Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 01:58 AM CDT
I'd like to see a silver shop for premium/platinum players that offers items for sale based on years of paid subscriptions (non consecutive).

Hi Bob, you've been a premium subscriber off and on for the past 20 years for a cumulative total of 7 years of service.

We're going to allow you to pay silvers to purchase buy a once a year certificate that will allow you to enchant an item from 7x to 8x. The cost is 25 million silvers (just throwing out a number). This certificate is account attuned. You must be level 80 to activate.

My point being, I believe we have some players that have been playing for a decade + that are really lacking in the functional or maybe even fluff items department simply because they are unlucky (raffles, work, family, other time constraints) or lack the finances.

On the other hand, thanks to duskruin in particular, we have players that have started in the past 2 years that have equipment that is truly staggering in its functional capacities. This is where the pay to win accusations stem from.

I believe many players posting in this thread no longer feel there is a way for someone to acquire the same level of power, item wise, without investing substantial sums of real world money.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 06:18 AM CDT
"you want to ever hope to attain items beyond plain jane 7x enchant with multiple properties in a reasonable time frame." -- AllenM20

Step back a moment and re-read that. :)

In my old table-top D&D, a mere +7 weapon would've been GREAT! It does other stuff, too? (This is where item creep & Monty Hall come in.) A 10x weapon, here, is like a +10 one there; +50% to your swing (on a d20), and we're demanding acces to more? Hand-warmer hilt, blade de-icer, brings coffee & croissant in the morning?


With that said, though, I think you & also Kandor have some good thoughts to elaborate on. Bring out more about the currencies & market manipulation in the discussion.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 06:28 AM CDT
Kerl, I at least am glossing over pay events (that happened to use silvers) because it was an absolute bar: IF you do not have the $200 Foehn'so Promise ticket, THEY your 864M silvers in the bank does you no good whatsoeve, you WILL NOT get that item.
(Yes, in the after-market there's a chance you wind up with five of them, eventually, but that is true for everyone.)

Also, often the silvers were done as an afterthought, "sure, pay me 20k" than as any serious pricing of value. (Or even to show comparative value within a shop, where no sign or intrinsic clue [mithril vs golvern?] was visible.)

Fundamentally, it was a pay event that happened to have some silver use affiliated with it.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 06:32 AM CDT
Stupid tablet fill-in.

No o in Foehn's, that was an if/THEN statement (not they).

<mutter, grumble>
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 08:08 AM CDT
Obviously you didn't do CCF or basically any higher end merchant in like the last ten years or more? Even if you win a raffle you have to pay a service based price, with rare exception.

I was speaking more to Wyrom's question though. He wants to have a discussion about silver drain, and silver drain happens whether or not it's at a pay event or a free event.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 09:30 AM CDT

>Voln Armor

If memory serves, Voln Armor unlocks were offered at Midsummer Night's Festival 2016. That was slightly more than a year ago. I could agree with most points, except that. Just because it hasn't been offered in the last year, there are a lot of things that go more than a year (Forest Armor, for instance) without services being offered, but that doesn't mean the availability for silver has been removed. It just means they haven't been offered in a while, for silver.

I mean, I understand the argument. I'm not a huge fan of the strong focus on microtrans. But that's not my decision to make. It never was, and it never will be. I've also spent my fair share on microtrans events, and will probably continue to spend money on them where I deem worth in doing so, and then find disgust in myself afterwards for doing so. I've come away with some pretty nice items from the "P2W" model, and hopefully, once the disappointment wears off I can continue to enjoy the items gained from it for years to come.


I'm going to hold off any strong reactions until I see what's there. Or, at least I'll try to. I'm hoping seashells will be the currency to buy things from the prize wall, like Ebon Gate Tickets were the last couple of years. If digging costs simucoins per shovel, well, then I have the option to refrain from doing so, even though it was something in the past I enjoyed. Digging in the past was a silver maker, not so much the other games, but digging was.

>Closing Statement (hah)

I get that people are upset. Change, in what we've become familiar with and had so many years of memories, is upsetting and makes us nervous that. We're afraid that something we've become so fond of will no longer be available. Let's not hold the funeral before it's dead though. I recommend that we all Let It Ride, and see what happens. If it's a negative experience, then we have a ground to post our grievances.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 10:34 AM CDT
You are correct, this week's Duskruin is the first paid event I am seriously considering. Ever. (Since the move to the Web, and not counting Premium events like the first couple of Auctions.)
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 11:04 AM CDT
>>I'm a fan of commas too. --Wyrom

*I'm a fan of commas, too.

