Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 01:40 PM CDT
>Now that roll caps with regard to adding damage. You (roughly speaking) score a 100% "hit" and the OF you generate over what is needed to do that does nothing for you until you hit the overkill range.
Huuuuh. What a shame to actually outgrow a buff. Is this also how TM buffs work?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 01:55 PM CDT
I don't think Barbarians should get free bonus damage just because they currently lack secondary/tertiary damage options.
They should get secondary/tertiary damage options, and to keep it in-line with everyone else's secondary/tertiary damage options, they should run on whatever the Barbarian iteration of Targeted Magic in the magic skillset should be named ("inherent rage" or something).
Barbarians could either have inherent rage direct damage strikes that they have to subconsciously focus on a specific target(s) before launching (think your basic TM), and inherent rage "outbursts" that are their versions of cyclic attacks. These can be single strike or AoE. Damage can be the weapon's primary damage type (similar to Footman's Strike) plus fire (inner fire).
I also know that it's easy to just spitball ideas and a different issue to code them, but eh.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
They should get secondary/tertiary damage options, and to keep it in-line with everyone else's secondary/tertiary damage options, they should run on whatever the Barbarian iteration of Targeted Magic in the magic skillset should be named ("inherent rage" or something).
Barbarians could either have inherent rage direct damage strikes that they have to subconsciously focus on a specific target(s) before launching (think your basic TM), and inherent rage "outbursts" that are their versions of cyclic attacks. These can be single strike or AoE. Damage can be the weapon's primary damage type (similar to Footman's Strike) plus fire (inner fire).
I also know that it's easy to just spitball ideas and a different issue to code them, but eh.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 02:34 PM CDT
>>Huuuuh. What a shame to actually outgrow a buff. Is this also how TM buffs work?<<
Yeah. IIRC accuracy for all attack types works this way.
Yeah. IIRC accuracy for all attack types works this way.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 06:19 PM CDT
Maybe a bonus with the heaviest weapons? like an RT reduction even? It would be kind of cool if they had some op thing with two handed blunt and two handed edged. That's what I imagine barbarians being good at.
I kind of wish there were actual bonuses for each guild with certain weapon types. I thought I remembered it being like that before but I'm a little fuzzy on it.
I kind of wish there were actual bonuses for each guild with certain weapon types. I thought I remembered it being like that before but I'm a little fuzzy on it.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 07:35 PM CDT
Paladin's get passive armor bonuses. Magic primes get more attunement regen.
I wish there was something sensible and funky and cool in place for barbs beyond offhanding a large weapon amd the thematically but not mechanically cool whirlwind.
Dual load is rad, I think, but it's also shared with rangers. That doesn't invalidate it, but it's not enough on its own. As such some kind of bonus with larger weapons may be a good idea, but as it is a handful of other guilds completely rock face with two handers too. Kind of a bummer.
Maybe barbs need something like in Diablo 3, savage or mighty weapons only they can use.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 07:42 PM CDT
I would like to see Barbarians being able to skip the hindrance of a small arm-worn shield using two-handers.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 08:34 PM CDT
I dont want to train or use TM spells. I like the idea of not having a penalty with two handed weapons and wearing a small shield. I agree we need SOMETHING to help us generate damage.
I disagree that barbarians are not fun to play. If you like to pvp our tool kit is actually pretty rad and its hard to deny what you can do. Sure a lot of what we do keeps us alive etc.
Can we actually pvp versus an at level cleric or war mage and not get smoked..... probably not but its not as totally bad as you might think.
Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
I disagree that barbarians are not fun to play. If you like to pvp our tool kit is actually pretty rad and its hard to deny what you can do. Sure a lot of what we do keeps us alive etc.
Can we actually pvp versus an at level cleric or war mage and not get smoked..... probably not but its not as totally bad as you might think.
Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 09:37 PM CDT
How about instead of just parry sticks they allow weapons to be strapped to the arm, same restrictions currently for offhand depending on primary, secondary, or tertiary. Have a secondary attack based off some percentage using offhand skill instead of it just being for tdps and whirlwind.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 10:33 PM CDT
>I would like to see Barbarians being able to skip the hindrance of a small arm-worn shield using two-handers.
