Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 10:00 AM CST
Well, thanks be to Rutilor that a pristine soul gives you blessed mits...

My neglected brawling is getting quite a workout.
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 10:21 AM CST
No kidding. I always heard it was 300, but who the heck knows? I would be curious as to your count when you finally find one.

Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 10:30 AM CST
I've gone back there at least a dozen times (I melt them often enough :/) and there are times I've grabbed a stone in the first 5 minutes, ranging to a marathon 31 hours to get one.

Good luck.
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 11:44 AM CST
<<I think the rumor awhile back was that 1:500 drops a soulstone. Just gotta get lucky...>>

I never found a soulstone as my paladin. I received all mine either as a gift or by purchasing. I'll admit it was rather frustrating.


The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!"

~Thank You for Smoking~
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 01:01 PM CST
Maybe a quest can be designed for paladins at a certain level to obtain one. Make it a one time only deal so they don't flood the black markets.

Flip what?

My website of cleric info:
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 01:05 PM CST
>aybe a quest can be designed for paladins at a certain level to obtain one.

There is one... its called sit in souls until you find one. Good thing about that quest is there is no syntax games. :D
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 02:34 PM CST
>>There is one... its called sit in souls until you find one. Good thing about that quest is there is no syntax games. :D

Lol that one almost made me lose my coffee.

I heard a rumor a long time ago that soulstones were initially designed as an easter egg. Since not many people could play almost 24/7 due to the costly charges it made soulstones extremely rare and secretive on how they were gotten.

Either way I think they need to be reevaluated. The drop rate at least should be increased if nothing more, but it would be nice to see them in our paladin store.
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 02:52 PM CST
Psst, allow clerics to make them requiring the glyph of mana to be traced in the room during the enchantment process. ::ducks and runs::

~Player of Zaud/Koryn (Platinum)

Got Smite? -
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 02:53 PM CST
It took 412 deaths, and one was gotten. Oh, it's beautiful.

You say that you melt them? Do they only have so many uses? It'd be good to know that now rather than when I slag the thing.
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 03:34 PM CST
>>You say that you melt them? Do they only have so many uses?

If your soul is sufficiently soiled with the stain of dishonor, you melt the soulstone when you try to use them. In Praxis's case, however, it could be merely his breath. I hear he munches on peppers the way dwarves drink alcohol.

J'Lo, no that other one
The Manipulation List --
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 03:39 PM CST
We have a soulstone merchant as well. Although his wagon stopped by briefly, he'll be back again soon.


The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!"

~Thank You for Smoking~
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 05:12 PM CST
>>It took 412 deaths, and one was gotten.

Seems to support the urban legend of 1 per 500 near enough.

>>You say that you melt them?

As J'Lo hinted, if you do enough bad things and your soul gets dirty enough, rubbing one will cause it to melt.. all the way to actually blowing up in your hand causing injuries. This means.. REALLY bad, not from 1 kill or 1 first strike.. but really going out and doing a LOT of the things the guild says a Paladin shouldn't do.

Maece, does your reply about the soulstone merchant mean the P-team is not considering looking at the "drop rate" for potential tweaking? 1 in 500 is a bit much for the young paladins to obtain one in a reasonable time.

Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 05:41 PM CST
>You say that you melt them? Do they only have so many uses? It'd be good to know that now rather than when I slag the thing.

As others have said, if your soulstate is black enough, you can melt them when you try to rub them. If you are grey or above, there is nothing to worry about.

<rant> Unfortunately, it is very easy to get to black in certain SUPER FUN RP activities; like tourneys. God forbid we actually have FUN, while PLAYING a paladin character. </rant>
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 07:50 PM CST
<<Maece, does your reply about the soulstone merchant mean the P-team is not considering looking at the "drop rate" for potential tweaking?>>

Yep, that's correct. I'll talk it over with Nehros, but this was visited a couple years back if memory serves and it was decided to leave it as is.


The great state of Vermont will not apologize for its cheese!"

~Thank You for Smoking~
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 10:47 PM CST
>>Yep, that's correct. I'll talk it over with Nehros, but this was visited a couple years back if memory serves and it was decided to leave it as is.