~Liia, slinking back into OCD silence.

Gweneivia softly says, "Lavabombs are just the isle's way of saying it loves you."
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 01:05 PM CDT

Duskruin, summit, and dm drains silvers and makes them less because there are the few people that can afford to buy simucoins. so they buy in bulk sell to all of us that can't and then silver prices drop. The only real way would be to make it BOA for slips boxes etc, but no one including myself would want that.

One thing that could help with silver issues is have a number of raffles through the year (good raffles) that are like the as many tickets as you want bloodscrip ones we have had a couple times. or for the etheral armor I think it was?
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 01:51 PM CDT
One question might be how have silver prices on items changed? Does 6x HCP sell today for a similar price as it did 5 years ago? 10 years ago?

Chad, player of a few
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 02:18 PM CDT
>> What was once offered for silver that is no longer being offered? - Wyrom

I realize that it is impolite to answer a question with a question, but I am going to. In fact, with two -

1) When was the last time whole shelves full of 5x or better flaring/padded gear was offered at an event that did not require some form of alternate currency?

2) Are you aware that there was a time that merchants didn't even charge for services? You went to an event and if you got picked, the work was done. No added-on surcharge at all.

One of the main reasons I have never gone to any of the "big" events like Wavedancer/Foehns Promise/CCF/RtCF, etc.. is that even if I had enough cash to afford to go(which I didn't/don't), I certainly don't have the tens of millions or more of in-game silvers to get any serious work done mechanically-wise. Hell, Avaia still wears the Siren Lizard Scale Leather that she managed to pick up for around one million silvers or a bit less ..15? 17? 19?years ago. 5x DCP, whoo boy!

Not everyone uses the Out-of-game secondary market. I certainly don't. Nor should players be expected to.

I realized long ago that the chances of ever owning powerful gear in this game was, for me, small. Very small. That is fine. However - there was always a chance, no matter how remote. The adding of more alternate currencies is, for me and any players like me, just another layer of "forget-about-it-it-ain't-ever-happening" to the idea. Which is, you know, a bit depressing and the opposite of fun.

Avaia, player of
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 03:26 PM CDT
>One thing that could help with silver issues is have a number of raffles through the year (good raffles) that are like the as many tickets as you want bloodscrip ones we have had a couple times.

I'd be all for this and I'm kind of surprised there aren't already a lot more of these.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 04:12 PM CDT
>I keep hearing silvers don't have any use any more. I'm asking what was removed that you could spend silvers on. Not what's going to be removed. Not what's happening at pay events. What is no longer available that was available.

Before Simucoins, you'd buy a ticket to a pay event and buy stuff with silvers.

After Simucoins, you buy hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of Simucoins that do nothing other than give you permission to spend a ton of time grinding to attain enough alt currency to buy that 12 setting ring or whatever is at the top of the pile for a ridiculous amount of alt currency.

With no silver requirements involved in alt currency transactions, silvers slowly become worthless as they're effectively phased out of being part of the high end market.

Are there plans for an event within the next year or so, either pay or non-pay (lol), that will feature high end items available for silvers with no Simucoin or alt currency requirements? Serious question.

~ Methais
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 04:51 PM CDT
>>>One thing that could help with silver issues is have a number of raffles through the year (good raffles) that are like the as many tickets as you want bloodscrip ones we have had a couple times.

>I'd be all for this and I'm kind of surprised there aren't already a lot more of these.

I would guess that more silvers would be drained if they just auctioned the item instead of raffling it. Raffling it might give more people an opportunity to win, but if the goal is to drain the most silvers, let whoever can pay the most have it. Otherwise, some random is going to win and auction it, and the silvers only pass from Hand A to Hand B.

People without silvers need the raffles, people with silvers want the guaranteed purchase.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 05:16 PM CDT
The silvers are "drained" into the raffle ticket price. So you might sell 200m worth of tickets for a 100m service. 200m liquid silvers are drained and 100m of "value" is drained from the world.

