, well, you know how busy they must be."
Willowbrook waves her hand distractedly.
A dour attendant asks, "}Willowbrook I can assure you that I will have a chat with the help on cleaning up properly. Would you like me to remove some of the drinks?"
Pitney says, "We do this in the Crossings guild too"
Chippy says, "I consider myself a trader of the world and all the provinces."
Ansprahv nods to Pitney.
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Willowbrook drums her fingers thoughtfully on the fabric beside her.
Rajara says, "Yes we alternate between this guild and the Crossing one."
Abison takes a sip of his tequila.
Abison's eyes widen as he suppresses a cough and a puff of smoke comes out of his nostrils.
Abison takes a sip of his absinthe.
Abison looks around at something that you can't see, laughing softly in amazement.
Rajara says, "Just to make it easy for those of nearby areas to attend."
Ansprahv says, "I realize that, though this is much messier than the meetings there, and there seems to be a good bit of teaching and work going on."
Willowbrook addresses the attendant by saying, "No, let's leave it for now. I'm sure they'll clean up after themselves."
Chippy gets a sleeping Gnome baby doll wrapped in pale yellow silk blankets from inside his mesh backpack.
Ansprahv asks, "Never the mind, Willowbrook, how is he working out for you?"
Chippy yanks off the head of his Gnome baby doll, carefully removing a tiny crystal flask from its hiding place. Lifting the flask to his lips, he takes a quick sip, saving the rest for later, then replaces the cap and slips the flask back inside the doll.
Chippy puts his doll in his mesh backpack.
Willowbrook blinks at Chippy.
Willowbrook clears her throat.
Chippy gets a sleeping Gnome baby doll wrapped in pale yellow silk blankets from inside his mesh backpack.
Willowbrook looks back to Ansprahv.
Chippy offers Willowbrook a sleeping Gnome baby doll wrapped in pale yellow silk blankets.
A dour attendant straightens his vest and does his best to appear presentable.
Willowbrook says, "Ah, yes, well, very finely, thank you."
Willowbrook declines Chippy's offer.
Chippy nods to Willowbrook.
Chippy puts his doll in his mesh backpack.
Willowbrook says, "In fact, he's been quite helpful all around."
Abison takes a sip of his tequila.
Ansprahv asks, "So he has been attentive?"
Abison takes a sip of his absinthe.
Abison looks around at something that you can't see, laughing softly in amazement.
Willowbrook says, "Very much so."
Ansprahv says, "The company is very interested in being hired on."
A dour attendant stands a bit straighter, though his expression remains constantly serious.
Willowbrook asks, "Are they now? And you've made a good deal of it, have you?"
Pitney drops a wormy green apple.
> 'look on buf
You say, "look on buf"
Willowbrook smiles with amusement in her eyes.
Rajara just nudged Pitney.
Abison picks up a goblet of Shaman's Brew.
> roll eye
You roll your eyes.
> look on buf
On the mistwood buffet you see a wheel of mellow white cheese coated with crushed almonds, a gold platter filled with tiny snowbeast sausages skewered with little sword-shaped sticks and served with a spicy radish dip, a platter of flakey cream-filled tarts covered with rum-soaked strawberries, a silver bowl filled with green and gold fettuccini in a creamy mushroom and wine sauce, a leg of garlicky lamb, a platter filled with savory dumplings stuffed with apple-roasted boar meat and served with a light ginger sauce, a haunch of honey-glazed ham, a thin chocolate crepe sprinkled with powdered sugar, a raspberry cheesecake, a cup of fizzing fruit punch, a glass of cow's milk, a mug of vanilla-spiced tea, a glass of red tequila, a flagon of cloudberry wine, a carafe of golden champagne, a punchbowl of merchants mead and a painted wooden treasure chest.
Willowbrook glances at a wormy green apple.
> scratch tir
You scratch your head.
Willowbrook glances at Pitney.
Ansprahv says, "Of course, you know I can manage to strike a good deal."
Abison takes a sip of his Brew.
Abison jumps back a few feet and lands on his rump, looking dazed!
Pitney asks Rajara, "What?"
Rajara points at a rotten apple she has.
Rajara puts her apple in her traveler's rucksack.
Willowbrook says, "Yes, of course."
Rajara points at a wormy green apple on the floor.
Abison takes a sip of his Brew.
Pitney says, "No bucket in here"
Chippy picks up a wormy green apple.
> get tea
You pour yourself a mug of vanilla-spiced tea. Cheers!
Willowbrook glances around.
Chippy puts his apple in his green canvas feedbag.
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Pitney blanches.
Dulan closes his black compendium.
Dulan puts his compendium in his cougar-pelt backpack.
Abison takes a sip of his Brew.
A dour attendant says, "Would you like a drink madam? Or perhaps if you're cold, I have your shawl right here..."
Pitney asks Chippy, "Going to eat it worm and all?"
Chippy says, "hey, worms are good protien for a horse."
Dulan sighs softly as the pale yellow sparks surrounding his body fade away.
Willowbrook asks Ansprahv, "Shall we ask the others?"
Ansprahv asks, "The others?"
Chippy says, "and caravan"
Willowbrook waves her hand as if to encompass the room.
Willowbrook says, "Yes, perhaps we should put them through a real test."
Willowbrook smiles brightly, exuding confidence and charm.
Rajara asks, "Tests?"
Rajara fidgets nervously.
Willowbrook laughs softly.
Pitney blinks at Willowbrook.
Ansprahv says, "We haven't let them out as of yet to the traders."
Willowbrook says to Rajara, "Ah, you worry too much."
Willowbrook says, "No, of course not. Thus a test."
Rajara says, "I can't help it, tests give me hives."
Rajara sneezes.
Abison cackles at Rajara!
Ansprahv says, "You had one, I had one and Kworlin...well..."
Abison takes a sip of his Brew.
Chippy sighs.
A dour attendant says, "Best to step away from that one Madam, he might be contagious."
Willowbrook says, "Oh, pishtosh. You need to test things before you know you like them."
Willowbrook smiles mirthfully to the attendant.
Chippy exclaims, "ah, Helpers!"
Rajara coughs.
Rajara asks, "workers?"
Willowbrook says, "Helpers, workers, that sort of thing."
Willowbrook waves her hand distractedly.
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
Chippy says, "tomAto, tomaTO"
Abison's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
Abison says, "You already have one of those Rajara"
Rajara ponders.
Ansprahv says, "The expense if it didn't work out, just think of it."
Abison picks up a miniature golden keg filled with ginger beer.
Rajara says, "I like to spend."
Rajara gazes off into the distance, a look of avarice in her eyes. Why, you can almost hear her calculating her profits.
Willowbrook asks, "Oh, my good man, who can afford to test these things but us, hm?"
Willowbrook nods to Rajara.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Rajara asks, "What else good is coin?"
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Ansprahv ponders.
Rajara says, "Ya collect it to spend on more expensive things."
Willowbrook says, "Indeed."
Ansprahv says, "I'll bow to your wisdome."
Ansprahv bows to Willowbrook.
> nod raja agree
You nod at Rajara, in complete agreement with her views.
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Ansprahv.
Rajara says, "then resell it at a crazier price to buy something even more expensive."
Rajara cackles!
Rajara coughs.
Rajara says, "Pardon, too much time at the tables."
Ansprahv says, "Unless they would not be inclined to having one."
Ansprahv ponders.
Willowbrook says, "Good thing you're here then."
Rajara nods in agreement.
Willowbrook says, "I think that one over there is quite inclined."
Willowbrook nods to Rajara.
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Ansprahv.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Ansprahv says, "For the tables, yes, I could see she would be."
Chippy opens his contract case.
Chippy gets a Crossing contract from inside his contract case.
Rajara asks, "What kinda helper would you have for me?"
Willowbrook exclaims, "Oh, yes, think of the help they could be there!"
Chippy puts his contract in his contract case.
Rajara digs in her ear with her claw then frowns in disgust as she sniffs at what she found.
Chippy closes his contract case.
Willowbrook turns her smile to the attendant.
Ansprahv says, "I would think you have staff for that."
A dour attendant says, "If you wish madam."
Dulan gets a simple black compendium from inside his cougar-pelt backpack.
Dulan opens his black compendium.
Willowbrook says, "Staff, helpers, workers..."
Willowbrook waves her hand distractedly.
Bargain Seller Vanthala just arrived.
Willowbrook says, "Semantics, really."
Vanthala says, "oh i was close"
Rajara waves to Vanthala.
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Vanthala blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Vanthala says, "thank you"
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Vanthala takes a seat.
Vanthala smiles.
Ansprahv says, "I imagine if they tried to hire one, we could cover the costs for the test."
Willowbrook gazes at Ansprahv.
Willowbrook asks, "Whyever would we need to do that?"
Willowbrook smiles but it looks a little thin.
Ansprahv says, "Well, we'll talk that over later."
> weal
You have:
9 platinum, 3 gold, 1 silver, 13 bronze, and 5 copper Kronars.
19 platinum, 7 gold, 2 silver, 7 bronze, and 24 copper Lirums.
9 platinum, 12 gold, and 1 bronze Dokoras.
Willowbrook continues to smile as she nods.
Willowbrook stands up.
Willowbrook dusts herself off.
Ansprahv asks, "Please someone, anyone, do you want an attendant?"
> raise hand
You raise your hand.
Journeyman Barbarian Syberius just arrived.
Rajara nods to Ansprahv.
Chippy raises his hand.
Pitney raises his hand.
Rajara exclaims, "Oh yes please!"
Journeyman Barbarian Syberius just went out.
Vanthala says, "yess please"
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Willowbrook folds her hands before her.
A dour attendant smiles confidently.
Chippy exclaims, "Me! Me!"
Ansprahv says, "Would you please do me the grand favor of hiring one, though you will need to pay for it."
Willowbrook says, "Goodness."
Dulan closes his black compendium.
Dulan puts his compendium in his cougar-pelt backpack.
A pleasant servitor arrives, giving Chippy a quick nod.
Chippy smiles.
A well-dressed servant arrives, giving Abison a quick nod.
Willowbrook nods to the servitor.
