>>but it's a simple enough test if anyone wants to give it a shot. Just take an unhidden dual-loaded shot and then snipe and poach
Yeah, if you do it a thousand times. On fresh creatures, with the same balance.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 12:43 PM CDT
>I still think the circle-requirement-to-combat-effectiveness comparison is a bad one.
I think Weapon/Magic secondaries are in a great position with respect to being able to keep their weapons and TM in line with one another, making them well suited for being able to effectively bring both to bear in a fight. Warmies and Clerics are even better suited, since they very well probably won't need to hunt in a second place to train one or the other.
>I believe that snipe isn't a damage bonus, it provides no mechanical benefits to the attach other than staying hidden.
I think Snipe provides a 'to hit' bonus (which amounts to a damage bonus) based on a Rangers Scouting.
>This is probably a bit off of the original topic, but is it really that bad nowadays? There have been a lot of changes and additions with regard to IF since 3.0 that have allowed barbs to put up a pretty significant number of buffs. I don't see barbs struggle to keep buffs up nearly as much as when 3.0 first hit. I mean, it's unreasonable to want to use all buffs at once because you have access to so many of them.
It's significantly better since 3.0 first hit, after a lot of whinging, and once you pick up Powermonger + another IF management Mastery, things get pretty manageable. But yes, Barbs not being able to use their buffs is STRIKINGLY worse than the way other guilds have to choose between cyclics and/or ritual spells. Barbs have a ton of buffs, but many of them buff less things than consolidated buffs other guilds have - Harmony for example, +Evasion skill, +Parry Ability skill, +Reflex (stat), is mimicked by a Barbarian running Monkey, Piranha, and Python. In terms of slots, the Barb spends one more slot, and that costs 3 of the 5 total forms the Barb can run.
I don't think it's unreasonable to say Barbs can't use ALL their buffs simultaneously, because many guilds can't, but Barbs by far have the heaviest restrictions in place, in terms of IF, slot cost, and number of abilities they can use simultaneously.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 01:56 PM CDT
>I don't think it's unreasonable to say Barbs can't use ALL their buffs simultaneously, because many guilds can't, but Barbs by far have the heaviest restrictions in place, in terms of IF, slot cost, and number of abilities they can use simultaneously.
This is especially true at low levels without masteries. My low circle barbarian feels so weak I just can't play him anymore.
This is especially true at low levels without masteries. My low circle barbarian feels so weak I just can't play him anymore.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 02:14 PM CDT
>Yeah, if you do it a thousand times. On fresh creatures, with the same balance.
In this case, I think if you don't notice any significant difference in a handful of shots, maybe 10, then we may as well say there's no difference because I don't think any player's going to call that an advantage. Controls are good, like shooting a new creature, leaving combat for a few seconds before returning and shooting a new creature, but that's about as far as we should need to go to judge differences.
Large sample sizes are important when we need precision but I don't think players are looking for that level of precision when judging whether an ability's better or worse under a certain set of circumstances. I sure don't. Smite, for example, probably does something more than a slice if I kill 1k creatures, but if I have to wait to kill 1k creatures before I notice a difference then it's poop from my PoV.
In this case, I think if you don't notice any significant difference in a handful of shots, maybe 10, then we may as well say there's no difference because I don't think any player's going to call that an advantage. Controls are good, like shooting a new creature, leaving combat for a few seconds before returning and shooting a new creature, but that's about as far as we should need to go to judge differences.
Large sample sizes are important when we need precision but I don't think players are looking for that level of precision when judging whether an ability's better or worse under a certain set of circumstances. I sure don't. Smite, for example, probably does something more than a slice if I kill 1k creatures, but if I have to wait to kill 1k creatures before I notice a difference then it's poop from my PoV.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 02:17 PM CDT
Yes, at low levels barbs really struggle. Without any of the masteries it's a real pain to get buffs going.
Jhalia: I count 17 cleric buffs (1 cyclic debil + 16 buffs). Of those, 7 are useless in most hunting areas (think: dr, undead-focused, anti-magic), and one exists only as a vehicle for additional buffs.
My barb normally hunts with 12 buffs (5 form, 5 zerk, 2 meditations) + 6 maseteries for 18 total buffs active. Let's compare the buff suites, the ones I had active above and what appears to be all clerical ones:
Cleric: +defending, +anti-magic, +barrier vs spirit, +barrier vs ranged and tm, emergency knockback, light, charisma, undead specific buffs
Barb: +weapon, +stamina, +power/balance of weapon +reduced critical miss, +armor skill, +improved WW, +vit heal, +weapon speed, +roar area, +stealth
The rest is overlap. I'd rather have the barb buff suite -- and that's without some of the other berserks I could run. If I could also run the rest of my forms, that hard limit didn't exist, my buff suite would be ridiculous in comparison.
To compare these, defending and +armor skills are roughly equivalents.
Emergency knockback and roar area are similar in value.