Wyrom says, "Ordim is the reason savants won't be coded as well."
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/20/2017 10:29 PM CDT

>Briarmoon Cove was another event where silvers were required for some of the wins, such as an AsG change.

Yeah, that was an embarassing moment for me. when i won the 8x enchant.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 09:54 AM CDT
Personally, I am totally alright with having weekly raffle tickets for 50k-100k silvers, with a prize payout of 10k-20k <Ticket Of Choice>.
Hell, set up one each: in the town centers (for TOC Bloodscrip), one in front of Reim (for TOC Ethereal scrip), one in <where those Spirit Beast things are done, TOC Redsteel marks>, whatever...

However, the character should NOT need to be in-game in order to win. Just credit the payout to the character.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 11:10 AM CDT
If you want to keep silvers relevant add a silver+bloodscrip cost to these items. That's about the only thing I can think of since alt currency is the only real path to getting good items now.

~ Methais
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 11:12 AM CDT

I'd like to see some adjustments like enhancive charging for silvers made permanent at the Adventurer's Guild

One item that is no longer available OTS for silvers is 50-count jars.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 11:44 AM CDT
Fixing the economy is going to take multiple changes, and many of them wouldn't be popular.

The first step is going to require turning off the faucet so to speak.

What would that look like?
- All gems lose 90% of their value. A 1000 silver gem, is now worth 100 silver.
- All skins lose 90% of their value.
- The pawnshop maximum selling price is reduced from 35k to 10k.
- The gem shop maximum selling price is 10k for jewelry and plinites.

Once you slow down the flow of silvers coming in, you begin to create ways for people to spend silvers.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 12:07 PM CDT
There's a long history of over corrections in Gemstone. Let's not let the solution be one of those, as they have mostly lead to bad feelings and missed opportunities. Start by looking back. Why is silver worth less? What's the history of silver value? How can we best maintain the healthy economy that Gemstone has had for decades, in spite of the temptation to throw out the baby with the bath water.

I'm reminded of the online poker sites. Once they lost their ability to do real money gambling, the sites were sold off and the new owners promptly deluged the systems with cheap currency for sale cheap to any who wanted it for RL dollars. The results were that most of their loyal players who played for entertainment left, because there was no longer a sense of earning anything, or of a test of skill to do so.

If I were the one in charge of improving the situation, the first thing I'd do is consult an economist. I'd then make small incremental changes that improved the value of silvers, being careful to avoid over corrections.

Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 12:15 PM CDT
The problem is Simu doesn't want silvers to be relevant because in their eyes silvers are a potential player to player transaction and Simu wants that cash going into their pocket. Selling silvers for Simucoins directly would have too much backlash, but they also know that people are gullible, so instead of selling silvers on the store its "Pay us to let you do a lot of grinding to earn this other type of fake money to buy cool items with because this is how we're going to be releasing items that people want now."

They're trying to be all stealthy about it and in denial but everyone with a pulse can see what's going on. Nobody expects them to admit it, just like nobody expects them to come out and say that DR dig is gsmbling, but that doesn't change the fact that everyone already knows it.

I wonder how long it will take before they start selling high end stuff directly on the store. I figured the homes they put up here and there were a test run.

Once silvers crash to the point that nobody wants them anymore, DR could take a too. A lot of people buy their books for silvers from someone who bought them for Simucoins. What happens then when people stop accepting silvers for books because silvers became worthless?

~ Methais
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 12:40 PM CDT
Digging has always been gambling.
It's just now they're getting paid per instance of it (SC ticket), rather than per duration (box-office ticket).
That having been said, they may now be talked into increasing the odds of a given result, since it's unlikely that people will go digging for the same kind of numbers of hours as they did.

Hell, hunting is gambling.
Does it have a gem? Does it have a box?
When it attacks, does every single possible ELR 'lottery benefit' fire off at once?
Does my blinged out weapon with scripts fire off (the flare & the RotFlare & the Ensorcel & the...) all at once?


Since my comment about the Foehn's Promise at the time was, "pay to get item", they've already gone down that road, decades gone. Hell, the items from that (1999) event are old enough to vote.

