I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 08:01 AM CDT
For a combat primary, no scratch that, combat only guild I'm beginning to suspect we're the weakest combat guild. I'm nearing circle 100, granted circle chasing, and I'm having the darndest time keeping up with Rangers, Bards, Warmages, and Clerics. The only guild where I'm somewhat comparable are moonmages. I haven't hunted with Thieves or Necros as of yet. Anyhow, at this point I'm really getting depressed I've wasted a ton of time for very little reward. I could cut and paste my exp all etc. etc. but after raiding the simucoin store and readjusting all my stats and abilities a dozen times I'm almost certain this is a guild issue, mainly.
Does it all get better? or time to parachute off this crashing guild?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 08:08 AM CDT
I'm curious what you feel the specific problems are. I'm not disagreeing that barbs need some adjusting. I'm just wondering what you feel those shortcomings are.
Single target DPS? Aoe? Buffing? PvP? Utility?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 08:29 AM CDT
cough trader - armor secondary cough
I'm not an expert on barbarians by any means, but they seem to be doing alright from my vantage point.
1. Defenses just under a paladin.
2. Survivals just under a ranger.
3. Ranged on par with a ranger (dual load).
4. The biggest primary skillset in the game, by a large margin, that they can milk for TDPs.
5. One of two guilds without a single defense or weapon in the tertiary zone.
6. Versatility in self-buffing that is second to none (in and out of combat).
The ONLY problem I see is that the mastery feats are essentially mandatory, so costly, and take so long to get. IMO, they should be treated the same as magical feats. They should cost 1 slot each, and be available as soon as you have 100 scholarship and 50-100 of another skill. I mean, if a barbarian is going to be treated like a magical tert guild then they shouldn't get a second penalty just because they're barbarians.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 08:40 AM CDT
It's purely X # of criiters per hour. Not making things too complicated, other guilds seem to drop criiters faster; single target and especially in mass. I don't PvP so can't really say from that perspective. Perhaps this guild is primarily a PvP guild? We dominate in PvP? Not sure, since I never went down that other side.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 09:23 AM CDT
> It's purely X # of criiters per hour.
IMO, here's the hierarchy (100+ as anything under that is still working towards getting their skills):
* Necromancer (USOL / Zombie)
* Warrior Mage
* Bard
* Clerics (undead)
* Barbarian (HT + Offhand & crossbow or dual-load bow).
* Rangers (dual load)
* Thieves (backstab)
* Moon mages (TM+TKS+SLS)
* Clerics (living)
* Paladin
* Empath (hunting constructs/undead)
* Necromancer not using necromancer abilities
* Trader
* Commoner
* Empath (hunting living)
This is, of course, ignoring a whole slew of factors. Spawns. Critter levels. Hunting at level vs slightly below or above. Reward differences based on critter level. Time invested into the character. A barbarian will be able to two-shot creatures that train their tertiary skills (like tactics). A warrior mage can do the same for their skills (like armor).
Asking for a barbarian to kill as quickly in a hunting area that's shared with a mage of equal level isn't a fair request. The mage will likely have spent more time (thus having more TDPs, stats), have magic skills far beyond their tert skills, have AOE damage capabilities, and stronger or more varied buffs / debuffs(again magic prime vs tert).
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 09:36 AM CDT
Would even say on a time spent vs. time spent basis Barbs still kill slower due to the lack of CC abilities. That list seems roughly accurate except rangers and bards should be above barbs.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 10:09 AM CDT
Bards are, but why rangers? How do they kill more quickly than a barbarian? CC's? TM? I didn't think magic terts would see that much of a benefit compared to the higher weapon skills / stats on the barbarian (for time spent).
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 10:23 AM CDT
The thing is, other than AoE damage and a secondary source of damage, I think Barbs are in an alright place with respect to single target damage. No other guild can buff as many offensive things as Barbs can (though, the trade off is that almost every other guild can buff SOME offensive things and STILL buff SOME defensive things. The barb toolkit is comprehensive, but limited in what can be used simultaneously). Magic terts aren't going to get a lot of bang for their TM buck, generally speaking, since it's a tert skill. Many of the Paladins and Rangers I know completely ignore TM, or backtrain it along with the other backtrainables. As a comparison, my Necromancer can't use his weapons on the primary critter he hunts.
In terms of critter kills / unit of time, I think my barb does pretty good. Mind you, this assumes I don't want to just leave a cyclic aoe up, but then, I think that's what Barbs are currently sort of missing. If Barbs had a Form/Meditaton/Berserk that periodically did AoE damage based on the weapon they were holding (i.e., a counter attack or a whirlwind RT reducer, etc), I'd think they were in a great place.
In terms of critter kills / unit of time, I think my barb does pretty good. Mind you, this assumes I don't want to just leave a cyclic aoe up, but then, I think that's what Barbs are currently sort of missing. If Barbs had a Form/Meditaton/Berserk that periodically did AoE damage based on the weapon they were holding (i.e., a counter attack or a whirlwind RT reducer, etc), I'd think they were in a great place.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 10:29 AM CDT
AoE power is the most important factor in straight kills/minute IMO. In any event, differences you see sometimes are more a consequence of some guilds or abilities being really freakin' strong right now relative to the rest.
That in mind, you have no chance coming close to optimized warrior mages and bards and clerics. Their AoE magic is very potent, especially if they're mixing in cyclic TM, and they're weapons secondary. The difference between rangers and barbs shouldn't be THAT big if you're using all your offensive potential. Naturally, magic terts can't use TM as effectively as magic primary or secondary guilds, so I'm guessing the difference is snipe with lots of electricity-ing arrows (persistent messaging bug) and maybe ancillary TM attacks.