So it's 3 barriers, a light source, undead specific buffs, and +charisma -- which aren't used vs most critters vs significant weapon buffs, stam, vitheal, and stealth or whatever I have in that utility 5th slot (I keep it as anti-magic vs magic users obviously).
Guilds are different, but honestly I don't find my buffset to be lacking. It doesn't feel lacking as someone who's leveled decently high alts in other guilds as well. It's not general PvE that concerns me as a barb player, it's the speed killing that other classes can get from passive AOE damage sources.
Jhalia: I count 17 cleric buffs (1 cyclic debil + 16 buffs). Of those, 7 are useless in most hunting areas (think: dr, undead-focused, anti-magic), and one exists only as a vehicle for additional buffs.
My barb normally hunts with 12 buffs (5 form, 5 zerk, 2 meditations) + 6 maseteries for 18 total buffs active. Let's compare the buff suites, the ones I had active above and what appears to be all clerical ones:
Cleric: +defending, +anti-magic, +barrier vs spirit, +barrier vs ranged and tm, emergency knockback, light, charisma, undead specific buffs
Barb: +weapon, +stamina, +power/balance of weapon +reduced critical miss, +armor skill, +improved WW, +vit heal, +weapon speed, +roar area, +stealth
The rest is overlap. I'd rather have the barb buff suite -- and that's without some of the other berserks I could run. If I could also run the rest of my forms, that hard limit didn't exist, my buff suite would be ridiculous in comparison.
To compare these, defending and +armor skills are roughly equivalents.
Emergency knockback and roar area are similar in value.
So it's 3 barriers, a light source, undead specific buffs, and +charisma -- which aren't used vs most critters vs significant weapon buffs, stam, vitheal, and stealth or whatever I have in that utility 5th slot (I keep it as anti-magic vs magic users obviously).
Guilds are different, but honestly I don't find my buffset to be lacking. It doesn't feel lacking as someone who's leveled decently high alts in other guilds as well. It's not general PvE that concerns me as a barb player, it's the speed killing that other classes can get from passive AOE damage sources.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 02:17 PM CDT
IMO, given how open/honest the GMs are about mechanics like these, you're better off asking what it does, and saving data tests for confirming if something is/isn't working.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 02:46 PM CDT
>Cleric: +defending, +anti-magic, +barrier vs spirit, +barrier vs ranged and tm, emergency knockback, light, charisma, undead specific buffs
Respectfully, I think you're not using all your Clerical buffs by a long shot - lets just put aside the +UndeadCombat stuff, for the sake of comparison -
Auspice, Benediction, Centering, HYH-MALE/COZ or GhS, GG, MAPP, MPP, POM, SaP buffing (which is kind of optional and irrelevant actually I'd say for this), SoL, and SoS. That results in -
+Charisma, +Agility, +Reflex, +Strength, +Balance, -OF/DF or Gear or -TM/Ranged Damage, +Wisdom, +Defending, +Evasion, +Barrier, +AttunementRegen, +Warding/Utility/Augmentation/Debilitation oomph, +Shield (and a snazzier, larger shield than armor terts should get!), and +vsSpirit.
That is... incredible. Yes, Clerics cannot natively buff +WeaponSkill or +TMAgainstLiving (they can against the undead!), but Sorcery covers this. Communes ALSO provide for no spellslot cost some of the perks that Barb abilities provide - Blood Staunching and Athletics for example. And where Clerics don't have a +WeaponSkill, they have +Agility and +Strength! And where they don't have +TMAgainstTheLiving, they have both Immortal Alignment, a Commune for +TMAgainstUndead, native buffing of Wisdom, and access to Sorcery!
Mind you, Benediction is admittedly one of the games most potent self-buffs, and HYH-MALE is a super solid debuffs (along with DALU), but Benediction is TWO spellslots for THREE stat buffs. To match Agility, Reflex, and Strength, Barbs must run a berserk and two forms, which represents a sizable chunk of the total number of buffs they can run, AND, this will cost them more than two training sessions. HYH-MALE will cost a Cleric four slots, but compare that to most of the Barb roars, which aren't mind you general OF/DF debuffs, and can cost anywhere from 1-4 training sessions.
Mind you, at 80th, my Cleric doesn't even have all these buffs - I didn't pick up GG or SoS.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 02:47 PM CDT
Oh, and Clerics are a super bad guild to compare with Barbs, as of ALL the Magic using guilds, Osrel Meraud makes buff maintenance SUPER easy, for a guild that ALREADY has an oodleplex of buffs to mess with in the first place.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 03:22 PM CDT
Jhalia, I think you missed the word 'unique'. All the buffs you added to that list don't fit that criteria. Except.. wisdom and immortal alignment?
It doesn't really make sense to say 'both have +str' when making a comparison of the unique buffs.
