>Ranks basically at this point mostly just help everyone to hit. You have to grossly outclass to see some serious bump in damage, otherwise. I think a simple solution to balance things out would be make weapon primaries hit hardest with weapons in a way that is in line with how hard the best MUs can hit with magic, secondaries hit lower with weapons than primaries, and terts lower than secondaries.
I would opt for a more active way of dealing extra damage. Have Barb combo's end with a huge damaging attack is my current favorite concept.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/03/2016 07:51 PM CDT
I was thinking even more simple... just straight up weapon swings do most damage for primaries, less for secondaries and even less for terts, but if any GM ever wants to do some awesome extra combat stuff, I'd be all for it. Those ideas are cool, too.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/03/2016 10:53 PM CDT
>Let everyone increase their offensive stance to 110% at the cost of reducing defensive points. May be tied to weapon skills some how like defensive stance points are tied to the defense skill. Barbarians get 110%. Secondaries get 105%. This would be a nice perk to paladins too. Defensive skills can go up to 110%. Armor secondaries can go to 105%.
Great idea! Although I'm partial to it being barbarian only and tie it to Expertise skill for barbs to max up to 120%.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Great idea! Although I'm partial to it being barbarian only and tie it to Expertise skill for barbs to max up to 120%.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/03/2016 11:05 PM CDT
Okay, I thought more about this.
Barbarians can max Offense at 120 points.
Give barbarians 1 point towards Offense stat for every 80 ranks in Expertise, stopping at 1600 ranks
If you want to figure out something for other guilds go ahead. I think we need the focused perk because of our inability to output damage like other guilds, but that's just me. I can live with letting secondary and tertiary having some kind of bone.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Barbarians can max Offense at 120 points.
Give barbarians 1 point towards Offense stat for every 80 ranks in Expertise, stopping at 1600 ranks
If you want to figure out something for other guilds go ahead. I think we need the focused perk because of our inability to output damage like other guilds, but that's just me. I can live with letting secondary and tertiary having some kind of bone.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/04/2016 08:00 AM CDT
SQUANTO's idea about weapon primaries, or just Barbarians, dealing a straight up increased flat damage is probably the most frugal and effective idea. The extension of allowing Barbarians to go above 100% in attack stance, perhaps up to 120% and in lieu of defense of course, is a good one as well.
The more meaty,time consuming, but more flashy ideas might be a double strike attack, an automatic counterattack, or dare I say it a roar that does room damage.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 10:18 AM CDT
The idea of just giving barbs extra damage, while obviously a nice buff isn't very 'sexy'. I'd much rather see buffs to combat maneuvers and/or unique barb ones that significantly increase damage output. There are a lot of interesting barb buff ideas in this thread. That said, being able to buff attack stance at the cost of defense stance is not appealing to me. The best way to train is to stay in combat as often as possible. That stresses having defenses ahead of weapons so that you can take swings without dying. If you have to nerf your defenses to increase your weapon damage, it would be an impractical decision for barbs to truly do that. If we want to go down that route, it would be better to, similar to magic, have different kinds of attack to stance across that improve. I.e. you can bump accuracy at the cost of damage or something -- and then give barbs more points to spend on that.
Having said that, is anyone else concerned by OPs string of posts? He's circle chasing, but apparently has spent more time on his character (and has more total ranks) than the non-barbs he's hunting with. I'm confused and concerned as to what he's doing wrong so that people are getting the right impression rather than the wrong impression. He's resisted a few calls for him to post what weapons he's training -- I'd ask that, what weapons, what armors, how he's training it, etc.
Having said that, is anyone else concerned by OPs string of posts? He's circle chasing, but apparently has spent more time on his character (and has more total ranks) than the non-barbs he's hunting with. I'm confused and concerned as to what he's doing wrong so that people are getting the right impression rather than the wrong impression. He's resisted a few calls for him to post what weapons he's training -- I'd ask that, what weapons, what armors, how he's training it, etc.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 10:51 AM CDT
My suggestion of allowing barbs to gain offensive points up to 120% tied to Expertise ranks was not based on trading defense for offense (just in case there is any misunderstanding). I believe this should be on top of gaining defensive points from Defending for us. This would give the bonus to weapons that Squanto suggested as well.
As for the OP, I've ONLY ever played Barbarians (I know, silly huh?). I've never been one to compare myself to others when hunting. Now in PVP...different story. In hunting I could care less if finger wagglers can out kill me. However, my IG wife, an Empath is amazed at how fast I killed as a Barbarian compared to others she hunts with. Also, circle chasing tends to skew the results a ton hence why I've never done it on any of my characters. But that's a personal preference and there's nothing wrong with circle chasing.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
As for the OP, I've ONLY ever played Barbarians (I know, silly huh?). I've never been one to compare myself to others when hunting. Now in PVP...different story. In hunting I could care less if finger wagglers can out kill me. However, my IG wife, an Empath is amazed at how fast I killed as a Barbarian compared to others she hunts with. Also, circle chasing tends to skew the results a ton hence why I've never done it on any of my characters. But that's a personal preference and there's nothing wrong with circle chasing.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 11:37 AM CDT
>My suggestion of allowing barbs to gain offensive points up to 120% tied to Expertise ranks was not based on trading defense for offense (just in case there is any misunderstanding). I believe this should be on top of gaining defensive points from Defending for us. This would give the bonus to weapons that Squanto suggested as well.