Try this: Grab a good crafted bow or crossbow and your favorite thrown weapon. (Yes, this works with bows... You just have to be quicker on the trigger.) Aim, use your favorite roar(s) (Anger is likely all you need), offhand lob until fully aimed (you may opt for "get (thrown weapon); lob left" syntax to avoid canceling the aim if you're using a stick bow) and fire. You should kill pretty damn quick with that combo. You still won't come close to your WM, bard and cleric friends if they're optimizing their damage, but you can always annoy the hell out of them in PvP. Every MU hates BMR.
If you're talking about melee, there really isn't much you can do other than get really big and strong and use huge weapons, which I find only barbs can really use effectively at high circle due to skill set placement. You're better off sticking at range and going with the best crafted ranged weapons you can get your hands on. In any case, barbs rely on quality weapons more than anyone, so make sure you're using the best stuff you can afford and that you're not using inefficient weapons, like large edged, or you'll suffer a lot more than the other guilds you mentioned.
That in mind, you have no chance coming close to optimized warrior mages and bards and clerics. Their AoE magic is very potent, especially if they're mixing in cyclic TM, and they're weapons secondary. The difference between rangers and barbs shouldn't be THAT big if you're using all your offensive potential. Naturally, magic terts can't use TM as effectively as magic primary or secondary guilds, so I'm guessing the difference is snipe with lots of electricity-ing arrows (persistent messaging bug) and maybe ancillary TM attacks.
Try this: Grab a good crafted bow or crossbow and your favorite thrown weapon. (Yes, this works with bows... You just have to be quicker on the trigger.) Aim, use your favorite roar(s) (Anger is likely all you need), offhand lob until fully aimed (you may opt for "get (thrown weapon); lob left" syntax to avoid canceling the aim if you're using a stick bow) and fire. You should kill pretty damn quick with that combo. You still won't come close to your WM, bard and cleric friends if they're optimizing their damage, but you can always annoy the hell out of them in PvP. Every MU hates BMR.
If you're talking about melee, there really isn't much you can do other than get really big and strong and use huge weapons, which I find only barbs can really use effectively at high circle due to skill set placement. You're better off sticking at range and going with the best crafted ranged weapons you can get your hands on. In any case, barbs rely on quality weapons more than anyone, so make sure you're using the best stuff you can afford and that you're not using inefficient weapons, like large edged, or you'll suffer a lot more than the other guilds you mentioned.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 12:30 PM CDT
<<I'm nearing circle 100, granted circle chasing, and I'm having the darndest time keeping up with Rangers, Bards, Warmages, and Clerics
Maybe that's the key? What is keeping up?
A 100th circle ranger or cleric is going to be very different than a 100th circle barbarian. The barbarian is going to have much higher skills but few abilities, which I think puts the barbarian at a slight advantage (since this is a skill-based game). If instead one compares different classes that all hunt the same creature, then it's very likely that most non-barbarian guilds will be at higher circles, resulting in a stat/ability advantage that's noticeable.
For example, one needs 560 primary weapon as a 100th circle barbarian. A 100th circle cleric only needs 360 primary weapon, and even if their highest magic was targeted magic, they'd have a minimum of 470 ranks. While a cleric doesn't need those 560 ranks in primary weapon until circle 138. That's a lot of room for extra growth in non-weapon skills which leads to extra TDPs/stats.
Similar discussions can be made for all guild comparisons. It all depends on how one trains their characters.
tl:dr I don't disagree any guild needs development, but I find it difficult to fairly compare guilds in DR.
Maybe that's the key? What is keeping up?
A 100th circle ranger or cleric is going to be very different than a 100th circle barbarian. The barbarian is going to have much higher skills but few abilities, which I think puts the barbarian at a slight advantage (since this is a skill-based game). If instead one compares different classes that all hunt the same creature, then it's very likely that most non-barbarian guilds will be at higher circles, resulting in a stat/ability advantage that's noticeable.
For example, one needs 560 primary weapon as a 100th circle barbarian. A 100th circle cleric only needs 360 primary weapon, and even if their highest magic was targeted magic, they'd have a minimum of 470 ranks. While a cleric doesn't need those 560 ranks in primary weapon until circle 138. That's a lot of room for extra growth in non-weapon skills which leads to extra TDPs/stats.
Similar discussions can be made for all guild comparisons. It all depends on how one trains their characters.
tl:dr I don't disagree any guild needs development, but I find it difficult to fairly compare guilds in DR.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 01:15 PM CDT
>AoE power is the most important factor in straight kills/minute IMO.
I agree, which is why I specifically said 'I think Barbs are in an alright place with respect to single target damage', and went on to mention possible solutions to a Barbs lack of AoE.
This is a drum a lot of people have been beating for a long time.
>A 100th circle ranger or cleric is going to be very different than a 100th circle barbarian.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 01:50 PM CDT
I'm just a relative newbie myself, but everything I've seen in my two Barbarian characters points to a relative prowess issue, not a real prowess issue.
A circle 100 barbarian will have 560 in their top weapons. Between their suite of buffs, they'll be able to get those up to ~670 weapon range. They're fighting things that teach weapons up to ~600 in order to keep their skills moving.
A circle 100 warrior mage has 420 in weapons at the same level, and they're fighting things that teach ~450 in weapons to keep their skills moving. Their magics are far past that, and their disablers are extremely potent, so they're crushing those creatures. If they're fighting the same stuff as our barb from the first example (i.e. weapon skills up to 560, circle probably 130+) they're going to feel stronger than the barb, no doubt about it.
A circle 100 barbarian will have 560 in their top weapons. Between their suite of buffs, they'll be able to get those up to ~670 weapon range. They're fighting things that teach weapons up to ~600 in order to keep their skills moving.
A circle 100 warrior mage has 420 in weapons at the same level, and they're fighting things that teach ~450 in weapons to keep their skills moving. Their magics are far past that, and their disablers are extremely potent, so they're crushing those creatures. If they're fighting the same stuff as our barb from the first example (i.e. weapon skills up to 560, circle probably 130+) they're going to feel stronger than the barb, no doubt about it.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 02:41 PM CDT
>I agree, which is why I specifically said 'I think Barbs are in an alright place with respect to single target damage', and went on to mention possible solutions to a Barbs lack of AoE.