Yes, their individual abilities as part of that buffset are different, and benediction is obviously incredible. That doesn't change that the buffset I'm comparing it to (happily, the one I posted) still buffs those same stats.
I'd stand by my prior comparison, even missing those two. The barb buffset doesn't feel lacking. The biggest thing they miss out on is sorcery & symboisis to let them use other guilds buffs and fill in weak spots. But even that isn't major as they can buff pretty much every major ability, and certainly every important combat ability.
Are the cleric buffs incredibly good? Of course, they're among if not the best. So given that barb doesn't feel lacking in comparison when you look at the full suite of available buffs that can be run simultaneously then says something.
It doesn't really make sense to say 'both have +str' when making a comparison of the unique buffs.
Yes, their individual abilities as part of that buffset are different, and benediction is obviously incredible. That doesn't change that the buffset I'm comparing it to (happily, the one I posted) still buffs those same stats.
I'd stand by my prior comparison, even missing those two. The barb buffset doesn't feel lacking. The biggest thing they miss out on is sorcery & symboisis to let them use other guilds buffs and fill in weak spots. But even that isn't major as they can buff pretty much every major ability, and certainly every important combat ability.
Are the cleric buffs incredibly good? Of course, they're among if not the best. So given that barb doesn't feel lacking in comparison when you look at the full suite of available buffs that can be run simultaneously then says something.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 03:43 PM CDT
>>Are the cleric buffs incredibly good? Of course, they're among if not the best. So given that barb doesn't feel lacking in comparison when you look at the full suite of available buffs that can be run simultaneously then says something.
Defensively I'd have to agree that they are quite good.
Offensively, non magic, I think they lack a bit of oomph as a weapon secondary guild.
Defensively I'd have to agree that they are quite good.
Offensively, non magic, I think they lack a bit of oomph as a weapon secondary guild.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 03:59 PM CDT
But why compare just uniques? Ultimately this all breaks down to +offense or +defense, and how much you can run. Barbs have great access, but cannot run many simultaneously. I don't think talking about uniques is that useful, for the same reason I don't think paladin's having divine armor inherently makes them better off than anyone else defensively. Not all stats and skills are equivalent.
Ultimately I feel like my Barb needs more offensive oomph because his defenses peeled ahead of his primary weapons with all the side training he was doing. Unfortunately, running the full suite of offensive abilities means he has very little room for running much else. Imagine telling a cleric they could only have two augs, two wards, and one utility spell up.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 04:27 PM CDT
<This is exactly what I was referring to, specifically. I stand by TM not being that great on a magic tert>
I do a ridiculous amount of damage with TM on my ranger. It takes basically just as many swings with a weapon to kill as it does casts with a crappy eagle's cry cast. Magic does a lot of damage.
I do a ridiculous amount of damage with TM on my ranger. It takes basically just as many swings with a weapon to kill as it does casts with a crappy eagle's cry cast. Magic does a lot of damage.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 04:28 PM CDT
Sorry, perhaps I still wasn't clear enough:
Every other buff you mentioned for cleric, I have an equivalent ACTIVE buff on the barb. Sure, if you want to compare the full list, it looks like this:
centering (balance)
auspice (cha, spirit)
mpp (phy damage reduc)
pfe (undead only)
mapp (defending, evasion)
SL (anti-magic)
soul shield (barrier vs spirit)
ghost shroud (cyclic, barrier vs ranged and tm)
bene (+agi ref str)
halo (knockback, dmg vs undead?)
sol (+shield)
bless (+dmg vs undead)
dr (light source)
sap (+one of aug ward debil util)
pom (+attunement, regen)
om - stores some of these spells
Whatever gives +wis
Cyclic debil
Immortal alignment (buff 2 magic skills, debuff 3)
Total - 16 buffs.
Of these, 1 is useful only in dark rooms as a buff (DR), 1 is useful only to carry some of the others (OM), 2 are undead only (pfe/bless), and 1 is not particularly useful for pve (auspice)
That leaves you with 11 pre-sorcery.
You have: balance, phys dam reduction, +defending, +evasion, anti-magic, barrier vs spirit, barrier vs ranged and tm, +agi, + ref + str, +shield, +one magic skill, +attunement (and regen), and an emergency knockback. You'll also have cyclic debil. Note: I missed wisdom and immortal alignment when I did this mapping originally.
On the other hand, I have:
Powermonger (+IF, IF regen limit)
Yogi (Med in combat, -cost)
Titan (-berserk cost)
Stragos (+IF from kills, roar area)
Tribalist (+debil, -form cost)
Dervish (imp WW)
Contemplation (+Augmentation, +all armors)
Tenacity (physical damage reduc)
Famine (vit heal)
Tsunami (+power and balance of weapon; reduced crit miss)
Wildfire (+agi, weapon speed)
Earthquake (cyclic AOE debil)
Tornado (+shield, +stam)
Monkey (+ref, balance)
Piranha (+eva)
Dragon (+all melee)
Bear (+ward, +str)
Panther (+Stealth)
balance, phys dam reduc, +evasion, +agi, +ref, +str, +shield, +3 magic skills, + attunement and regen equivs, +stealth, +weapon, +stamina, +power/balance of weapon, reduced critical miss, +armor skill, improved WW, med in combat.
