>FWIW this is outdated info from when the OF contest provided more +damage than strength did, so even high barbs would start to prioritize agility. This is no longer the case, as the +damage from OF has reduced since 3.1, and strength now provides +damage and +OF (as far as I know).
Yes and no. There are still a lot of people who believe the best way to train is through feint spam -- low fatigue, accurate, low damage meaning keeping 4 to train with. The reason they feel that way is because the most important factor in training is hitting -- because it's binary and is worth 0% vs 100% training for that attack. An increase in damage is a marginal increase to learning rate. Because most players focus on optimizing the speed at which they can train (and then turn that into pvp, farming, etc), the focus is on what gets the optimal learning outcome, not what gets the most damage at the end of the day. Because some of the extra accuracy is converted to damage, strength would have to significantly boost damage vs the accuracy boost from agi to make a difference. Early in your stay in a hunting ground, agi will be better for sure; later str might be better (but then would be worse when you start the next hunting zone). I haven't tested this 100% via respecs, but I'm pretty confident based on my testing from before/after pushing agi and str.
For me, even though I don't train via feint spam, STR is my 2nd lowest priority stat, behind charisma. I waffle some on it vs DISC, but that's it -- int/wis are crucial for learning rates, agi for hitting, ref/stam for length of time I can hunt before needing to break for town.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 06:42 PM CDT
>>Yes and no. There are still a lot of people who believe the best way to train is through feint spam
The boost to damage dealt via the OF contest has been reduced from the old pre-3.x metrics. It is much easier to effectively 'cap' the OF contest now via buffs (accuracy wise, read earlier in this thread.), which reduces the return on training agility versus strength, since it both boosts OF and increases damage output. That being said, having taken a barb to 150, I am an advocate for keeping ALL stats even (yes, charisma too. As an active PvPer, roars are important, and some of the fun ones still rely on charisma.). I am merely speaking on the late game return on strength versus agility, as one's usefulness will hit an effective 'cap', while the other won't.
The boost to damage dealt via the OF contest has been reduced from the old pre-3.x metrics. It is much easier to effectively 'cap' the OF contest now via buffs (accuracy wise, read earlier in this thread.), which reduces the return on training agility versus strength, since it both boosts OF and increases damage output. That being said, having taken a barb to 150, I am an advocate for keeping ALL stats even (yes, charisma too. As an active PvPer, roars are important, and some of the fun ones still rely on charisma.). I am merely speaking on the late game return on strength versus agility, as one's usefulness will hit an effective 'cap', while the other won't.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 08:09 PM CDT
I've tanked agi and just kept up strength. I miss maybe 1 out of 10 shots with weapons that are 113 stones and have terrible balance. This is with 1 buff up and 1 debuff and I'm locking fast on these weapons. I'm lower level barb probably less then 50 circles. I have other weapons 45 stones and decent balance. Between the two I kill about twice as fast with the heavier weapons. I think balance is severly over rated. Damage over everything, the end.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 08:25 PM CDT
>>I think balance is severly over rated.
Also, this. Noticed very much the same, even with thrown weapons, with a horrible balanced ~120 stone greatsword versus a nicely balanced spear. Rate of contact did not vary much, if at all. These are all things that have been brought up in the combat forums over the years, and we are derailing. Back to how barbs suck.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 11:12 AM CDT
>I've tanked agi and just kept up strength. I miss maybe 1 out of 10 shots with weapons that are 113 stones and have terrible balance. This is with 1 buff up and 1 debuff and I'm locking fast on these weapons. I'm lower level barb probably less then 50 circles. I have other weapons 45 stones and decent balance. Between the two I kill about twice as fast with the heavier weapons. I think balance is severly over rated. Damage over everything, the end.
As a high level barb with 80+ str and 100 agi, my slowest weapon to lock is 2HB, where I use a 120+ stone weapon, because it's the only thing that causes me to wait for stamina. It's about 3 minutes slower to lock than almost every other weapon. Fastest? Thrown, they do best in the 40-60 stone range, with LT locking about 50% faster than any other weapon. 2HE etc are right in line with SB/SE lock speed.