Sorry, I was replying to the OP, not yours specifically.
Out of curiosity, is the complaint related to training or just killing in general. If the former, I can't think of too many reasons why anyone would want to kill extremely fast. On my primary character, I've hunted with guilds that can kill more quickly (most of them), and it's more annoying than anything else because it leads to inefficient training. If it's the latter, for trash clears in quests or invasions or whatever, I get that, but it's probably more an cyclic/TM balancing thing than a barb balancing thing. Not sure if it's intended that some guilds can wipe hordes THAT fast, particularly the cyclic+TM+weapon crew. As much as I enjoy simultaneous crossbow + offhand/preloadedTM + cyclic + TM on my warmage, it's obviously out of balance.
By the same token, faux BMR can feel overpowered in PvP, so I imagine it's tough to balance guild identity with interguild spells and abilities. Seriously, though, try out various weapon combos. I think a lot of people would be surprised by how efficient some of them can be.
Sorry, I was replying to the OP, not yours specifically.
Out of curiosity, is the complaint related to training or just killing in general. If the former, I can't think of too many reasons why anyone would want to kill extremely fast. On my primary character, I've hunted with guilds that can kill more quickly (most of them), and it's more annoying than anything else because it leads to inefficient training. If it's the latter, for trash clears in quests or invasions or whatever, I get that, but it's probably more an cyclic/TM balancing thing than a barb balancing thing. Not sure if it's intended that some guilds can wipe hordes THAT fast, particularly the cyclic+TM+weapon crew. As much as I enjoy simultaneous crossbow + offhand/preloadedTM + cyclic + TM on my warmage, it's obviously out of balance.
By the same token, faux BMR can feel overpowered in PvP, so I imagine it's tough to balance guild identity with interguild spells and abilities. Seriously, though, try out various weapon combos. I think a lot of people would be surprised by how efficient some of them can be.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 02:57 PM CDT
I would say we're one of the weakest even in terms of single-target. But, I can overlook that. But when that Warmage explodes an entire room and everything just disappears, you kinda have to say to yourself,boy, I might've made the wrong choice in the guild department.
And how OP is BMR in PvP? Again, I'm not asking for make my guild super OP devs. So, if we're really good at one aspect of the game that I don't usually participate in, then I suppose that this is my problem. But, again in PvE we get hands down crushed.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 03:11 PM CDT
I've played both ranger and Barb.
It really felt like my dps was a lot higher as a ranger. Maybe I'm missing something but even ranger's non aoe spells do a lot of damage, damage spells in general do a TON of damage. I don't recall anything with my barb that could add as much on to the weapon damage.
I mean, as far as killing as fast as possible, my Ranger definitely seems to excel over my Barb in that area.
You prep, target, attack, cast. That's a ton of damage compared to just attacking with the weapon?
It really felt like my dps was a lot higher as a ranger. Maybe I'm missing something but even ranger's non aoe spells do a lot of damage, damage spells in general do a TON of damage. I don't recall anything with my barb that could add as much on to the weapon damage.
I mean, as far as killing as fast as possible, my Ranger definitely seems to excel over my Barb in that area.
You prep, target, attack, cast. That's a ton of damage compared to just attacking with the weapon?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 03:13 PM CDT
>I would say we're one of the weakest even in terms of single-target.
There's only 11 guilds. Are you saying that barbarians are weaker in terms of single-target damage than traders, moon mages, thieves, empaths and necromancers? Because if you aren't saying that; barbarians aren't one of the weakest.
If you aren't training HT, Xbow, Polearm you're probably missing out on a lot of potential damage dealing.
There's only 11 guilds. Are you saying that barbarians are weaker in terms of single-target damage than traders, moon mages, thieves, empaths and necromancers? Because if you aren't saying that; barbarians aren't one of the weakest.
If you aren't training HT, Xbow, Polearm you're probably missing out on a lot of potential damage dealing.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 03:40 PM CDT
>If you aren't training HT, Xbow, Polearm you're probably missing out on a lot of potential damage dealing.
I'd say stick bows for barbs, and you can rock thrown with stick bows simultaneously just like you can with XB.
>It really felt like my dps was a lot higher as a ranger. Maybe I'm missing something but even ranger's non aoe spells do a lot of damage, damage spells in general do a TON of damage. I don't recall anything with my barb that could add as much on to the weapon damage.
I think it evens out some late game. I could be wrong, but I rarely even bother with TM on my paladin when I'm interested in killing quickly. Big weapons just melt stuff when you're talking single targets. Big TM casts are just a mana sink and do significantly less damage anyway. Who cares when the TM hit killed my target when the next draw/chop/whatever would've, and it costs me a debilitation cast.
>And how OP is BMR in PvP?
Depends on the opponent but it basically shuts down debilitation, and debilitation is a BIG part of PvP (and the game in general). Even match barb fights are just whiff-fests for me, often both ways, without debil. Just work on getting really good at PvP, then just kill your buddies' characters when they poke fun at how much slower you kill. Just kidding... Half-kidding. Do spar. It's fun.
I'd say stick bows for barbs, and you can rock thrown with stick bows simultaneously just like you can with XB.
>It really felt like my dps was a lot higher as a ranger. Maybe I'm missing something but even ranger's non aoe spells do a lot of damage, damage spells in general do a TON of damage. I don't recall anything with my barb that could add as much on to the weapon damage.
I think it evens out some late game. I could be wrong, but I rarely even bother with TM on my paladin when I'm interested in killing quickly. Big weapons just melt stuff when you're talking single targets. Big TM casts are just a mana sink and do significantly less damage anyway. Who cares when the TM hit killed my target when the next draw/chop/whatever would've, and it costs me a debilitation cast.
