Empath related Events and Empath Lore
Empath related Events and Empath Lore
New Thread
Empath Role Play Opportunity!
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created by - CHIMERIAN
Cassava Root?
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created by - LAMBL
Vela'Tohr Caretaker Endalar Onolmeloa
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created by - ALLMINE
IZ Spellbook Page
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created by - LAMBL
Empath Guild Fine Art Contest!
- (6 replies)
created by - DR-MELETE
Guildhall redecoration
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created by - MAGE-WARRIOR
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created by - DR-EMPNPC
Your Guardian Spirit and you!
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created by - GAMERGIRL151
The Shifting Symposium
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created by - PONCHI
Mana Change
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created by - LAMBL
Empath Absolution Assembly Log
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created by - SARKRANIS
Upcoming Mentor Event
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created by - ALLMINE
Tea and Empathy - 8 PM Eastern, January 26th
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created by - DR-EMPNPC
List of Current Empath Khalaen?
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created by - SARKRANIS
Mentor Empath Social
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created by - MIZEHRA
Empath Moda: the petition!
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created by - BLUTURTL1428
Shock Quest
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created by - LAMBL
A letter to Halfrida Hegaleth, Khalo rae Aev of Zoluren
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created by - GANGREL
A letter to Halfrida Hegaleth, Khalo rae Aev of Zoluren
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created by - GANGREL
Empath Lore in general
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created by - KHELEK00
Free Empaths of the Crystal Tower
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Horse Clan: A Searching for a Tribe
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created by - SHADOW7988
Guild Hall
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created by - JDOERR1
Summary of the Guild Lore and Recent Conflict
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created by - SARKRANIS
Discussion of recent events
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created by - GAMMERGIRL151
Empath Researcher Salvur to Give Colloquium on Vela'tohr
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created by - DR-EMPNPC
Empaths' Guild Council Meeting Results - Shift is a Forbidden Practice
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created by - DR-EMPNPC
An Interview with Empath Researcher Salvur
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created by - DR-EMPNPC
A Letter from Khalo Rae Moda Haaltekar Keldiswagg
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created by - DR-EMPNPC
Empath Guildfest Shop Status
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created by - DR-MELETE
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created by - LAMBL
Old Wounds
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created by - RAIST
Aug 3rd TnT - Empaths and Religion
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created by - BAICHTALK
Moon mage vision of whats her face
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created by - OVR3RIDE
An advertisement posted in the Crossing healerie.
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created by - JULIAN
Empath Alchemy Teaching Night - 3/22/2010
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created by - BAICHTALK
Empath Magic Teaching Night - Monday 3/8/2010
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created by - BAICHTALK
February 8th 2010 Empath Improv Night
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created by - BAICHTALK
Feb 1 2010 - Empath Survival Teaching Night
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created by - BAICHTALK
January 25th Empath Improv Night
- (0 replies)
created by - BAICHTALK
New Thread
Empath related Events and Empath Lore