The Trader's Guild & Mentor Society presents a fools day with a chance to liven up your caravans! Come up with ideas that would make even Glythtide laugh in merriment for a single day of fools fun! Send in your design as soon as possible, so you can join the chaos!
Requirements: Keep the noun caravan (see examples below). Give your traders name and caravan idea to Rajara by Trader Convoy on 3/24 ( Be able to meet at noon EST on all fools day (4/1). Do not try to save them.
Adera says, "I just need to ask you folks to return them or not get upset when they get changed back to normal."
Adera says, "I can only turn my head so often at floating or polka-dotted caravans."
Adera says, "I'm supposed to chase you all down."
Past caravan examples:
a polka-dotted caravan
a fudge coated caravan
a tri-wheeled floating caravan
a lavender lace-covered caravan
a purple hamster-drawn caravan
a festooned caravan
a cow-drawn caravan
a green caravan
a green-sickly caravan
a hog-drawn striped caravan
a sky-blue furry caravan
a purple caravan
a sickly-grey caravan
a pretty pink silk-covered caravan
a man-drawn caravan
a pup-drawn green caravan
Even if you don't know if you can make it around that time, send the idea anyways. And be sure to stick around for some Trader only fun with Tramplelooza at 8pm EST for outpost and spook races!