>And how OP is BMR in PvP?
Depends on the opponent but it basically shuts down debilitation, and debilitation is a BIG part of PvP (and the game in general). Even match barb fights are just whiff-fests for me, often both ways, without debil. Just work on getting really good at PvP, then just kill your buddies' characters when they poke fun at how much slower you kill. Just kidding... Half-kidding. Do spar. It's fun.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 03:41 PM CDT
empaths and traders go into their respective guilds knowing full well combat isn't the primary driver. So, really that leaves 9. Moon mages also never have to step into combat in order to circle, necros got a ton of other things in lieu of single target dps, and thieves, well, ok you got me there. They can steal though!
So Barbs, wherein combat is literally all we do, are behind Warmages, Clerics, Rangers, and Bards in single-target DPS. And even further behind then nearly all the guilds except trader and maybe thieves on AoE DPS. Thus, perhaps except thieves, who have other aspects in line with their class concept such as stealth attacks, Barbs are dead last in any metric of damage. Trust me I've been at this for several months with various guilds, and it always end with my hunting partner giving me the pity cheer up speech.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 03:57 PM CDT
IMO, any guild without secondary damage options (cyclic attacks, AoEs, single shot TM, whatever... the main point is that while they have prep times they don't require a strict dedication to just doing those similar to aiming a physical missile weapon) is at a disadvantage. Past that point, it's all about personal preferences. Maybe there can be an argument where elemental damage as a whole has an advantage because armors tend to lean heavily on the physical side, but that's another issue.
In the end, Barbarians are at a disadvantage because they lack those secondary damage options. Until they can perform secondary damage -- AoE or single shot -- they'll be at the same overall DPS disadvantage as anyone else who lacks those options.
If explicit secondary damage options aren't possible, for whatever reason, maybe one way to help resolve this is to give Barbarians are 1 out of 4 chance to perform a double-strike of any attacks performed (for twice the RT), since that could possibly emulate how magic users can target a TM spell, attack for ten seconds, then cast the spell (the only time RT takes place for the magical attack). Along with this, reformatting whirlwind into an automatically triggering RT-free strike that costs inner fire would potentially be a way to emulate cyclic AoE damage.
Those would help push Barbarians into the same level of DPS capability as magic users.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
In the end, Barbarians are at a disadvantage because they lack those secondary damage options. Until they can perform secondary damage -- AoE or single shot -- they'll be at the same overall DPS disadvantage as anyone else who lacks those options.
If explicit secondary damage options aren't possible, for whatever reason, maybe one way to help resolve this is to give Barbarians are 1 out of 4 chance to perform a double-strike of any attacks performed (for twice the RT), since that could possibly emulate how magic users can target a TM spell, attack for ten seconds, then cast the spell (the only time RT takes place for the magical attack). Along with this, reformatting whirlwind into an automatically triggering RT-free strike that costs inner fire would potentially be a way to emulate cyclic AoE damage.
Those would help push Barbarians into the same level of DPS capability as magic users.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 04:16 PM CDT
>In the end, Barbarians are at a disadvantage because they lack those secondary damage options. Until they can perform secondary damage -- AoE or single shot -- they'll be at the same overall DPS disadvantage as anyone else who lacks those options.
I'd add a caveat for dual load and other special attacks (really just backstab). Dual load more than makes up for lacking TM, although rangers can do it better.
The single-target thing might be a bit of exaggeration or confirmation bias or something. I've seen optimized barbs have no trouble wrecking single targets and quickly. By optimized, I mean high tier, high damage weapons, an efficient weapon setup and high player skill. That said, I stand by barbs being generally average damagers, certainly well beneath the triple threat (WM, Bard and Cleric) but not too far behind or ahead of the other combat-oriented guilds (exception being thieves and bipeds), and I fully support a secondary damage source for barbs that runs off magic. I thought way back when that barbs were supposed to get a TM supernatural attack sort of like bardic screams in concept, but I think it was shot down sadly.
I'd add a caveat for dual load and other special attacks (really just backstab). Dual load more than makes up for lacking TM, although rangers can do it better.
The single-target thing might be a bit of exaggeration or confirmation bias or something. I've seen optimized barbs have no trouble wrecking single targets and quickly. By optimized, I mean high tier, high damage weapons, an efficient weapon setup and high player skill. That said, I stand by barbs being generally average damagers, certainly well beneath the triple threat (WM, Bard and Cleric) but not too far behind or ahead of the other combat-oriented guilds (exception being thieves and bipeds), and I fully support a secondary damage source for barbs that runs off magic. I thought way back when that barbs were supposed to get a TM supernatural attack sort of like bardic screams in concept, but I think it was shot down sadly.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 04:29 PM CDT
>>I'd add a caveat for dual load and other special attacks (really just backstab). Dual load more than makes up for lacking TM, although rangers can do it better.
Is dual load a really cool way to balance out TM spells being used in conjunction with physical ammo-based missile attacks? Yes, absolutely. But that's also a different beast entirely to being able to do melee strikes with TM and/or thrown missile weapon strikes with TM. I don't think dual load makes up for the fact that magic users can do a series of melee strikes while preparing a TM spell that had no initial roundtime buy-in (like dual load has, which I think is twice the RT as a normal load, right?).
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Is dual load a really cool way to balance out TM spells being used in conjunction with physical ammo-based missile attacks? Yes, absolutely. But that's also a different beast entirely to being able to do melee strikes with TM and/or thrown missile weapon strikes with TM. I don't think dual load makes up for the fact that magic users can do a series of melee strikes while preparing a TM spell that had no initial roundtime buy-in (like dual load has, which I think is twice the RT as a normal load, right?).