An extra 20% on top of the buff cap of 20%? There are obvious problems with that:
1) Why have global caps then?
2) You don't see much bonus damage passed max success barring overkill, so how would that improve your damage much in PvE where you're probably already hitting max success as a barb? You'd only notice a significant difference if you're overhunting against stuff that could probably kill you.
3) If that stacks with barb magic wards, you may as well ask for invincibility in PvP, which is boring for you and opponents.
What you want is an alpha strike or some other special attack (e.g. dual load), not more weapon skill; something that lets you sprinkle a little extra damage sauce on your pwnburger.
An extra 20% on top of the buff cap of 20%? There are obvious problems with that:
1) Why have global caps then?
2) You don't see much bonus damage passed max success barring overkill, so how would that improve your damage much in PvE where you're probably already hitting max success as a barb? You'd only notice a significant difference if you're overhunting against stuff that could probably kill you.
3) If that stacks with barb magic wards, you may as well ask for invincibility in PvP, which is boring for you and opponents.
What you want is an alpha strike or some other special attack (e.g. dual load), not more weapon skill; something that lets you sprinkle a little extra damage sauce on your pwnburger.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 01:23 PM CDT
> If you have to nerf your defenses to increase your weapon damage,
Mages do. All magic primes have armor tert (defending + shield), and they have at least two defenses at tert (evasion + shield x 2, shield + parry x1) This means they will all suffer decreased learning rates, have their offensive magics lag due to their tertiary defenses, and they will have fewer defensive stance points at equal skill levels. Then there's the defensive ranks missing from SOI which affects all magic primes other than WMs.
> That said, being able to buff attack stance at the cost of defense stance is not appealing to me
A barbarian's weapon abilities can already be buffed. All of the suggestions are effectively ways to bump up the global cap on damage for a barbarian as a means of dealing with single damage sources (rather than magic + physical weapons); however, this feels like it's quickly devolving into a wishlist on how to make barbarians the undisputed masters of combat. They'd be invincible in PvP scenarios, at level, and they would effectively be given the ability to train all weapons wide in PvE without the damage penalty (as opposed to keeping a few weapons locked at all times). I think barbarians have room to improve, but let's go for balance... not a complete swing on the power pendulum.
> If you have to nerf your defenses to increase your weapon damage, it would be an impractical decision for barbs to truly do that.
2DUMBARSE said it best, "If that stacks with barb magic wards, you may as well ask for invincibility in PvP, which is boring for you and opponents."
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 02:05 PM CDT
I think there's an overall issue with the placement of skillsets ultimately really only affecting skill drain rates, which is significant, but not particularly good for distinguishing characters. Just throwing a 20% buff ontop of Barb weapon damage may bring the overall DPS in line with other guilds, but it's not a particularly 'fun' solution, and it's sort of a step backwards with respect to the whole '3.0 is meant to bring everything on the same system for equal footing and future revisions'. Maybe 20% isn't enough, so we ask for 25%. Maybe it doesn't play well with ANALYZE DAMAGE and a charged maneuver. I dunno.
Ultimately, skillset placement isn't really sufficient to make a guild feel particularly different than another. All my characters use weapons to more or less the same effect, from the Necromancer to the Barbarian, but my Necromancer focuses on TM and stealth. Barbarians need more to do with weapons than just 'buff 'em all and swing 'em'.
Ultimately, skillset placement isn't really sufficient to make a guild feel particularly different than another. All my characters use weapons to more or less the same effect, from the Necromancer to the Barbarian, but my Necromancer focuses on TM and stealth. Barbarians need more to do with weapons than just 'buff 'em all and swing 'em'.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 02:18 PM CDT
Derium, most of these guys are right though, Barbs are currently terrible in terms of combat. Sorry but it's true. I actually came into the game wanting to be Barb but found them very lacking and really just felt like a commoner with a few tricks. There's currently nothing in the Barb toolbox that makes them truly unique or special in any area, nothing in there wants me to try out a Barb especially after BMR was nerfed into the ground.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 02:42 PM CDT
Barbarian only alpha strike CCM (not a BCM because analyze would defeat the purpose of an alpha strike) and an AOE BCM (here the self analyze makes more sense) on timers comparable to heavy TM would probably be more than enough to account for the disparity of not having a secondary damage source.
A CCM and BCM wouldn't take up the limited ability slots, work with any weapon class and be powered by the barbarian primary skillset. Ideally they'd be a command you could make in RT that would take effect once that RT from regular combat was over and wouldn't be interrupted or superseded by incoming commands.
A CCM and BCM wouldn't take up the limited ability slots, work with any weapon class and be powered by the barbarian primary skillset. Ideally they'd be a command you could make in RT that would take effect once that RT from regular combat was over and wouldn't be interrupted or superseded by incoming commands.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 03:16 PM CDT
> Derium, most of these guys are right though, Barbs are currently terrible in terms of combat. Sorry but it's true.
Except they aren't. You can't compare one character to another in this game. If you're talking about PvP, then sure. They can be terrible in a trial fight. Why? Because trial fights are based off creatures you hunt. Even if you assume the skill range is close (it's not at the upper ends), you also have non-barbarians spending a lot of time training skills out of combat. They have to in order to level. This translates into higher stats, and since you've normalized base skills, stats and the number of abilities are all that matters.