As a high level barb with 80+ str and 100 agi, my slowest weapon to lock is 2HB, where I use a 120+ stone weapon, because it's the only thing that causes me to wait for stamina. It's about 3 minutes slower to lock than almost every other weapon. Fastest? Thrown, they do best in the 40-60 stone range, with LT locking about 50% faster than any other weapon. 2HE etc are right in line with SB/SE lock speed.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 11:47 AM CDT
How do you run out of stam as a barb? that's crazy? I'm around circle 40 swinging a 113 stone weapon for hours and stamina is the last thing on my mind. You use avalanche?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 12:43 PM CDT
>How do you run out of stam as a barb? that's crazy? I'm around circle 40 swinging a 113 stone weapon for hours and stamina is the last thing on my mind. You use avalanche?
Are you swinging at min RT? Because I bet he is which means he's swinging faster which doesn't give his stam as much time to recover between swings.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 01:49 PM CDT
Ah, maybe that. I'm definetly not swinging the 6 second chop min RT for greatswords or dire maces etc. But then again, he should have double the stamina or more then me.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 06:00 PM CDT
>How do you run out of stam as a barb? that's crazy? I'm around circle 40 swinging a 113 stone weapon for hours and stamina is the last thing on my mind. You use avalanche?
Well, you swing a weapon faster than you are capable of sustaining. I just added another 10 STR, which brought it close to the same speed to lock (~1 min slower). 4 second swing time on a 140 stone weapon is really fast.
I do not use avalanche, don't have it learned and don't intend to. I run famine, tsunami, wildfire, earthquake, and tornado for my zerks. My goal, as I expressed upthread, is to optimize learning. I'm highly confident that using avalanche to buff the downtime on one weapon is not worth it. Senci mauls are just really, really heavy.
Because I train every weapon, my weapons lag significantly behind my defenses -- my defenses (and masteries) are about 1/3rd higher than my weapons. Because of that, I wind up hunting higher level mobs than I would if this weren't the case, which pushes me to optimize chance to hit. Even if I weren't doing that, I would probably prioritize agi over STR -- as I said before, the key to learning rates is not missing as hitting is binary, while the boost from extra damage is relatively small. If you miss 10% of the time, your strength needs to be adding about 11.5% more learning from damage to match my learning rate. That probably means 2x+ more damage than I'd get from higher accuracy.
Well, you swing a weapon faster than you are capable of sustaining. I just added another 10 STR, which brought it close to the same speed to lock (~1 min slower). 4 second swing time on a 140 stone weapon is really fast.
I do not use avalanche, don't have it learned and don't intend to. I run famine, tsunami, wildfire, earthquake, and tornado for my zerks. My goal, as I expressed upthread, is to optimize learning. I'm highly confident that using avalanche to buff the downtime on one weapon is not worth it. Senci mauls are just really, really heavy.
Because I train every weapon, my weapons lag significantly behind my defenses -- my defenses (and masteries) are about 1/3rd higher than my weapons. Because of that, I wind up hunting higher level mobs than I would if this weren't the case, which pushes me to optimize chance to hit. Even if I weren't doing that, I would probably prioritize agi over STR -- as I said before, the key to learning rates is not missing as hitting is binary, while the boost from extra damage is relatively small. If you miss 10% of the time, your strength needs to be adding about 11.5% more learning from damage to match my learning rate. That probably means 2x+ more damage than I'd get from higher accuracy.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 08:05 PM CDT
I dunno, I find I learn roughly 4 to 5 mind states per critter with melee, and if I kill faster I learn faster. Jabbing repetitively makes the time to kill slower, and I don't find I end up looking quicker. As such, I try snd buff damage output and defensives to allow me to stay in combat longer, even though my defenses also outpaced my weapons a while ago.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 08:13 PM CDT
The thing people are missing is none of that really matters. Mind-lock, intrigued, pondering, as long as you're not learning or below, who cares? We're getting the same rate of learning as the next guy. Even the pace with which you lock your weapons is meaningless, as long as you're not going so slow that you'll end up completely draining the previous 4 or 5 weapons you locked up.
Like the OP says the one aspect that does matter is how fast you kill. The faster you kill a critter the faster your overall plat income is, for a Barb wherein training is almost exclusively combat oriented, hunting is in terms of maximum efficiency, the only source of plat income. Yes, I know about forging, but if you're forging you're just forging and not training combat related skills.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 08:41 PM CDT
>Mind-lock, intrigued, pondering, as long as you're not learning or below, who cares?
That's a simplistic view to say the least. Mind state is not what determines your learning rate. Your pool and drain sizes (Int, Wis, Disc) do.