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 04:40 PM CDT
So really this is a nerf MU's down to what is considered normal or bring barbs up to what is "normal" damage. The trick here is to figure out what the normal or expected amount of damage is.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 05:07 PM CDT
>>So really this is a nerf MU's down to what is considered normal or bring barbs up to what is "normal" damage. The trick here is to figure out what the normal or expected amount of damage is.
I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with secondary damage sources. It's just that not everyone has them.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with secondary damage sources. It's just that not everyone has them.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 05:25 PM CDT
This isn't that hard to do with Barbs. Like someone mentioned 'counter-strike' wherein 50% of all attacks against the Barb will be met with a automatic counter attack, which is just a weakened version of a randomized slice, jab, etc. You can make it an innate ability with xyz modifier from stats etc.
Again, the above is an example, I'm sure the devs can come up with something more elaborate. It's the fact they didn't is what concerns me, which one can infer from that MU's damage is a bit higher then what the devs currently want them at.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 05:44 PM CDT
> Again, the above is an example, I'm sure the devs can come up with something more elaborate. It's the fact they didn't is what concerns me, which one can infer from that MU's damage is a bit higher then what the devs currently want them at.
I don't think you can infer design goals simply by listing what hasn't been developed. Otherwise, you might as well say that GMs want everyone to reroll their paladins and traders.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 06:12 PM CDT
If you're comparing yourself to other guilds who are hunting beside you, then you are likely comparing yourself to characters who are 10-20 circles above you. Go hunt beside the same creatures that a 100th circle Ranger, Cleric, Bard etc. would be hunting and you'll probably find that you're dealing out much more damage than they are by comparison.
>befriend clear all
You are now friendless.
>befriend clear all
You are now friendless.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 07:01 PM CDT
That's exactly the problem. Barbs have to fight higher level opponents to train, so their primary skill is never an advantage it's just the table stakes for a daily training sessions. Let barbs train 10% longer on a creature than other guilds and problem solved.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 08:12 PM CDT
Why not just stop comparing yourself on a circle to circle basis. It's a silly metric, especially because most players don't train the minimum requirements and/or tend to grind out mobs in order to have their tertiary defenses (or offenses) stay up to snuff with whatever their primaries are accomplishing.
Like my character is evasion prime, but it's not like my weapons (tertiary), armor (tertiary), and shield (tertiary) don't hold me back.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Like my character is evasion prime, but it's not like my weapons (tertiary), armor (tertiary), and shield (tertiary) don't hold me back.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 08:33 PM CDT
>Dual load more than makes up for lacking TM, although rangers can do it better.
Uh, why do Rangers do Dual Load better? I'm not sure what I'm missing here - Barbs can buff more offensive related skills than a Ranger (Str/Agl/Bows, compared to a Ranger only being able to buff Str/Bows or Agl/Bows).
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 08:37 PM CDT
>>Uh, why do Rangers do Dual Load better? I'm not sure what I'm missing here - Barbs can buff more offensive related skills than a Ranger (Str/Agl/Bows, compared to a Ranger only being able to buff Str/Bows or Agl/Bows).
Rangers can dual load and cast TM spells at the same time.
Plus snipe.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Rangers can dual load and cast TM spells at the same time.
Plus snipe.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/29/2016 11:47 PM CDT
I think I remember Earthquake originally being an AoE damaging berserk but it got shot down for whatever reason and Kodius had to make it into a debilitator instead. And with our limited amount of abilities we can keep up at once I don't know how much use it gets when roars are less costly and achieve the same goals.
I think the auto counter attack is the best way to go to boost barb damage, and to keep it from being OP just have it use the weaker moves like feint or jab, depending on weapon in hand. Since I came back to DR in 2012 I've tried to barb and then sold 2 barbs, I'm on my third one now after taking a break from the guild and compared to my cleric and necro barbs feel weak in the PVE department. I rarely PVP so can't comment there.
To help:
-Masteries are essential. End of story. Why are Barbs so penalized when it comes to these when MU's have access to the essentials so early on? Without the masteries it would be like a boxer stepping into the ring with one leg and an arm tied behind his back. Until you get Tribalist or Powermonger you can't keep up crap for buffs unless you do nothing but spam analyze flame and combos.
-Barbs need to be able to buff more, every other guild (except traders!) can buff more at once, makes barbs look like little kids playing in mommy's make-up.
-Barbs need some way to inflict more damage that reflects the nature of the guild, counter-attacks seem to make a whole lot of sense, like a meditation that way we do actively have to do something to get into the mode (though honestly as THE weapon master guild it should come naturally). Maybe have the % chance of counter attacking go up with melee mastery (or expertise!), have it start at like 10% and every 100 ranks it goes up by 5% or something.
-And like many others have said, a cool unique ability that says "Damn! These dudes are rough when they connect with <super awesome armageddon ability>!"
My first barb when I came back I sold him not far into 3.0, he was circle 120 something, my second one was like 65th (in 3.1), this third one is in the low 60's so maybe my experience is on the crappier side because I sold before a lot of tweaks went into effect and haven't gotten to a decent circle since then. But that in itself should say something about where the guild sits right now, when someone that loves the idea of being a Barb can't stick with it.
And with that, it's well past bed time.
I think the auto counter attack is the best way to go to boost barb damage, and to keep it from being OP just have it use the weaker moves like feint or jab, depending on weapon in hand. Since I came back to DR in 2012 I've tried to barb and then sold 2 barbs, I'm on my third one now after taking a break from the guild and compared to my cleric and necro barbs feel weak in the PVE department. I rarely PVP so can't comment there.
To help:
-Masteries are essential. End of story. Why are Barbs so penalized when it comes to these when MU's have access to the essentials so early on? Without the masteries it would be like a boxer stepping into the ring with one leg and an arm tied behind his back. Until you get Tribalist or Powermonger you can't keep up crap for buffs unless you do nothing but spam analyze flame and combos.
-Barbs need to be able to buff more, every other guild (except traders!) can buff more at once, makes barbs look like little kids playing in mommy's make-up.