The nice thing about the homes that were available for 150KSC is that they are permanent changes in the game, which are always cool. And they had a public façade (entryway, walk, gate, whatever) so passersby can relax there, admire your work, whatever.
Frankly, I'm hoping to see more of those. They are NOT power-related. Having a custom home like this does NOTHING to make you hunt--not even survive--better. Bring 'em on, the more the better.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 12:46 PM CDT
I'm talking about real money gambling. I figured that would be obvious.

One thing I don't get is Simu talks about too many silvers in the game with no real drain and how it's a problem, yet people are generating tons of silvers in DR. Someone on the PC was saying they made more in one DR run than they've made in the last decade total.

Apparently Simu's solution to having too many silvers in game is to flood the market exponentially while telling us that they're not trying to phase out silvers.

Can someone show me the math I must be missing here? Because that doesn't add up.

~ Methais
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 01:12 PM CDT
To be fair, we the players have brought up silvers drains being a problem.

Wyrom says, "Ordim is the reason savants won't be coded as well."
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 01:14 PM CDT
>There's a long history of over corrections in Gemstone.

You might consider it over correction, but I consider it how things should have always been. There's no reason that so many silvers have to be given for items found during hunting. Experience takes a long time to obtain, silvers should take some effort as well.

My suggestion would also be easy to fix assuming I understand how shops function.

Just add a bias to all races of 90% in the gemshop and furrier.

Then toggle the pawnshop to limit at 10k instead of 35k.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 01:20 PM CDT
I was talking about real money too. (Granted, it's a LOT less of an issue now with monthly fees [or even F2P] rather than hourly, but I was serious about hunting.)
You paid to have that time. Unlimited monthly time (spend it hunting), is fundamentally identical to unlimited event time at Ebon Gate (and spend it digging), because you pay your fee for access, and what you get is... random.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 01:27 PM CDT
>There's no reason that so many silvers have to be given for items found during hunting

Who's finding good items while hunting? Is there a new Simucoin only accessible hunting area I didn't hear about?

~ Methais
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 01:28 PM CDT

>>You might consider it over correction, but I consider it how things should have always been.

Maybe, maybe not. But to do so now would effectively seperate everyone with silvers from those without silvers to a very drastic degree. That feeling forced on everyone below the arbitrary line of wealth would be the overcorrection.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 02:03 PM CDT
>>Is there a new Simucoin only accessible hunting area


/clears throat.

Nothing to see here, move along. Move along.

Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 02:17 PM CDT
>>You might consider it over correction, but I consider it how things should have always been.
>Maybe, maybe not. But to do so now would effectively seperate everyone with silvers from those without silvers to a very drastic degree. That feeling forced on everyone below the arbitrary line of wealth would be the overcorrection.

But it's okay to separate everyone with cash to spend on simucoins from those without cash to spend on simucoins. Because if something is not done, it's going to be a cash (bloodscrip) only market for anything of real value.

When the silver generation is fixed, then silver values will rise. Silvers will then have value again.

Will those with more silvers be in a better position? Yes. But they already are, and most likely forever will be. You have to start sometime, somewhere.

I'll also point out that this affects everyone equally. So your position in the wealth list wouldn't change just because silver production is heavily decreased.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 02:41 PM CDT
I find it amazing how oblivious they seem to be to the long term damage they're gonna do to the game making it require insane amounts of Simucoin purchases to get anything decent, since that's how good stuff gets released now.

Or maybe they do know and their bosses at Stillfront are instructing them to just get as much as they can while they still can and the inevitable catastrophic crash of the game itself will be worth the money they pulled in in the time leading up to it.

I don't see this leading to anything but short term gains for Dave and Stillfront, with the game itself going straight downhill in the long term if this cancer of pay2grind2win is their new business model while phasing out any non-Simucoin means of acquiring anything good.

I'm curious though, when Wyrom says "Silvers will still be useful in game" what does he view that as? Useful in the sense that you'll still need silvers to buy that quartz orb from the pawnshop for 500 coins? Or something that's actually significant and meaningful?

The reason why nothing will ever be implemented as a silver drain is because Simu's new thing is "Why charge silvers for this when we can charge Simucoins?"

~ Methais
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 02:49 PM CDT
"The reason why nothing will ever be implemented as a silver drain is because Simu's new thing is "Why charge silvers for this when we can charge Simucoins?"" -- Methais

No. They were already here, where "Charging cash at the Box Office" instead of SimuCoins. "Why put this out as a new system in the main game when we could charge a ticket-price admission to use it?"

