1 5 7 9 13
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 02:02 PM CST
>And what makes a snowflake from Kermoria different from Albaria.

Symbolism? Sentimental values? Just the "idea" can stir powerful emotions for people like Chopin who had a glass of Polish soil buried with him when they couldn't return home. Surely you've promised some girl in high school that you'd move the moons pluck the stars or some such for her, I guess Dermott is just taking it literally since its theoretically achievable. I think its great for RP though I wouldn't necessarily want to accelerate the journey by hand waving it.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 02:43 PM CST
I believe the bigger problem is actually getting to Albaria.

It's supposed to be currently unreachable. The Gorbesh made it because they are sailors without peer, and the Kaldar made it out of sheer luck and determination, but as far as I know, the way is shut now and there are no roads. A lot of Kaldar players try to handwave just how difficult of a trip it would be. It's annoying how often I hear, "Oh I was just hanging out in Albaria the other day."
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 08:04 PM CST
>>Is he actually going to RP/handwave the travel to Albaria? or would this just be some kind of ongoing quest for the character's story?

Sort of. I was going to pretend it happened off-screen, but I wanted someone for my character to be able to have an ongoing friendship with after the fact.

Also, as for why I originally wanted a woman. Well, I have my reasons. It has to do with something I wanted to happen to Dermott during his trek (namely, he is tempted by this woman, whomever she may be).

>>Surely you've promised some girl in high school that you'd move the moons pluck the stars or some such for her, I guess Dermott is just taking it literally since its theoretically achievable. I think its great for RP though I wouldn't necessarily want to accelerate the journey by hand waving it.

This, pretty much. She literally told him that is what she wanted.

Eyuve says, "It will be a long journey."
Eyuve says, "It may require more Empaths."
You laugh!
You say, "Very well."
You ask, "What would you have me do?"
Eyuve raises an eyebrow.
Eyuve says, "I already told you."
Eyuve says, "Water from the deepest ocean, rock from the tallest mountain, and a snowflake from Albaria."
Eyuve flashes a wide grin.
Eyuve says, "It is also traditional to bring the hides of 35 different beasts, as proof of combat prowess."
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 08:07 PM CST
If it were me I would bring her a garment that I would say was imported from Albaria with some kind of snowflake-shaped adornment.

Rev. Reene

Kssarh says, "She has many talents."
Kssarh says, "Some of which can be discussed in public."
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 08:15 PM CST
If it were me, I'd wonder why the woman wants me dead so badly.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 08:20 PM CST
>> If it were me, I'd wonder why the woman wants me dead so badly.

Where's your sense of ROMANCE?

You'll never woo a woman with that attitude.

Rev. Reene

Kssarh says, "She has many talents."
Kssarh says, "Some of which can be discussed in public."
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 09:15 PM CST
>> If it were me, I'd wonder why the woman wants me dead so badly.

I am a woman and was wondering the same thing.

Romance... death. Just bring me some flowers.


Fantasy is an exercise bicycle for the mind. It might not take you anywhere, but it tones up the muscles that can. Of course, I could be wrong. ~Terry Prachett~
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 09:18 PM CST
>Romance... death.

Makes me wonder if the GM of Romance and Death has anything to say on this topic.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 09:27 PM CST
>>If it were me, I'd wonder why the woman wants me dead so badly.

Haha, yeah. That's definitely an interesting rp opportunity if you decide to pursue it, but that reads to me as an indication of disinterest.


Bring her a glass of water. Tell her it's from the deepest ocean of all (your love for her), and then suggest that in order to retrieve the rock from the tallest mountain you would need access to her lovely bosom. When she asks about the snowflake from Albaria, offer your own wit - it's already one in a million, and the only thing you need to do to make it honorary Albarian is to score with a Kaldar woman.

"Limited in nature yet infinite in desire - men are like fallen gods."
- Alphonse de Lamartine
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 09:42 PM CST

So you graduated with a BS degree, right?
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/03/2010 09:48 PM CST
>>So you graduated with a BS degree, right?