Cleric: +defending, +anti-magic, +barrier vs spirit, +barrier vs ranged and tm, emergency knockback,
Barb: +weapon, +stamina, +power/balance of weapon +reduced critical miss, +armor skill, +improved WW, +vit heal, +weapon speed, +roar area, 2 buffed magic skills.
I don't think that adding the whole list, to get down to the summary at the bottom was particularly meaningful, if two guilds have the same active buffs, what distinguishes between them is what they have that's different, not what they have that is the same. I guess you could look at how many of them are in the primary SOI vs secondary and see how good the buffs are relative to eachother, but that is more effort than I'm willing to go down.
It sounds to me like your barb is missing masteries, and should be focused on getting those so that s/he can better maintain the buff suite. I would agree that the amount of time it takes before you can maintain a lot of the buffs consistently is extreme. However, if you could maintain all of the barb buffs, they would frankly be too strong.
I would agree that my defenses are ahead of my weapons (as I train all weapons). However, weapon masteries pull my weapon ranks up.
Every other buff you mentioned for cleric, I have an equivalent ACTIVE buff on the barb. Sure, if you want to compare the full list, it looks like this:
centering (balance)
auspice (cha, spirit)
mpp (phy damage reduc)
pfe (undead only)
mapp (defending, evasion)
SL (anti-magic)
soul shield (barrier vs spirit)
ghost shroud (cyclic, barrier vs ranged and tm)
bene (+agi ref str)
halo (knockback, dmg vs undead?)
sol (+shield)
bless (+dmg vs undead)
dr (light source)
sap (+one of aug ward debil util)
pom (+attunement, regen)
om - stores some of these spells
Whatever gives +wis
Cyclic debil
Immortal alignment (buff 2 magic skills, debuff 3)
Total - 16 buffs.
Of these, 1 is useful only in dark rooms as a buff (DR), 1 is useful only to carry some of the others (OM), 2 are undead only (pfe/bless), and 1 is not particularly useful for pve (auspice)
That leaves you with 11 pre-sorcery.
You have: balance, phys dam reduction, +defending, +evasion, anti-magic, barrier vs spirit, barrier vs ranged and tm, +agi, + ref + str, +shield, +one magic skill, +attunement (and regen), and an emergency knockback. You'll also have cyclic debil. Note: I missed wisdom and immortal alignment when I did this mapping originally.
On the other hand, I have:
Powermonger (+IF, IF regen limit)
Yogi (Med in combat, -cost)
Titan (-berserk cost)
Stragos (+IF from kills, roar area)
Tribalist (+debil, -form cost)
Dervish (imp WW)
Contemplation (+Augmentation, +all armors)
Tenacity (physical damage reduc)
Famine (vit heal)
Tsunami (+power and balance of weapon; reduced crit miss)
Wildfire (+agi, weapon speed)
Earthquake (cyclic AOE debil)
Tornado (+shield, +stam)
Monkey (+ref, balance)
Piranha (+eva)
Dragon (+all melee)
Bear (+ward, +str)
Panther (+Stealth)
balance, phys dam reduc, +evasion, +agi, +ref, +str, +shield, +3 magic skills, + attunement and regen equivs, +stealth, +weapon, +stamina, +power/balance of weapon, reduced critical miss, +armor skill, improved WW, med in combat.
Cleric: +defending, +anti-magic, +barrier vs spirit, +barrier vs ranged and tm, emergency knockback,
Barb: +weapon, +stamina, +power/balance of weapon +reduced critical miss, +armor skill, +improved WW, +vit heal, +weapon speed, +roar area, 2 buffed magic skills.
I don't think that adding the whole list, to get down to the summary at the bottom was particularly meaningful, if two guilds have the same active buffs, what distinguishes between them is what they have that's different, not what they have that is the same. I guess you could look at how many of them are in the primary SOI vs secondary and see how good the buffs are relative to eachother, but that is more effort than I'm willing to go down.
It sounds to me like your barb is missing masteries, and should be focused on getting those so that s/he can better maintain the buff suite. I would agree that the amount of time it takes before you can maintain a lot of the buffs consistently is extreme. However, if you could maintain all of the barb buffs, they would frankly be too strong.
I would agree that my defenses are ahead of my weapons (as I train all weapons). However, weapon masteries pull my weapon ranks up.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 04:32 PM CDT
>But why compare just uniques? Ultimately this all breaks down to +offense or +defense, and how much you can run. Barbs have great access, but cannot run many simultaneously. I don't think talking about uniques is that useful, for the same reason I don't think paladin's having divine armor inherently makes them better off than anyone else defensively. Not all stats and skills are equivalent.