> l
[Traders' Guild, Upper Lounge]
This quiet lounge overlooks the bustling Trading Pit. Large windows, with thick panes of glass, prevent the clamorous din of buying and selling from making its way here and keep any non-guild member from possibly overhearing any private conversations or learning any guild secrets. Couches lined up along the walls allow observation of the chaos below in comfort. You also see a well-dressed servant, a pleasant servitor, a dour attendant, a goblet of Golden Dragon Arrack, a wide wood basin, a glass of sparkling champagne, a goblet of golden champagne, a glass of drowning man's dream, a lavish mistwood buffet with some stuff on it, a flagon of mulled wine, a miniature golden keg filled with ginger beer and a miniature golden keg filled with ginger beer.
Also here: Bargain Seller Vanthala who is sitting, Guildleader Willowbrook, Antiquary Dulan, Inventor Chippy, Guildleader Ansprahv, Traveler Pitney, Spoon King Abison who is sitting, Mentor Rajara.
Obvious exits: out.
Willowbrook nods to the servant.
Abison smiles at a dour attendant.
Willowbrook says, "At least they're attentive."
> hire attend
A distinguished attendant arrives, giving you a quick nod.
A dour attendant nods the the servitor and servant.
Ansprahv says, "They seem to be."
> look attend
Bearing the livery of the Trader's Guild, the attendant stands at complete attention, waiting for any indication of an order from her patron. In her hands she holds a notepad, ready to record any momentous event or order.
> ask attent about ability
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
> hire locate
Why not try asking about commands?
> hire command
HIRE <TYPE> (where TYPE is one of the following)
Each type of hireling will give you a list of commands of their own.
> ask attendent about commands
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
> hire about commands
Why not try asking about commands?
> hire commands
HIRE <TYPE> (where TYPE is one of the following)
Each type of hireling will give you a list of commands of their own.
> ask hire about command
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
> ask attend about command
The distinguished attendant says, "Of course, sir. I offer GROOMing services, as well as the ability to DRY you, should you need it. I have some PERFUME or COLOGNE choices as well as a supply of bundling ROPEs and POUCHes for your use. If you have a market table and need it cleared off, I will be able to PACK it for you, or if you had previously had the items taken by the Monger, I can have someone get them back for you if you ask me for the GOODS. If you need to wander about, you can ask me to FOLLOW or STAY, depending on your needs. Of course, you can always ask me to LEAVE or DISMISS me and I will be happy to tell you how much things COST if you ask me."
(In summary, you can ask your hireling about GROOM, DRY, PERFUME, COLOGNE, ROPE, POUCH, PACK, GOODS, FOLLOW, STAY, LEAVE, DISMISS, and COST. Please be aware some services incur a onetime cost for each use. For a list of prices for services, ask the hireling about COST.)
> smile
You smile.
Rajara asks, "What would they be doing for us?"
Rajara ponders.
Willowbrook gazes at Ansprahv.
Chippy has a quiet word with a pleasant servitor.
You say, "how useful this man appears to be"
Ansprahv asks, "Doing for you?"
Ansprahv asks, "Whatever do you mean?"
Willowbrook says, "Well, we should hope so."
Vanthala ponders.
Willowbrook says, "We've an extensive contract with them."
A dour attendant turns to Willowbrook and says, "We can be most HELPful madam, really we can."
Ansprahv says, "Mine has been."
Willowbrook nods to the attendant.
Rajara grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.
> ask attend about pouch
The Dwarf says, "If you'd like something to hold your gems, ask for a gem pouch."
ASK attendant FOR [<color>] [gem] POUCH
- Specifying 'gem' will make 'gem' the adjective reference word. Otherwise it will use the color.
Ansprahv says, "After you Hire your own, it will do amny things for you."
> ask attend for striped pouch
The distinguished attendant says, "Of course, sir. I offer GROOMing services, as well as the ability to DRY you, should you need it. I have some PERFUME or COLOGNE choices as well as a supply of bundling ROPEs and POUCHes for your use. If you have a market table and need it cleared off, I will be able to PACK it for you, or if you had previously had the items taken by the Monger, I can have someone get them back for you if you ask me for the GOODS. If you need to wander about, you can ask me to FOLLOW or STAY, depending on your needs. Of course, you can always ask me to LEAVE or DISMISS me and I will be happy to tell you how much things COST if you ask me."
(In summary, you can ask your hireling about GROOM, DRY, PERFUME, COLOGNE, ROPE, POUCH, PACK, GOODS, FOLLOW, STAY, LEAVE, DISMISS, and COST. Please be aware some services incur a onetime cost for each use. For a list of prices for services, ask the hireling about COST.)
> ask attend for striped gem pouch
The distinguished attendant says, "Of course, sir. I offer GROOMing services, as well as the ability to DRY you, should you need it. I have some PERFUME or COLOGNE choices as well as a supply of bundling ROPEs and POUCHes for your use. If you have a market table and need it cleared off, I will be able to PACK it for you, or if you had previously had the items taken by the Monger, I can have someone get them back for you if you ask me for the GOODS. If you need to wander about, you can ask me to FOLLOW or STAY, depending on your needs. Of course, you can always ask me to LEAVE or DISMISS me and I will be happy to tell you how much things COST if you ask me."
(In summary, you can ask your hireling about GROOM, DRY, PERFUME, COLOGNE, ROPE, POUCH, PACK, GOODS, FOLLOW, STAY, LEAVE, DISMISS, and COST. Please be aware some services incur a onetime cost for each use. For a list of prices for services, ask the hireling about COST.)
The pleasant servitor nods to himself, giving Chippy a thorough looking over before getting started.
> ask attend for gem pouch
The distinguished attendant says, "Of course, sir. I offer GROOMing services, as well as the ability to DRY you, should you need it. I have some PERFUME or COLOGNE choices as well as a supply of bundling ROPEs and POUCHes for your use. If you have a market table and need it cleared off, I will be able to PACK it for you, or if you had previously had the items taken by the Monger, I can have someone get them back for you if you ask me for the GOODS. If you need to wander about, you can ask me to FOLLOW or STAY, depending on your needs. Of course, you can always ask me to LEAVE or DISMISS me and I will be happy to tell you how much things COST if you ask me."
(In summary, you can ask your hireling about GROOM, DRY, PERFUME, COLOGNE, ROPE, POUCH, PACK, GOODS, FOLLOW, STAY, LEAVE, DISMISS, and COST. Please be aware some services incur a onetime cost for each use. For a list of prices for services, ask the hireling about COST.)
> ask attendant for striped pouch
The distinguished attendant says, "Of course, sir. I offer GROOMing services, as well as the ability to DRY you, should you need it. I have some PERFUME or COLOGNE choices as well as a supply of bundling ROPEs and POUCHes for your use. If you have a market table and need it cleared off, I will be able to PACK it for you, or if you had previously had the items taken by the Monger, I can have someone get them back for you if you ask me for the GOODS. If you need to wander about, you can ask me to FOLLOW or STAY, depending on your needs. Of course, you can always ask me to LEAVE or DISMISS me and I will be happy to tell you how much things COST if you ask me."
(In summary, you can ask your hireling about GROOM, DRY, PERFUME, COLOGNE, ROPE, POUCH, PACK, GOODS, FOLLOW, STAY, LEAVE, DISMISS, and COST. Please be aware some services incur a onetime cost for each use. For a list of prices for services, ask the hireling about COST.)
The servitor then pulls out a soft bristled brush and starts at Chippy's shoulders, using quick flicking motions to remove any debris as he works his way across his torso.
> ask attendant for pouch
A distinguished attendant hands you a green gem pouch.
> smile at the attendant.
The looks around for a moment and then shrugs shoulders and walks away.
gives a quick glance before looking away again.
> chuck
You chuckle.
Rajara ponders.
Willowbrook raises an eyebrow.
Circling Chippy as he continues to work, the servitor makes sure to brush down his back and arms, intent on leaving no spot untouched.
Dulan acts puzzled.
> bug list
DragonRealms specific categories
CHARACTER - problems related to your character
CREATURE - creatures and NPC problems
MAGIC - problems with a spell, sign or symbol
COMBAT - combat errors
ROOM - problems with a room or area
TYPO - misspellings and grammar errors
OTHER - problems with things not easily categorized
Client specific categories
STORMFRONT - problems with the StormFront Front End
ESCAPE - problems with the eScape Front End
WIZARD - problems with the Wizard Front End
{text} can be no more than 875 characters
Vanthala scratches her head.
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
Willowbrook checks around.
> bug typo;smile at the attendant.;The looks around for a moment and then shrugs shoulders and walks away.\n gives a quick glance before looking away again.
smile at the attendant.
Submitted bug "smile at the attendant." to's bug tracking database under category "Typo" with these details:
"The looks around for a moment and then shrugs shoulders and walks away.\n gives a quick glance before looking away again."
Willowbrook says, "Curious, that."
The pleasant servitor moves around Chippy, taking a moment to carefully adjust the fit of his clothing and making sure everything is in its place.
The pleasant servitor pulls out a pristine cloth and wipes at something on Chippy's cheek then quickly swipes it over his hands before tucking it away again.
Chippy says, "oh, he even put my things in order"
Rajara begins chortling at Chippy.
> 'looks like my attendant can be quite nondescript when responding to me.
You say, "looks like my attendant can be quite nondescript when responding to me."
With a courteous bow to Chippy, the pleasant servitor says, "There you are, sir," and waits for further instruction.
Abison's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
Willowbrook says, "Make sure you are speaking to the right one, and not one of the others."
Willowbrook says, "It can get confusing at times."
> nod
You nod.
> ask attendent for groom
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
> ask my attendent for groom
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
> ask attend for groom
The distinguished attendant nods to herself, giving you a thorough looking over before getting started.
Chippy has a quiet word with a pleasant servitor.
A dour attendant says, "It IS a bit crowded in here madam."
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
The attendant then pulls out a soft bristled brush and starts at your shoulders, using quick flicking motions to remove any debris as she works her way across your torso.
Willowbrook says, "Yes, a trifle it is."
> ask attendant about commands
The distinguished attendant says, "Of course, sir. I offer GROOMing services, as well as the ability to DRY you, should you need it. I have some PERFUME or COLOGNE choices as well as a supply of bundling ROPEs and POUCHes for your use. If you have a market table and need it cleared off, I will be able to PACK it for you, or if you had previously had the items taken by the Monger, I can have someone get them back for you if you ask me for the GOODS. If you need to wander about, you can ask me to FOLLOW or STAY, depending on your needs. Of course, you can always ask me to LEAVE or DISMISS me and I will be happy to tell you how much things COST if you ask me."