>The faster you kill a critter the faster your overall plat income is
Well, if someone is playing a barb to be a plat farmer then they are a fool. There. I said it.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
That's a simplistic view to say the least. Mind state is not what determines your learning rate. Your pool and drain sizes (Int, Wis, Disc) do.
>The faster you kill a critter the faster your overall plat income is
Well, if someone is playing a barb to be a plat farmer then they are a fool. There. I said it.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 08:45 PM CDT
Exactly. Int, wis, disc etc. play a far more important role in learn rates.
And, not a plat farmer but Barbs are probably the most gear intensive guild out there. Those Kertig weapons are a essential part of any Barb's diet toward end-game. And yes I know, you can make do with HCS until whenever, but what fun is that?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 09:05 PM CDT
>>Well, if someone is playing a barb to be a plat farmer then they are a fool. There. I said it.
Now the thread has finally come full circle. Yes, Barbarian damage output compares to no other guild but Traders, and not even to them, for long. A half skilled empath can put out MUCH more damage than a barbarian, per second, utilizing GS, targeted TM, and weapons (if they choose). That in itself speaks volumes.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/10/2016 10:47 PM CDT
Look, I love my combat empath, but if you think thy have the same damage output as a barb, you're doing something wrong with the Barb.
You guys did just repeat my point that some stats are worth more than others though. Notice Wis and Int are also damage output stats for MUs, but not barbs
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 07:19 AM CDT
> The thing people are missing is none of that really matters. Mind-lock, intrigued, pondering, as long as you're not learning or below, who cares? We're getting the same rate of learning as the next guy. Even the pace with which you lock your weapons is meaningless, as long as you're not going so slow that you'll end up completely draining the previous 4 or 5 weapons you locked up.
If you are training every weapon skill (15 of them including offhand and not masteries/expertise/parry, 14 if not), and doing it in weapon cycles (locking one and moving to the next), the speed at which you progress through the weapons is highly important.
Yes, pool size is int and drain rate is wis. But you want to maximize those two regardless, as things like expertise, defenses, supernatural, etc will be impacted by wis drain rate even if it doesn't boost individual weapon learning rates. It takes about 90 minutes for my pool to fully drain. So for me, cycling through my weapons faster is highly important -- it's the only lever I can move for how much I gain in each weapon per day. Plat income is less of a concern -- I'm not anywhere near plat farmer levels, but I still net about 200-300 plat/day and have every weapon I need.
I've tested with heavier weapons and it doesn't improve training speed for me. How rapidly do you lock your weapons?
If you are training every weapon skill (15 of them including offhand and not masteries/expertise/parry, 14 if not), and doing it in weapon cycles (locking one and moving to the next), the speed at which you progress through the weapons is highly important.
Yes, pool size is int and drain rate is wis. But you want to maximize those two regardless, as things like expertise, defenses, supernatural, etc will be impacted by wis drain rate even if it doesn't boost individual weapon learning rates. It takes about 90 minutes for my pool to fully drain. So for me, cycling through my weapons faster is highly important -- it's the only lever I can move for how much I gain in each weapon per day. Plat income is less of a concern -- I'm not anywhere near plat farmer levels, but I still net about 200-300 plat/day and have every weapon I need.
I've tested with heavier weapons and it doesn't improve training speed for me. How rapidly do you lock your weapons?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 08:50 AM CDT
How do you carry 15 weapons at the same time? Along with all your other gear your encumberance must be crazy. I guess the stat gains from 1-100 must be linear or exponential even. Anyhow, you have to realize if you're hunting more challenging creatures you lock faster, much faster. This is where our strategies differ. I uphunt like a crazy person, where even 3 on me will probably turn the odds against me. But it's more lucrative boxes wise and I lock a ton faster on all my combat skills. In situations like mine you want to kill FAST, and not get overwhelmed with 4 on you. You also depend on stuns and getting your opponent to a weakened state asap. At this point of my barb career hitting things have never been a problem, I could be badly balanced with opp overwhelming me and I'll still hit no problem. All I want is to make each hit to count, thus heavier weapons.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 09:03 AM CDT
>>How do you carry 15 weapons at the same time?
Use weapons that cover multiple skills. My new little barb (circle 9) is carrying a small handled riste (2hb/sb/se), bastard sword (2he/le) and light spear (pole/ht/offhand) in addition to single weapons (flail, nightstick, sling, xbow, bow) to cover the rest and not having any burden issues.