I think JTERKO2 was comparing the stuff s/he runs simultaneously as a barb with what clerics are capable of running. It's possible s/he is capable of running more stuff than you because of higher skill, but I think continuing in this direction is sort of derailing the thread for whatever it's worth.
The original topic was about whether barbs are really as weak as perceived by the OP. I think a lot in this thread, including your posts, suggest that the only really significant issue barbs face, and it may not be a barb issue per se, is kill time with regard to AoE.
Assuming the problem goes beyond AoE and cyclics for the OP, I really think it would help to know what weapons the OP is working with, creatures hunted and possibly skill (if necessary), but at least weapons. I've seen plenty of situations where people don't feel like they're doing enough damage and they tweak a few things and change weapons, and their situation improves drastically.
>I do a ridiculous amount of damage with TM on my ranger. It takes basically just as many swings with a weapon to kill as it does casts with a crappy eagle's cry cast. Magic does a lot of damage.
I wasn't clear. I meant it's not a significantly better situation. Even when I'm using a crossbow, things usually die before the TM cast or on the cast. In other words, one more hit with any weapon would lead to the same thing: the creature's death. At that point we're talking about draw RT v lower cast RT, but it's really almost a wash.
I think JTERKO2 was comparing the stuff s/he runs simultaneously as a barb with what clerics are capable of running. It's possible s/he is capable of running more stuff than you because of higher skill, but I think continuing in this direction is sort of derailing the thread for whatever it's worth.
The original topic was about whether barbs are really as weak as perceived by the OP. I think a lot in this thread, including your posts, suggest that the only really significant issue barbs face, and it may not be a barb issue per se, is kill time with regard to AoE.
Assuming the problem goes beyond AoE and cyclics for the OP, I really think it would help to know what weapons the OP is working with, creatures hunted and possibly skill (if necessary), but at least weapons. I've seen plenty of situations where people don't feel like they're doing enough damage and they tweak a few things and change weapons, and their situation improves drastically.
>I do a ridiculous amount of damage with TM on my ranger. It takes basically just as many swings with a weapon to kill as it does casts with a crappy eagle's cry cast. Magic does a lot of damage.
I wasn't clear. I meant it's not a significantly better situation. Even when I'm using a crossbow, things usually die before the TM cast or on the cast. In other words, one more hit with any weapon would lead to the same thing: the creature's death. At that point we're talking about draw RT v lower cast RT, but it's really almost a wash.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 04:44 PM CDT
Ah, I see what you mean. I disagree with some specifics, but see your point. My Barb is missing Titan, which would pendant let him run the full allowance of berserks. What circlel are you ?
Still unaddressed is why barbs lack the damage source everyone but thieves and traders enjoy, and why it take such heavy mastery investment to use the abilities.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 04:49 PM CDT
>>Still unaddressed is why barbs lack the damage source everyone but thieves and traders enjoy
Because Barbarians, Thieves, and Traders do not currently buy into the TM model on any level. Magic, for all intents and purposes, has always been secondary (and tertiary with the the new magic model and TM/summon cyclics) damage. Traders will be buying into it once they become Lunar'ed, but IMO Barbarians and Thieves should/could/will most likely/eventually get something that runs on the TM track like they now have for most other magic types.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Because Barbarians, Thieves, and Traders do not currently buy into the TM model on any level. Magic, for all intents and purposes, has always been secondary (and tertiary with the the new magic model and TM/summon cyclics) damage. Traders will be buying into it once they become Lunar'ed, but IMO Barbarians and Thieves should/could/will most likely/eventually get something that runs on the TM track like they now have for most other magic types.
Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 04:56 PM CDT
Heh. By addressed I didnt mean 'summarize what we all agree is a problem', but yes, what you said.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 05:16 PM CDT
>Out of curiosity, and I wager the answer is a resounding yes, is Snipe superior in damage over having both Str/Agl/Bows buffed, which barbs can do with Bear/Wildfire/Eagle, as opposed to Ranges who can only buff either Str or Agl, in addition to Bows?
If they are getting max success on the contest then I would wager that Snipe is superior to buffing both stats at the same time.
If they are getting max success on the contest then I would wager that Snipe is superior to buffing both stats at the same time.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 06:03 PM CDT
132 circle. How many is the full allowance of berserks? I know I can have 6 going at a time, but I only have 6 and don't think there are really any more worth learning for non-situational purposes (or pvp). Similarly, I only have 2 meditations worth using all the time in combat.
I agree -- the mastery investment is extreme to just be able to get on the same level as other guilds were 60-70 circles ago. That said, we are at least room agnostic for our abilities, we don't need to worry about good or bad rooms, and we don't need to worry about killing our attunement by putting up all our buffs one after another. I don't think that barbs necessarily need AOE damage the way that most guilds have. I would be happy with an expertise-based attack that did extreme damage, similar to backstab :).