-Barbs need some way to inflict more damage that reflects the nature of the guild, counter-attacks seem to make a whole lot of sense, like a meditation that way we do actively have to do something to get into the mode (though honestly as THE weapon master guild it should come naturally). Maybe have the % chance of counter attacking go up with melee mastery (or expertise!), have it start at like 10% and every 100 ranks it goes up by 5% or something.
-And like many others have said, a cool unique ability that says "Damn! These dudes are rough when they connect with <super awesome armageddon ability>!"
My first barb when I came back I sold him not far into 3.0, he was circle 120 something, my second one was like 65th (in 3.1), this third one is in the low 60's so maybe my experience is on the crappier side because I sold before a lot of tweaks went into effect and haven't gotten to a decent circle since then. But that in itself should say something about where the guild sits right now, when someone that loves the idea of being a Barb can't stick with it.
And with that, it's well past bed time.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 07:53 AM CDT
>Rangers can dual load and cast TM spells at the same time.
Oh, of course, but that's not related to Rangers doing dual load better. That's related to TM damage being a thing.
>To help:
Yes to all of these. Though, I'll point out that Barbs do have some pretty great anti-magical abilities that can feel pretty 'Damn that's awesome!' to see.
I still see no reason why Barbs are so limited in their buffing. The suite of abilities is fine and comprehensive. The ability to use them is entirely borked.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 08:43 AM CDT
>>Uh, why do Rangers do Dual Load better?
By being able to dual-snipe. This allows them to use their primary skillset (Stealth and Scouting, both able to be buffed at 20%, and they have a Perception debuff which just puts the contest more in their favor.) to improve accuracy and damage dealt. It also has the added defensive benefit of staying hidden.
All things being equal the Ranger will do more dps with dual-snipe than a Barb with just dual-load.
By being able to dual-snipe. This allows them to use their primary skillset (Stealth and Scouting, both able to be buffed at 20%, and they have a Perception debuff which just puts the contest more in their favor.) to improve accuracy and damage dealt. It also has the added defensive benefit of staying hidden.
All things being equal the Ranger will do more dps with dual-snipe than a Barb with just dual-load.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 09:03 AM CDT
>All things being equal the Ranger will do more dps with dual-snipe than a Barb with just dual-load.
This is exactly what I was referring to, specifically. I stand by TM not being that great on a magic tert, unless we're talking low circle, crappy weapons, etc. Like I said, if my killing blow is by a TM cast rather than 1 more slice, I'm not really gaining a whole lot.
>I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with secondary damage sources. It's just that not everyone has them.
I agree. The only real problem that exists is tertiary sources of damage in cyclic TM. I just think this very specific combo is probably more devastating than intended. I'm not interested in nerfing aimed TM because I don't think it's out of whack outside of specific scenarios.
>Is dual load a really cool way to balance out TM spells being used in conjunction with physical ammo-based missile attacks? Yes, absolutely. But that's also a different beast entirely to being able to do melee strikes with TM and/or thrown missile weapon strikes with TM. I don't think dual load makes up for the fact that magic users can do a series of melee strikes while preparing a TM spell that had no initial roundtime buy-in (like dual load has, which I think is twice the RT as a normal load, right?).
You're right. I've been an opponent of more special abilities like dual load but for different weapons as an alternative to giving barbs a tertiary source of damage. Like, for instance, a limited use, smite-like ability makes sense in the hands of a barb... Just one that doesn't suck like smite does.
I prefer the idea of barbs having more control of their offensive power rather than being reactive, looking purely at theme. Right now, barbs are extremely defensive and just average offensively, which runs counter to... Well, it just doesn't sound, I dunno, barbaric. The opposite does: extremely potent mundane offense and average defense.
This is exactly what I was referring to, specifically. I stand by TM not being that great on a magic tert, unless we're talking low circle, crappy weapons, etc. Like I said, if my killing blow is by a TM cast rather than 1 more slice, I'm not really gaining a whole lot.
>I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with secondary damage sources. It's just that not everyone has them.
I agree. The only real problem that exists is tertiary sources of damage in cyclic TM. I just think this very specific combo is probably more devastating than intended. I'm not interested in nerfing aimed TM because I don't think it's out of whack outside of specific scenarios.
>Is dual load a really cool way to balance out TM spells being used in conjunction with physical ammo-based missile attacks? Yes, absolutely. But that's also a different beast entirely to being able to do melee strikes with TM and/or thrown missile weapon strikes with TM. I don't think dual load makes up for the fact that magic users can do a series of melee strikes while preparing a TM spell that had no initial roundtime buy-in (like dual load has, which I think is twice the RT as a normal load, right?).
You're right. I've been an opponent of more special abilities like dual load but for different weapons as an alternative to giving barbs a tertiary source of damage. Like, for instance, a limited use, smite-like ability makes sense in the hands of a barb... Just one that doesn't suck like smite does.
I prefer the idea of barbs having more control of their offensive power rather than being reactive, looking purely at theme. Right now, barbs are extremely defensive and just average offensively, which runs counter to... Well, it just doesn't sound, I dunno, barbaric. The opposite does: extremely potent mundane offense and average defense.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 10:00 AM CDT
I think some of the people here are making false comparisons.
Yes, barbs move up the critter tree faster than other guilds on a per circle basis. No, that's not something that needs to change (it's driven by skillset, not by anything else). Those skillsets are the best combat skillsets. Yes, that does mean that someone in another guild in the same hunting area is higher circle than you. It also means that they likely have more TDPs and more total ranks -- unless you've been training all weapons the way you should have (which maximizes your skillset advantages and slows your progression rather than circle chasing).
Yes, other guilds can kill mobs faster than barbs, due to AOE. So what? Our single target damage is quite high, we can buff a ridiculous number of skills and use them all.