Use weapons that cover multiple skills. My new little barb (circle 9) is carrying a small handled riste (2hb/sb/se), bastard sword (2he/le) and light spear (pole/ht/offhand) in addition to single weapons (flail, nightstick, sling, xbow, bow) to cover the rest and not having any burden issues.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 10:09 AM CDT
>How do you carry 15 weapons at the same time? Along with all your other gear your encumberance must be crazy. I guess the stat gains from 1-100 must be linear or exponential even.
No enc until I hit about 3 full bundles; not all of my weapons are 100+ stone weapons though.
>Anyhow, you have to realize if you're hunting more challenging creatures you lock faster, much faster. This is where our strategies differ. I uphunt like a crazy person, where even 3 on me will probably turn the odds against me. But it's more lucrative boxes wise and I lock a ton faster on all my combat skills.
Time it -- how long does it take you to lock your weapons? On average, my fastest is 4 minutes (LT, after that it's usually 7), my slowest is 11 on average. Most are around 8-9; mentals maxed. If I hit bad luck with spawns or have two stealth sets on a single weapon it'll go a bit longer. A full cycle takes me about 2 hours on average.
My defenses are 2-300 ranks ahead of my weapons. If I were to hunt the next critter on the chain -- and I've tested it -- my hit rate is low, and damage dealt is even lower; I can't land debil, etc. Where I'm at now, I've already added ~100 ranks to all my weapons, and will be able to add another ~400 before I have to move on. I'll probably move on in another 150-200, though. I currently average about 100 kills per cycle, or 6 & 2/3rds kills per weapon lock (~5 mindstates per kill).
>In situations like mine you want to kill FAST, and not get overwhelmed with 4 on you. You also depend on stuns and getting your opponent to a weakened state asap. At this point of my barb career hitting things have never been a problem, I could be badly balanced with opp overwhelming me and I'll still hit no problem. All I want is to make each hit to count, thus heavier weapons.
This seems like a bad plan generally. Downtime -- whether that's needing to get healed more often, or especially death -- will reduce the amount you learn per day more than just hunting more mobs.
No enc until I hit about 3 full bundles; not all of my weapons are 100+ stone weapons though.
>Anyhow, you have to realize if you're hunting more challenging creatures you lock faster, much faster. This is where our strategies differ. I uphunt like a crazy person, where even 3 on me will probably turn the odds against me. But it's more lucrative boxes wise and I lock a ton faster on all my combat skills.
Time it -- how long does it take you to lock your weapons? On average, my fastest is 4 minutes (LT, after that it's usually 7), my slowest is 11 on average. Most are around 8-9; mentals maxed. If I hit bad luck with spawns or have two stealth sets on a single weapon it'll go a bit longer. A full cycle takes me about 2 hours on average.
My defenses are 2-300 ranks ahead of my weapons. If I were to hunt the next critter on the chain -- and I've tested it -- my hit rate is low, and damage dealt is even lower; I can't land debil, etc. Where I'm at now, I've already added ~100 ranks to all my weapons, and will be able to add another ~400 before I have to move on. I'll probably move on in another 150-200, though. I currently average about 100 kills per cycle, or 6 & 2/3rds kills per weapon lock (~5 mindstates per kill).
>In situations like mine you want to kill FAST, and not get overwhelmed with 4 on you. You also depend on stuns and getting your opponent to a weakened state asap. At this point of my barb career hitting things have never been a problem, I could be badly balanced with opp overwhelming me and I'll still hit no problem. All I want is to make each hit to count, thus heavier weapons.
This seems like a bad plan generally. Downtime -- whether that's needing to get healed more often, or especially death -- will reduce the amount you learn per day more than just hunting more mobs.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 11:42 AM CDT
>>Use weapons that cover multiple skills.
Not even entirely necessary. I have a circle 16 cleric that I play currently with all 4 armors on, and one weapon for every type (no duplicates), and I am not burdened at all until the bundle is ~1/2 full. And that is with all stats within 3-5 points of each other.
As an aside, on the weapon/defense gap: You really need to get a little more efficient with the weapon training, stop allowing them to go clear as you cycle, and that gap will start to slowly close. Will make QoL much better all the way around, that gap is pretty major.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 12:39 PM CDT
>As an aside, on the weapon/defense gap: You really need to get a little more efficient with the weapon training, stop allowing them to go clear as you cycle, and that gap will start to slowly close. Will make QoL much better all the way around, that gap is pretty major.