> ...nothing in there wants me to try out a Barb...
Don't have you have a barbarian? If this isn't personal experience, then at least show your work in how you're reaching these conclusions.
> especially after BMR was nerfed into the ground
You mean for those without toad, badger, turtle, or serenity. You have to admit that the old BMR was fun but incredibly broken for structured PvP. It basically shut down all mages and put it as a contest of skill point vs skill point, which barbarians learn faster and easier. That would make barbarians the kings and queens of PvP, sure, but it wouldn't solve the underlying problem. It would just move the discussion to a different part of the boards.
Honestly, this thread feels all over the place based on individual wants.
* Some want to rule PvP.
* Some want to feel more barbarian.
* Some want a higher kill rate.
* Some want to rule PvE.
* Some want more ability usage.
* Some want to exceed global caps.
I'm not sure there's a solution that will work for everyone's goals (at least not without making other guilds complain in turn), and having people generically talk about a "problem" doesn't seem to help the conversation. We're talking past each other. I recommend everyone specify exactly what they're trying to solve in the post where they piss on or offer up ideas. It may help.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 04:47 PM CDT
Hm, well let me spell this out so you can understand, Derium. I Barb. I spend 10000 hours in game. You Warmage. You spend 10000 hours in game. I kill one storm bull in 1 minutes. You kill 3 storm bulls in 1 minute. I waste whole bunch of time. I'm really angry. I quit.
In the end, it's a game people are trying to make a convoluted argument where one doesn't exist. Just look up at the scoreboard. Warmages - 230, Barbs - 5. Warmages win. If you still don't think it's true than you're delusional. I've been at this for coming up on 4 months and every test shows Barbs are not the masters of combat that they are advertised, in fact, I think on balance being a trader is probably more rewarding. Hunt slightly less efficiently but at least you can get a lot more for your gems and pelts when you sell them.But please, I invite all the Barbs here to have a grand competitive killing contest versus other guilds. I'm almost certain of the results along with many of you Barbs here, judging from your replies.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 05:12 PM CDT
The biggest issue with that is that a barb with 10k hours and a WM with 10k hours should not be hunting the same thing. Based on skillsets, the barb should be further up the hunting ladder, unless they have made a mistake somewhere along the way in how they train.
The biggest issue I see is that young barbs struggle with buffs in a way that magic guilds (and thieves) do not. IF management is hellish until you have multiple masteries, which essentially means being 100th+. I don't really have any good ideas for fixing this, other than re-arranging the expertise analyze options such that you can do analyze rage/calm earlier in your life to assist with some of the setup costs.
You do need multiple of those forms/meditations to get close to old BMR, but with swan+turtle stacked, your resistance vs all magic is fairly comparable, and you can add some of the other stuff, like serenity, or turtle vs elemental damage, etc. Presumably this will get changed during the barrier review, though ETA on that is unclear.
Given the general mission of barbarians, it does feel strange that they are middling at best at killing. Yes, you're right that barbs have the best skillset setup for combat. However, it does suck, to Lanival's point, that you kill at a significantly slower rate than other guilds, due to cyclic damage options.
Having said that, I kill about 100 mobs per 2 hours, a rate just under 1 per minute and it doesn't feel particularly offensive to me as I spend probably 50% of that time doing non-killing things (i.e. hunt, skin, changing a form, stealths when changing stealth, analyze / BCM). Of course, if I were a WM/bard/etc, I'd have a cyclic doing damage down that time. This impacts farming capacity, but not really training speed or capacity.
The biggest issue with that is that a barb with 10k hours and a WM with 10k hours should not be hunting the same thing. Based on skillsets, the barb should be further up the hunting ladder, unless they have made a mistake somewhere along the way in how they train.
The biggest issue I see is that young barbs struggle with buffs in a way that magic guilds (and thieves) do not. IF management is hellish until you have multiple masteries, which essentially means being 100th+. I don't really have any good ideas for fixing this, other than re-arranging the expertise analyze options such that you can do analyze rage/calm earlier in your life to assist with some of the setup costs.
You do need multiple of those forms/meditations to get close to old BMR, but with swan+turtle stacked, your resistance vs all magic is fairly comparable, and you can add some of the other stuff, like serenity, or turtle vs elemental damage, etc. Presumably this will get changed during the barrier review, though ETA on that is unclear.
Given the general mission of barbarians, it does feel strange that they are middling at best at killing. Yes, you're right that barbs have the best skillset setup for combat. However, it does suck, to Lanival's point, that you kill at a significantly slower rate than other guilds, due to cyclic damage options.
Having said that, I kill about 100 mobs per 2 hours, a rate just under 1 per minute and it doesn't feel particularly offensive to me as I spend probably 50% of that time doing non-killing things (i.e. hunt, skin, changing a form, stealths when changing stealth, analyze / BCM). Of course, if I were a WM/bard/etc, I'd have a cyclic doing damage down that time. This impacts farming capacity, but not really training speed or capacity.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 05:25 PM CDT
Guys. You're demonstrating my point. These are all good discussions, but they're different discussions.
> Hm, well let me spell this out so you can understand, Derium. I Barb. I spend 10000 hours in game. You Warmage. You spend 10000 hours in game. I kill one storm bull in 1 minutes. You kill 3 storm bulls in 1 minute. I waste whole bunch of time. I'm really angry. I quit.