(In summary, you can ask your hireling about GROOM, DRY, PERFUME, COLOGNE, ROPE, POUCH, PACK, GOODS, FOLLOW, STAY, LEAVE, DISMISS, and COST. Please be aware some services incur a onetime cost for each use. For a list of prices for services, ask the hireling about COST.)
Willowbrook asks, "Perhaps you could wait downstairs for me then, hm?"
Chippy asks his servitor a question and he returns a quiet answer.
A dour attendant says, "If you wish madam."
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Circling you as she continues to work, the attendant makes sure to brush down your back and arms, intent on leaving no spot untouched.
Willowbrook nods.
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
A dour attendant bows to Willowbrook.
A dour attendant just went out.
Chippy has a quiet word with a pleasant servitor.
The distinguished attendant moves around you, taking a moment to carefully adjust the fit of your clothing and making sure everything is in its place.
Your inventory is now arranged in head-to-toe order.
Chippy has a quiet word with a pleasant servitor.
A pleasant servitor nods and says to Chippy, "Excellent choice, sir. One moment while I take care of this."
The pleasant servitor rummages through his containers before pulling out an ornate bottle. He spritzes Chippy with a light spray before slipping the bottle back into his bag again. He gives a satisfied nod and a smile.
Rajara frowns.
Rajara is no longer officially acting as a Mentor.
The distinguished attendant pulls out a pristine cloth and wipes at something on your cheek then swipes it quickly over your hands before tucking it away again.
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Willowbrook says, "If you have any questions, you can ask either myself or Guildleader Ansprahv here as well."
With a courteous bow, the distinguished attendant says, "There you are, sir," and waits for further instruction.
Rajara says, "Ok I'm a bit behind on getting an attendant hired."
> ask attendant about cost
The distinguished attendant says, "If you would like me to pack up a table or retrieve a crate from storage, the cost is 1000 Lirums. I can also apply cologne or perfume for only 100 Lirums. All other services that I offer are covered by your guild dues."
Ansprahv says, "We've been working with ours."
Vanthala asks, "so how do we go about aquiring an attendant or servant?"
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Ansprahv says, "You would hire one."
Willowbrook says, "You just need to HIRE one."
Vanthala ponders.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Chippy asks, "do different attendants do different things or do they all do the same things?"
Rajara says, "I figure ya HIRE them.. but it doesn't seem to be working for me to ask em about commands."
The well-dressed servant nods to herself, giving Abison a thorough looking over before getting started.
Vanthala says, "well hey thats just dandy"
Ansprahv says, "They do the same things, but it is according to your status in the guild."
The servant then pulls out a soft bristled brush and starts at Abison's shoulders, using quick flicking motions to remove any debris as she works her way across his torso.
Vanthala smiles.
> ask attendent about dismiss
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
Chippy says, "ah"
Rajara ponders.
> ask attendant for leave
Your distinguished attendant gives you a curt nod before walking off.
Abison asks his servant a question and she returns a quiet answer.
Chippy asks, "is there a minimum circle for them?"
A disheveled agent arrives, giving Pitney a quick nod.
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Circling Abison as she continues to work, the servant makes sure to brush down his back and arms, intent on leaving no spot untouched.
Pitney has a quiet word with a disheveled agent.
A grinning servitor arrives, giving Rajara a quick nod.
Rajara exclaims, "there we go!"
Rajara beams!
Willowbrook smiles brightly, exuding confidence and charm.
The well-dressed servant moves around Abison, taking a moment to carefully adjust the fit of his clothing and making sure everything is in its place.
Rajara has a quiet word with a grinning servitor.
> hire commands
HIRE <TYPE> (where TYPE is one of the following)
Each type of hireling will give you a list of commands of their own.
Pitney says, "I like this agent"
Pitney nods.
Abison asks, "hmmm, suppose the servants only take care of us. They won't say groom someone else if we asked?"
> hire atten
A stylish retainer arrives, giving you a quick nod.
Ansprahv says, "Yes, you need to achieve fifth circle."
Ansprahv shakes his head at Abison.
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Chippy nods to Ansprahv.
The well-dressed servant pulls out a pristine cloth and wipes at something on Abison's cheek then quickly swipes it over his hands before tucking it away again.
The grinning servitor nods to himself, giving Rajara a thorough looking over before getting started.
Rajara giggles.
Pitney has a quiet word with a disheveled agent.
A bored agent arrives, giving Vanthala a quick nod.
> ask attendant about command
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
Chippy has a quiet word with a pleasant servitor.
The servitor then pulls out a small straw brush and starts flicking it over Rajara's shoulders, knocking away loose debris as he works his way across her torso.
> ask second attendant about command
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
Vanthala has a quiet word with a bored agent.
> ask attend about command
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
With a courteous bow to Abison, the well-dressed servant says, "There you are, sir," and waits for further instruction.
Chippy has a quiet word with a pleasant servitor.
Circling Rajara as he continues to work, the servitor makes sure to brush down her back and arms, intent on leaving no spot untouched.
Pitney has a quiet word with a disheveled agent.
Chippy has a quiet word with a pleasant servitor.
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Rajara asks, "Ohh he'll pick up my goods from the monger?"
The grinning servitor moves around Rajara, occasionally pausing a moment to yank at her clothing, adjusting the fit and making sure everything is in its place.
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Ansprahv says, "If you are questioning what they can do, ask about help."
Pitney has a quiet word with a disheveled agent.
Ansprahv nods to Rajara.
The grinning servitor pulls out a cloth and bats at her forearms with it in a wiping fashion before tucking it away again.
The stylish retainer looks over her notepad, making a mark on the paper with a quill.
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Pitney has a quiet word with a disheveled agent.
Vanthala asks her agent a question and she returns a quiet answer.
> ask attend about command
Chippy has a quiet word with a pleasant servitor.
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
With a quick bob of his head to Rajara, the grinning servitor says, "There you are, madam," and waits for further instruction.
A well-dressed servant hands Abison a fuzzy gem pouch.
> look
[Traders' Guild, Upper Lounge]
This quiet lounge overlooks the bustling Trading Pit. Large windows, with thick panes of glass, prevent the clamorous din of buying and selling from making its way here and keep any non-guild member from possibly overhearing any private conversations or learning any guild secrets. Couches lined up along the walls allow observation of the chaos below in comfort. You also see a bored agent, a stylish retainer, a grinning servitor, a disheveled agent, a well-dressed servant, a pleasant servitor, a goblet of Golden Dragon Arrack, a wide wood basin, a glass of sparkling champagne, a goblet of golden champagne, a glass of drowning man's dream, a lavish mistwood buffet with some stuff on it, a flagon of mulled wine, a miniature golden keg filled with ginger beer and a miniature golden keg filled with ginger beer.
Also here: Bargain Seller Vanthala who is sitting, Guildleader Willowbrook, Antiquary Dulan, Inventor Chippy, Guildleader Ansprahv, Traveler Pitney, Spoon King Abison who is sitting, Bargain Hunter Rajara.
Obvious exits: out.
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Vanthala says, "this is wonderful i think"
Willowbrook beams at Vanthala!
Rajara's eyes roll back in her head as her knees buckle causing her to collapse in a heap to the ground.
> ask stylish attend about command
To whom are you speaking?
Usage: ASK <player> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
or: ASK <creature> ABOUT/FOR <subject>
Vanthala smiles.
Willowbrook says to Ansprahv, "I told you so."
Willowbrook smiles smugly.
Vanthala says, "seriously i love it"
Abison says, "I can get a pouch, but not a gem or specific color"
Rajara says, "He'll pack up my table, oh my I'm in heaven."
> ask stylish retainer about command
The stylish retainer says, "Of course, sir. I offer GROOMing services, as well as the ability to DRY you, should you need it. I have some PERFUME or COLOGNE choices as well as a supply of bundling ROPEs and POUCHes for your use. If you have a market table and need it cleared off, I will be able to PACK it for you, or if you had previously had the items taken by the Monger, I can have someone get them back for you if you ask me for the GOODS. If you need to wander about, you can ask me to FOLLOW or STAY, depending on your needs. Of course, you can always ask me to LEAVE or DISMISS me and I will be happy to tell you how much things COST if you ask me."
(In summary, you can ask your hireling about GROOM, DRY, PERFUME, COLOGNE, ROPE, POUCH, PACK, GOODS, FOLLOW, STAY, LEAVE, DISMISS, and COST. Please be aware some services incur a onetime cost for each use. For a list of prices for services, ask the hireling about COST.)
Abison has a quiet word with a well-dressed servant.
Rajara sighs.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a bored agent.
Ansprahv nods to Abison.
Rajara says, "Now if he'll make my stuff lighter."
Willowbrook says to Abison, "Correct. You get whatever he has at the time, I suppose."
Rajara snickers.
Ansprahv says, "Or a rope"
Rajara stands up.
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Rajara.
The bored agent nods to herself, giving Vanthala a thorough looking over before getting started.
The well-dressed servant looks around for a moment and then shrugs her shoulders and walks away.
Rajara asks her servitor a question and he returns a quiet answer.
The disheveled agent looks around for a moment and then shrugs her shoulders and walks away.
The bored agent looks around for a moment and then shrugs her shoulders and walks away.
The then pulls out a soft bristled brush and starts at 's shoulders, using quick flicking motions to remove any debris as she works her way across H torso.
Chippy has a quiet word with a pleasant servitor.
The pleasant servitor looks around for a moment and then shrugs his shoulders and walks away.
The grinning servitor looks around for a moment and then shrugs his shoulders and walks away.
Willowbrook ponders.
Rajara says, "Oh thank ya'll so much for getting these helpers, they are definately something everyone will love."
Abison nods.
A tidy attendant arrives, giving Chippy a quick nod.
The tidy attendant looks around for a moment and then shrugs his shoulders and walks away.
The stylish retainer looks around for a moment and then shrugs her shoulders and walks away.
Abison's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
Willowbrook says, "Hm."
Chippy asks, "is the test over?"
Willowbrook looks around.
Ansprahv says, "It appears to be."
Chippy looks at Dulan and applauds!
Willowbrook smiles sweetly.
Vanthala grins.
Abison puts his pouch in his emerald green backpack.
Rajara asks, "when will we get them on a regular basis?"