It's much less major than you think, given masteries are another 100-200 ranks higher than defenses, and masteries are great at pulling effective ranks up. At this point, the gap is no longer really growing (last 23 days, defenses are up 24/19/18 ranks while weapons are up 19-20 ranks); but unless I can find a way to shorten time to lock, or get unlazy enough to re-write how I handle range to work brawling and offhand/thrown while doing bows/xbow/sling. That might be enough, since the aim time is currently dead time.
It's much less major than you think, given masteries are another 100-200 ranks higher than defenses, and masteries are great at pulling effective ranks up. At this point, the gap is no longer really growing (last 23 days, defenses are up 24/19/18 ranks while weapons are up 19-20 ranks); but unless I can find a way to shorten time to lock, or get unlazy enough to re-write how I handle range to work brawling and offhand/thrown while doing bows/xbow/sling. That might be enough, since the aim time is currently dead time.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 01:20 PM CDT
it's a training efficiency thing though, he's right. Letting other skills clear because you're training individual skills to lock is inefficient and will result in fewer ranks/unit of time overall.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 01:40 PM CDT
Wish someone would just make the end all be all super combat script that maximizes training efficiency for every weapon. You know since pretty much all the formulas are known by now. I would actually pay for something like that.
Anyhow, seriously, back to Barbs Ask: Retire or Return to Commoner?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 02:00 PM CDT
>it's a training efficiency thing though, he's right. Letting other skills clear because you're training individual skills to lock is inefficient and will result in fewer ranks/unit of time overall.
Show your math? Assuming you drain 1 mindstate per 3 minutes, and can generate 4 mindstates per minute (i.e. all weapons train at that consistent rate, or your own set of assumptions).
Over an infinite amount of time, going to 34 then 34 then 34 then 34 nets the same amount learned as going to 1 1 1 1 then 2 2 2 2. It's less efficient over short time, and if you have to restart your script you'll wind up with imbalanced skills unless it rotates training order based on ranks. But over the long term? It's not less efficient (given imbalances fixed), because if one skill would fall off via locking then moving to the next, you either need won't make it to the last skill on your list, or they'll fall off anyway with the other methodology -- depending on exactly how your script is setup.
Show your math? Assuming you drain 1 mindstate per 3 minutes, and can generate 4 mindstates per minute (i.e. all weapons train at that consistent rate, or your own set of assumptions).
Over an infinite amount of time, going to 34 then 34 then 34 then 34 nets the same amount learned as going to 1 1 1 1 then 2 2 2 2. It's less efficient over short time, and if you have to restart your script you'll wind up with imbalanced skills unless it rotates training order based on ranks. But over the long term? It's not less efficient (given imbalances fixed), because if one skill would fall off via locking then moving to the next, you either need won't make it to the last skill on your list, or they'll fall off anyway with the other methodology -- depending on exactly how your script is setup.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 02:04 PM CDT
Skills pulse at the same rate regardless of mindstate. All weapons pulsing 100% of the time is going to net you more gains across the board than each weapon pulsing only 80-85% of the time, or any less than 100%, period. Beyond ~350 ranks in weapons, 100% uptime is attainable.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 02:21 PM CDT
>Skills pulse at the same rate regardless of mindstate. All weapons pulsing 100% of the time is going to net you more gains across the board than each weapon pulsing only 80-85% of the time, or any less than 100%, period. Beyond ~350 ranks in weapons, 100% uptime is attainable.
Yes, all weapons pulsing all the time would net you more than pulsing less than 100%.
But training to lock vs not training to lock does not create that distinction, and is actually equal even though you have a longer period of downtime at the front because you get the full drain when you log out. Over long periods of time, swinging a weapon a few times, swapping to another, etc -- is no more efficient than locking a weapon and moving to the next.
Yes, all weapons pulsing all the time would net you more than pulsing less than 100%.