You're saying that you want faster kill rates. That's a good discussion to have, but....
> The biggest issue I see is that young barbs struggle with buffs in a way that magic guilds (and thieves) do not. IF management is hellish until you have multiple masteries...
is saying that barbarians need to keep more abilities up. Which is a different discussion than...
> You do need multiple of those forms/meditations to get close to old BMR,
Which is about passive magic immunity which is still different from...
> Having said that, I kill about 100 mobs per 2 hours, a rate just under 1 per minute and it doesn't feel particularly offensive to me as I spend probably 50% of that time doing non-killing things (i.e. hunt, skin, changing a form, stealths when changing stealth, analyze / BCM). Of course, if I were a WM/bard/etc, I'd have a cyclic doing damage down that time.
Which brings us back full circle.
All of these are interesting discussions, and they may be valid (I'm indifferent to 1, agree with 2, and disagree with 3); however, they're completely different discussions, or at least different facets of one discussion. This is what I mean when I say we're all talking past each other. We're all pushing for our favorite niche, because we perceive barbarians as overall weak. Then we we argue with someone else because their suggestion isn't the best way to achieve our own goals, which are different, which is the problem. I feel like each suggestion should be discussed on it's own merits with a single purpose in mind. We shouldn't have a discussion about increasing barbarian damage output and then end up asking for old BMR. That's rambling and unlikely to change anything. Then again, so is this post. I'll stop.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 05:41 PM CDT
<<The biggest issue I see is that young barbs struggle with buffs in a way that magic guilds (and thieves) do not. IF management is hellish until you have multiple masteries, which essentially means being 100th+.
Thieves have the same issues that barbs have until around at least circle 80 or so, since discipline and concentration are such a completely limiting factor until you have 350 or so in it. My circle 40 thief with 32 dis, 29 int, and 20 sta to give 159 concentration can maintain 2 low tier khri without running out of concentration. He can only maintain higher tier khri if paired with a low tier khri. Also, a short duration khri like prowess means he can only maintain that single khri without running out of concentration due to frequent start up costs. He can only do 3 khri if I'm okay with running out of concentration in less than 10 minutes if they're not all first tier. Even if they're all first tier it still takes about 10-15 minutes to run out of concentration. Add to that if you want to stop a khri early to switch to another then there's a significant cooldown period before being able to restart it, so simply turning khri off and on as needed isn't an option to get around limited simultaneous khri. And if you run out of concentration, the same cooldown timer kicks in for all the maintained khri on top of not having any concentration to start other khri.
Not trying to say that Barbs don't have it rough with buffing at low circles, but just pointing out that you're not the only ones with those issues which is what a lot of the tone of this thread comes across as saying. The quoted sentence quite literally.
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Thieves have the same issues that barbs have until around at least circle 80 or so, since discipline and concentration are such a completely limiting factor until you have 350 or so in it. My circle 40 thief with 32 dis, 29 int, and 20 sta to give 159 concentration can maintain 2 low tier khri without running out of concentration. He can only maintain higher tier khri if paired with a low tier khri. Also, a short duration khri like prowess means he can only maintain that single khri without running out of concentration due to frequent start up costs. He can only do 3 khri if I'm okay with running out of concentration in less than 10 minutes if they're not all first tier. Even if they're all first tier it still takes about 10-15 minutes to run out of concentration. Add to that if you want to stop a khri early to switch to another then there's a significant cooldown period before being able to restart it, so simply turning khri off and on as needed isn't an option to get around limited simultaneous khri. And if you run out of concentration, the same cooldown timer kicks in for all the maintained khri on top of not having any concentration to start other khri.
Not trying to say that Barbs don't have it rough with buffing at low circles, but just pointing out that you're not the only ones with those issues which is what a lot of the tone of this thread comes across as saying. The quoted sentence quite literally.
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Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 05:43 PM CDT
Eh, for the past several years of forums reading, this is incredibly mild. I like that we're discussing anything about this guild, to be honest. What'd be fantastic is some Kodius input!
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 05:53 PM CDT
Because they are all part of the same. For instance, traders suck at killing things but they are traders and have a ton of non combat things to make up for their lack of killing effectiveness. Barbs, in a purely combat perspective which includes BMR, have been slowly getting whittled away like a woodcarver turning that perfectly fine carved statue into a wooden stub. This is what people are trying to point out, that the class lost a lot of things and really don't excel anymore in the one thing they should kinda excel or be close to the top at, which is killing things.
It's like saying, since I can't kill as fast as a warmage and since warmages get cool familiars then as Barbs we should get a dragon familiar to make up for our lack of hunting prowess compared to warmages. But in reality we're bad at hunting and don't get any familiars whatsoever! In fact, if you really look at it as a rough sum total our abilities are just pluses to our combat abilities. But who cares? in the end we still can't compete even with all our pluses tacked on. So, why have all these animalistic sounding abilities since none of them really do anything? Especially something fun. What I'm saying is, what's even the point of a Barb anymore? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 06:07 PM CDT
>I'm not sure there's a solution that will work for everyone's goals (at least not without making other guilds complain in turn), and having people generically talk about a "problem" doesn't seem to help the conversation. We're talking past each other. I recommend everyone specify exactly what they're trying to solve in the post where they piss on or offer up ideas. It may help.
