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Augstawne Girene Dzirta
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created by - HEXEDBYTHENET
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created by - KHIOL
Mark your calendars for the Naked Ranger Race!
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created by - SWAYE
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created by - DAREL
Iridescent order
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Rakash Organized Pack
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created by - KGUTHRIE1
School of PvP
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created by - BEVERAGEK
Locksmith Union
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created by - SHADOW7988
The Locksmith Union
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created by - MIDOUS
The Fervid Shade Presents you with ..The Great Elothean Pull!!
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created by - KNIGHT
Fervid Shade forums open for all to view and join
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created by - ALGSMOONIE
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created by - JONESN16
Crimson Shroud now recruiting.
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created by - DOWNSIN
The Elanthian Vanguard is Recruiting!
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created by - BLAMBOHEAD
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created by - TEH-NINJA
The Dwarven Rite of Passage
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created by - RICCARDI50
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created by - DR-ANNWYL
Work for The Furry Tattler!
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created by - FAIRINE
The Blue Flame
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created by - KOLENDAT
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created by - SHNURUI
New Order; Details Forthcoming
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created by - KUROINEKO
Gypsy Tribes are Forming!
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created by - SAMOYED
Vern Del Katamba seeking new members
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created by - RILEYK20
A Gathering of Gypsies
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created by - SAMOYED
LF Noble Family
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created by - HURSTN770
Northern Watch, Recall.
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created by - JAYRBEE1
Elothean Houses
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created by - THEGARYSHARP
In look for a group.
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created by - JONNEHBOY
A message about the previous post.
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created by - KAZUKI
A few notes on a new group, the Elota'i Ailirelitan'a.
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created by - KAZUKI
Ilithi: Shadow Clan Resurfaces
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created by - KARBONLIPHE
The true face of The Blue Flame
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created by - KOLENDAT
Mountain Elves?
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created by - KOLENDAT
Re: Philosophers Club
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created by - CHARISMATICA
Therengia Cavalry meeting
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created by - SILVEROS
Looking to start new Order (details inside)
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created by - PTAH
fix of a fix
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created by - HAPLON
fix for the philosophers club post
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created by - HAPLON
Philosophers Club
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created by - HAPLON
Mountain Elf Force
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created by - MEJE
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