If you say it with confidence, it will work 90% of the time!*

(*Will not work well at all if you have been failing to maintain eye contact continuously.)

"Limited in nature yet infinite in desire - men are like fallen gods."
- Alphonse de Lamartine
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/04/2010 03:48 PM CST
>If it were me, I'd wonder why the woman wants me dead so badly.

Hrmph, humans.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/22/2010 12:00 AM CDT

I don't think that I've ever met you in-game but I thought I'd give you my thoughts on this because I have thought alot about travelling to Albaria myself. I have gone as far south as possible. But in my imagination I have travelled to Albaria. I was on a walk-a-bout in Albaria which is where I was when I had to leave the game for the past 2 years.

If you have read enough about the Gorbesh history, and have envisioned what it would be like to travel through the dark hand then you're well on your way to making the trek.

You would have to pass through Adamatia first, passing through Stronghold. You'll be climbing lots of mountain ranges so your character needs to have good climbing (so bring extra boots) and you may even see some rangers from the Shadow Clan. If you make friends with them, like I did, then they can help guide you through the Hand.

Your exploration can take you as far as you want to go. I travelled around Albaria, but never made it to a Gorbesh city. I enjoyed seeing the country and seeing where us Kaldars use to live in the forests.

Have fun on your travels and safe paths. Laeorna
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/22/2010 12:08 AM CDT
>If you make friends with them, like I did, then they can help guide you through the Hand.

I can't claim to know much on the subject but this seems like massive hand-waving.

RIP Tachid. Thank you for all the laughs.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/22/2010 08:30 AM CDT
>>massive hand-waving

The OP stated that it was understood that a large portion of the quest would be hand-waving and make-believe.

Right now the Moon Mage place on the "combat pet totem pole" is the part that's sunk into the earth to lower the pole's center of gravity.
-Armifer de Dragonrealms
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/22/2010 09:46 AM CDT
Yes I realize that, but from what I've understood about Shadow Clan, befriending them without further info or some epic tale of its own to accompany it sounds like deus ex machina level excessive handwaving.

It's been a full year since I read up on all necromantic/dark hand stuff though.

RIP Tachid. Thank you for all the laughs.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/25/2010 11:27 AM CDT
not sure what you mean by hand-waving. Does that mean I have made up alot of stuff?

I have read the Emerald Chronicles and feel like I got to understand about Geoff Graev and Ptera and her ShadowClan group. I am a ranger and have ranger signs. Since no Ranger stands alone, they would be more than likly willing to help me, a fellow ranger.

If you think I'm stretching the truth a bit about making friends with them then that is your opinion. You don't know my Kaldar.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/25/2010 11:33 AM CDT
<<not sure what you mean by hand-waving. Does that mean I have made up alot of stuff?

Hand-waving means ignoring stuff that doesn't make sense or doesn't quite fit so that the stuff that works or is fun can still be done. Basically, it means not getting bogged down in the details. For example...

>say Yes, this sword I'm waving around onchalantly is 6 feet long and I'm a Gnome.
You say, "Yes, this sword I'm waving around onchalantly is 6 feet long and I'm a Gnome."
>motio evra
You wave your hand distractedly.


* Prophet Hotoke Fuku-Nyorai snuck out of the shadow he was hiding in.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/25/2010 12:19 PM CDT
Part of roleplaying in Dragonrealms, in reguards to multiple situations, is "massive hand-waving." It's roleplay and most situations in game require a ton of make believe. A Gnome wielding a 6 foot long clay is a bit laughable yes. Befriending the rangers of shadow clan, not so much. The premise/philosophy behind the ranger "no ranger stands alone" is that rangers don't leave another in need. While this may not be true of all rangers, most tend to help each other as well others despite thier guild. It's not unlikely at all that a ranger would escort Laeorna or another through the dark hand as her scout to provide safe passage. It's what rangers do.