What kind of hindrance do small arm-worn shield pose? That's rhetorical. It's so insignificant that it's minute at best.
>I like the idea of not having a penalty with two handed weapons and wearing a small shield.
There is not a penalty for wearing a small shield and using a 2HE/2HB. The only shield penalties apply to stick bows, and the limitations on what shield+weapon are based on armor/weapon skillset placement.
Shield is another thread though...
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
What kind of hindrance do small arm-worn shield pose? That's rhetorical. It's so insignificant that it's minute at best.
>I like the idea of not having a penalty with two handed weapons and wearing a small shield.
There is not a penalty for wearing a small shield and using a 2HE/2HB. The only shield penalties apply to stick bows, and the limitations on what shield+weapon are based on armor/weapon skillset placement.
Shield is another thread though...
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 01:22 AM CDT
>>Jterko2: We also don't have the sustained damage that many of the magic heavy classes do in the form of cyclic t/m, or just mixing spells with attacks (which only adds a 1s rt every cast, for significant additional damage).
Although it's just a bandage, I would not be opposed to seeing a penalty to weapon damage and/or accuracy while running a cyclic TM spell or while targeting a spell (to compensate for the fact that they are effectively double-dipping on damage).
>>Rchight: There is not a penalty for wearing a small shield and using a 2HE/2HB. The only shield penalties apply to stick bows, and the limitations on what shield+weapon are based on armor/weapon skillset placement.
It's not a big penalty -- I don't think it even affects players' hunting strategies -- but it exists.
Specifically, blocking with an arm-worn shield while using a two-handed melee weapon results in a small offensive and defensive penalty. This penalty is said to be "small" for polearms and staves and "a bit larger" for 2HE and 2HB. (I also recall reading that Paladins and Barbarians would have a reduction to this penalty due to their proficiency with armor and weapons.)
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory: http://www.elanthia.org/TraderShops/
armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
Although it's just a bandage, I would not be opposed to seeing a penalty to weapon damage and/or accuracy while running a cyclic TM spell or while targeting a spell (to compensate for the fact that they are effectively double-dipping on damage).
>>Rchight: There is not a penalty for wearing a small shield and using a 2HE/2HB. The only shield penalties apply to stick bows, and the limitations on what shield+weapon are based on armor/weapon skillset placement.
It's not a big penalty -- I don't think it even affects players' hunting strategies -- but it exists.
Specifically, blocking with an arm-worn shield while using a two-handed melee weapon results in a small offensive and defensive penalty. This penalty is said to be "small" for polearms and staves and "a bit larger" for 2HE and 2HB. (I also recall reading that Paladins and Barbarians would have a reduction to this penalty due to their proficiency with armor and weapons.)
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory: http://www.elanthia.org/TraderShops/
armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 06:15 AM CDT
I just want a modest dual wielding tyrium greatswords as one of our abilities.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 07:13 AM CDT
I'd also like to propose an autoability that's effective a held weapon bond for barbs. Since we're the guild absolutely most dependent upon swinging weapons in PvP, it sucks that one of my last thoughts in combat if I'm about to die is "better stow the weapons so I don't lose them". And no, I'm not going to pay simu more money to bond each and every one of my barbs weapons.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 09:31 AM CDT
There's going to be heavy TM, so why not a heavy version of weapon attacks only usable by barbs (basically an "alpha attack" or AoE cleave better than whirlwind)? In addition to that, how about new weapon templates that are barb only because they require very specific training for effective use?
Attack perks and barb only weapons make way more sense than blowing up global caps by allowing 120 attack stance points on top of weapon buffs.
Attack perks and barb only weapons make way more sense than blowing up global caps by allowing 120 attack stance points on top of weapon buffs.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 09:35 AM CDT
> There's going to be heavy TM, so why not a heavy version of weapon attacks only usable by barbs (basically an "alpha attack" or AoE cleave better than whirlwind)? In addition to that, how about new weapon templates that are barb only because they require very specific training for effective use?