When hunting, I maintain 4 forms at all times, swap my 5th after every kill (e.g. panther for stealth, etc -- obviously dragon swap for eagle when training ranged), 5 berserks and 2 meditations. I could probably maintain a third meditation if I so desired. I do not find my buffs, AOE debil, etc etc to be lacking. I do not find this list of buffs to be behind other similarly leveled MUs, but I could be wrong:
You are currently practicing the Bear Form and will hold focus of it for 42 roisaen.
You are currently practicing the Piranha Form and will hold focus of it for 36 roisaen.
You are currently practicing the Dragon Form and will hold focus of it for 58 roisaen.
You are currently practicing the Monkey Form and will hold focus of it for 36 roisaen.
You are currently practicing the Panther Form and will hold focus of it for 89 roisaen.
The Famine Berserk will rage within you for 8 roisaen.
The Earthquake Berserk will rage within you for 7 roisaen.
The Tsunami Berserk will rage within you for 9 roisaen.
The Tornado Berserk will rage within you for 9 roisaen.
The Wildfire Berserk will rage within you for 9 roisaen.
The Tenacity meditation will persist in your mind for 39 roisaen.
The Contemplation meditation will persist in your mind for 11 roisaen.
Sure, it sucks that I have to cycle forms to keep training I guess? The 5 form limit is a bit annoying, I could maintain more - but I'm pretty happy with the list of ones I have.. I'm looking at adding flashflood to my constant buffs, but it isn't really necessary and makes it a bit harder to maintain everything if I'm not in a melee expertise cycle. I also don't actually need all the form buffs at all times either and it makes decisions interesting at least. To some extent, it balances with the volume of buffs we actually have -- how many guilds truly engage in combat with more than 12 spells active (buffs/cyclics)? Not to mention the expertise buffs (specifically accuracy and damage) that seem to stack with all the other buffs.
Yes, lower circles are significantly harder -- I have every cost-reducing mastery or IF generation buffing (in combat) mastery to keep these maintained. The lower circles, and to some extent extreme reliance on masteries, should be balanced. It's a frustrating gate to have to work through with a younger char -- more frustrating and harder than the camb walls.
Conclusion -- Not going to argue with a buff to barbs, and certainly a passive secondary damage source would be welcome. That said, when it comes to buffs, single-target combat, and progressing through the hunting ladder, we do it best. We might not be the best at farming money.
Yes, barbs move up the critter tree faster than other guilds on a per circle basis. No, that's not something that needs to change (it's driven by skillset, not by anything else). Those skillsets are the best combat skillsets. Yes, that does mean that someone in another guild in the same hunting area is higher circle than you. It also means that they likely have more TDPs and more total ranks -- unless you've been training all weapons the way you should have (which maximizes your skillset advantages and slows your progression rather than circle chasing).
Yes, other guilds can kill mobs faster than barbs, due to AOE. So what? Our single target damage is quite high, we can buff a ridiculous number of skills and use them all.
When hunting, I maintain 4 forms at all times, swap my 5th after every kill (e.g. panther for stealth, etc -- obviously dragon swap for eagle when training ranged), 5 berserks and 2 meditations. I could probably maintain a third meditation if I so desired. I do not find my buffs, AOE debil, etc etc to be lacking. I do not find this list of buffs to be behind other similarly leveled MUs, but I could be wrong:
You are currently practicing the Bear Form and will hold focus of it for 42 roisaen.
You are currently practicing the Piranha Form and will hold focus of it for 36 roisaen.
You are currently practicing the Dragon Form and will hold focus of it for 58 roisaen.
You are currently practicing the Monkey Form and will hold focus of it for 36 roisaen.
You are currently practicing the Panther Form and will hold focus of it for 89 roisaen.
The Famine Berserk will rage within you for 8 roisaen.
The Earthquake Berserk will rage within you for 7 roisaen.
The Tsunami Berserk will rage within you for 9 roisaen.
The Tornado Berserk will rage within you for 9 roisaen.
The Wildfire Berserk will rage within you for 9 roisaen.
The Tenacity meditation will persist in your mind for 39 roisaen.
The Contemplation meditation will persist in your mind for 11 roisaen.
Sure, it sucks that I have to cycle forms to keep training I guess? The 5 form limit is a bit annoying, I could maintain more - but I'm pretty happy with the list of ones I have.. I'm looking at adding flashflood to my constant buffs, but it isn't really necessary and makes it a bit harder to maintain everything if I'm not in a melee expertise cycle. I also don't actually need all the form buffs at all times either and it makes decisions interesting at least. To some extent, it balances with the volume of buffs we actually have -- how many guilds truly engage in combat with more than 12 spells active (buffs/cyclics)? Not to mention the expertise buffs (specifically accuracy and damage) that seem to stack with all the other buffs.
Yes, lower circles are significantly harder -- I have every cost-reducing mastery or IF generation buffing (in combat) mastery to keep these maintained. The lower circles, and to some extent extreme reliance on masteries, should be balanced. It's a frustrating gate to have to work through with a younger char -- more frustrating and harder than the camb walls.
Conclusion -- Not going to argue with a buff to barbs, and certainly a passive secondary damage source would be welcome. That said, when it comes to buffs, single-target combat, and progressing through the hunting ladder, we do it best. We might not be the best at farming money.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 10:52 AM CDT
>All things being equal the Ranger will do more dps with dual-snipe than a Barb with just dual-load.
Ah, Dual-snipe. Out of curiosity, and I wager the answer is a resounding yes, is Snipe superior in damage over having both Str/Agl/Bows buffed, which barbs can do with Bear/Wildfire/Eagle, as opposed to Ranges who can only buff either Str or Agl, in addition to Bows?
>Sure, it sucks that I have to cycle forms to keep training I guess?
BTW, you can MEDITATE RESEARCH [ward/aug related ability] to get a good chunk of training every couple of minutes. Pretty painless.
>how many guilds truly engage in combat with more than 12 spells active (buffs/cyclics)?