They already own the silvers... they're generated, inside of their own game. Getting paid with something that they created, is not getting paid. (Other than for the subscription of the account generating the silvers.)

The only people helped with sales-for-silver are the people who HAVE silvers--see above, achieved by hunting--who are then able if they choose to re-sell them (note: for actual currency)... NONE of which currency flowed through Simutronics' hands.


The "pain from turning on something to deal with silver" is fundamentally indistinguishable from the "pain from turning on Breakage". It's a one-time pill that needs to be swallowed, whenever it gets done & whatever system it addresses, but once it's in place then everyone who comes after is in the standpoint of, "What's the big deal, it's ALWAYS been this way."
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 03:25 PM CDT
>No. They were already here, where "Charging cash at the Box Office" instead of SimuCoins. "Why put this out as a new system in the main game when we could charge a ticket-price admission to use it?"

Except now they can get $2000 or whatever out of one item instead $50 (ticket price) + a bunch of silvers spent at (insert silver event at ticketed event).

This won't end well in the long term regardless.

~ Methais
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 03:37 PM CDT
People have calculated it out. It's closer to simu Getting $750 for a high end item. Before, Simu got $200, and some silver farmer got $1500. to anybody who was buying silvers for that stuff, it's a price reduction.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 03:46 PM CDT
If there's only one of those items, there's only one of them. Whether it goes to a raffle winner (in the event) or a high-bidder (in the event) or is given away free to the lucky box-finder (in the event), whomever wins, they all have one thing in common: they paid to get into the event.
And everyone ELSE, who also paid to get into that event, did NOT get one of That Item. (With something like Foehn's Promise, they got some other item, guaranteed, but not all events were like that.)


However, for getting into that event. On a transaction-by-transaction basis, would you as a consumer rather have to plonk down the $175-200 cash out of pocket for ticket prices we saw for some of the high-power events (maybe RtCCF?)? Or $50 for a ticket (like EG was)? Or seventeen cents for <each one of however many tickets you buy>?

I heard that Powerball did NOT hit over the weekend, so next drawing is for $650+ million bucks, third largest in PowerBall history. (And the $1.6B that was last year, was split three ways, so this one could be a bigger actual payout if there's only one winner.)

Which would you rather do? Work 2000+ hours per year for your annual salary, or do only specific custom jobs on demand for a small piece, or pay $5 for a chance <for each one of however many tickets you buy> at really big money?
Okay, I know which one I would rather do.
And which is more likely to actually happen to wind up putting money in your hand?
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 04:03 PM CDT
Another option instead of a flat 90% reduction from the gem shop, furrier and pawnshop would be to create tiers which would reinforce the account structure.

F2P gets a 90% reduction when selling.
Basic accounts get an 80% reduction when selling.
Premium accounts get a 70% reduction when selling.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 04:18 PM CDT
I am unsure how using SIMUCOINS is considered an OOG means...but buying from players using $$$ is not? Or buying an Ebons Gate ticket was not? Or even hell just paying for your subscription?

The way I see it: Yes, they need to do more to increase the perceived value of silvers.

Being able to obtain items without having to be scalped by power merchants is a godsend. I am no market guru, nor am I able to generate billions of silver with my time constraints and RP habits. Thus, the only option I had to gain high end gear previously was to buy it for Real Life $$$'s from players. Now I can buy it for CHEAPER through an interesting mechanic via Duskruin.

Note: The mechanic could be way more interesting heh, but again.

I prefer it how it is now than how it was 'in the day'. Now I have a chance. Before I did not.

Berbels shrilly exclaims, "Ise takings hims tos secretses lairses!"

Berbels grabs you and drags you east.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 04:24 PM CDT

5 out of 6 posts are 1 person. This is beginning to look familiar.
Re: Where oh where has our GSIV game gone? 08/21/2017 04:26 PM CDT
>5 out of 6 posts are 1 person. This is beginning to look familiar.

Oh sorry, let me condense them all to one post so you won't have anything talk about. Since we have no edit feature I'll have to create a whole new post for it. But at least you'll feel better so it'll be worth it.

~ Methais