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Abison picks up a miniature golden keg filled with ginger beer.
Chippy exclaims, "now go out there Dulan and GALLOP like the wind!"
Vanthala says, "oh when that evil question"
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Ansprahv says, "We are hoping shortly."
Dulan bows to Chippy.
Abison says, "soon"
Dulan says, "thank you so much"
Chippy smiles at Dulan.
Vanthala giggles at Abison.
Rajara says, "Shortly is better than soon."
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Chippy nods to Dulan.
Dulan waves.
Dulan says, "have dun"
Chippy gives Dulan an enthusiastic handshake.
Dulan babbles incoherently.
Vanthala says, "i like shortly"
Dulan says, "fun"
Ansprahv says, "Shortly is much better than soon."
Vanthala grins.
Dulan makes a big-belly motion and bloats his face.
Chippy grins.
Dulan snickers to himself.
Antiquary Dulan just went out.
Rajara says, "But course shortly has different meanings... for a rakash or a gnome..."
Willowbrook says, "Oh dear."
Vanthala chuckles.
Chippy giggles.
Chippy asks, "I smell nice. Like my cologne?"
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Chippy.
Rajara is smelling Chippy.
Rajara raises an eyebrow.
Pitney is smelling Chippy.
Pitney blanches.
Vanthala is smelling Chippy.
Rajara says, "Its.. different."
Vanthala chuckles.
Chippy says, "you just jealous"
Willowbrook smiles brightly, exuding confidence and charm.
Rajara raises an eyebrow.
Rajara says, "Yeah, thats it."
Rajara hums to herself.
A cheerful aide arrives, giving Ansprahv a quick nod.
Rajara's left ear begins to twitch in what appears to be a nervous reaction.
The cheerful aide looks around for a moment and then shrugs his shoulders and walks away.
Chippy raises his hand.
Willowbrook says, "Please bear with us as we see why they're being so tempermental."
Ansprahv asks, "Yes, Chippy?"
Willowbrook smiles.
Rajara asks, "Are they union?"
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Chippy asks, "will info about the servants be in our ledgers?"
Ansprahv says, "Of course not."
Chippy sighs.
Willowbrook pokes her head out of the lounge, snapping something to someone beyond your vision.
Ansprahv says, "That was about the union."
Rajara giggles.
Willowbrook returns to her pleasant self.
Ansprahv says, "But they also won't be in the ledger."
Vanthala asks, "do we have to feed them?"
Vanthala grins.
Ansprahv says, "No, they eat on their own time."
Chippy says, "feed them con"
Chippy says, "er coin"
Vanthala says, "coin i can do, i dun wana carry around more than grass and coins"
Vanthala giggles.
A chipper worker arrives, giving Ansprahv a quick nod.
Chippy dunks his head in the the wood basin.
Chippy comes up with a rotten apple in his mouth.
Chippy drops the rotten apple out of his mouth into his right hand.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Chippy puts his apple in his green canvas feedbag.
Chippy gets a sumptuous sapphire bath towel with bright yellow ducks embroidered across the hem from inside his tinker's sack.
Chippy vigorously rubs his body with a sumptuous sapphire bath towel with bright yellow ducks embroidered across the hem, drying himself off as much as possible.
Rajara says, "Will they take it out of our banks tho? I'd hate not to have the coin to give em cause of theives."
Rajara sighs.
Pitney dunks his head in the the wood basin.
Pitney comes up with a golden apple in his mouth.
Pitney drops the golden apple out of his mouth into his right hand.
Chippy squeezes a wet bath towel, wringing out a stream of water.
Pitney beams!
Chippy squeezes a wet bath towel, wringing out a stream of water.
Willowbrook says to Chippy, "Goodness."
Ansprahv says, "No, I'm afraid not."
Chippy squeezes a wet bath towel, wringing out a stream of water.
Chippy squeezes a wet bath towel, wringing out a stream of water.
Chippy squeezes a damp bath towel, wringing out the last few drops of water.
Pitney takes a bite of the apple.
Chippy waves a damp bath towel, drying out the last few drops of water.
Pitney takes a bite of the apple.
Chippy playfully snaps a bath towel at the air, causing a crisp CRACKing sound.
Chippy puts his towel in his tinker's sack.
Abison says, "cash on delivery of product. Good practice"
Pitney takes a bite of the apple.
Rajara nods.
Pitney takes a bite of the apple.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Pitney takes a bite of the apple.
Pitney says, "Big apple"
Pitney's head is dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around him.
A chipper worker stretches a moment, muttering something about bad backs and standing on her feet all day.
Pitney takes a bite of the apple.
Rajara says, "Well the clerks keep a tab. Could hope."
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Vanthala says, "a tab would be very nice"
Vanthala says, "and when it gets too big they refuse to work"
Pitney's head is dripping water everywhere.
The chipper worker nods to herself, giving Ansprahv a thorough looking over before getting started.
Pitney's head is soaked.
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
Rajara nods at Vanthala, obviously agreeing with her views.
Chippy searches around for a moment.
Vanthala asks, "i wonder, do we have a choice on what type of attendant?"
Chippy asks, "what's that sound anyway?"
Rajara says, "oh sorry"
Chippy asks, "the whirring one?"
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Rajara gets a small mechanical sparrow from inside her traveler's rucksack.
Rajara points at a small mechanical sparrow she has.
Ansprahv says, "No, it's whoever is in queue"
Chippy says, "oh"
A small mechanical sparrow flutters around as though it is looking for something.
Chippy giggles.
Vanthala nods to Ansprahv.
Rajara drops some grass.
Rajara drops some grass.
Rajara drops some grass.
Chippy says, "Now I'm jealous"
Rajara turns the key in the back of the mechanical sparrow, and it slowly whirrs awake then flaps loudly down to the ground. It shuffles around, foraging, and picks up some of the grass it finds. The sparrow works with the grass then drops something at Rajara's feet and with a metallic clink flaps up to her hand.
A small mechanical sparrow stutters, "A gift for you, Ra-Ra-Rajara!"
Chippy drums his fingers on his gadget box, creating an oddly musical effect.
Rajara falls over, buried under her belongings.
Rajara picks up a small grass nest.
Rajara offers Chippy a small grass nest.
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
> hire attend
A distinguished servitor arrives, giving you a quick nod.
> ask serv about leave
Your distinguished servitor gives you a curt nod before walking off.
Rajara puts her sparrow in her traveler's rucksack.
Willowbrook says, "Oh dear."
Chippy asks, "what I want a nest for?"
Rajara looks at Chippy and shrugs.
Vanthala says, "to lay an egg in"
Vanthala nods.
Chippy accepts Rajara's grass nest.
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Abison says, "Rajara, you do either need to carry less or start working out on the bellows"
Rajara sits up.
Rajara sniffles.
Rajara says, "I got my caravan box finally, but it still won't all fit."
Chippy shakes his grass nest!
> 'she definatly needs the bellows
You say, "she definatly needs the bellows"
Chippy just tried to pull a small grass nest.
Rajara falls over, buried under her belongings.
Rajara gets an enameled zebra wing finch from inside a broad oval flower basket with gracefully upswept sides and trailing white ribbons.
Chippy offers Rajara a small grass nest.
Rajara declines Chippy's offer.
Rajara offers Chippy an enameled zebra wing finch.
Rajara says, "here put that in there."
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Chippy accepts Rajara's zebra wing finch.
Chippy beams at Rajara!
Chippy puts an enameled zebra wing finch on his shoulder, where it hops from foot to gilded foot before settling down.
Rajara says, "there a bird and a nest."
Rajara nods.
Rajara asks, "anyone else want one?"
Rajara giggles.
Chippy puts his nest in his mesh backpack.
Abison's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
Pitney shakes his head.
Abison says, "ahh, I found our caravans do go into the Crossing ogre area. Tis nice. Their haubrak pawn for about 425 kronars. Found I can acutally make to plat a hour in there."
Chippy gets a small grass nest from inside his mesh backpack.
Chippy puts his nest in his green apron.
Rajara gets an enameled zebra wing finch from inside a broad oval flower basket with gracefully upswept sides and trailing white ribbons.
Vanthala asks, "so im wondering...when we have a dilapetated box with our stuf in it, they will just unpack it on the table we want?"
Abison says, "err 2plat in hour"
Rajara offers Vanthala an enameled zebra wing finch.
Ansprahv shakes his head at Vanthala.
Rajara says, "It sounded like they pack it for us."
Vanthala accepts Rajara's zebra wing finch.
Vanthala smiles.
Ansprahv says, "They will gather it up, but it should be up to you to arrange it."
Rajara says, "Think that would just be an over spoiling for us."
Chippy says, "well there goes the Hauberk Market in Crossing now."
Rajara giggles.
Vanthala ponders.
Vanthala asks, "so they pack it up they dont unpack?"
Willowbrook says, "Correct."
Ansprahv nods to Vanthala.
Vanthala says, "ah ok"
Vanthala puts an enameled zebra wing finch on her shoulder, where it hops from foot to gilded foot before settling down.
Vanthala smiles at Rajara.
> l
[Traders' Guild, Upper Lounge]
This quiet lounge overlooks the bustling Trading Pit. Large windows, with thick panes of glass, prevent the clamorous din of buying and selling from making its way here and keep any non-guild member from possibly overhearing any private conversations or learning any guild secrets. Couches lined up along the walls allow observation of the chaos below in comfort. You also see a chipper worker, a goblet of Golden Dragon Arrack, a wide wood basin, a glass of sparkling champagne, a goblet of golden champagne, a glass of drowning man's dream, a lavish mistwood buffet with some stuff on it, a flagon of mulled wine and a miniature golden keg filled with ginger beer.
Also here: Bargain Seller Vanthala who is sitting, Guildleader Willowbrook, Inventor Chippy, Guildleader Ansprahv, Traveler Pitney, Spoon King Abison who is sitting, Bargain Hunter Rajara who is lying down.
Obvious exits: out.
Vanthala says, "thank you Rajara"
The worker flicks something off her arm with a scowl, shaking her head at the distraction as she goes back to reading her notes.
Willowbrook says, "Well, so."
Willowbrook asks, "While we all wait, what else is going on in your worlds?"
Willowbrook smiles brightly, exuding confidence and charm.
Abison says, "Tirsten won a arm wrestling tourneyment"
Willowbrook asks, "Oh did he now?"