The issue I have is not that Barbs suite isn't awesome, it's that they can only use such a limited chunk of it. My Cleric looks like a Christmas tree. If you compare 'number of buffs active at any given time' I think most guilds do a lot better than Barbs, BUT, Barbs have very, if not the most, comprehensive combat related buff suite. Which they can make use of after, and only after, picking up a few Masteries and hitting like 80+th circle.
And they still have inferior AoE, and are missing the damage source that TM provides. I don't think that extra TM really matters when compared to Paladins and Rangers, but for everyone else it's pretty significant. The counter of course is that a guild like Moon Mages or Necromancers (weapon terts) aren't going to be doing significant weapon damage, but this is offset by, say, in the case of Moonies, a cyclic TM in the case of SLS to be used in conjunction with ST or AoE non-cyclic TM, and in the case of Necros, USOL, pets, and non-cyclic TM.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 11:02 AM CDT
>>The counter of course is that a guild like Moon Mages or Necromancers (weapon terts) aren't going to be doing significant weapon damage
I still think the circle-requirement-to-combat-effectiveness comparison is a bad one. The fact that someone is X primary/secondary/tertiary is inconsequential to DPS generation. Being weapon (or magic) tertiary is only a hindrance if you're in a rush to have X amount of skill.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
I still think the circle-requirement-to-combat-effectiveness comparison is a bad one. The fact that someone is X primary/secondary/tertiary is inconsequential to DPS generation. Being weapon (or magic) tertiary is only a hindrance if you're in a rush to have X amount of skill.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 11:30 AM CDT
>Ah, Dual-snipe. Out of curiosity, and I wager the answer is a resounding yes, is Snipe superior in damage over having both Str/Agl/Bows buffed, which barbs can do with Bear/Wildfire/Eagle, as opposed to Ranges who can only buff either Str or Agl, in addition to Bows?
I believe that snipe isn't a damage bonus, it provides no mechanical benefits to the attach other than staying hidden. Poaching is what tests your stealth against their perception to lower their defenses to the attack and everyone has access to that. Rangers have non sorcery access to Vigor as well, I keep Ref/Str/Agi buffed in combat and don't mess with our currently underwhelming cyclics.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 11:39 AM CDT
>The issue I have is not that Barbs suite isn't awesome, it's that they can only use such a limited chunk of it.
This is probably a bit off of the original topic, but is it really that bad nowadays? There have been a lot of changes and additions with regard to IF since 3.0 that have allowed barbs to put up a pretty significant number of buffs. I don't see barbs struggle to keep buffs up nearly as much as when 3.0 first hit.
I mean, it's unreasonable to want to use all buffs at once because you have access to so many of them.
>I still think the circle-requirement-to-combat-effectiveness comparison is a bad one. The fact that someone is X primary/secondary/tertiary is inconsequential to DPS generation. Being weapon (or magic) tertiary is only a hindrance if you're in a rush to have X amount of skill.
I wouldn't go that far. I'm at a point where it would take me literally years to catch up my tertiary skills (talking about just the ones I've tried to keep close) to my primary skills, and that's assuming I'm able to halt related primary skills from moving while backtraining. If we're talking under 500 ranks, then yeah, you can probably make a solid attempt at keeping inter-set skills close. I don't think you can dismiss skill set altogether, however, unless the skill cap is reduced to a lot less than 1750.
>I believe that snipe isn't a damage bonus, it provides no mechanical benefits to the attach other than staying hidden. Poaching is what tests your stealth against their perception to lower their defenses to the attack and everyone has access to that.
I think it's an accuracy bonus, but that can translate to damage. At least that's how it seems using the eye test, the DR equivalent of the butt dyno. I don't play a ranger anymore and never played a high circle ranger, but it's a simple enough test if anyone wants to give it a shot. Just take an unhidden dual-loaded shot and then snipe and poach one on fresh creatures.
This is probably a bit off of the original topic, but is it really that bad nowadays? There have been a lot of changes and additions with regard to IF since 3.0 that have allowed barbs to put up a pretty significant number of buffs. I don't see barbs struggle to keep buffs up nearly as much as when 3.0 first hit.
I mean, it's unreasonable to want to use all buffs at once because you have access to so many of them.
>I still think the circle-requirement-to-combat-effectiveness comparison is a bad one. The fact that someone is X primary/secondary/tertiary is inconsequential to DPS generation. Being weapon (or magic) tertiary is only a hindrance if you're in a rush to have X amount of skill.
I wouldn't go that far. I'm at a point where it would take me literally years to catch up my tertiary skills (talking about just the ones I've tried to keep close) to my primary skills, and that's assuming I'm able to halt related primary skills from moving while backtraining. If we're talking under 500 ranks, then yeah, you can probably make a solid attempt at keeping inter-set skills close. I don't think you can dismiss skill set altogether, however, unless the skill cap is reduced to a lot less than 1750.
>I believe that snipe isn't a damage bonus, it provides no mechanical benefits to the attach other than staying hidden. Poaching is what tests your stealth against their perception to lower their defenses to the attack and everyone has access to that.
I think it's an accuracy bonus, but that can translate to damage. At least that's how it seems using the eye test, the DR equivalent of the butt dyno. I don't play a ranger anymore and never played a high circle ranger, but it's a simple enough test if anyone wants to give it a shot. Just take an unhidden dual-loaded shot and then snipe and poach one on fresh creatures.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 11:52 AM CDT
>>I believe that snipe isn't a damage bonus, it provides no mechanical benefits to the attach other than staying hidden.
I'm pretty sure snipe, like backstab still offers a to-hit and damage bonus. IIRC, poach offers the same (or at least the to-hit part), but at a reduced amount.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
I'm pretty sure snipe, like backstab still offers a to-hit and damage bonus. IIRC, poach offers the same (or at least the to-hit part), but at a reduced amount.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.