>>An exceedingly cheerful attendant just climbed up a very steep stairway forward going down.
>get worm from white box
You manage to get a wriggling worm onto the hook.
[Roundtime 4 sec.]
A rather flustered worker just climbed up a very steep stairway forward going down.
>cast pole
You drop your line overboard, allowing it to play out completely as it drags out behind the boat.
>pull my pole
You wind in some of the slack line.
>pull my pole
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "We're almost there, I know it."
>pull my pole
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
[You are aboard the Lybadel which is afloat in The Faldesu Delta facing west.]
[Lybadel, Poop Deck]
The ship's wheel is located here, at the highest part of the ship, almost directly above the rudder. Over the aft rail is a steep drop down to the sea, invisible in the darkness, and three glowing lanterns hang from the railing as a warning and notice to other ships plying these waters. Forward, the mizzenmast rises out of the decking toward the sky. You also see a rather flustered worker, an exceedingly cheerful attendant, a braided lead rope, a very steep stairway forward going down and Captain Halasael.
Also here: GameMaster Arnimas.
Obvious paths: none.
Ship paths: none.
Nearby in the water you see: the marshy south bank (adjacent: south), the marshy and scrub-lined north bank (adjacent: north).
A rather flustered worker says, "I know you're somewhat excited but you really must slow down."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I'm so excited."
You say, "hello"
A rather flustered worker glances at Chippy.
A rather flustered worker says, "Hello there"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Oh, hello!"
>look worker
The flustered worker looks just like what you would expect a rather flustered worker to look like.
The Lybadel moves forward at a good pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Are you Cialen?"
>'nope I'm Chippy
You say, "nope I'm Chippy"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Oh, what a cute name!"
>role eye
Please rephrase that command.
You feel a slight tug on your fishing pole.
>role eyes
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "I just love names, don't you?"
Please rephrase that command.
Your fishing pole wiggles slightly, vibrating up and down for a moment.
A rather flustered worker says, "I can't believe they assigned me to you without letting me give you some guidelines. "Just go along and help her find the way", they said."
A rather flustered worker sighs.
Your fishing pole wiggles slightly, vibrating up and down for a moment.
Your fishing pole wiggles slightly, vibrating up and down for a moment.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "We're doing wonderfully!"
Your fishing pole wiggles slightly, vibrating up and down for a moment.
You giggle.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You wind in some of the slack line.
A rather flustered worker asks, "Umm...Cialen? That's who you're supposed to locate?"
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
Your fishing pole wiggles slightly, vibrating up and down for a moment.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Yes, indeed."
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
The flat-eyed creppoo wiggles on the end of your line.
The Lybadel moves forward at a good pace.
>pull my pole
You've pulled in a flat-eyed creppoo. Quickly you grab it and work it free from the hook.
>pull my pole
The line is already pulled in all the way.
>pull my pole
The line is already pulled in all the way.
>appraise crep
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Oooh, a fish!"
You believe that the flat-eyed creppoo probably weighs a few tens of stones.
You are certain that the flat-eyed creppoo is worth exactly 32 lirums, 40 kronars, or 28 dokoras.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
A rather flustered worker sighs rather dramatically.
A rather flustered worker says, "Oh my..."
[You are aboard the Lybadel which is afloat in The Faldesu Delta facing west.]
[Lybadel, Poop Deck]
The ship's wheel is located here, at the highest part of the ship, almost directly above the rudder. Over the aft rail is a steep drop down to the sea, invisible in the darkness, and three glowing lanterns hang from the railing as a warning and notice to other ships plying these waters. Forward, the mizzenmast rises out of the decking toward the sky. You also see a rather flustered worker, an exceedingly cheerful attendant, a braided lead rope, a very steep stairway forward going down and Captain Halasael.
Also here: GameMaster Arnimas.
Obvious paths: none.
Ship paths: none.
Nearby in the water you see: a cutter with a longbow-wielding figurehead named the Buried Treasure (at horizon: east), the Shadow Star (at horizon: east), the marshy south bank (adjacent: south), the marshy and scrub-lined north bank (adjacent: north), a stone dock (at horizon: east).
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "He caught a fish!"
>put crep in my tink sack
You put your creppoo in your tinker's sack.
A rather flustered worker says, "Yes, but we're not heading to find Cialen.."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Yes, we are, I looked on a map."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "When we left Steelclaw, I took a left."
>'Cialen, isn't that the Shard guild leader?
You ask, "Cialen, isn't that the Shard guild leader?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "It is!"
A rather flustered worker seems to be biting his lower lip.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Do you know him?"
A rather flustered worker nods at Chippy.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "He's my first assignment!"
>'Wow, did you take a wrong turn
You say, "Wow, did you take a wrong turn"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I'm so excited."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "I did?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Are you sure, aren't we headed for Shard?"