> salute
Your right hand must be empty or holding a weapon to properly render a salute.
Willowbrook looks at you and applauds!
> chuck
You chuckle.
Ansprahv says, "A trader? Good show."
Vanthala says, "well i been openin tabels lately and i did notice nobody is fighting for them anymore, this made me happy"
Abison says, "of course, he was only onein his class"
Willowbrook nods to Vanthala.
Willowbrook says, "That also is good news."
Willowbrook grins at Abison.
> 'and the dart championship actually.
You say, "and the dart championship actually."
Willowbrook says, "Still. He showed, and that counts."
> bow
You bow.
Abison says, "ahh true"
Willowbrook says, "Ah."
Chippy says, "I just recently acheived my 50th circle"
Willowbrook looks at Chippy and applauds!
Vanthala lets out a hearty cheer for Chippy!
Chippy preens. Someone's pleased with himself!
Chippy strikes a heroic pose.
Vanthala says, "very nice"
Ansprahv nods to Chippy.
Willowbrook says, "Very good, nice job."
> put pou in my knap
You put your pouch in your sable knapsack.
Chippy just touched an enameled zebra wing finch.
> smile
You smile.
Rajara says, "Soon as a fest shows up again to fill our bags we'll be fighting over tables again."
Vanthala says, "be nice if the servants could hold a few things for us"
Rajara grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.
Vanthala grins ear-to-ear.
Rajara says, "Caravan boxes."
Rajara nods to Vanthala.
Vanthala says, "oh very true"
Vanthala nods to Rajara.
Willowbrook grins.
Vanthala says, "i cant wait for the next festival"
Rajara says, "But if they could hold a bag while I was doing stuff that'd be nice."
Willowbrook asks, "So you can get more things you have to stuff in a box somewhere?"
Willowbrook smiles brightly, exuding confidence and charm.
Vanthala says, "ive been gone for some time, i dont know how to get a caravan box"
Rajara nods in agreement.
Vanthala grins at Willowbrook.
Ansprahv says, "Work hard."
Rajara says, "You'll get one when you get to your 35th circle."
Willowbrook chuckles softly.
Vanthala says, "oh nice"
Rajara says, "It'll be placed on your caravan when you rent one."
Rajara sits up.
Rajara coughs.
Vanthala asks, "and get stored when you dont have one?"
Vanthala says, "caravan that is"
Rajara says, "Well if you put stuff in it you have to stable it."
Chippy says, "when your of the right standing in the guild of course"
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
> 'you'll just be talkin to the stable boys alot more
You say, "you'll just be talkin to the stable boys alot more"
Rajara says, "but if nothing is in it you can just return it like ya normally do."
Rajara asks, "Oh I was wondering on the packing up.. do they have to be in the same room with the table?"
Rajara asks, "Or could I say.. ask them here to pack up my table in Crossing?"
Ansprahv nods to Rajara.
Abison picks up a miniature golden keg filled with ginger beer.
Willowbrook asks, "Are they supposed to remotely pack things?"
Vanthala says, "ah ok "
Abison's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
Ansprahv says, "They aren't that smart."
Rajara says, "They could walk."
Willowbrook exclaims, "That WOULD be quite a feat!"
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Abison chuckles.
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Willowbrook asks, "You'd trust them to find the table and pack it for you?"
Rajara says, "Maybe I'd pay em just a few copper more for their trouble."
The chipper worker nods to herself, giving Ansprahv a thorough looking over before getting started.
Chippy says, "I loan them horse"
Willowbrook asks, "For coppers?"
Rajara giggles.
Abison says, "the guild cold only afford stupid servants. They'd have to increase dues to get smart ones"
Willowbrook says, "Well, you're more trusting than I am."
The worker then pulls out a soft bristled brush and starts at Ansprahv's shoulders, using quick flicking motions to remove any debris as she works her way across his torso.
Ansprahv says, "They are not allowed to take any payment."
Willowbrook says, "They're not stupid but I don't know their backgrounds."
Rajara nods.
Rajara says, "True true."
Willowbrook says, "What you folks leave on tables could fund an entire extended family for a year."
Ansprahv says, "Just for the services and that goes to the organization."
Circling Ansprahv as she continues to work, the worker makes sure to brush down his back and arms, intent on leaving no spot untouched.
Rajara asks, "Now these attendants are the first level of hirelings we will be able to get?"
Chippy asks, "You haven't seen my tables, have you?"
Willowbrook says to Chippy, "Perhaps some more than others."
Rajara asks, "Yes I've lost some nice things.. is the monger going to have a sale with all that stuff he collects up sometime soon?"
The chipper worker moves around Ansprahv, taking a moment to carefully adjust the fit of his clothing and making sure everything is in its place.
Willowbrook says, "I doubt it."
Rajara gazes hopefully at Willowbrook.
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Rajara.
Rajara begins pouting.
Chippy says, "Greedy mong"
Chippy says, "Greedy monger"
Pitney just left.
The chipper worker pulls out a pristine cloth and wipes at something on Ansprahv's cheek then quickly swipes it over his hands before tucking it away again.
Willowbrook says, "At any rate, these are the first hirelings we've commissioned. Testing the waters, so to speak."
Abison stops teaching.
Rajara nods to Willowbrook.
Rajara asks, "And for these you have to be fifth circle I believe you said?"
Ansprahv nods to Willowbrook.
Ansprahv nods to Rajara.
With a courteous bow to Ansprahv, the chipper worker says, "There you are, sir," and waits for further instruction.
Vanthala says, "id love to the future....better servants the higher you rate in the guild"
Chippy asks, "so that why they wet behind the ears?"
The looks around for a moment and then shrugs shoulders and walks away.
gives a quick glance before looking away again.
Chippy giggles.
Abison blinks.
Abison says, "A ghost"
Rajara giggles.
Willowbrook sighs.
Willowbrook says, "You know, these old buildings..."
Rajara says, "Good help is hard to find."
Willowbrook clucks her tongue and shakes her head.
Rajara asks, "Are the ghosts cheaper ya think?"
Ansprahv says, "It certainly is."
Willowbrook says, "I imagine they must be."
Willowbrook says, "However, I doubt they can do much of anything."
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Chippy says, "Yah, we pay with ghost coins to the ghost."
Willowbrook smiles brightly, exuding confidence and charm.
Rajara asks, "Could scare away some pesky theives maybe?"
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Willowbrook says, "The more skittish ones, perhaps."
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Rajara nods.
The worker flicks something off her arm with a scowl, shaking her head at the distraction as she goes back to reading her notes.
Vanthala says, "ya they should beat up the thieves we catch"
Vanthala grins.
Chippy giggles.
Willowbrook says, "Or... just look menacing, perhaps."
The looks around for a moment and then shrugs shoulders and walks away.
gives a quick glance before looking away again.
Vanthala chuckles.
Abison says, "Knowing some theives, they probally try to get in th ghosts pockets too"
Vanthala says, "menacing that be nice"
Rajara chortles softly at some secret joke.
Vanthala grins at Abison.
Willowbrook says, "They aren't liking us talking of them."
Willowbrook glances around.
Vanthala says, "ya lost my proffit on the way to leth today"
Vanthala chuckles.
Rajara nods to Vanthala.
Chippy says, "we grapple them and them and just have our thugs,er...I mean servant to the nasty work."
Willowbrook smirks.
Rajara says, "Prolly shouldn't have announced whre ya was going."
Rajara grins at Vanthala, her dimples flashing into view.
Vanthala grins at Rajara.
Vanthala says, "its ok im rich"
Vanthala says, "they can have a few coppers"
Abison says, "I wish our thugs just covered more area though"
Rajara asks, "Do ya'll know what other types of hirelings you see in our future?"
Vanthala nods at Abison, obviously agreeing with his views.
Chippy says, "like on the ferries"
Willowbrook says, "Well, we have been in talks for some time, but it would be remiss of us to speak on it."
Willowbrook says, "Until we have specifics, you see."
Rajara nods to Willowbrook.
> sit cou
You settle yourself on the soft couch.
Willowbrook says, "Would hate to encourage something we fail to follow through on."
> day
You lose yourself completely in a daydream...
Rajara says, "Yes I understand, just didn't know if you had any close to finished other than this one."
Willowbrook says, "Oh, we're always close, when it comes to talks."
Willowbrook smiles.
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Ansprahv nods to Willowbrook.
Vanthala says, "well i love the fact they can pack up our table, i like that the most"
Your actions are slow and dazed, since you're still lost in a daydream!
Rajara says, "Me too."
Ansprahv says, "Exactly. I was talking to the service about the location methods just this morning."
Vanthala says, "less chance of monger stealin"
Chippy says, "I want small ones like me. I have reach to high to pay them."
> Alarms:
+ +60 -> #send "echo dothethingtosatay" [in 45 secs]
Willowbrook asks, "Oh good, so they're rethinking that then?"
Willowbrook says, "Good news indeed."
Ansprahv nods to Willowbrook.
Rajara beams!
Ansprahv says, "They are, I knew they would come down, though nothing is totally agreed yet."
Willowbrook says, "You are a very good negotiator, Guildleader."
Willowbrook says, "Imaar was wise to back you."
Your actions are slow and dazed, since you're still lost in a daydream!
Rajara nods in agreement.
Ansprahv says, "He was a good teacher, and introduced me to the right people."
Willowbrook smiles fondly.
Willowbrook says, "He has a natural talent of things."
Ansprahv says, "As do you."
> Alarms:
+ +550 -> #send "echo dothethingtosatay" [in 8:07]
+ +550 -> #send "echo dothethingtosatay" [in 8:05]
Willowbrook flushes faintly, waving her hand in the air again.
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
Willowbrook hums to herself.
Rajara twiddles her thumbs.
Willowbrook asks, "So, anything going on around anyone would like to share?"
Vanthala says, "i want my caravan to fit on my boat"
Vanthala nods.
Ansprahv says, "Very quiet, the group of them."
Ansprahv nods to Willowbrook.
Willowbrook says, "I know some of you must have gossip you're keeping from us."
Willowbrook nods to Ansprahv.
Willowbrook asks Vanthala, "It doesn't?"
Vanthala says, "well"
Vanthala says, "actualy i havent tried"
Vanthala blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Vanthala says, "i just assumed"
Willowbrook says, "Aha. I somehow thought that might be the case."