On the other hand, a ranger which is an Emerald knight would have the knowledge, maps, or whatever to help someone get through the hand and it would make perfect sense for them or either provide an escort OR refuse someone and tell them it's too dangerous to travel the route. So anyway, yes, getting to Albaria is far fetched. In fact, the place does not exist in game, though it does in theory. We do what we can to roleplay whatever in game because it's fun and you have to make things up as you go sometimes to achieve your goals. Now I don't believe saying you rode a dragon to Theren from Shard or you're a princess from a magical land in the North would make any sense at all, but the hand, Albaria, and shadow clan all are part of the game lore. I think you should/could make believe whatever you want providing it has some basis on game lore and history.

No ranger stands alone.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/25/2010 02:20 PM CDT
I like your post, Aycokt, however,

>Befriending the rangers of shadow clan, not so much. The premise/philosophy behind the ranger "no ranger stands alone" is that rangers don't leave another in need. While this may not be true of all rangers, most tend to help each other as well others despite thier guild. It's not unlikely at all that a ranger would escort Laeorna or another through the dark hand as her scout to provide safe passage. It's what rangers do.

This is where I disagree.

The way I understand Shadow Clan, they are a harsh group. THIS is where you'll find a lot of "dark paladins" or "dark rangers". This is a group that does whatever it takes to survive in the Dark Hand. If it helps, they strike a very close resemblance to to the Grey Wardens in Dragon Age.

"Shadow Clan" is their new identity. The harsh rules of living in the Dark Hand should trump over whatever social norms they held prior to being part of the clan.

I would say the image I have of them is not so different from the Claw of Tenemlor and how they treat other Prydaens, despite how other Prydaens usually socialize with eachother.

To put in another way, with all we know about the Dark Hand, if you were forced to live out your entire life there, as did your ancestors for generations. In a place where a slip could kill you, where you are constantly assaulted by silhouettes of old friends and comrades that are actually dark fiends. Sure, trust may be possible, but highly improbable. Most certainly if trust is earned it would not be based on a guilded motto that has not applied to their clan for hundreds of years; They have been there without association or contact from the rest of Kermoria. Their skills were not taught by the guild no longer. They have their own brand of rules down there.

So, without some epic tale of its own, in my opinion, it is extremely out of character and I would even say inappropriate handwaving on principals no different than to claim to be the illegitimate son between Gyfford and Aeminn and accepting as fact.

RIP Tachid. Thank you for all the laughs.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/26/2010 12:18 PM CDT

You make some excellent points here and I'm inclined to change my thinking a bit. I have to say though, after reading the paladin folder of older posts and arguments concerning "dark" paladins I believe most people are taking the term to close to heart. "Dark" doesn't have to necessarily mean evil here. Xelten put it nicely in another response to one of my posts as, "rogue paladin and rangers that answer to nobody.

Understand that they were not necessarily forced to live anywhere. Ptera was a Therengian paladin in charge of the Emerald Knights. She slayed the Ferdahl's band of reinforcements because they were held back at Corik's wall by the Odrun. This was possibly a direct order from the Ferdahl since he himself appointed Odrun, but that part is speculation. So in a nutshell, he let Ptera's knights get slaughtered. The second, Odurn, ordered all thier deaths for the massacre and Ptera slit his throat. Because of all of this, and the loss of Moragane's arm, she was exiled and left for the hand on foot with nothing but her sword.

There is nothing else claiming anyone else went with her when she left, but it is assumed that the rangers went with her. On 9th Skullcleaver, 192 Geoff writes, "As we attended the dead and wounded, the rangers came to us. There are eight of them and their leader, a twig of a fellow named Loro who is otherwise concealed by his cloaks." This leads me to believe, by assumption of course, they possibly came from the hand. In my mind, rangers surviving or dweeling in a dark, evil, enchanted, or dangerous place is not uncommon. It's simply being a ranger and what we do. Scouts, the first ones to seek out a new place. It's highly possible that Ptera leaving and taking those rangers with her was the forming of the shadow clan. She was a warrior maiden of the moors and very powerfull, a leader, so it makes sense to me.