>'what do you mean he's your first assignment?
You ask, "what do you mean he's your first assignment?"
A rather flustered worker says, "I'm sorry, but we're in training here. It seems I'm helping a new member of our services in her first assignment."
>'no, were headed for Riverhaven
You say, "no, were headed for Riverhaven"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant stands up very straight and beams.
>'Willowbrook is guildleader there
You say, "Willowbrook is guildleader there"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, that won't do at all."
You say, "ah"
A rather flustered worker turns to the cheerful attendant.
>get worm from white box
You manage to get a wriggling worm onto the hook.
[Roundtime 2 sec.]
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I need to find Cialen."
A rather flustered worker says, "Guildleader Cialen is the Shard guildleader."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I know, I read the note."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Was I supposed to?"
>'once we get to Riverhaven you need to head south
You say, "once we get to Riverhaven you need to head south"
A rather flustered worker points southward across the waters.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, goodness and the map said left, it definitely said left."
A rather flustered worker says, "Shard is THAT way."
>point s
You point south.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant turns in the direction both are pointing.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant giggles.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "No, that's east."
>south is that way
On a boat, use Forward, Aft, Starboard, Port and Overboard in place of the normal directions.
>'south is that way
You say, "south is that way"
>point s
You point south.
A rather flustered worker says, "We now have to dock in Riverhaven, travel many, many miles past The Crossing, Leth Deriel and over...the...mountains."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant turns again.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, maybe you are right."
A rather flustered worker reaches over and turns the map a quarter rotation in the cheerful attendant's hands.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh."
A rather flustered worker points at a spot on the map.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant blushes a deep shade of red.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "That is south."
[You are aboard the Lybadel which is afloat in The Faldesu River facing west.]
[Lybadel, Poop Deck]
The ship's wheel is located here, at the highest part of the ship, almost directly above the rudder. Over the aft rail is a steep drop down to the sea, invisible in the darkness, and three glowing lanterns hang from the railing as a warning and notice to other ships plying these waters. Forward, the mizzenmast rises out of the decking toward the sky. You also see a rather flustered worker, an exceedingly cheerful attendant, a braided lead rope, a very steep stairway forward going down and Captain Halasael.
Also here: GameMaster Arnimas.
Obvious paths: none.
Ship paths: none.
Nearby in the water you see: the grassy plains beyond the south bank (adjacent: south), the tree-lined north bank (adjacent: north).
A rather flustered worker takes several deep breaths.
>look pole
It's a collapsible fishing pole with a roll of line at one end that you can cast out into the water.
You have some type 5 line.
You have a size 20 hook.
The pole is baited with a wriggling worm.
>cast pole
You drop your line overboard, allowing it to play out completely as it drags out behind the boat.
A rather flustered worker says, "I think you're getting the hang of it now."
>smile worker
You smile at a rather flustered worker.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Yes, we need to take two lefts!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "No...wait."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Two lefts make a right?"
A rather flustered worker closes his eyes and seems to be saying a silent prayer.
>roll eyes
You roll your eyes.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, no matter, it's a lovely night."
>'you need rangers to help you find your way
You say, "you need rangers to help you find your way"
A rather flustered worker asks, "So....how long were you in training before this first assignment?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Last evening!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I been poring over the maps."
A rather flustered worker nods to the cheerful attendant.
[You are aboard the Lybadel which is afloat in The Faldesu River facing west.]
[Lybadel, Poop Deck]
The ship's wheel is located here, at the highest part of the ship, almost directly above the rudder. Over the aft rail is a steep drop down to the sea, invisible in the darkness, and three glowing lanterns hang from the railing as a warning and notice to other ships plying these waters. Forward, the mizzenmast rises out of the decking toward the sky. You also see a rather flustered worker, an exceedingly cheerful attendant, a braided lead rope, a very steep stairway forward going down and Captain Halasael.
Also here: GameMaster Arnimas.
Obvious paths: none.
Ship paths: none.
Nearby in the water you see: the grassy plains beyond the south bank (adjacent: south), the tree-lined north bank (adjacent: north).
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I was going to be an empath."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "But I couldn't find the guild."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant sighs.
You smirk.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "But this is so much better!"
A rather flustered worker says, "Well, perhaps we could review a few things while we're on the ship."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I would love to hear your wisdom."
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I tried to be a helper, but I dripped water on that very mean traders shoes."
A rather flustered worker smiles.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "So they said, how about locating, you can't hurt much there!"
>'mean trader?!
You exclaim, "mean trader?!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "I know!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "I never expected that!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "It was only a very small tear."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I could have wrapped a cloak around his waist."
A rather flustered worker asks, "Yes, locating. And we only locate for members of the guild. We don't listen to empaths or anyone else, right?"
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Well, my friend is an empath."