Willowbrook says, "Hmm, yes."
Vanthala says, "i been sleepin a long while"
Willowbrook says, "People assume a lot with our guild."
Rajara giggles.
Vanthala blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
> '}vanth you'll be pleasantly surprised then
Your actions are slow and dazed, since you're still lost in a daydream!
You say to Vanthala, "you'll be pleasantly surprised then"
> day
You wake up from your daydream, and begin paying attention again.
Rajara ponders.
Vanthala says, "well that is super news"
Rajara says, "It does. We did a Trader Convoy the last time and fit three on a boat."
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Willowbrook smiles brightly, exuding confidence and charm.
Vanthala says, "well that will save me some nice coin"
Willowbrook asks, "What else, now?"
Vanthala exclaims, "oh my and i can cart all my stuff to ratha or aesry!"
Vanthala says, "very nice"
Willowbrook grins.
Willowbrook asks, "Has anyone heard anything further on the drama not long ago?"
Ansprahv asks, "Why would you want to?"
Willowbrook asks, "With the two investigators?"
Vanthala says, "to sell on the tables there"
Ansprahv nods to Vanthala.
Ansprahv says, "That sort of stuff."
Ansprahv nods to Willowbrook.
Abison says, "Losing your caravan on those Aesry steps is harsh"
Chippy says, "I always gotta carry mine on my back"
Ansprahv says, "I have heard a bit, working with Melark."
Chippy says, "when I go to the islands"
Willowbrook says, "Any further word? I dare say we have an untapped market here."
Chippy says, "gotta get a kreg on Aesry"
Vanthala says, "im lost on all of the gossip"
Vanthala says, "been sleepin too long"
Chippy says, "Kregs climb nicely"
Ansprahv says, "Nothing since he found the the diary and the sign."
Willowbrook says, "Then this socializing should be a good time."
Willowbrook looks at Ansprahv and sighs.
Abison says, "Ignore the investigators. There is no smuggling going on. Just the guild trying to get into the island shipping business"
Willowbrook says, "If we could get our commodities further north and to the islands..."
Ansprahv says, "I haven't seen anything further and they are moving closer to closing the existing pits."
Willowbrook gazes at Abison.
Rajara asks, "smuggling?"
Willowbrook asks Abison, "I'm sorry, is that a bad thing?"
Abison shrugs.
Willowbrook looks worriedly to Ansprahv.
Vanthala says, "island shipping business now that sounds neat"
Rajara asks, "I heard last it was to do with the pricing of our commodities... was there more information past that?"
Willowbrook nods to Vanthala.
Rajara ponders.
Abison says, "Depends. Those of us who ship now without paying dues, well.."
Chippy exclaims, "Closing the existing pits! No!"
Willowbrook says, "It isn't just about the pricing."
Willowbrook nods to Chippy.
A tear runs down Chippy's face.
Chippy begins to weep softly.
Abison's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
Willowbrook says, "Yes, we don't want that to happen."
Rajara says, "Closing old ones mean opening new ones."
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Willowbrook says, "We have prescious little open markets as it is."
Ansprahv says, "I think we'll need to start from the bottom."
Vanthala says, "id love to cart goods to the islands for a fee"
Willowbrook says to Rajara, "You would think."
Willowbrook sighs heavily.
Rajara asks, "Soon tho right?"
Rajara winks at Willowbrook.
Abison grins at Rajara.
Willowbrook says to Rajara, "Who knows."
A chipper worker gives Ansprahv a quick glance before looking away again.
Willowbrook says to Rajara, "There are some powerful forces at work."
Rajara nods to Willowbrook.
Ansprahv says, "These forces have been at work a long time."
Chippy asks, "it's those Rathan families, isn't it?"
Willowbrook says, "That they have."
Willowbrook glances around quickly.
Ansprahv says, "I honestly don't think so."
Ansprahv shakes his head at Chippy.
Willowbrook says, "I wouldn't venture to say that, no."
Ansprahv says, "The clues lead south."
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
A chipper worker gives Ansprahv a quick glance before looking away again.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Willowbrook shakes her head.
Chippy says, "well, as usual I'm clueless"
Ansprahv says, "She says that there are other attendants for hire again."
Willowbrook says, "Oh yes? Wonderful."
Willowbrook asks, "Well?"
A carelessly servitor arrives, giving Vanthala a quick nod.
Willowbrook smiles brightly, exuding confidence and charm.
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
A calm assistant arrives, giving Abison a quick nod.
> hire attend
A graceful assistant arrives, giving you a quick nod.
> smile grace assis
The graceful assistant gives you a quick nod in return.
Vanthala says, "mine is carlessly, i hope he dont loose my goods"
Vanthala giggles.
Vanthala asks her servitor a question and he returns a quiet answer.
> pat assis
A graceful assistant raises an eyebrow to you, waiting.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
> ask assis about goods
The graceful assistant asks, "You say you might have some goods in storage? Let me check." He snaps his fingers, calling aside a guild servant that he then sends running off again.
The assistant checks his notepad. "I'm sorry, but I don't see that you had anything in storage. They only hold goods for a short period of time (48 RL hours), so if you did have a box it's long been sold off to pay for storage."
The assistant gives you a sympathetic shrug.
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Vanthala.
Willowbrook says, "Best to watch that one."
Vanthala says, "im a horrible trader i dont even have 100 lir on me"
Vanthala laughs!
> ask assis about command
The graceful assistant says, "Of course, sir. I offer GROOMing services, as well as the ability to DRY you, should you need it. I have some PERFUME or COLOGNE choices as well as a supply of bundling ROPEs and POUCHes for your use. If you have a market table and need it cleared off, I will be able to PACK it for you, or if you had previously had the items taken by the Monger, I can have someone get them back for you if you ask me for the GOODS. If you need to wander about, you can ask me to FOLLOW or STAY, depending on your needs. Of course, you can always ask me to LEAVE or DISMISS me and I will be happy to tell you how much things COST if you ask me."
(In summary, you can ask your hireling about GROOM, DRY, PERFUME, COLOGNE, ROPE, POUCH, PACK, GOODS, FOLLOW, STAY, LEAVE, DISMISS, and COST. Please be aware some services incur a onetime cost for each use. For a list of prices for services, ask the hireling about COST.)
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Chippy asks, "so does this mean I should sell off all my commodities before they close the pits or will we be warned before hand?"
Vanthala has a quiet word with a carelessly servitor.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
> ask ass about cologne
"Yes, sir, I can offer you the following cologne scents:
(9) Banker's Delight (10) Dwarven Medley
(11) Forest Song (12) Steam of the Spring
(13) Crimson Sea Salt (14) Desert Spice
(15) Sandy Wind (16) Leafy Palm
If you are interested in a scent, please ask for it by number (ASK assistant for COLOGNE #). Also, if you are wearing any other scent, I will have to remove it before applying the new one."
Ansprahv says, "I would warn you, of course."
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
> ask ass for col 16
A graceful assistant nods and says, "Excellent choice, sir. One moment while I take care of this."
The graceful assistant rummages through his containers before pulling out an ornate bottle. He spritzes you with a light spray before slipping the bottle back into his bag again. He gives a satisfied nod and a smile.
Chippy says, "good, thank you sir"
The carelessly servitor nods to himself, giving Vanthala a thorough looking over before getting started.
> smell tir
You smell like a desert oasis, redolent with the sweet scent of sun-baked dates and fresh figs.
> grin
You grin.
The servitor then pulls out a small straw brush and starts flicking it over Vanthala's shoulders, knocking away loose debris as he works his way across her torso.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
> 'how neat.
You say, "how neat."
> l
[Traders' Guild, Upper Lounge]
This quiet lounge overlooks the bustling Trading Pit. Large windows, with thick panes of glass, prevent the clamorous din of buying and selling from making its way here and keep any non-guild member from possibly overhearing any private conversations or learning any guild secrets. Couches lined up along the walls allow observation of the chaos below in comfort. You also see a graceful assistant, a calm assistant, a carelessly servitor, a chipper worker, a goblet of Golden Dragon Arrack, a wide wood basin, a glass of sparkling champagne, a goblet of golden champagne, a glass of drowning man's dream, a lavish mistwood buffet with some stuff on it and a flagon of mulled wine.
Also here: Bargain Seller Vanthala who is sitting, Guildleader Willowbrook, Inventor Chippy, Guildleader Ansprahv, Spoon King Abison who is sitting, Bargain Hunter Rajara who is sitting.
Obvious exits: out.
Willowbrook gives you a captivating smile.
Circling Vanthala as he continues to work, the servitor makes sure to brush down her back and arms, intent on leaving no spot untouched.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
The carelessly servitor moves around Vanthala, occasionally pausing a moment to yank at her clothing, adjusting the fit and making sure everything is in its place.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
> '}thank you for the opportunity to work with an assistant.
Say that to who?
> 'thank you for the opportunity to work with an assistant.
You say, "thank you for the opportunity to work with an assistant."
The carelessly servitor pulls out a cloth and bats at her forearms with it in a wiping fashion before tucking it away again.
An attractive laborer arrives, giving Rajara a quick nod.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Willowbrook says, "Thank you for putting them through their paces with us."
Vanthala says, "indeed thank you"
Rajara grins evilly.
Rajara asks, "attractive eh?"
Abison's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
With a quick bob of his head to Vanthala, the carelessly servitor says, "There you are, madam," and waits for further instruction.
Willowbrook grins at Rajara.
Rajara asks, "cabana boy style hirelings?"
> ask assis about dry
Your assistant says, "I would be happy to help you, sir, if you were actually damp, which you are not."
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
> ask ass about pack
Willowbrook says, "No, then they would stay in the cabana."
The assistant says, "You need to specify the exact table that you want me to pack up.
(Example: ASK assistant FOR PACK BLUE TABLE)
Rajara ponders.
> ask ass about follow
The graceful assistant nods to you and says, "Ready when you are, sir."
Rajara asks, "That the next pet project?"
> ask ass about cost rope
The graceful assistant says, "I'd be happy to help you with that when we aren't moving around so much." (ASK assistant FOR STAY)
Willowbrook laughs softly.
Willowbrook says, "We shall see."
> ask ass about cost
The graceful assistant says, "I'd be happy to help you with that when we aren't moving around so much." (ASK assistant FOR STAY)
> ask ass about stay
The graceful assistant nods to you and starts perusing something on his notepad.
