i shall try to keep this as brief as i can, though the history of our creation is rather long.
Mission statement: The goal of NaFianna is to acquire ancient knowledge and power. It seeks to infiltrate all royal courts, orders, and militia units. NaFianna also takes special operations contracts. The decision to accept the contract is based solely on compensation, and not on political or moral agenda.
History : Part One: The night was like any other winter's end night in the year of the Golden Panther. The air was dry and cold, Xibar's illuminating pale blue rays almost adding to the season's chill. A light snowfall filled the streets of the Crossing, along with the hustle and bustle of the usual crowds. The mass of citizens and visitors shuffling quickly through the city streets, ignoring the dirty snow caked to their boots, greaves and robes. There was nothing to indicate anything was amiss until the hunter became the hunted. The silhouette of a hooded figure crouching in a position similar to a wolf stalking a deer lingered in an alley's shadow. A quiet growl emitted from its muzzle as he found and marked his prey; an Elothean trying to guide a small rickety caravan through the busy streets. The Elothean cursed and griped under his breath as he struggled. Pulling the horse's lead in a frustrated fashion and still cursing as the caravan freed itself for the street’s pot holes. A muzzle broke the mask of shadows with a curling smile as the figure silently leapt and climbed between the alley buildings. Once atop the roofs, perched on the corner, he watched the Elothean intently. With a solid jerk on the lead rope, the Elothean turned the caravan's horse down an alley. The Rakash figure noticed his final destination lay not far ahead. Moving quickly, he cleared the building’s gap and made his descent to the alley's cold wet road. The Elothean seemed oblivious, his back to the Rakash. With short silent steps the Rakash figure struck. The glimmer of a blade slipped from beneath his cloak and towards the Elothean’s neck. The figure's eyes widened as the Elothean stepped back, slamming his back into his stomach. The blade sailed passed its intended target, giving the Elothean leverage. Using the Rakash's momentum against him and shifting his weight, the Elothean flipped his aggressor over his shoulder and onto his back. With a sharp gasp of pain, the Rakash stared back at his own blade, now grasped in the Elothean's hand...
Part Two: Little is known what happened in the dark alleys of the Crossing streets that night. It is rumored that a scroll was exchanged from the Elothean to the Rakash. The scroll, shrouded in mystery, seems to have disappeared from Elanthia. What is known is that shortly after the scroll’s disappearance, a bit of closely guarded knowledge was released to those who were willing to pay well. Some speak of the leaks as the workings of some incredible agent. Others speak of it as an organization dedicated to infiltrating and liberating this knowledge to the highest bidder. Thus beginning the rumors of an order only whispered about and never spoken of aloud ..."The Na Fianna."
History researched and composed by Decipere Messor'Cariosus.
Structure: Governing structure
NaFianna is an infiltration, information gathering, and social order which it's head quarters arebased in crossing. Although established outposts in each province. As such, we are loyal to no one particular province or royalty. We are loyal to each other above all others. We operate in the utmost secrecy, for if any royal hierarchy learned of our operations withen its province, they would surely seek out extreme punishment and justice. NaFianna is governed by 1 leader known as shadowmaster who remains unnamed.the shadow master meets with the head of the web , which is named the master of the web and they discuss the direction of the order. the master of the web then conveins with the web to give direction of the order's buisness. the web conviens and votes on all official buisness of the order. each claw is a self supportive operation, and each claw is headed by a leader which is named legatus. the legatus and his second and third also votes in prospects for membership. prospect needs atleast 3 votes to be gained access to their recruitment phase. a quorum of two-thirds of the web is needed to pass any vote, unless over ridden by the shadowmaster.
now all that being said i would like to add before i go, that inorder to be recruited you can seek out mordicum blackhand and ask a few questions. also we may seek you out.
here are a couple links to a couple places you may find NaFianna :
Re: NaFianna
07/20/2009 02:12 PM CDT
It might help if you didn't disband your previous order and then rename it something in an OOC, RL language.
For those who don't know, 'Na Fianna' means 'The Soldiers' in Irish.
"Sinne Fianna fail, ata fe gheall ag Eirinn"
"Soldiers are we, whose lives are pledged for Ireland..."
The red-bellied turtle hisses, "slander and hunt me if ye will but good prevails in the end your evil ways shall not be tolerated in these realms for long and ye heart is faint compared to the righteousness that dwells within mine" - Argotheo's turtle
For those who don't know, 'Na Fianna' means 'The Soldiers' in Irish.
"Sinne Fianna fail, ata fe gheall ag Eirinn"
"Soldiers are we, whose lives are pledged for Ireland..."
The red-bellied turtle hisses, "slander and hunt me if ye will but good prevails in the end your evil ways shall not be tolerated in these realms for long and ye heart is faint compared to the righteousness that dwells within mine" - Argotheo's turtle
Re: NaFianna
07/22/2009 12:35 AM CDT
The people involed in it are probably quite flattered. Sure, it took 5 months for you to notice them, but hey, most people never noticed at all.