I agree -- the mastery investment is extreme to just be able to get on the same level as other guilds were 60-70 circles ago. That said, we are at least room agnostic for our abilities, we don't need to worry about good or bad rooms, and we don't need to worry about killing our attunement by putting up all our buffs one after another. I don't think that barbs necessarily need AOE damage the way that most guilds have. I would be happy with an expertise-based attack that did extreme damage, similar to backstab :).
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 06:07 PM CDT
To clarify: I think that I'd like expertise to become what sets us apart from other guilds, and while it has some function currently, I feel like the analyze abilities, as buffs, are a little underwhelming. Rage and Calm sound interesting, but not only have I not been able to use them, but also they're gated at the highest levels of the skill, which makes them useless where they're needed -- for younger players.
We could swap rage and calm for accuracy and damage (or just bump those up; I think they're useful and probably should be lower level) and it would be a significant improvement for younger barbs.
However, it feels like we could use a maneuver that would add a ton of value and solve some of the other problems.
We could swap rage and calm for accuracy and damage (or just bump those up; I think they're useful and probably should be lower level) and it would be a significant improvement for younger barbs.
However, it feels like we could use a maneuver that would add a ton of value and solve some of the other problems.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 07:27 PM CDT
>Out of curiosity, is the complaint related to training or just killing in general. If the former, I can't think of too many reasons why anyone would want to kill extremely fast.
Barbs regenerate Inner Fire on the kill shot in PVE. It is important to barbs to "kill" their enemies as fast as possible to not drop their buffs (in general).
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Barbs regenerate Inner Fire on the kill shot in PVE. It is important to barbs to "kill" their enemies as fast as possible to not drop their buffs (in general).
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 07:49 PM CDT
>How many is the full allowance of berserks? I know I can have 6 going at a time, but I only have 6 and don't think there are really any more worth learning for non-situational purposes (or pvp).
Maximum abilities per GM at 3.1 rollout:
5 Forms
4 Berserks
3 Meditations
Now we all know that four berserks is incorrect as people have shown the ability to run five (myself included). If you have indeed launched six at one time I would bet there is no real limit since it was "supposed" to be four. I'm starting to think maybe there shouldn't be limits on any of our abilities. Not sure why there is. If we have IF to run 'em let us use 'em.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Maximum abilities per GM at 3.1 rollout:
5 Forms
4 Berserks
3 Meditations
Now we all know that four berserks is incorrect as people have shown the ability to run five (myself included). If you have indeed launched six at one time I would bet there is no real limit since it was "supposed" to be four. I'm starting to think maybe there shouldn't be limits on any of our abilities. Not sure why there is. If we have IF to run 'em let us use 'em.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 08:26 PM CDT
I believe kodius stated that if gain from kills is limited to 'one kill grants credit per minute's or something like that. If you whirlwind four critters dead, I think you only get credit for killing one.
In my case, if management feels pretty weird.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
06/30/2016 10:54 PM CDT
Who cares about killing multiple jobs fast. If you want to be a coin farmer this was probably a bad choice although to be honest if you want to farm coins anything "hunting" is the wrong answer. As a barbarian you are going to be able to go toe to toe with the baddest of the bad and sooner than any other guild . Don't sweat the rate you can drop wyverns, drakes or moths. Dr currency is just funny money anyway and barbs train just fine regardless of kill speed. Also barbarians are better than most think in pvp.
The singalong thing barbs miss is that offensive ability that can break through an even contest.
Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
The singalong thing barbs miss is that offensive ability that can break through an even contest.
Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/01/2016 08:20 AM CDT
Would argue compeititive killing is everything in an MMO especially relative to other players. Right now the real essence of the problem is that I'm putting in the same amount of time into the game and getting out much less than some other guilds. This is a deal breaker for me, everything else I don't mind too much.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/01/2016 08:37 AM CDT
> I'm putting in the same amount of time into the game and getting out much less than some other guilds.
This isn't true. You're putting in the same time, but you're much higher up in the kill ladder and you can survive more than most other guilds from raw ranks and careful use of skills.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/01/2016 09:20 AM CDT
>Would argue compeititive killing is everything in an MMO especially relative to other players. Right now the real essence of the problem is that I'm putting in the same amount of time into the game and getting out much less than some other guilds. This is a deal breaker for me, everything else I don't mind too much.
I usually dislike when someone responds to a post with "switch guilds" because there's rarely just one reason someone chooses a guild. However, in this case it sounds like the most important thing to you is killing as fast as possible, and... Thing is even if cyclic TM is reevaluated and the one or two overpowered spells are brought in line, barbs are likely still going to kill slower than warrior mages because it's just always been that way and the trend continues in that direction. It's just their thing, I guess.
I think you might really enjoy trying out the warrior mage guild. Just give it a shot for a few weeks and see how it feels. You might really enjoy their playstyle, and you can always come back to your barb if it turns out to not be your cup of tea. There's no point rushing to 150 because passed a certain point the game doesn't get better the higher you go in circle.