This is what I want:
1) To kills things at relatively similar speeds to other combat oriented guilds. It does not mean Barbarian's need to "rule PvE", it means that when fighting 'at level' creatures, they should be keeping up with other guilds. Ideally, the Barbarian should outpace other guilds under some conditions, and fall short under other conditions. I don't care if I kill ten creatures in five minutes and a Warrior Mage kills twelve, but I do care if I kill six and they kill twelve.
2) I want my abilities to feel powerful and cool. That comes in two parts.
2A) When you think of the other Guilds, you think of iconic abilities they have and how great they are. Fire Rain, Backstab, Snipe, Resurrection, etcetera. Barbarians have Whirlwind, and Dual Load (which is shared with Rangers). I don't think these compare. While it's not essential to have some awesome signature power, it's definitely nice to have.
2B) Non-iconic abilities should be comparable in strength with other guilds. We have buffs, but we cannot use most of them at once, whereas other Guilds can. Why? We have debuffs, but they're very weak compared to other Guilds. Why?
There are a slew of other cool things I'd like to see, but those points are the heart of the argument for me.
This is what I want:
1) To kills things at relatively similar speeds to other combat oriented guilds. It does not mean Barbarian's need to "rule PvE", it means that when fighting 'at level' creatures, they should be keeping up with other guilds. Ideally, the Barbarian should outpace other guilds under some conditions, and fall short under other conditions. I don't care if I kill ten creatures in five minutes and a Warrior Mage kills twelve, but I do care if I kill six and they kill twelve.
2) I want my abilities to feel powerful and cool. That comes in two parts.
2A) When you think of the other Guilds, you think of iconic abilities they have and how great they are. Fire Rain, Backstab, Snipe, Resurrection, etcetera. Barbarians have Whirlwind, and Dual Load (which is shared with Rangers). I don't think these compare. While it's not essential to have some awesome signature power, it's definitely nice to have.
2B) Non-iconic abilities should be comparable in strength with other guilds. We have buffs, but we cannot use most of them at once, whereas other Guilds can. Why? We have debuffs, but they're very weak compared to other Guilds. Why?
There are a slew of other cool things I'd like to see, but those points are the heart of the argument for me.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/05/2016 08:57 PM CDT
>1) To kills things at relatively similar speeds to other combat oriented guilds. It does not mean Barbarian's need to "rule PvE", it means that when fighting 'at level' creatures, they should be keeping up with other guilds. Ideally, the Barbarian should outpace other guilds under some conditions, and fall short under other conditions. I don't care if I kill ten creatures in five minutes and a Warrior Mage kills twelve, but I do care if I kill six and they kill twelve.
I know this is approaching broken record territory, but the difference should not be that significant unless you chose suboptimal weapons (e.g. large edged, large blunt, etc.), or maybe you're very heavily melee-focused which means you're at a disadvantage before factoring extra damage sources and stuff. (I mean, Wolverine is still meh, right, or was it improved?)
I kill even slower than a barb on my paladin and I don't kill that much slower than a WM in a typical hunt unless I'm overhunting. I'm not calling you out; just don't want you to wind up leaving the game over something like this if it's avoidable by changing your setup and/or backtraining a little bit, which can actually be pretty fun.
Wanting cool stuff is totally different and totally valid.
I know this is approaching broken record territory, but the difference should not be that significant unless you chose suboptimal weapons (e.g. large edged, large blunt, etc.), or maybe you're very heavily melee-focused which means you're at a disadvantage before factoring extra damage sources and stuff. (I mean, Wolverine is still meh, right, or was it improved?)
I kill even slower than a barb on my paladin and I don't kill that much slower than a WM in a typical hunt unless I'm overhunting. I'm not calling you out; just don't want you to wind up leaving the game over something like this if it's avoidable by changing your setup and/or backtraining a little bit, which can actually be pretty fun.
Wanting cool stuff is totally different and totally valid.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 01:30 AM CDT
>I kill even slower than a barb on my paladin and I don't kill that much slower than a WM in a typical hunt unless I'm overhunting.
If Warrior Mages are objectively killing only slightly faster than Barbarians, then no concern here. I'm basing this off other people's posts, and my own experiences albeit at low levels. My Warrior Mage seems to kill x2 faster using 2HE. I open up with Ice Patch on my primary target, then cast Fireballs as mana permits. Electrostatic Eddy is running. The combination of fighting a stunned/extremely unbalanced target, who also has severe+ nerve damage, and fireball keeps my damage well above anything my Barbarian can do even with more ranks in weapons.
If Warrior Mages are objectively killing only slightly faster than Barbarians, then no concern here. I'm basing this off other people's posts, and my own experiences albeit at low levels. My Warrior Mage seems to kill x2 faster using 2HE. I open up with Ice Patch on my primary target, then cast Fireballs as mana permits. Electrostatic Eddy is running. The combination of fighting a stunned/extremely unbalanced target, who also has severe+ nerve damage, and fireball keeps my damage well above anything my Barbarian can do even with more ranks in weapons.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 07:05 AM CDT
My suggestion to anyone kinda cringing about the oomph of our guild right now is this: just keep on chugging. Changes are frequent in this game and you never know what's around the corner. There is a google doc that Rhadyn has out there for anyone who wants to contribute to it (regarding suggestions). I am sure he'd be more than happy to link it for us. #Newpcnofavorites
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 07:55 AM CDT
DERIUM, respectfully. I think your attempts to police the conversation aren't helpful, and seem to be based on a presumption that all these separate topics haven't been brought up, on numerous occasions, by numerous people, over the last several years. Instead of telling barbs what they should tall about, you should listen to what they are talking about.