I think an alpha strike like this has a lot of possibility for barbs, except of course with all guilds getting an alpha strike in the form of heavy tm, it's not much of an improvement, just bringing us up to baseline in that one area unless our alpha strikes are somehow better and/or usable at range (which would just be an improvement over thieves, as tm is usable at range).
That said, wasn't the original plan for earthquake for it to be debil and still deal damage over time? Maybe that's a solution to upping kill rate -- have it also do some damage (and train the held weapon?).
I think an alpha strike like this has a lot of possibility for barbs, except of course with all guilds getting an alpha strike in the form of heavy tm, it's not much of an improvement, just bringing us up to baseline in that one area unless our alpha strikes are somehow better and/or usable at range (which would just be an improvement over thieves, as tm is usable at range).
That said, wasn't the original plan for earthquake for it to be debil and still deal damage over time? Maybe that's a solution to upping kill rate -- have it also do some damage (and train the held weapon?).
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 11:23 AM CDT
Heavy TM, IIRC, won't represent an increase in overall DPS, just an additional option for damage. It's sort of equivalent to a CCM in that respect, albeit, better, because it's TM and not a CCM. High alpha does not mean higher DPS.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 11:35 AM CDT
>I think an alpha strike like this has a lot of possibility for barbs, except of course with all guilds getting an alpha strike in the form of heavy tm, it's not much of an improvement, just bringing us up to baseline in that one area unless our alpha strikes are somehow better and/or usable at range (which would just be an improvement over thieves, as tm is usable at range).
That's not accurate but, hey, maybe you're right and it won't matter if barbs get an alpha strike. Objectively, it sounds like a waste of dev time if it doesn't make people happy.
That's not accurate but, hey, maybe you're right and it won't matter if barbs get an alpha strike. Objectively, it sounds like a waste of dev time if it doesn't make people happy.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 12:48 PM CDT
> Heavy TM, IIRC, won't represent an increase in overall DPS, just an additional option for damage. It's sort of equivalent to a CCM in that respect, albeit, better, because it's TM and not a CCM. High alpha does not mean higher DPS.
My understanding is that heavy TM is a TM spell with increased damage and a cooldown -- that's what the epedia page says, as well. There is no way that this does not increase DPS -- it's a spell that does extra damage, and does not prevent you from casting other spells afterwards. The restriction means you can't spam it, but it still improves DPS. Think about it this way (fake numbers); a standard TM spell kills 100 points of health, a heavy TM spell kills 200. You can cast heavy tm once every 30 seconds, and say it takes you 10 seconds per spell. That means that every 4th is dealing twice as much damage, representing a 25% increased DPS. Now, obviously those numbers are made up but the net should be clear -- any ability that doesn't prevent you from doing other things and does extra damage will improve your sustained DPS (and help to serve as an alpha strike by improving upfront damage, especially for WM, for whom DB is/will be(?) a heavy tm).
> That's not accurate but, hey, maybe you're right and it won't matter if barbs get an alpha strike. Objectively, it sounds like a waste of dev time if it doesn't make people happy.
Objectively, if most guilds have alpha strikes, barbs should have something similar, but if everyone who doesn't currently have them is getting one, there's no reason why it would fix an existing disparity. Failure to keep pace would just make the disparity greater. Maybe heavy TM doesn't apply. I think that's probably more an interpretation thing than anything else. Backstab is presumably an alpha strike, but it isn't restricted from being spammed which is sort of at odds with the definition.
Maybe there's a definitional problem? What is an alpha strike to the two of you? I feel like the idea of an alpha strike, generally, is a 'huge damage that leaves you at risk afterwards' kind of thing. That's at odds with the way that the combat system is written currently. So the best fit is probably a WM with a prepped tm spell, a cyclic, and BG + DB prepped? Backstab fits the mold of 'high damage offense', which I think would be more appealing to more barbs generally as 'high damage then you're significantly at risk' is a problem for hunting.