Alternatively, and I know I've stated this already, please make sure you're using the best weapon setup to fit your goals. For barbs that's at least a stick bow, a thrown weapon and a heavy melee weapon, but preferably every freakin' weapon because you're a barb. If you don't keep all three of those weapon types at least somewhat close to your main and your goal is killing fast, you need to rework your weapon setup if you want to stick with barb. Otherwise, you're probably going to stay unhappy. Also, crafted weapons are more important than crafted armor. If you're 100th circle and you're not sporting at least kertig/haralun/glaes metal weapons and comparable tier wood weapons, you need to work toward investing in those ASAP.
Also, start learning how to PvP on your barb. It may suck losing initially, but when you start to learn how your guild works and how to counter other guilds' stuff, you'll probably find a greater appreciation for your abilities. Log your fights and revisit your wins and losses to think about what you can do differently next time. That goes for all guilds, really.
I usually dislike when someone responds to a post with "switch guilds" because there's rarely just one reason someone chooses a guild. However, in this case it sounds like the most important thing to you is killing as fast as possible, and... Thing is even if cyclic TM is reevaluated and the one or two overpowered spells are brought in line, barbs are likely still going to kill slower than warrior mages because it's just always been that way and the trend continues in that direction. It's just their thing, I guess.
I think you might really enjoy trying out the warrior mage guild. Just give it a shot for a few weeks and see how it feels. You might really enjoy their playstyle, and you can always come back to your barb if it turns out to not be your cup of tea. There's no point rushing to 150 because passed a certain point the game doesn't get better the higher you go in circle.
Alternatively, and I know I've stated this already, please make sure you're using the best weapon setup to fit your goals. For barbs that's at least a stick bow, a thrown weapon and a heavy melee weapon, but preferably every freakin' weapon because you're a barb. If you don't keep all three of those weapon types at least somewhat close to your main and your goal is killing fast, you need to rework your weapon setup if you want to stick with barb. Otherwise, you're probably going to stay unhappy. Also, crafted weapons are more important than crafted armor. If you're 100th circle and you're not sporting at least kertig/haralun/glaes metal weapons and comparable tier wood weapons, you need to work toward investing in those ASAP.
Also, start learning how to PvP on your barb. It may suck losing initially, but when you start to learn how your guild works and how to counter other guilds' stuff, you'll probably find a greater appreciation for your abilities. Log your fights and revisit your wins and losses to think about what you can do differently next time. That goes for all guilds, really.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/01/2016 10:46 AM CDT
>>Howdy folks. Small quality of life improvement here. ALL kills now award some inner fire. 100% of this inner fire is awarded if the kills are exactly 120 seconds apart. If they occur closer, the IF awarded will be determined by the % of time elapsed. This should negate any and all advantages or penalties from killing too fastly or two slowly.
2 minutes is a pretty reasonable time for folks to be killing things in and even if you end up killing a little slower, you'll still be getting most of the IF possible.
Please be on the lookout for bugs. Each change increases the complexity of what is going on behind the scenes a good bit...
>>Post:Adjustment to IF Gain from Kills - 02/20/2013 - 19:13 This message was originally posted in The Barbarians \ The Inner Fire, by DR-KODIUS on the play.net forums
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
2 minutes is a pretty reasonable time for folks to be killing things in and even if you end up killing a little slower, you'll still be getting most of the IF possible.
Please be on the lookout for bugs. Each change increases the complexity of what is going on behind the scenes a good bit...
>>Post:Adjustment to IF Gain from Kills - 02/20/2013 - 19:13 This message was originally posted in The Barbarians \ The Inner Fire, by DR-KODIUS on the play.net forums
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/01/2016 07:47 PM CDT
>Is Kodius our barb GM programmer?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/02/2016 08:02 AM CDT
Lanival: If you feel like you're getting less out of your time than others, you're probably doing something wrong.
Reality check; if you're circle chasing as you've said you have been, you're going through the hunting ladders significantly faster than any other guild. If you're hunting wyverns after 1,000 hours of effort and someone else is doing it after 2,000 hours of effort, but kills them more rapidly than you did, are you getting more or less out of your time? I'd say you're getting more out of your time because you've moved through the game more rapidly. If you're not circle chasing, you're training weapons wide and it gives you a ton of options and makes you highly effective at pvp.
Reality check; if you're circle chasing as you've said you have been, you're going through the hunting ladders significantly faster than any other guild. If you're hunting wyverns after 1,000 hours of effort and someone else is doing it after 2,000 hours of effort, but kills them more rapidly than you did, are you getting more or less out of your time? I'd say you're getting more out of your time because you've moved through the game more rapidly. If you're not circle chasing, you're training weapons wide and it gives you a ton of options and makes you highly effective at pvp.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/02/2016 01:33 PM CDT
All the hunting partners have put in less time on there toons and have overall less ranks then me. This isn't about the hunting ladder but rather a tangible and absolute deficit in power relative to equally played characters but with different guilds.