If the forums were any useful, I could find posts I made in 2013 about each of these issues,. I think the notion that barbs suck or are weak is off base, but none of the issues raised are invalid.
Barbs have poor IF management until at least two masteries, and then management isn't necessary. Barbs have good buffs but can't use them all, and feel more like bards with too many cyclics to juggle. Barb st damage is fine, ish, but given what magic is, barbs kill fewer enemies per unit of time than someone rocking aoe tm, let alone cyclic tm.
I think my Barb probably kills every 35 to 45s, but I wouldn't call critter kills per hour the penultimate metric of success.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 08:25 AM CDT
Oh, and one of the first things mentioned when I through these issues up years ago was the point that others had already brought it up before me... DERIUM, believe me, these are real issues that have been discussed at length by people with far more experience than you or I.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 08:58 AM CDT
I think some subtleties are lost in the discussion here.
Warrior Mages are basically specialized machines that produce burst damage. That is the major focus of the guild. Comparing your DPS with a Warrior Mage's DPS, you're always going to fall a bit short.
But Barbarians are versitile and robust in combat in ways that Warmages are not, because of a Barb's skillset placement and the Barb abilities.
The problems (IMO, for sure) are 1) that's kind of boring and 2) hunting is not difficult enough for versitility to make much of a difference.
I donĀ“t think #2 will change any time soon, but #1 certainly could.
Warrior Mages are basically specialized machines that produce burst damage. That is the major focus of the guild. Comparing your DPS with a Warrior Mage's DPS, you're always going to fall a bit short.
But Barbarians are versitile and robust in combat in ways that Warmages are not, because of a Barb's skillset placement and the Barb abilities.
The problems (IMO, for sure) are 1) that's kind of boring and 2) hunting is not difficult enough for versitility to make much of a difference.
I donĀ“t think #2 will change any time soon, but #1 certainly could.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 09:10 AM CDT
>Warrior Mages are basically specialized machines that produce burst damage
Eh, I don't think that's the issue. Warmies have plenty of consistent damage output damage. And if burst damage is vastly more effective for killing stuff, then that's a balance issue that needs to be addressed.
>But Barbarians are versitile and robust in combat in ways that Warmages are not, because of a Barb's skillset placement and the Barb abilities.
Eh, I don't think this is true either. I think the issue is barbs are NOT versatile and robust - they do weapon damage, and beyond buffing/debuffing, weapon skill, and weapon damage, are still limited to 'weapon damage'. That's not versatility, and indeed, compared to any MU, that's less versatility.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 09:26 AM CDT
Even if barbarians learn weapons faster, it basically boils down to this: more ranks generally just means more consistency in the ability to hit (which also seems to hit some kind of effective cap at a reasonable point for any guild with enough ranks) and not more beefed up damage. I am not going to hunt goblins to all of a sudden feel like a killing badass, because that's basically the only way to start hitting those overkill mechanics. I am unfamiliar with what kinds of weapon buffs other guilds have, but even if you can buff stuff outside your sphere of influence, we're only talking a difference of 5%. Basically, unnoticeable.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 09:33 AM CDT
Well, more ranks = more OF = more damage. You will do more damage with Dragon/Eagle up. Even a little bit of testing will show that it's noticeable, both from a 'critters killed per unit of time' perspective, and a 'average damage level per unit of time' perspective.
At the end of the day, all buffing/debuffing in this game boils down to '+offense' or '+defense'. Barbs have a lot of both, but can't use them simultaneously, and because they don't have access to TM, they don't have access to an entire avenue of damage that almost everyone else does. With respect to buffing, no other guild has access to as much as Barbs do, but lots of guilds can buff a lot of things simultaneously, leaving Barbs in a position of not being particularly overly impressive with respect to offensive or defensive buffing.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 09:41 AM CDT
The damage boost from boosting OF is not all that high, believe me. I have been hunting the same critters since 3.0 came out and it takes as excrutiatingly long to kill them with many many more ranks and all the buffs up throughout this time. Even Kodius commented in the past (back then) that I don't notice an imporovement because I am hitting at the cap of effectiveness. Also, one does not PvP with 13 different weapons in one fight. Since DPS is supposedly "balanced," any weapon "should" do. I think what we're looking for as a guild is more balance in regard to what MUs can do with nonweapons.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 09:46 AM CDT
>>Warrior Mages are basically specialized machines that produce burst damage. That is the major focus of the guild. Comparing your DPS with a Warrior Mage's DPS, you're always going to fall a bit short.
You're conflating burst damage with DPS. DPS is a measure of damage per second, generally over a long period of time. Like, say, a 6 hour hunting session. Burst damage (or burst DPS) is how much damage you can crank if you hit all your buttons at the same time to do maximum short term damage (i.e. precasting DB/BG, cyclic, emptying all that + swings + pathway on + tm).
The issue is that barbs underperform on both metrics. Barbs have no special burst damage -- the only 'special' attack we really have is dual load, shared with rangers. We don't have snipe/backstab/pre-cast tm spells for alpha strike burst damage.
We also don't have the sustained damage that many of the magic heavy classes do in the form of cyclic t/m, or just mixing spells with attacks (which only adds a 1s rt every cast, for significant additional damage).