My understanding is that heavy TM is a TM spell with increased damage and a cooldown -- that's what the epedia page says, as well. There is no way that this does not increase DPS -- it's a spell that does extra damage, and does not prevent you from casting other spells afterwards. The restriction means you can't spam it, but it still improves DPS. Think about it this way (fake numbers); a standard TM spell kills 100 points of health, a heavy TM spell kills 200. You can cast heavy tm once every 30 seconds, and say it takes you 10 seconds per spell. That means that every 4th is dealing twice as much damage, representing a 25% increased DPS. Now, obviously those numbers are made up but the net should be clear -- any ability that doesn't prevent you from doing other things and does extra damage will improve your sustained DPS (and help to serve as an alpha strike by improving upfront damage, especially for WM, for whom DB is/will be(?) a heavy tm).
> That's not accurate but, hey, maybe you're right and it won't matter if barbs get an alpha strike. Objectively, it sounds like a waste of dev time if it doesn't make people happy.
Objectively, if most guilds have alpha strikes, barbs should have something similar, but if everyone who doesn't currently have them is getting one, there's no reason why it would fix an existing disparity. Failure to keep pace would just make the disparity greater. Maybe heavy TM doesn't apply. I think that's probably more an interpretation thing than anything else. Backstab is presumably an alpha strike, but it isn't restricted from being spammed which is sort of at odds with the definition.
Maybe there's a definitional problem? What is an alpha strike to the two of you? I feel like the idea of an alpha strike, generally, is a 'huge damage that leaves you at risk afterwards' kind of thing. That's at odds with the way that the combat system is written currently. So the best fit is probably a WM with a prepped tm spell, a cyclic, and BG + DB prepped? Backstab fits the mold of 'high damage offense', which I think would be more appealing to more barbs generally as 'high damage then you're significantly at risk' is a problem for hunting.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 01:11 PM CDT
>My understanding is that heavy TM is a TM spell with increased damage and a cooldown -- that's what the epedia page says, as well. There is no way that this does not increase DPS -- it's a spell that does extra damage, and does not prevent you from casting other spells afterwards.
That is my understanding as well - the point being is it's a spell that can only be used once every 5m or so, and as such, does not really represent an increase in DPS.
>Think about it this way (fake numbers)...
Right, but the point was that it's intended as a high alpha, low rate of fire attack. The DPS increase, when examined over the course of a longer period of time than 'one cast cycle', is a pretty marginal increase. Heavy TM, again IIRC, was intended as a PvP option, not as something to be thrown into normal PvE to increase damage.
>Backstab is presumably an alpha strike, but it isn't restricted from being spammed which is sort of at odds with the definition.
Yes it is - Backstab's damage bonus is on a 30s CD.
>So the best fit is probably a WM with a prepped tm spell, a cyclic, and BG + DB prepped?
Overall, I think there's nothing wrong with guilds doing different DPS, especially in different contexts, but the disparity is enormous as it stands, and, AoE Cyclic TM is grossly out of whack with respect to accuracy.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 01:28 PM CDT
Don't have too much to add except under casual observation it does seem the non magic using guilds namely barbs and thieves tend to slack against critters along various parts of the circle spectrum. Just opinion though I've never dived into the statistics. One thing I have observed just from reading the forums is how much less the "power compeitition" is between the different classes. If this was Gemstone, the tears would make my computer screen moist. That and I guess most Barbarian primary players I've met tend to be very mature (older) so the whining (which is legit for this matter) could be more constrained.
Anyhow, what I would like to know is... where is Kodius? We haven't heard from him on any subject for quite a while. He still active? I know he had some RL issues to contend with.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 01:43 PM CDT
GMs as a whole seem to have been pretty quiet lately, and we're super duper past proposed release for a couple of things. I'm not saying this to grumble, I'm saying this because I'm wondering where the GMs are too, particularly if some of the voids can be filled by bringing on more people.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 03:20 PM CDT
>>So the best fit is probably a WM with a prepped tm spell, a cyclic, and BG + DB prepped?
>Overall, I think there's nothing wrong with guilds doing different DPS, especially in different contexts, but the disparity is enormous as it stands, and, AoE Cyclic TM is grossly out of whack with respect to accuracy.