You feel a very slight, irregular tremor on your fishing pole.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I couldn't disappoint her."
A rather flustered worker sighs and slowly shakes his head.
>pull my pole
You wind in some of the slack line.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "I have to?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant chews on her bottom lip.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Maybe just once or twice?"
A rather flustered worker says, "The other guilds aren't paying your room and board. We can only do this for Traders."
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Alright then, I'll do it on my time off."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "It will be good practice!"
A rather flustered worker says, "Yes, practice is very good. Lots of practice."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Do I get days off?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I've never met a locator before."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I'd like a day off."
>'nor I
You say, "nor I"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I just love to shop."
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Can locators shop?"
A rather flustered worker says, "I have a feeling that you will be given plenty of days of free time very soon."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, goodness, I should have asked before."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Am I your first locator?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant beams at Chippy.
You say, "yep"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Ooh, maybe I'll be hired for you!"
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "That would be so exciting."
>'well, other than a moonmage or familiar
You say, "well, other than a moonmage or familiar"
A rather flustered worker says, "But, you can't locate for him until you finish this assignment."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "And we could talk about how we first met."
You sigh.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I just love happy memories."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Don't you?"
>nod attend
You nod to an exceedingly cheerful attendant.
A rather flustered worker says, "I'm sure the nice Trader would love to shop and chat with you and have you 'locate' many people."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant bounces up and down.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, this is going to be so much fun."
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
[You are aboard the Lybadel which is afloat in The Faldesu River facing west.]
[Lybadel, Poop Deck]
The ship's wheel is located here, at the highest part of the ship, almost directly above the rudder. Over the aft rail is a steep drop down to the sea, invisible in the darkness, and three glowing lanterns hang from the railing as a warning and notice to other ships plying these waters. Forward, the mizzenmast rises out of the decking toward the sky. You also see a rather flustered worker, an exceedingly cheerful attendant, a braided lead rope, a very steep stairway forward going down and Captain Halasael.
Also here: GameMaster Arnimas.
Obvious paths: none.
Ship paths: none.
Nearby in the water you see: Serenity (at horizon: west), the Damaris' Revenge (at horizon: west), the Mistbringer (at horizon: west), the Maelstrom (at horizon: west), the Stranger Ranger (at horizon: west), a four-masted galleon with twelve sails and a fierce dragon figurehead named the Dragon's Slave (at horizon: west), the Skegikmewr (at horizon: west), a sleek dark-wood cutter with crimson sails named the Midnight Ruby (at horizon: west), the Haven's Wind (at horizon: west), the Maiden's Kiss (at horizon: west), the Desu pier (at horizon: west), the Middle Desu pier (at horizon: west), the Greater Fist (just over the horizon: south), Riverhaven (at horizon: west), the north bank (adjacent: north), the south bank (adjacent: south), the North Road Ferry dock (at horizon: west).
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "So, this boat will land and we need to take a right."
>'were almost to Riverhaven now
You say, "were almost to Riverhaven now"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, how wonderful."
>'just look for the ferry dock
You say, "just look for the ferry dock"
A rather flustered worker says, "Umm...no, we need to get on the ferry."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Ferry?"
A rather flustered worker says, "To..head..south.."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "South?"
>nod worker
You nod to a rather flustered worker.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I thought Shard was south."
>'it is
You say, "it is"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, wait@"
>roll eyes
You roll your eyes.
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "We are headed to Shard."
A rather flustered worker says, "Now, you can't be wandering off out of town limits unless you're on a mission to locate someone. Traders will be looking for our services within towns and clans."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "So, it's definitely two rights."
You feel a hard tug on your fishing pole.
>pull my pole
Your fishing pole tugs downward a little, the line vibrating as the tip of your pole wiggles back and forth for a bit.
There's something on the hook!
You wind in some of the slack line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, I love to stay in town."
>pull my pole
Your fishing pole tugs downward several times, the line vibrating as whatever is hooked is definitely unhappy with its predicament.
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
The river pardfish wiggles on the end of your line.
There's something on the hook!
You vigorously wind in some of the line.
>pull my pole
You've pulled in a river pardfish. Quickly you grab it and work it free from the hook.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I find many more things to buy."
>pull my pole
The line is already pulled in all the way.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Oh, a fish!"
>appraise pard
A rather flustered worker says, "Maybe they'll post you in Dirge...or somewhere in Boar Clan.."
You estimate that the river pardfish probably weighs a few hundred stones.
You are certain that the river pardfish is worth exactly 25 lirums, 31 kronars, or 22 dokoras.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "He caught another fish!"
>give pard to worker
A rather flustered worker ignores your offer.
A rather flustered worker appears thoughtful.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Oh, Dirge!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I went there once."
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "But I was asleep."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "So, I should look at my map."
>put pard in my tink sack
You put your pardfish in your tinker's sack.