>>But Barbarians are versitile and robust in combat in ways that Warmages are not, because of a Barb's skillset placement and the Barb abilities.
According to Kodius, barbs do in fact have the widest possible buffset, but this is balanced by the restrictions on how many of those buffs can be active at a time (and IIRC being one of the few classes with more abilities than slots).
Offhand, I don't really think that skillset placement is a good justification for the weapon primary class to have both poor burst damage and poor sustained DPS. Ultimately, barbs have no real class-buffs that give them an advantage over other classes in those two areas. The buffs they have, focusing largely on weapon buffs/etc, do improve their sustained DPS, but they do it less than alternate damage sources do. I'd say that a barb has higher sustained DPS than a thief that isn't backstabbing. The issue is that thieves have better burst via backstab, and better sustained damage via backstab as well since they can't just repeat it. Rank-based advantages don't scale as hard as alternative damage sources like cyclic tm.
I would agree that it's not an issue for barbs to not be the #1 guild at those things, but it is somewhat more problematic for barbs, the guild described as masters of combat, to be middling at best at them. It's not much of a practical issue from a training standpoint; I would not expect something to speed up training by a meaningful amount.
You're conflating burst damage with DPS. DPS is a measure of damage per second, generally over a long period of time. Like, say, a 6 hour hunting session. Burst damage (or burst DPS) is how much damage you can crank if you hit all your buttons at the same time to do maximum short term damage (i.e. precasting DB/BG, cyclic, emptying all that + swings + pathway on + tm).
The issue is that barbs underperform on both metrics. Barbs have no special burst damage -- the only 'special' attack we really have is dual load, shared with rangers. We don't have snipe/backstab/pre-cast tm spells for alpha strike burst damage.
We also don't have the sustained damage that many of the magic heavy classes do in the form of cyclic t/m, or just mixing spells with attacks (which only adds a 1s rt every cast, for significant additional damage).
>>But Barbarians are versitile and robust in combat in ways that Warmages are not, because of a Barb's skillset placement and the Barb abilities.
According to Kodius, barbs do in fact have the widest possible buffset, but this is balanced by the restrictions on how many of those buffs can be active at a time (and IIRC being one of the few classes with more abilities than slots).
Offhand, I don't really think that skillset placement is a good justification for the weapon primary class to have both poor burst damage and poor sustained DPS. Ultimately, barbs have no real class-buffs that give them an advantage over other classes in those two areas. The buffs they have, focusing largely on weapon buffs/etc, do improve their sustained DPS, but they do it less than alternate damage sources do. I'd say that a barb has higher sustained DPS than a thief that isn't backstabbing. The issue is that thieves have better burst via backstab, and better sustained damage via backstab as well since they can't just repeat it. Rank-based advantages don't scale as hard as alternative damage sources like cyclic tm.
I would agree that it's not an issue for barbs to not be the #1 guild at those things, but it is somewhat more problematic for barbs, the guild described as masters of combat, to be middling at best at them. It's not much of a practical issue from a training standpoint; I would not expect something to speed up training by a meaningful amount.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 10:00 AM CDT
I also agree with Squanto -- the direct nature of barb buffs does translate into more damage dealt, but it's not as significant. Adding +20% OF doesn't mean you do 20% more damage. Adding another swing per 10 seconds likely means more than +20% damage.
That's the difference between barb skillsets and buffs, and weaving tm into training or using a cyclic damage source.
That's the difference between barb skillsets and buffs, and weaving tm into training or using a cyclic damage source.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 10:17 AM CDT
>If Warrior Mages are objectively killing only slightly faster than Barbarians, then no concern here. I'm basing this off other people's posts, and my own experiences albeit at low levels. My Warrior Mage seems to kill x2 faster using 2HE. I open up with Ice Patch on my primary target, then cast Fireballs as mana permits. Electrostatic Eddy is running. The combination of fighting a stunned/extremely unbalanced target, who also has severe+ nerve damage, and fireball keeps my damage well above anything my Barbarian can do even with more ranks in weapons.
Lower ranks definitely skew things. At low ranks, there's little difference between even primary and tertiary skills and you'll have less access to your buffs than a mage (thief problem, too). It gets better with time, however, as long as you have the desire to stick with it. DR is a game of patience, more than most.
Bear in mind, though, there's only so much more damage you can do by crippling something. For instance, if I'm hunting drakes with 1200 in a weapon, I'm already at or very near max success in the offense v. defense contest which determines how much damage I'm going to do with the weapon. If I debilitate the crap out of it, I'm not going to notice any difference in how hard I'm hitting my target or how fast I'm killing with the weapon. That's probably also why a special attack like smite doesn't feel any stronger than a slice.
Now... Admittedly, that's partially ignoring a real problem. Damage you can apply concurrently with weapons without at least an aim time and cast RT, like cyclic TM, skews things. You can offset some of that with special attacks and huge weapons, but I'm not sure how much. It shouldn't equate to a WM killing twice as fast unless you're overhunting and your partner is underhunting. And, that's just the state of the game right now. Either cyclic TM may see a nerf again or you'll get another special attack, some combination of the two, or who knows what else will happen. I prefer that development err on the side of adding damage for guilds rather than nerfing stuff because damage is still a little low, but that may just be me.