Yeah, there really isn't anything wrong with guilds having different ways to attack. I don't think BG and DB deserve a seat at the PvE table either. You can spam them to kill, what, 2 creatures? The preparation time makes it inefficient to even bother with them while hunting unless you're preparing to overhunt one creature or kill a boss. Attacks that trigger instantly without RT and only a little initial preparation are a different animal.
If the conversation devolves into barbs vs. WM, then we'll get nowhere fast.
>Overall, I think there's nothing wrong with guilds doing different DPS, especially in different contexts, but the disparity is enormous as it stands, and, AoE Cyclic TM is grossly out of whack with respect to accuracy.
Yeah, there really isn't anything wrong with guilds having different ways to attack. I don't think BG and DB deserve a seat at the PvE table either. You can spam them to kill, what, 2 creatures? The preparation time makes it inefficient to even bother with them while hunting unless you're preparing to overhunt one creature or kill a boss. Attacks that trigger instantly without RT and only a little initial preparation are a different animal.
If the conversation devolves into barbs vs. WM, then we'll get nowhere fast.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 03:36 PM CDT
I just am a little shocked people think Barbs are weak. They are probably on the stronger side of the pendulum vs most guilds. Big barbs are scary.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 05:51 PM CDT
>I just am a little shocked people think Barbs are weak. They are probably on the stronger side of the pendulum vs most guilds. Big barbs are scary.
In PvP. PvE is another story -- what makes Barbs good in PvP is their defenses (which presumably will change in the barrier review), most of which aren't useful in PvE.
In PvE, the guild that should be the best with weapons is subpar, given similar ranks, due to abilities.
>Yes it is - Backstab's damage bonus is on a 30s CD.
So presumably heavy TM will be similar? 30s isn't that long of a cycle.
> Overall, I think there's nothing wrong with guilds doing different DPS, especially in different contexts
I agree! I think the issue is the DPS gap is significant for the guild you would probably think is described as being one of the best at it is middling at best.
Not all guilds should have the same sustained DPS or burst DPS or etc. The question is what's reasonable and how all the guilds get to that reasonable level. Right now, barbs are significantly behind most guilds in both -- in sustained because they lack the equivalent of both cyclic tm and tm woven between attacks -- and in burst because they lack both 'press this button for higher damage right now' ala backstab or heavy tm, and the sustained sources that can add significant burst damage if they trigger at the right now.
In PvP. PvE is another story -- what makes Barbs good in PvP is their defenses (which presumably will change in the barrier review), most of which aren't useful in PvE.
In PvE, the guild that should be the best with weapons is subpar, given similar ranks, due to abilities.
>Yes it is - Backstab's damage bonus is on a 30s CD.
So presumably heavy TM will be similar? 30s isn't that long of a cycle.
> Overall, I think there's nothing wrong with guilds doing different DPS, especially in different contexts
I agree! I think the issue is the DPS gap is significant for the guild you would probably think is described as being one of the best at it is middling at best.
Not all guilds should have the same sustained DPS or burst DPS or etc. The question is what's reasonable and how all the guilds get to that reasonable level. Right now, barbs are significantly behind most guilds in both -- in sustained because they lack the equivalent of both cyclic tm and tm woven between attacks -- and in burst because they lack both 'press this button for higher damage right now' ala backstab or heavy tm, and the sustained sources that can add significant burst damage if they trigger at the right now.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/07/2016 07:46 PM CDT
>So presumably heavy TM will be similar? 30s isn't that long of a cycle.
Heavy TM IIRC is on a 5 MINUTE CD.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/08/2016 12:21 PM CDT
>>Heavy TM IIRC is on a 5 MINUTE CD.
The timer is variable and based on TM skill. IDK what the max time is but my WM was getting like 2 and a half minutes in Test.
The timer is variable and based on TM skill. IDK what the max time is but my WM was getting like 2 and a half minutes in Test.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/08/2016 12:22 PM CDT
>>In PvP. PvE is another story -- what makes Barbs good in PvP is their defenses (which presumably will change in the barrier review), most of which aren't useful in PvE.