But training to lock vs not training to lock does not create that distinction, and is actually equal even though you have a longer period of downtime at the front because you get the full drain when you log out. Over long periods of time, swinging a weapon a few times, swapping to another, etc -- is no more efficient than locking a weapon and moving to the next.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 02:41 PM CDT
You are forgetting the time it takes you to lock. Locking a single weapon to 34 takes about 5-10 minutes give or take. The second wouldn't lock until around the 10-20 minute mark, the third around the 15-30 minute mark, etc. By the time you get to even the 5th or 6th weapon, nevermind the 14th weapon, a lot of time has passed during which the weapons you haven't started training yet have just sat there not pulsing. It's better to train to a lower threshold for each weapon, say ~10/34 for example, to get them all moving as quickly as possible, and then switch back to them when they drop below a threshold so as to keep them pulsing. Mindlocking them is still desirable as an end goal once they're all moving, but you're going to get a lot more experience in the long term by getting them all moving first.
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Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 02:48 PM CDT
I will point out that I have actual experience with this.
My Bard trains all weapons and uses the get everything moving first method. My Warrior Mage, on the other hand, uses elemental weapons exclusively except for skills where one doesn't exist and because of elemental charge resource issues cannot change weapons very often, so he simply mindlocks each skill in turn.
The Bard has a clear advantage in gaining weapon skills overall than the Warrior Mage.
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My Bard trains all weapons and uses the get everything moving first method. My Warrior Mage, on the other hand, uses elemental weapons exclusively except for skills where one doesn't exist and because of elemental charge resource issues cannot change weapons very often, so he simply mindlocks each skill in turn.
The Bard has a clear advantage in gaining weapon skills overall than the Warrior Mage.
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Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 03:06 PM CDT
As long as you can juggle all those skills without letting any one of them fall below 3 then yeah starting all of them up and getting them going would be by far the most efficient given you actually stop training and you don't have access to or want to use overnight drain. If you had overnight drain and have a finite amount of time to play then just locking each weapon or getting as close as possible then shutting down would be best.
There most certainly exists some algebraic formula to calculate the absolute most efficient way to do all this given your drain rate and mind state gain etc. are known. There probably is some super scripting genius who figured this all out long ago.
Heh, one thing I find kinda funny is how half the game or maybe more is really just about writing scripts and "gaming the game" Is this good? is this what the game designers intended? who knows?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 03:23 PM CDT
>>Over long periods of time, swinging a weapon a few times, swapping to another, etc -- is no more efficient than locking a weapon and moving to the next.
This statement, and where you said 'given an infinite amount of time' or something similar earlier, is where you are wrong. Say you hunt for 10 hours. In the approach you take, I believe you claimed 4-5 weapons stop moving, so roughly 1/4-1/3 are not moving at any given point. Being generous, that equals ~75% uptime. So in a 10 hour stretch, you are draining any given weapon for 7.5 hours, or 450 minutes. You used the example of a mindstate every 3 minutes, so we will run with that. In those 450 minutes you pulse the equivalent of 150 mindstates (worth of bits), wasting 50 mindstates (worth of bits) worth of potential drain time.
Those 50 minstates worth of downtime is far in excess of the capability of offline drain, even if ALL the weapons were locked at logoff (which given your representation, only 75% of them will even be moving, most of which nowhere near locked).
Now you might say: "But if I only hunt for 5 hours, that's only 25 Mindstates worth of downtime on each, and at least a COUPLE weapons will drain more than that while logged off." Again, this is under the assumption that the end goal isn't to lock all weapons with the alternate method, which is in fact possible.
My only point was that there are better ways to do things. That if you're beyond 350 weapon ranks, keeping all weapons moving at once is absolutely possible, and increases overall rank and tdp gain, which is never really a bad thing.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 04:00 PM CDT
You have, yet again, misread my reply. This rabbit hole seems unproductive; all I'll say is changing the method from swapping weapons pre-lock to at lock won't change downtime, downtime is caused by an inefficiency elsewhere (and I pointed out a few of those that I'm too lazy to fix), and there is no evidence -- in your reply or elsewhere -- that there is any inefficiency caused by locking weapons one after another.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 04:05 PM CDT
>Heh, one thing I find kinda funny is how half the game or maybe more is really just about writing scripts and "gaming the game" Is this good? is this what the game designers intended? who knows?
This is a product of all games, not DR. All games, I mean that, ALL GAMES, can be min-maxed, and indeed, that's fun for some people too.
>all I'll say is changing the method from swapping weapons pre-lock to at lock won't change downtime, downtime is caused by an inefficiency elsewhere (and I pointed out a few of those that I'm too lazy to fix), and there is no evidence -- in your reply or elsewhere -- that there is any inefficiency caused by locking weapons one after another.