Lower ranks definitely skew things. At low ranks, there's little difference between even primary and tertiary skills and you'll have less access to your buffs than a mage (thief problem, too). It gets better with time, however, as long as you have the desire to stick with it. DR is a game of patience, more than most.
Bear in mind, though, there's only so much more damage you can do by crippling something. For instance, if I'm hunting drakes with 1200 in a weapon, I'm already at or very near max success in the offense v. defense contest which determines how much damage I'm going to do with the weapon. If I debilitate the crap out of it, I'm not going to notice any difference in how hard I'm hitting my target or how fast I'm killing with the weapon. That's probably also why a special attack like smite doesn't feel any stronger than a slice.
Now... Admittedly, that's partially ignoring a real problem. Damage you can apply concurrently with weapons without at least an aim time and cast RT, like cyclic TM, skews things. You can offset some of that with special attacks and huge weapons, but I'm not sure how much. It shouldn't equate to a WM killing twice as fast unless you're overhunting and your partner is underhunting. And, that's just the state of the game right now. Either cyclic TM may see a nerf again or you'll get another special attack, some combination of the two, or who knows what else will happen. I prefer that development err on the side of adding damage for guilds rather than nerfing stuff because damage is still a little low, but that may just be me.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 10:29 AM CDT
I honestly don't see why barb's cant be given a few tm spells. Swap the wording on prep/target to be something like 'you prepare your death blow'/'you begin to focus on the X, readying your killing strike', give them a minor IF cost and call it a day.
What would be the downside?
What would be the downside?
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 10:38 AM CDT
>My suggestion to anyone kinda cringing about the oomph of our guild right now is this: just keep on chugging. Changes are frequent in this game and you never know what's around the corner. There is a google doc that Rhadyn has out there for anyone who wants to contribute to it (regarding suggestions). I am sure he'd be more than happy to link it for us. #Newpcnofavorites
It's the link in my signature. Just search for one of my recent posts using my name "RCHIGHT" in the filter box or use the link in this one below.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
It's the link in my signature. Just search for one of my recent posts using my name "RCHIGHT" in the filter box or use the link in this one below.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 10:57 AM CDT
>Even Kodius commented in the past (back then) that I don't notice an imporovement because I am hitting at the cap of effectiveness.
Huh. I didn't know it capped. Well crap. All the testing I've done has been on critters that still train.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 11:03 AM CDT
What I am hunting still trains. I just don't hit any harder regardless of what I do.
Sidenote: whirlwind damage is lol. Just putting that out there.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Sidenote: whirlwind damage is lol. Just putting that out there.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 12:30 PM CDT
>What I am hunting still trains. I just don't hit any harder regardless of what I do.
At what point do you hit the cap then for Dragon/Eagle being useful? Maybe I'm not understanding something - I thought roughly speaking, damage was OF-DF, and anything that increased OF would increase damage?
>Sidenote: whirlwind damage is lol. Just putting that out there.
I love it, but it's definitely not even approaching 'poor mans AoE'. Maybe if it was on a 30s CD, had only 1s RT, and didn't unbalance, it'd be worthwhile.
At what point do you hit the cap then for Dragon/Eagle being useful? Maybe I'm not understanding something - I thought roughly speaking, damage was OF-DF, and anything that increased OF would increase damage?
>Sidenote: whirlwind damage is lol. Just putting that out there.
I love it, but it's definitely not even approaching 'poor mans AoE'. Maybe if it was on a 30s CD, had only 1s RT, and didn't unbalance, it'd be worthwhile.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 12:46 PM CDT
>>At what point do you hit the cap then for Dragon/Eagle being useful? Maybe I'm not understanding something - I thought roughly speaking, damage was OF-DF, and anything that increased OF would increase damage?<<
That's how it used to work, more or less.
Now that roll caps with regard to adding damage. You (roughly speaking) score a 100% "hit" and the OF you generate over what is needed to do that does nothing for you until you hit the overkill range.
That's how it used to work, more or less.
Now that roll caps with regard to adding damage. You (roughly speaking) score a 100% "hit" and the OF you generate over what is needed to do that does nothing for you until you hit the overkill range.
Re: I think we're the weakest guild
07/06/2016 01:13 PM CDT
>>Now... Admittedly, that's partially ignoring a real problem. Damage you can apply concurrently with weapons without at least an aim time and cast RT, like cyclic TM, skews things. You can offset some of that with special attacks and huge weapons, but I'm not sure how much. It shouldn't equate to a WM killing twice as fast unless you're overhunting and your partner is underhunting. And, that's just the state of the game right now. Either cyclic TM may see a nerf again or you'll get another special attack, some combination of the two, or who knows what else will happen. I prefer that development err on the side of adding damage for guilds rather than nerfing stuff because damage is still a little low, but that may just be me.<<
I'm not sure balance is even possible.
Cyclics of all sorts are kind of OP. Anything that applies an effect to a target without you having to at least trigger it is going to be hard to balance. I mean, you can nerf it, but if it's not an advantage then what's the point? And if it is an advantage it's sort of OP for requiring little input on the player's part.
I'm not sure balance is even possible.
Cyclics of all sorts are kind of OP. Anything that applies an effect to a target without you having to at least trigger it is going to be hard to balance. I mean, you can nerf it, but if it's not an advantage then what's the point? And if it is an advantage it's sort of OP for requiring little input on the player's part.