Rajara asks, "I know ya'll spoke before bout having houses of a such for us?"
> ask ass about cost rope
The graceful assistant says, "If you would like me to pack up a table or retrieve a crate from storage, the cost is 1000 Lirums. I can also apply cologne or perfume for only 100 Lirums. All other services that I offer are covered by your guild dues."
Rajara says, "cabana's."
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Rajara nods.
> ask ass about rope cost
The assistant says, "Sure, I have a piece here you can have for free."
The assistant hands you a rope.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Willowbrook says to Rajara, "Perhaps you can find a nice island to stick one of those on."
Rajara has a quiet word with an attractive laborer.
> give assis
A graceful assistant raises an eyebrow to you, waiting.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Rajara asks, "Ratha?"
Vanthala has a quiet word with a carelessly servitor.
> put rope in my knap
You put your rope in your sable knapsack.
Willowbrook asks, "Why not?"
Rajara giggles.
Rajara asks, "Has there been anyword about the um were the called Houses?"
Willowbrook peers quizzically at Rajara.
Rajara says, "Kinda like the moonies have their septs if I recall right..."
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Rajara asks, "sects?"
Abison stands up.
Rajara acts puzzled.
Spoon King Abison just went out.
Ansprahv says, "Not sure what you mean."
Rajara says, "It was a while I recall hearing something neat like that."
Willowbrook says, "Yes, they have sects. We... don't have things of that sort."
Spoon King Abison just arrived.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a careless servitor.
Rajara says, "There was mention to maybe have something we at a very high circle ofcourse, would be in charge of."
Rajara ponders.
Vanthala says, "im have'n issues dismissing my servitor"
Willowbrook says, "One moment."
Guildleader Willowbrook just went out.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Guildleader Willowbrook just arrived.
Willowbrook asks, "You cannot dismiss your servant?"
Vanthala ponders.
Vanthala says, "maybe im not speakin to em right"
Willowbrook says, "Perhaps just ask him or her to leave."
Ansprahv nods to Willowbrook.
Vanthala says, "well hes not listen'n to me when i has him to leave"
Vanthala ponders.
Rajara asks, "dismiss?"
Chippy asks, "you sepaking to the right one?"
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Rajara has a quiet word with an attractive laborer.
Vanthala's careless servitor gives her a curt nod before walking off.
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Vanthala says, "ok got it"
A nonchalant assistant arrives, giving Chippy a quick nod.
Vanthala blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.
Spoon King Abison just went out.
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Vanthala.
Spoon King Abison just arrived.
Willowbrook ponders.
Chippy has a quiet word with a nonchalant assistant.
Rajara hums to herself.
Rajara gets a market ticket from inside her merchant's case.
Rajara puts her ticket in her merchant's case.
Rajara twiddles her thumbs.
Chippy says, "I still can't get rope"
Willowbrook asks, "No?"
Willowbrook says, "You should be able to."
Chippy shakes his head at Willowbrook.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Chippy asks, "everyone else getting rope?"
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
A speedy assistant arrives, giving Vanthala a quick nod.
Vanthala says something to the assistant.
The assistant says, "Sure, I have a piece here you can have for free."
The assistant hands Vanthala a rope.
Vanthala says, "i got a rope"
Rajara has a quiet word with an attractive laborer.
Chippy has a quiet word with a nonchalant assistant.
Chippy has a quiet word with a nonchalant assistant.
Rajara has a quiet word with an attractive laborer.
An attractive laborer nods and says to Rajara, "Excellent choice, madam. One moment while I take care of this."
The attractive laborer rummages through his containers before pulling out an ornate bottle. He spritzes Rajara with a light spray before slipping the bottle back into his bag again. He gives a satisfied nod and a smile.
Chippy asks, "you asking for rope?"
Chippy has a quiet word with a nonchalant assistant.
Vanthala puts her rope in her twill backpack.
Chippy says, "I'm still not getting rope"
Abison's cloak flutters softly in the breeze.
Willowbrook says, "Let us try something."
Chippy has a quiet word with a nonchalant assistant.
Willowbrook says, "Follow me, please, Chippy."
Guildleader Willowbrook just went out.
The assistant flicks something off his arm with a scowl, shaking his head at the distraction as he goes back to reading his notes.
Inventor Chippy just went out.
Inventor Chippy just arrived.
Inventor Chippy just went out.
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Vanthala's speedy assistant gives her a curt nod before walking off.
Rajara has a quiet word with an attractive laborer.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Rajara has a quiet word with an attractive laborer.
Rajara ponders.
Rajara has a quiet word with an attractive laborer.
A speedy hireling arrives, giving Vanthala a quick nod.
Your heavy scent thins out a bit.
Guildleader Willowbrook just arrived.
Rajara has a quiet word with an attractive laborer.
Inventor Chippy just arrived.
A nonchalant assistant arrives, following Chippy.
Rajara has a quiet word with an attractive laborer.
Willowbrook glances out a moment.
Willowbrook says, "Ah, very good."
Chippy says, "I have to ask him for follow insted of to follow"
An attractive laborer hands Rajara an indigo gem pouch.
Willowbrook says, "I see."
Rajara says, "doesn't work to get a certain color."
Rajara squints at an indigo gem pouch.
Rajara puts her pouch in her traveler's rucksack.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Rajara says, "I should be asking for a black pouch or black gem pouch? He just repeats the commands either way."
Chippy drops some bundling rope.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Vanthala ponders.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Abison takes a sip of his beer.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Vanthala says, "i asked my hireling about a red gem pouch and he certainly knows not a thing about it"
Rajara nods in agreement.
Willowbrook asks, "Which one woud be yours?"
Rajara says, "He's prolly only got one color on em and doesn't wanna fess up bout it."
Rajara breaks out in a silly grin.
Abison says, "yeah can only ask for a pouch"
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Willowbrook says, "We're finding that if there are several of similar types in the room they don't seem to be responding well to their traders."
A chipper worker stretches a moment, muttering something about bad backs and standing on her feet all day.
The nonchalant assistant nods to Chippy and starts perusing something on his notepad.
Abison nods to Willowbrook.
A nonchalant assistant hands Chippy a suede gem pouch.
Chippy puts his pouch in his tinker's sack.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Vanthala ponders.
A speedy hireling stretches a moment, muttering something about bad backs and standing on his feet all day.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a speedy hireling.
Chippy has a quiet word with a nonchalant assistant.
Rajara nods.
A speedy hireling hands Vanthala a blue gem pouch.
Vanthala says, "i see"
Vanthala says, "i cant specify color or gem"
Chippy dunks his head in the the wood basin.
Chippy comes up out of the basin, soaking wet and hacking up a mouthful of water.
Vanthala says, "just a pouch"
Vanthala nods.
Ansprahv nods to Vanthala.
Vanthala says, "although he told me i could specify"
Abison says, "yeah, you just get your default"
Vanthala nods.
Chippy's assistant produces a towel and proceeds to vigorously dry him quickly before putting the towel away again.
Chippy smiles.
Chippy says, "now I woun't have to carry a towel"
Chippy smiles.
Ansprahv says, "It appears that is the case, they never supplied the assistants with the pouches."
Chippy has a quiet word with a nonchalant assistant.
Vanthala nods.
Vanthala says, "im happy with any ole pouch"
Vanthala nods.
Willowbrook nods to a maid who dutifully brings in a silver bucket. She puts it down and quietly slips out again.
Willowbrook says, "There, now."
Willowbrook points at a tall silver bucket.
Willowbrook asks, "Feel better?"
Vanthala drops her blue gem pouch in a tall silver bucket.
Vanthala grins.
Rajara beams at Willowbrook!
Vanthala says, "i need my own bucket"
Capturing elegance with a single flowing movement, Willowbrook bows her head slightly as she sinks into a curtsy fit for royalty, rising slowly back to her feet, smiling enchantingly.
Vanthala giggles.
Willowbrook says, "I do what I can for my members."
Chippy asks, "what the diffence between LEAVE and DISMISS?"
Willowbrook says, "Should be the same."
Abison picks up a glass of sparkling champagne.
Chippy says, "oh"
Rajara asks, "ooh maybe we can give trash to the hirelings to throw away for us?"
Rajara says, "that'd come in handy."
Abison takes a sip of his champagne.
Vanthala says, "id like that"
Vanthala nods to Rajara.
Chippy says, "me too"
Rajara gets an indigo gem pouch from inside her traveler's rucksack.
Rajara drops her indigo gem pouch in a tall silver bucket.
Rajara gets a rotten apple from inside her traveler's rucksack.
Rajara drops her rotten apple in a tall silver bucket.
Willowbrook smiles brightly, exuding confidence and charm.
Chippy gets a suede gem pouch from inside his tinker's sack.
Chippy drops his suede gem pouch in a tall silver bucket.
Chippy gets a small grass nest from inside his green apron.
Chippy begins to carefully examine a small grass nest.
Chippy puts his nest in his tinker's sack.
The assistant flicks something off his arm with a scowl, shaking his head at the distraction as he goes back to reading his notes.
A chipper worker stretches a moment, muttering something about bad backs and standing on her feet all day.
Ansprahv's chipper worker gives him a curt nod before walking off.
Chippy has a quiet word with a nonchalant assistant.
You hear a muffled whirring sound.
Vanthala rummages through a sturdy blue backpack, pausing once in a while and then quickly resuming the search.
Chippy's nonchalant assistant gives him a curt nod before walking off.
Rajara hands the monger some coins, and he hands her a dilapidated box.
Rajara hands the laborer some coins and the laborer hands her a box.
Rajara beams!
Vanthala grins at Rajara.
Rajara puts her box in her traveler's rucksack.
Rajara gets a market ticket from inside her merchant's case.
Rajara drops her market ticket in a tall silver bucket.
Chippy asks, "you gave the monger coin?"
Vanthala asks, "so it got yer goodies all the way from crossings monger?"
Rajara nods.
Vanthala says, "very nice"
Chippy says, "I didn't even see him come in"
Rajara says, "So he does work."
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Willowbrook laughs softly.
Chippy giggles.
The assistant flicks something off his arm with a scowl, shaking his head at the distraction as he goes back to reading his notes.
Vanthala's speedy hireling gives her a curt nod before walking off.