In multiple other placed Ptera is spoken of and it sys she is living with the rangers in the hand and she sent word twice to warn the Emerald Knights of inpending doom. This hardly seems to be the work of someone only looking out for themselves. I fear I've myself gone off on a tangent and lost track of the topic at hand, haven't I? Oops. Befriending a ranger in the Shadow Clan is probably a very hard thing to do and yes, you would need some epic tale of how you met them. Asking an Emerald Knight, which is a ranger scout, to lead you would make more sense. Having reread the chronicles again as me interested in some epic roleplay myself. I can't help wonder, with all the things the Ferdahl did to the Emerald knights, why they continued to protect Shard or Ilithi from the Hand. I look forward to hearing more about the paladin events unfolding there. A showing of shadow clan would be very exciting.

No ranger stands alone.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/26/2010 02:31 PM CDT
In my mind, the clan and the knights are not there to protect Shard/Ilithi specifically, but to protect Kermoria, their family, their friends. They could care less about who is the ruling body or their political desires in the face of a much greater threat. Everythign the hand touches become corrupt, that is why they're there to contain it. Any rage against Ilithi would not be enough to blind them from their cause.

RIP Tachid. Thank you for all the laughs.
Re: Needed: Kaldar, preferably female (but male will be okay too) 'guide' to Alb 03/27/2010 06:30 AM CDT
DR makes me laugh. I've been on the ambulance for 24 hours and early this morning, around 4 AM, we ran this guy pretending to have a seizure. Basically, talking and telling me he was having a seizure during the actual jerking motions. We get to the hospital and the nurse asked me what's going on. I retort with, "He just massively hand waved himself through a grand mal seizure." She looked at me oddly. Good times.

No ranger stands alone.
Wanted....a Kaldar Champion. 04/02/2010 04:08 PM CDT
Since Belladzia seems to have poofed, either from the game entirely or has been kicked upstairs...I'm wondering....will we ever
get another champion? I certainly hope so. The gatherings did a lot to help us determine what it means to be Kaldar. Learning more about our history, sharing bits of information gleaned from various books and journals; all of these things massively satisfied my game experience. Although we didn't agree with eachother all of the time, the views and opinions expressed were well thought out and added a richness to the concept of what we are as a race.

I miss those gatherings and sincerely hope there will be more in the near future.

Re: Wanted....a Kaldar Champion. 04/03/2010 07:01 PM CDT
seconded whole-heartedly!!!

Oderint Dum Metuant
Re: Wanted....a Kaldar Champion. 04/15/2010 09:25 PM CDT
Thirded, fourthed and fifthed (if a bit late to the party).

Miss ya, Bella.

~Mammoth Rider Maulem Akavame, Death Dealer of Therengia

Telfogli says, "It is the Barbarian who refuses to continue to die who has failed their duty."

The Barbarian Guildleader Les says, "Kill. Don't care what. Make dead.">
Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 11:11 AM CDT
One of the things that Bella discussed with us was the possibility of having gem colored eyes. I'm hoping that someone, somewhere will read this. Also, I'd like to see what other Kaldars think of this...add your 2 coppers too please!

We already can have empaths shift us for emerald or sapphire eyes.
But...something distinctly Kaldar, and only for Kaldar, would be fantastic.

What I propose is that we have 3 choices for eye color...with any gemstone being the color:
1) Dark <gem color> i.e. Dark peridot eyes
2) Light <gem color> i.e. Light peridot eyes
3) <gem color> Flecked i.e. peridot flecked ale brown eyes

With the 3rd option, flecked, this would be added to the original color of your eyes.

Proposed gems could be: peridot, garnet, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, citrine, ruby....etc...