>close pole
You carefully collapse the sections of the fishing pole, getting it ready for storage.
>put pole in back
You put your pole in your mesh backpack.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "My father always led, said I couldn't find my way out of a paper sack."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant giggles.
A rather flustered worker groans.
>'do you need me to guide you?
You ask, "do you need me to guide you?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Isn't that the funniest thing to say?"
You've gained a new rank in foraging.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, I can't. I'm in training."
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
>nod attend
You nod to an exceedingly cheerful attendant.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant pouts cutely.
>look attendant
The cheerful attendant looks just like what you would expect an exceedingly cheerful attendant to look like.
A rather flustered worker says, "Just exit the ship slowly, I'll point out the dock where the ferry is located. No running this time."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "But running is fun!"
A rather flustered worker smiles at the cheerful attendant.
A rather flustered worker says, "We can run once we're on the route to the south."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "The wind in your hair and you get places so much faster."
>'travel in haste and you may miss your turn
You say, "travel in haste and you may miss your turn"
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
A rather flustered worker nods to Chippy.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Oh, I never miss my turn!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I'm usually first or second in line for everything."
A rather flustered worker glances swiftly at the cheerful attendant.
>'never huh? so how you end up here?
You ask, "never huh? so how you end up here?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I got on the boat."
>roll eyes
You roll your eyes.
A rather flustered worker 's right eye begins to twitch.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "And then there were all these crates down there."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "What an exciting trip it was down there."
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "We walked around the crates till he told me to try the stairs."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant giggles.
>point riverhaven
You point overboard at Riverhaven.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I think he got tired."
>'almost there
You say, "almost there"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Oh, Shard!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "I see Shard!"
You say, "um...Riverhaven"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant giggles.
A rather flustered worker says, "Perhaps we'll stop by the Riverhaven guild before we board the ferry. You could tell our local group about these exciting adventures."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Shard is next to Riverhaven."
>nod worker
You nod to a rather flustered worker.
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, what a lovely idea."
>shake head attend
You look at an exceedingly cheerful attendant and shake your head.
A rather flustered worker says, "No, no, no. Shard is a LONG way from Riverhaven."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Do I look alright?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "I need to look my best."
>look atttend
I could not find what you were referring to.
>look attend
The cheerful attendant looks just like what you would expect an exceedingly cheerful attendant to look like.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Father always said first impressions make the person."
A rather flustered worker says, "I have a feeling you'll make an unforgettable impression."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Oh, thank you!"
>'you look like what an attendant should look like
You say, "you look like what an attendant should look like"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh, how absolutely perfect."
The Lybadel moves forward at a decent pace.
>lean rail
You lean against a sturdy wooden railing.
An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "So all the traders will be able to use me?"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "I can't wait!"
Captain Halasael barks the order to tie off the Lybadel to the docks.
A rather flustered worker says, "Trader Chippy, I hope you'll soon take advantage of our new services.."
>'I most certainly will
You say, "I most certainly will"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "Oh!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "It's Therengborough!"
An exceedingly cheerful attendant exclaims, "I've been here!"
A rather flustered worker says, "Umm..Riverhaven.."
>slap chippy
You slap your forehead!
An exceedingly cheerful attendant says, "Oh."
A rather flustered worker says, "Let us disembark and we'll head to the guild."
An exceedingly cheerful attendant just climbed down a very steep stairway forward going down.
>wave wroker
I do not understand what you mean.
A rather flustered worker smiles at the cheerful attendant.
>climb stair<<
Gnomes Rule!
Re: An encounter with an attendant and a worker. (very long)
09/16/2008 03:40 PM CDT
Ok that was hilarious. Thanks for posting! And its 'roll' eyes. ;)
Armifer: EMA is now five times less likely to blow up in your face than MDIS!
Infomercial Co-host: That's incredible, Armifer! I know -I- would want this spell after hearing that!
Armifer: EMA is now five times less likely to blow up in your face than MDIS!
Infomercial Co-host: That's incredible, Armifer! I know -I- would want this spell after hearing that!
Re: An encounter with an attendant and a worker. (very long)
09/16/2008 04:54 PM CDT
HAHAHAHAHA "An exceedingly cheerful attendant asks, "Do I get days off?"
Man, I love little events like these, even if they weren't for a release. Thanks for sharing. That was awesome.
player of Celeiros
Climbing List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Climbing_skill
Swimming List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Swimming_skill
And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
Man, I love little events like these, even if they weren't for a release. Thanks for sharing. That was awesome.
player of Celeiros
Climbing List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Climbing_skill
Swimming List:http://www.elanthipedia.com/wiki/Swimming_skill
And while I am evil, I try to avoid being just plain mean.
Re: An encounter with an attendant and a worker. (very long)
09/17/2008 01:34 AM CDT
This cracked me up, thank you for posting.