I mean, you're wrong about this, but if you insist on doing it your way, and it's working well enough for you, by all means, continue doing this. There is absolutely inefficiency in locking skills sequentially.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 04:11 PM CDT
You're standing behind the argument "No, it is this (unconfirmed) thing I am too lazy to fix therefor cannot prove, your experience in successfully keeping them all moving means nothing." You're very right, this conversation is leading nowhere, I just wanted to make sure people didn't take what was being read as bad advice.
Back on topic of barbarian damage production suffering, Kodius has even agreed in the past, I read somewhere, when he was talking about some new abilities he was trying to release. Kodius around to actually chime in on any of this? Still seems like a lot of things in limbo (path bonuses, some incomplete masteries, damage generation) for 3.5 years after the release of 3.0.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 04:13 PM CDT
>Still seems like a lot of things in limbo (path bonuses, some incomplete masteries, damage generation) for 3.5 years after the release of 3.0.
FWIW, there have been a fair amount of tweaks over the last 3.5 years, some of them pretty substantial. I say just to make sure you don't have a completely bleak outlook on things - Kodius has definitely made adjustments.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 05:36 PM CDT
>Wish someone would just make the end all be all super combat script that maximizes training efficiency for every weapon. You know since pretty much all the formulas are known by now. I would actually pay for something like that.
Have created it for my own use for my Barbarians (since it's all I play) but don't share it or sell it. Heh. Call it a vice or pride but that's just how I am.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Have created it for my own use for my Barbarians (since it's all I play) but don't share it or sell it. Heh. Call it a vice or pride but that's just how I am.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 05:56 PM CDT
>I mean, you're wrong about this, but if you insist on doing it your way, and it's working well enough for you, by all means, continue doing this. There is absolutely inefficiency in locking skills sequentially.
>You're standing behind the argument "No, it is this (unconfirmed) thing I am too lazy to fix therefor cannot prove, your experience in successfully keeping them all moving means nothing." You're very right, this conversation is leading nowhere, I just wanted to make sure people didn't take what was being read as bad advice.
You two are welcome to post evidence about this. Until then, I think we can agree that's unproven. I've run models before and not seen any difference. Assuming you gain mindstates at a constant rate, you hit a maximum number of mindstates given drain rate regardless of methodology, and wind up with the same total number of mindstates drained for every skill. All it does is a better job of preventing weapon rank gaps if you would otherwise always train weapons in the same order.
It's very basic math. Assuming you gain mindstates at a constant rate, which is pretty fair based on my experience. If the rate of drain is greater than the mindstates gained per time period, then you can't keep all the skills moving, and if you it is less, then you can. The method of training (lock vs smaller mindstates) influences neither the rate of drain nor the rate at which you gain mindstates. For example, if you assume you drain 1 mindstate in each moving skill per pulse, then the question is whether you can gain 15 mindstates (or more) per pulse or not, as you have 15 weapon skills to learn.
If you can only match it, you would keep all skills constantly at 1->0 (or 34->0 cyclicly). If you can beat it, then you would slowly gain mindstates such that you wind up with all weapons at 34/34, given infinite time. If you can't beat it, then you would wind up with downtime on skills.
None of this has ANYTHING to do with whether you swap weapons every 1, 2, 7, 15, or 34 mindstates. There is no mathematical or logical basis for assuming a difference between the two methodologies. At the end of the day, those two numbers are all that matter -- mindstates gained over time vs mindstates drained over time. If you gain 4 mindstates/minute and lose 1 mindstate/skill/3minutes, you cap out at 12 simultaneous skills, or 80% uptime -- the same as as I have.
>Back on topic of barbarian damage production suffering, Kodius has even agreed in the past, I read somewhere, when he was talking about some new abilities he was trying to release. Kodius around to actually chime in on any of this? Still seems like a lot of things in limbo (path bonuses, some incomplete masteries, damage generation) for 3.5 years after the release of 3.0.
There are definitely a lot of things that were 'going to happen' that have not. Kodius got drafted to do all the lore releases which has meant he hasn't had time to dedicate to class dev.
>You're standing behind the argument "No, it is this (unconfirmed) thing I am too lazy to fix therefor cannot prove, your experience in successfully keeping them all moving means nothing." You're very right, this conversation is leading nowhere, I just wanted to make sure people didn't take what was being read as bad advice.
