I'm looking for at least a Trader for an Event I am going to be running regarding Horse Clan, traders are well versed with many different customs and areas, travel aboard and probably hear as much as the Bards, what that may help is unknown, but it might be the help needed for this adventure.
Please note combat will not be at the forefront of this adventure, getting training in while it's happening will be happening at almost all times at a snails rate compared to what you can do with scripts.
Also of note, its only going to be as cool as PCs can make it, there will be probably absolutely no help from the GMs to further this along.
As with other Guilds, while I'm running the event there are going to be key sequences that would be great to have awesome character and depth to the situation, for the Trader scenarios, that means the Trader character or characters need to be willing to do a bit of homework and come up with designs of their own.
Sadly, there isn't much your going to get out of this other than being involved in an event that'll only be as great as what is contributed into it.
I'm more looking for characters of 1-60 circle, though if your willing to in any fighting sequences find interesting means to suggest your getting overrun by the enemy or something, so your allowing others to have a swing and a shake at things, that's cool.
Open Interviews will be occuring at Taelbert's Inn, Dining Room; your to 'sign-in' with Cadet Koru, who will advise you when its your time to go through the interview process, 8PM ET 2/8/13 [Also if your interested you can reply to my Simu e-mail link, give me a feel for what you will bring, answer the questions below, and give me a feel for when your able to make an interview, and give a feel for your time constraints].
Heads up for Questions, though a few will be on the spur, you come up with answers at the moment:
Your part of this Adventure; And a PC 'engages' you with act like attacks, what do you respond with?
Come up with some trader information, can be anything, but try to make me suspend disbelief that you could come up with the details, why the information is relevant to whatever, fill in the bases.
"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."
Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.