Please feel free to put in your 2 coppers about gems that you would like to see as options for Kaldar eye color.

Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 11:40 AM CDT
Why should gem-colored eyes be only for Kaldar? Everyone already has options like sapphire, turquoise, emerald, jade, topaz, and amber.

From the perspective of good writing, I would steer clear of gems whose colors are not well-known to the general population. I think that most people know that sapphires are (commonly) blue and that emeralds are green, but how many people know what color peridot is without consulting Wikipedia? DragonRealms already has enough item names that mean nothing unless you consult racial dictionaries; I'd hate to see further detours from plain English.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 11:51 AM CDT
>DragonRealms already has enough item names that mean nothing unless you consult racial dictionaries; I'd hate to see further detours from plain English.

While I agree, the recent release of the Rakash village suggests that reader comprehension isn't a top priority.

>describe boar
It's a boar. It doesn't like you.
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 11:57 AM CDT
>>Why should gem-colored eyes be only for Kaldar?

Why are some smoke-shapes halfling-only? Why can Rakash and Prydaen gods be worshipped and not Gorbesh ones? Why do Elotheans, Dwarves, S'kra, Halflings, Humans, Gor Togs, Elves, Prydaen and Rakash all have race-specific shops and towns but there isn't any substantial in-game evidence that Kaldar and Gnomes even exist?

Right now the Moon Mage place on the "combat pet totem pole" is the part that's sunk into the earth to lower the pole's center of gravity.
-Armifer de Dragonrealms
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 12:04 PM CDT
Gnomes have that Tisk's Wagon that rolls about, but yes Kaldar and Gnomes seem a little light on the areas for them. I think Gnomes have a village under some form of development, not sure what is up with Kaldar.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 12:12 PM CDT
>>DIMINISHEDANGEL: Why are some smoke-shapes halfling-only? Why can Rakash and Prydaen gods be worshipped and not Gorbesh ones? Why do Elotheans, Dwarves, S'kra, Halflings, Humans, Gor Togs, Elves, Prydaen and Rakash all have race-specific shops and towns but there isn't any substantial in-game evidence that Kaldar and Gnomes even exist?

Right now, all races have the same eye color options. I'd like some justification for why we should depart from this just to give Kaldar a gem-themed set of eye colors that will send me running to Wikipedia.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 12:13 PM CDT
>Right now, all races have the same eye color options. I'd like some justification for why we should depart from this just to give Kaldar a gem-themed set of eye colors that will send me running to Wikipedia.

If Rakash got smoke images they wouldn't be trees and deer, it would be Ljkasdflks Ulf'latalkdfs they'd blow.

>describe boar
It's a boar. It doesn't like you.
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 12:25 PM CDT
>>All races have the same color options.

We already have in-game examples of race-specific shifting options. We also already have in-game examples of giving races interesting perks in unique ways, like the aforementioned Olvi-specific smoke shapes. I don't see much of concern here.

>>that will send me running to Wikipedia

I am just as annoyed as you probably are when I have to appraise a Rakash weapon to find out if it's a man-sized halberd or a rust-covered pocket knife, but the Wikipedia defense seems a bit weak-sauce to me, friend, when we're talking about words that exist within the standard English language. To use your example, peridots already exist in-game. You are offended by them? You are offended by the Cleric spell Abeyant Orison?

There is no good reason to give Kaldar unique eyes, no, but there's not any logical reason for about 95% of the content in the game. My humble opinion is that Kaldar and Gnomes are in bad need of development, so I am personally a fan of this idea.

Right now the Moon Mage place on the "combat pet totem pole" is the part that's sunk into the earth to lower the pole's center of gravity.
-Armifer de Dragonrealms
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 12:58 PM CDT
>>DIMINISHEDANGEL: I am just as annoyed as you probably are when I have to appraise a Rakash weapon to find out if it's a man-sized halberd or a rust-covered pocket knife, but the Wikipedia defense seems a bit weak-sauce to me, friend, when we're talking about words that exist within the standard English language.