Last night, I attempted to restart my DR journey on a freshly made WM, but it just got me angry. The only questions popping up in my mind is why must I do this all over again?! So, I'm probably going to take a break from the game. If in the future the game balances out more I may come back but right now it's pretty woefully unbalanced. If you say otherwise, I honestly think you haven't played all that much or are out of touch with current game realities for whatever reason. Apologies for being so blunt but after 13 months+ of constant playing only to discover you're being short-changed all this time can get anyone pretty angry.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/02/2016 02:11 PM CDT
Btw, this is in no way a judgement against the programmers or staff. The staff here is 100 times more player friendly and logical than the staff of GSIV which I started up a few months back. In fact, if this was GSIV I wouldn't even be able to post here. I have absolutely no confidence in the staff over at GSIV. Anyhow, DR staff is just plain awesome especially with events and the way they approached the monetization of F2P. 10/10 for DR Staff, Programmers, Assistants, events people, mentors etc.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/02/2016 04:03 PM CDT
Maybe you've already said it somewhere, but humor me. How would you fix the perceived gap without turning the tables? In other words, if you found a way to give barbarians a clone of rimefang to bump up the kill speed, how would you keep barbarians balanced to keep this thread from popping up in the warrior mage boards?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/02/2016 04:57 PM CDT
As someone with Altitis, and find playing multiple guilds to be a lot of fun, and indeed, what keeps me in DR. Bouncing between characters helps ward off the doldrums!
As for how to fix it - Barbs need an additional damage source. A berserk or form or meditation that either pulse hits whatever your facing or whatever youre engaged with, or randomly counter attacks, etc.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/02/2016 05:04 PM CDT
>Maybe you've already said it somewhere, but humor me. How would you fix the perceived gap without turning the tables? In other words, if you found a way to give barbarians a clone of rimefang to bump up the kill speed, how would you keep barbarians balanced to keep this thread from popping up in the warrior mage boards?
You don't try and 'balance' the guilds, you try to make sure each guild is fun. Barbarians do not feel fun. At least not at low levels, from my personal experiences. I feel weak, I feel like my abilities don't have much 'umph', and to make matters worse, I cannot even use all of my abilities.
The fact that the grass is greener elsewhere is a byproduct of the fundamental problem. Some guilds are more fun than others.
You don't try and 'balance' the guilds, you try to make sure each guild is fun. Barbarians do not feel fun. At least not at low levels, from my personal experiences. I feel weak, I feel like my abilities don't have much 'umph', and to make matters worse, I cannot even use all of my abilities.
The fact that the grass is greener elsewhere is a byproduct of the fundamental problem. Some guilds are more fun than others.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/03/2016 07:43 AM CDT
Ranks basically at this point mostly just help everyone to hit. You have to grossly outclass to see some serious bump in damage, otherwise. I think a simple solution to balance things out would be make weapon primaries hit hardest with weapons in a way that is in line with how hard the best MUs can hit with magic, secondaries hit lower with weapons than primaries, and terts lower than secondaries.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/03/2016 10:55 AM CDT
> I think a simple solution to balance things out would be make weapon primaries hit hardest with weapons in a way that is in line with how hard the best MUs can hit with magic, secondaries hit lower with weapons than primaries, and terts lower than secondaries.
This isn't a bad idea. There's a couple ways you could accomplish it.
1. Dual swing. A melee weapon user's answer to dual load. Weapon size dependent on skillset.
2. Re-roll. A weapon primary gets two damage rolls every swing, but keeps the higher of the two. Secondaries have a 50% chance to get the second roll. Maybe a slight penalty on the second roll for balance's sake. This kind of system could be expanded. Defensive rolls for armor users, backfire chance for magic users, and survival checks (aka hiding, picking).
3. Passive buff. Always on.
4. Passive weapon bonus tied to kill rate. The more you kill, the better you are. Everyone gets it, but primaries/secondaries generate it faster with a smaller floor.
5. More maneuvers that just give you buffs at a cost of slowly draining inner fire. Think warrior mage pathways, but for melee weapons.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/03/2016 10:59 AM CDT
Sorry, one more suggestion that may be easier to implement.
> Overloading offensive stats.
Let everyone increase their offensive stance to 110% at the cost of reducing defensive points. May be tied to weapon skills some how like defensive stance points are tied to the defense skill. Barbarians get 110%. Secondaries get 105%. This would be a nice perk to paladins too. Defensive skills can go up to 110%. Armor secondaries can go to 105%.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/03/2016 02:09 PM CDT
Huh, those are all pretty clever. I like the idea of giving extra offensive stance pts based on weapon skillset placement, and some sort of compensation akin to how magic primes get more attunement