I mean even with the barrier review you are forgetting volcano which is pretty amazing.
I'm not necessarily disagreeing that they arent the strongest, but I kind of feel like Moon Mages and Rangers, and of course traders too technically but they are traders, have a weaker toolkit than Barbs.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/08/2016 01:56 PM CDT
>The timer is variable and based on TM skill. IDK what the max time is but my WM was getting like 2 and a half minutes in Test.
Heavy TM on test was on a reduced cooldown for... testing.
Re: Life mana Spell preps
You raise your hands in the air. You wave them like you just don't care. Somebody says, "Hey!" Somebody says, "Ho!" Somebody screams.
Heavy TM on test was on a reduced cooldown for... testing.
Re: Life mana Spell preps
You raise your hands in the air. You wave them like you just don't care. Somebody says, "Hey!" Somebody says, "Ho!" Somebody screams.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/08/2016 04:08 PM CDT
>>Moon Mages and Rangers, and of course traders too technically but they are traders, have a weaker toolkit than Barbs.
Two of them already have access to secondary damage and traders will soon enough as well, so I'm skeptical that they have a weaker toolkit when it comes to damage output.
IMO, that's really the big thing about not being "effective" in PvE. Weapon skill boosts are good, but they don't equal an entirely different damage rail. The more damage outputs the better.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Two of them already have access to secondary damage and traders will soon enough as well, so I'm skeptical that they have a weaker toolkit when it comes to damage output.
IMO, that's really the big thing about not being "effective" in PvE. Weapon skill boosts are good, but they don't equal an entirely different damage rail. The more damage outputs the better.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/08/2016 04:49 PM CDT
<but I kind of feel like Moon Mages and Rangers, and of course traders too technically but they are traders, have a weaker toolkit than Barbs.>
I can only speak for rangers. I have played both rangers and barbs up to 100+ circle.
My ranger does more DPS than my barb very easily. It's not even really close.
I'm not sure what you mean by toolkit, though. Just strictly speaking DPS.
I can only speak for rangers. I have played both rangers and barbs up to 100+ circle.
My ranger does more DPS than my barb very easily. It's not even really close.
I'm not sure what you mean by toolkit, though. Just strictly speaking DPS.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/08/2016 06:37 PM CDT
>I'm not sure what you mean by toolkit, though. Just strictly speaking DPS.
Toolkit = spells and/or abilities is what he means.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 01:08 AM CDT
Really? I find rangers to be kind of weak. Kind of a poor mans barbarian if anything else. I guess to each their own.
Moonmage seems powerful in PVE because of the survival being secondary, but they have so much limitation on their damage right now, I'm not sure I'd say they can dish out more damage than a barbarian. But skill based game, so ymmv. I'm really not trying to troll here, just surprised anyone would think barb is the "weakest", I feel like they can overhunt so well.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 07:21 AM CDT
<Really? I find rangers to be kind of weak. Kind of a poor mans barbarian if anything else. >
Not necessarily disagreeing with that, just speaking to DPS.
I think rangers are a little under rated, though. They're definitely not up to par with some other guilds but the have some nice things about them. I'm not here to complain about rangers, though. I main a ranger and enjoy it.
Not necessarily disagreeing with that, just speaking to DPS.
I think rangers are a little under rated, though. They're definitely not up to par with some other guilds but the have some nice things about them. I'm not here to complain about rangers, though. I main a ranger and enjoy it.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 08:44 AM CDT
>Moonmage seems powerful...
I think one thing to remember is that MUs are relying on stats that double or even triple dip in their utility. Barbarians rely on Strength and Agility for their damage output, and those are only useful in vs Reflexes as a secondary, and vs Willpower as a tertiary. Compare to Discipline which is used in both vs Fortitude as a secondary, and vs Willpower as a primary, and you see that Discipline is more useful for defensive stat contests. Which is fine and good, except Discipline is ALSO the primary stat involved in accuracy for TM, meaning MUs are going to pump it anyway.