Abison says, "yeah, now you have to get them back"
Chippy picks up some bundling rope.
Chippy drops his bundling rope in a tall silver bucket.
Your scent thins out a bit.
A nonchalant servitor arrives, giving Ansprahv a quick nod.
Abison has a quiet word with a calm assistant.
Vanthala gets some bundling rope from inside her twill backpack.
Ansprahv has a quiet word with a nonchalant servitor.
Vanthala drops her bundling rope in a tall silver bucket.
Chippy says, "well I need to be getting to Crossing"
Capturing elegance in a single flowing movement, Willowbrook bows her head slightly as she sinks into a curtsy fit for royalty, rising slowly back to her feet and gifting Chippy with an enchanting smile.
Chippy says, "thanks for the nice introduction to servants"
Willowbrook says, "Thank you for your assistance."
Chippy bows to Willowbrook.
Ansprahv has a quiet word with a nonchalant servitor.
Abison says, "See you Chippy"
Chippy bows to Ansprahv.
Chippy waves.
Inventor Chippy just went out.
Abison takes a sip of his champagne.
The attractive laborer looks over his notepad, making a mark on the paper with a quill.
The calm assistant looks over her notepad, making a mark on the paper with a quill.
The assistant flicks something off his arm with a scowl, shaking his head at the distraction as he goes back to reading his notes.
A nonchalant servitor hands Ansprahv a black gem pouch.
Vanthala asks, "so what is the assistant marking with a quil?"
Abison takes a sip of his champagne.
Ansprahv has a quiet word with a nonchalant servitor.
Willowbrook says, "Oh, probably everything is has to do later."
Abison takes a sip of his champagne.
Vanthala nods.
The laborer flicks something off his arm with a scowl, shaking his head at the distraction as he goes back to reading his notes.
Rajara says, "Prolly blackmail notes."
Vanthala laughs!
Abison says, "taking notes back to other hireling. Seeing if you are worth working for."
Willowbrook says, "Well... I should hope there's nothing to blackmail one about..."
Willowbrook says, "Perhaps that."
Abison blinks.
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Abison.
Rajara says, "I'm sure everyones got some dirty lil secrets."
Rajara grins, revealing her dimples.
Willowbrook says, "I would never suggest such a thing."
Rajara exclaims, "Ofcourse not!"
The assistant flicks something off his arm with a scowl, shaking his head at the distraction as he goes back to reading his notes.
A graceful assistant stretches a moment, muttering something about bad backs and standing on his feet all day.
Ansprahv has a quiet word with a nonchalant servitor.
Abison takes a sip of his champagne.
Abison takes a sip of his champagne.
Abison gets a spoon from inside his thigh pouch.
Abison licks a spoon.
Vanthala stands up.
Bargain Seller Vanthala just went out.
Abison taps a spoon that he is holding.
Abison rubs a spoon.
Ansprahv asks, "Well, Willowbrook, shall I escort you?"
Abison drops his glass in a tall silver bucket.
Willowbrook smiles captivatingly at Ansprahv.
Willowbrook says, "That would be lovely, thank you."
Bargain Seller Vanthala just arrived.
Willowbrook extends her hand.
Ansprahv's nonchalant servitor gives him a curt nod before walking off.
Abison puts his spoon in his emerald green backpack.
A careless factor arrives, giving Vanthala a quick nod.
Willowbrook says, "Thank you all for coming. We'll keep in talks with the contractors on our helpers."
Rajara says, "Thank you so much for introducing us to the new hirelings."
Vanthala has a quiet word with a careless factor.
Rajara nods.
Vanthala has a quiet word with a careless factor.
A careless factor nods and says to Vanthala, "Excellent choice, madam. One moment while I take care of this."
The careless factor rummages through his containers before pulling out an ornate bottle. He spritzes Vanthala with a light spray before slipping the bottle back into his bag again. He gives a satisfied nod and a smile.
Abison waves.
Abison says, "thanks"
Ansprahv nods to Rajara.
Capturing elegance with a single flowing movement, Willowbrook bows her head slightly as she sinks into a curtsy fit for royalty, rising slowly back to her feet, smiling enchantingly.
Ansprahv says, "Thank you for your assistance."
Ansprahv holds hands with Willowbrook.
Rajara says, "Anytime."
Rajara beams!
Vanthala says, "thanks very much for letting us meet our new assistants"
Ansprahv asks, "Shall we?"
Willowbrook nods to Ansprahv.
Ansprahv smiles at Willowbrook.
Guildleader Ansprahv's group just went out.
Everything Under the Moon catalog available at:
The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"
Re: Hirelings log
09/01/2008 12:34 AM CDT
I absolutely love them! Thank you!
I did find a bug with GOODS. I'm up in Therengia and it wanted me to pay for it in dokoras. I bugged it in the room.
I did find a bug with GOODS. I'm up in Therengia and it wanted me to pay for it in dokoras. I bugged it in the room.
Re: Hirelings log
09/01/2008 07:15 AM CDT
i think i found a bug. If someone else attempts to steal from the attendent, they beat up the trader. :-)
here is from the ::cough:: perpetrator and then the traders vantage point:
Glancing around absently, the courteous employee surveys the area with an apparent bored look.
>mark all employee
You carefully size up the courteous employee, gauging its overall perception.
As you consider stealing from the courteous employee, you believe its wealth is as good as yours.
You also eye the courteous employee over, trying to discern how much wealth it is carrying.
You feel highly confident in the accuracy of your judgement.
As you consider hiding around the courteous employee, you think it'd be lucky to see a baby thief, let alone you.
You feel highly confident in the accuracy of your judgement.
As you consider an attempt to stalk the courteous employee, you believe it's blind as a bat. Go for it.
You feel highly confident in the accuracy of your judgement.
As you consider a stealthy assault on the courteous employee, you think it'll be dead before it hits the ground.
You feel highly confident in the accuracy of your judgement.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Entering rest any key to resume.]
[Leaving rest mode.]
steal employee
You move to steal from a courteous employee.
The employee whips out her notepad and proceeds to beat Bagsodoks about the ears as he drops to his knees, trying to protect his head.
Finally satisfied Bagsodoks has learned him lesson, the employee grunts, "Don't do that again," as she puts her notepad away.
[Entering rest any key to resume.]
[Leaving rest mode.]
You chuckle.
[Entering rest any key to resume.]
Bagsodoks stands up.
then from the traders vantage point:
Glancing around absently, the courteous employee surveys the area with an apparent bored look.
The employee whips out her notepad and proceeds to beat you about the ears as you drop to your knees, trying to protect your head.
Finally satisfied you have learned your lesson, the employee grunts, "Don't do that again," as she puts her notepad away.
Roundtime: 30 sec.
I mean, the bug is that the trader gets the RT. I could understand that if the Trader were the one attempting to steal, but in this case, it wasn't the trader. :-)
<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
here is from the ::cough:: perpetrator and then the traders vantage point:
Glancing around absently, the courteous employee surveys the area with an apparent bored look.
>mark all employee
You carefully size up the courteous employee, gauging its overall perception.
As you consider stealing from the courteous employee, you believe its wealth is as good as yours.
You also eye the courteous employee over, trying to discern how much wealth it is carrying.
You feel highly confident in the accuracy of your judgement.
As you consider hiding around the courteous employee, you think it'd be lucky to see a baby thief, let alone you.
You feel highly confident in the accuracy of your judgement.
As you consider an attempt to stalk the courteous employee, you believe it's blind as a bat. Go for it.
You feel highly confident in the accuracy of your judgement.
As you consider a stealthy assault on the courteous employee, you think it'll be dead before it hits the ground.
You feel highly confident in the accuracy of your judgement.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[Entering rest any key to resume.]
[Leaving rest mode.]
steal employee
You move to steal from a courteous employee.
The employee whips out her notepad and proceeds to beat Bagsodoks about the ears as he drops to his knees, trying to protect his head.
Finally satisfied Bagsodoks has learned him lesson, the employee grunts, "Don't do that again," as she puts her notepad away.
[Entering rest any key to resume.]
[Leaving rest mode.]
You chuckle.
[Entering rest any key to resume.]
Bagsodoks stands up.
then from the traders vantage point:
Glancing around absently, the courteous employee surveys the area with an apparent bored look.
The employee whips out her notepad and proceeds to beat you about the ears as you drop to your knees, trying to protect your head.
Finally satisfied you have learned your lesson, the employee grunts, "Don't do that again," as she puts her notepad away.
Roundtime: 30 sec.
I mean, the bug is that the trader gets the RT. I could understand that if the Trader were the one attempting to steal, but in this case, it wasn't the trader. :-)
<<Because it's a gigantic can of worms. Eldritch, necrotic, squamous worms, writhing in a vile stew of coagulating ichor, crushed from the living gullets of a thousand infant puppies, ululating in wordless terror. - Lorz>>
Re: Hirelings log
09/01/2008 07:24 AM CDT
I'm not sure why this bug makes me giggle, it might be that I'm overtired, but it does... It's already on the list for as soon as possible fix, but thanks for the heads up!
Life is the journey, not the destination.
I'm not sure why this bug makes me giggle, it might be that I'm overtired, but it does... It's already on the list for as soon as possible fix, but thanks for the heads up!
Life is the journey, not the destination.
Re: Hirelings log
09/01/2008 09:09 AM CDT
> I'm not sure why this bug makes me giggle, it might be that I'm overtired, but it does... It's already on the list for as soon as possible fix, but thanks for the heads up!
>Adera's not you OR I'm as overtired as you are. That gets my vote, hands down, as the funniest bug I've seen in a long time.
>Adera's not you OR I'm as overtired as you are. That gets my vote, hands down, as the funniest bug I've seen in a long time.
Re: Hirelings log
09/02/2008 07:12 AM CDT
Life is the journey, not the destination.
Life is the journey, not the destination.
Re: Hirelings log
09/02/2008 07:13 AM CDT
Though fixing this took a little sunshine from my's now bashing the appropriate person.
Life is the journey, not the destination.
Though fixing this took a little sunshine from my's now bashing the appropriate person.
Life is the journey, not the destination.
Re: Hirelings log
09/02/2008 02:47 PM CDT
moonshine is just as good! er the sky kind not the drinking kind...hardest liquor I do is tequila ;)
Everything Under the Moon catalog available at:
The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"
Everything Under the Moon catalog available at:
The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"