It's about readability. Although gem names may be part of the English language, their colors are not necessarily well-known. (Who wants chrysophrase eyes?) In some cases, the same gem can be found in several colors. I just don't see why we need to use a word like "peridot" to describe green eyes when there are adjectives that would convey the idea without requiring people to consult references about gems or to make assumptions about which shade of peridot was intended.

>>DIMINISHEDANGEL: There is no good reason to give Kaldar unique eyes, no, but there's not any logical reason for about 95% of the content in the game. My humble opinion is that Kaldar and Gnomes are in bad need of development, so I am personally a fan of this idea.

Adding gem-colored eyes to Kaldar for no particular reason is not my idea of racial development.

>>JMF90: If Rakash got smoke images they wouldn't be trees and deer, it would be Ljkasdflks Ulf'latalkdfs they'd blow.

I'm just waiting for the racial names for all features.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 01:18 PM CDT
It's about readability. Although gem names may be part of the English language, their colors are not necessarily well-known. (Who wants chrysophrase eyes?) In some cases, the same gem can be found in several colors. I just don't see why we need to use a word like "peridot" to describe green eyes when there are adjectives that would convey the idea without requiring people to consult references about gems or to make assumptions about which shade of peridot was intended. >>

Apart from the fact that Kaldar have no real connection to gems besides icesilk anyway (Which is ridiculous itself - A people who focus on a spartan, back to nature lifestyle weave cloaks/dresses/shirts out of GEMS?) It is absolutely this. Overwriting is a common sin of both MUDs and the fantasy genre -- We really don't need to encourage this, as its the short and dark path to purple prose-dom. You can get as much done with 'green' as you can 'viridian' -- Ask Ernest Hemingway.

<< DIMINISHEDANGEL: There is no good reason to give Kaldar unique eyes, no, but there's not any logical reason for about 95% of the content in the game. My humble opinion is that Kaldar and Gnomes are in bad need of development, so I am personally a fan of this idea. >>

Let's just give random, unthematic things to underdeveloped races/guilds/etc.? That's a great way to manage internal consistency.


"A thorn bush is no place for a phoenix."
-Guan Yu
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 01:52 PM CDT
I fully agree with development, and I hate pulling an Umbridge (HP and OotP), but developing for developing sake without a clear focus for what is to grow from it, how it is building a group or character shouldn'e be done.

I am all for Kaldar becoming Kaldar (not sure what is needed to do that), maybe some shops with looks that show the hand-weaving, and simple but beautiful nature of their craft (that's what I've somewhat heard them being), I'm seeing a bit of a Survivalist deal with all items for a Kaldar, it needs a function, or why make it?

I am not a developer for Simu, and the Kaldar race isn't something I have a huge background on (just from what people have discussed in game, and on these folders). But that seems like perhaps a decent direction.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 02:29 PM CDT
>A people who focus on a spartan, back to nature lifestyle weave cloaks/dresses/shirts out of GEMS?

The day I walked into that icesilk shop was the day I stopped RPing that Hanryu cared about his race. I also cried a little inside. :(

~Hunter Hanryu
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 02:36 PM CDT
<<I am just as annoyed as you probably are when I have to appraise a Rakash weapon to find out if it's a man-sized halberd or a rust-covered pocket knife>>

I thought after the inital release of Muspar'i and all the items had names that looked like the GM let his cat walk across his keyboard there was a directive that names had to be pretty much in clear English.
Re: Proposed Eye colors for Kaldars 05/08/2010 02:55 PM CDT
>>RASMAN: I thought after the inital release of Muspar'i and all the items had names that looked like the GM let his cat walk across his keyboard there was a directive that names had to be pretty much in clear English.

Unfortunately, DragonRealms seems to be moving in the direction of more gibberish racial names for titles, items, and locations. (See the new Rakash village.)

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
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