An MU can easily get away with ignoring Strength and Agility past a certain point, and not really suffer any consequences in PvP (maybe fare a bit poorer in vs Reflex, so fine, push Agility a little further which will further facilitate the lighter weapons they're probably training for funsies), but a Barbarian cannot get away with ignoring Wisdom and Intelligence if they want to be able to resist anything an MU throws at them. And yes, I know Barbarians have great anti-magic and anti SvS abilities, but given the incredibly limited training slots, and incredibly limited number of abilities that can be run simultaneously (sans picking up 3 masteries), this is still an issue.
I think this is a sort of kind of problem across the board, that Discipline, Wisdom, and Intelligence are over factored into everything, and some stats are kind of left out, making TDP investment in them potentially less useful. Strength and Charisma come to mind most. It's a sort of funny shift away from the days when Agility was the king stat.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 09:52 AM CDT
>>An MU can easily get away with ignoring Strength and Agility past a certain point, and not really suffer any consequences in PvP (maybe fare a bit poorer in vs Reflex, so fine, push Agility a little further which will further facilitate the lighter weapons they're probably training for funsies)<<
This is really bad advice. =(
This is really bad advice. =(
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 10:51 AM CDT
>I mean even with the barrier review you are forgetting volcano which is pretty amazing.
Volcano is a waste of a slot especially if you using it in PVP against MU opponent. There is no real reason to use it in PVE. Just die and move on.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Volcano is a waste of a slot especially if you using it in PVP against MU opponent. There is no real reason to use it in PVE. Just die and move on.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 10:56 AM CDT
>>An MU can easily get away with ignoring Strength and Agility past a certain point, and not really suffer any consequences in PvP (maybe fare a bit poorer in vs Reflex, so fine, push Agility a little further which will further facilitate the lighter weapons they're probably training for funsies)<<
>This is really bad advice. =(
I think it's more about stating a "fact" than advice. When one looks at the MU characters posted on Elanthia Profiles one will see that 90%+ of the MU characters that are not at end game (100+ in all stats) the statement is true.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
>This is really bad advice. =(
I think it's more about stating a "fact" than advice. When one looks at the MU characters posted on Elanthia Profiles one will see that 90%+ of the MU characters that are not at end game (100+ in all stats) the statement is true.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 11:21 AM CDT
>>I think it's more about stating a "fact" than advice. When one looks at the MU characters posted on Elanthia Profiles one will see that 90%+ of the MU characters that are not at end game (100+ in all stats) the statement is true.
You'd have to restate the statement to make it specific enough to bounce up against any data. Like...most people seem to deprioritize Charisma and that is pretty clear from looking at profiles. It's not obvious that MUs ignore Strength and Agility.
You'd have to restate the statement to make it specific enough to bounce up against any data. Like...most people seem to deprioritize Charisma and that is pretty clear from looking at profiles. It's not obvious that MUs ignore Strength and Agility.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 12:07 PM CDT
Think most of the Devs are on summer vacay. But the deadening silence is very disconcerting. I hope the Stillfront matter didn't disrupt anything in terms of staff and development.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 01:34 PM CDT
>This is really bad advice. =(
Is it? I'm asking, not trying to argue - most characters I know ignore strength after a certain point, including barbarians. I think some of the top barbs here have actually posted or talked about more or less stopping strength training after a certain point (usually once their weapon of choice is down to min RT) because they get more out of other stats than strength.
My point was more that it seems stats are not created equal, across guilds but especially so for MUs, and as a result, some stats tend to be deprioritized over others. Personally, I think all stats should be equally important across guilds, but I'm not sure how to do that properly. While I see the utility in putting everything on the same system, I think it's a shame that Bards for example still don't have any more use for Charisma (other than a few Charm vs spells).
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/09/2016 03:01 PM CDT
>>most characters I know ignore strength after a certain point, including barbarians. I think some of the top barbs here have actually posted or talked about more or less stopping strength training after a certain point
FWIW this is outdated info from when the OF contest provided more +damage than strength did, so even high barbs would start to prioritize agility. This is no longer the case, as the +damage from OF has reduced since 3.1, and strength now provides +damage and +OF (as far as I know).