You two are welcome to post evidence about this. Until then, I think we can agree that's unproven. I've run models before and not seen any difference. Assuming you gain mindstates at a constant rate, you hit a maximum number of mindstates given drain rate regardless of methodology, and wind up with the same total number of mindstates drained for every skill. All it does is a better job of preventing weapon rank gaps if you would otherwise always train weapons in the same order.
It's very basic math. Assuming you gain mindstates at a constant rate, which is pretty fair based on my experience. If the rate of drain is greater than the mindstates gained per time period, then you can't keep all the skills moving, and if you it is less, then you can. The method of training (lock vs smaller mindstates) influences neither the rate of drain nor the rate at which you gain mindstates. For example, if you assume you drain 1 mindstate in each moving skill per pulse, then the question is whether you can gain 15 mindstates (or more) per pulse or not, as you have 15 weapon skills to learn.
If you can only match it, you would keep all skills constantly at 1->0 (or 34->0 cyclicly). If you can beat it, then you would slowly gain mindstates such that you wind up with all weapons at 34/34, given infinite time. If you can't beat it, then you would wind up with downtime on skills.
None of this has ANYTHING to do with whether you swap weapons every 1, 2, 7, 15, or 34 mindstates. There is no mathematical or logical basis for assuming a difference between the two methodologies. At the end of the day, those two numbers are all that matter -- mindstates gained over time vs mindstates drained over time. If you gain 4 mindstates/minute and lose 1 mindstate/skill/3minutes, you cap out at 12 simultaneous skills, or 80% uptime -- the same as as I have.
>Back on topic of barbarian damage production suffering, Kodius has even agreed in the past, I read somewhere, when he was talking about some new abilities he was trying to release. Kodius around to actually chime in on any of this? Still seems like a lot of things in limbo (path bonuses, some incomplete masteries, damage generation) for 3.5 years after the release of 3.0.
There are definitely a lot of things that were 'going to happen' that have not. Kodius got drafted to do all the lore releases which has meant he hasn't had time to dedicate to class dev.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 06:14 PM CDT
Anyone seen Kodius post recently, when was his last post?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 06:32 PM CDT
The rate of bits in != to the rate of bits out, and as more skills are moving this is a cascading effect. There is absolutely a sweet spot for cycling through the skills without letting them fall off. Given the alternative things my combat script does (appraise, pick pet boxes, cycle buffs, hunt, a few other things) the sweet spot was +22 mindstates per cycle, initially, but it is variable. With a little optimization, and some ramp up time to start building mindstates, my script does not allow a single weapon to stop learning, and will eventually maintain all above 30/34. This was not possible with taking a weapon to mindlock, as even if you locked the first weapon, the time invested on each was too high to keep the first from falling off before the cycle completed.
This is based on, in total, months of testing, balancing and optimizing. I know of at least 4-5 others that have posted on these forums with similar results, as well as others I have talked with privately. There is no reason to beat this dead horse. Maybe try and make those adjustments you were too lazy to overcome, get that hurdle out of the way, and try and accomplish what you are simply contradicting due to lack of effort.
This is based on, in total, months of testing, balancing and optimizing. I know of at least 4-5 others that have posted on these forums with similar results, as well as others I have talked with privately. There is no reason to beat this dead horse. Maybe try and make those adjustments you were too lazy to overcome, get that hurdle out of the way, and try and accomplish what you are simply contradicting due to lack of effort.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/11/2016 06:41 PM CDT
>>Anyone seen Kodius post recently, when was his last post?
Generally, a good place to check is the lore folders. He chimed in on a prestige thread and a few others a little over a week ago, on the second. Think that was the last time I saw him posting.
Generally, a good place to check is the lore folders. He chimed in on a prestige thread and a few others a little over a week ago, on the second. Think that was the last time I saw him posting.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild ::Nudge::
07/11/2016 07:17 PM CDT
Please try to stay on topic (Barbarian damage output) instead of going off on tangents about the most effective weapon training regimens.
If you have a question about the forums, please e-mail me (mod-adilea@play.net), Senior Board Monitor Helje (dr-helje@play.net), or Message Board Supervisor Annwyl (dr-annwyl@play.net).
If you have a question about the forums, please e-mail me (mod-adilea@play.net), Senior Board Monitor Helje (dr-helje@play.net), or Message Board Supervisor Annwyl (dr-annwyl@play.net).