Thanks for the reply. I have no problem with the answer. Just wanted to clarify however.

Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 11:59 PM CST
I kinda like it as is.


Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Re: Soulstones... 12/28/2006 05:48 AM CST
<<I kinda like it as is.>>

With all due respect, of course you do. You have a soulstone.

Drongol's Player

PC also stands for "Paying Customer."
Re: Soulstones... 12/28/2006 08:48 AM CST
The gaining of a soulstone can be made into a quest of sorts. I don't give young paladins soulstones. I take them to souls and help them get it. My experience has been that young paladins enjoy the experience, it gives time to teach a little about the guild...and it makes the darn thing something rather special IMO.

Re: Soulstones... 12/28/2006 08:56 AM CST
Having gone on a spree to get the thing, I'm quite pleased with the drop rate. Althought it would be nice to have a merchant come around every now and then to provide them in settings and stuff.

The effort I had to go through to get the thing makes it something I won't want to lose or be tempted to pawn off to a trader.

It sure was frustrating when I thought they didn't happen, but when I found out for myself that I wasn't on a wild goose hunt, I'd be willing to go for it again.
Re: Soulstones... 12/28/2006 09:05 AM CST
When my Paladin was in souls he never found a soulstone. I did give up pretty early because I could never find clerics to keep my weapons blessed. When I started my cleric he could hunt in souls much easier since he had magic that would damage them, and he could bless his own weapons. He ended up finding one that I promptly gave to the Paladin.

Range Master Dragamar, Recluse of Aesry Sulaenis'a
Brother Urio, Follower of Urrem'tier
Cadet Ltorilu, Up and Coming Paladin
Re: Soulstones... 12/28/2006 09:36 AM CST
Pristine soul = blessed hands.

Rip 'em apart.
Re: Soulstones... 12/28/2006 01:28 PM CST
My older paladin had the record as far as I had heard: he stopped counting at 1000 kills without finding a soulstone. Making one at a certain circle/skill/stats/with the help of a cleric/etc sounds like a good idea. They are only of ANY use at all to paladins, not much of a market to flood...
Re: Soulstones... 12/28/2006 02:01 PM CST
>My older paladin had the record as far as I had heard: he stopped counting at 1000 kills without finding a soulstone.

I went 31 hours actually hunting to get one. Not 31 straight, just cumulative.
Re: Soulstones... 12/29/2006 06:23 AM CST

Dang, thought I had that record :o)

What was really annoying was the cleric I met there at the time that found 2 in about 10 minutes. I thought for a long time that it was intentionally geared to prevent paladins from finding them.
Soul state & Pilgrim Badges 01/29/2007 12:08 AM CST
I just recently obtained my Pilmgrim's Badge with the help of a cleric friend. I bonded my badge and got my first shrine at the cleric's guild chapel. My soul registered a boost. Several days later, I was hunting in snowbeasts and went to the altar of Berengaria and my soul did not register a boost, but when I look at my badge, it lists the shrine as well as the first one:

Your badge resonates with a holy energy tied to your spirit.
You have pilgrimaged to the following shrines:
The Crossing's Clerics' Guild Chapel, devoted to Hodierna and Kertigen.
The altar to Berengaria in the Gash.

I'm just confused as to why I did not receive a soul boost message with the second one.
Thanks for your help.
Re: Soul state & Pilgrim Badges 01/29/2007 04:35 AM CST
you don't get a boost for adding new altars to the badge, only get a boost from pray to your badge
Re: Soul state &amp; Pilgrim Badges 01/29/2007 10:03 AM CST
>you don't get a boost for adding new altars to the badge, only get a boost from pray to your badge

In addition, more altars/shrines/etc create a boost to the soul POOL. Once you perform a soul boosting action, the pool is larger, and it can take a little bit of time for the STATE to reach the POOL potential.

Thats probably really poorly worded, but basically should indicate that that state can fluctuate. As long as the state is positive (varying degrees of white) the state will rise to the size of the pool. If the state is grey or black the state will fall (and even then at varying speeds).
Re: Soul State & Pilgrim Badges 01/30/2007 01:22 AM CST
Oh, thank you so much for the info. I didn't realize I had to pray to the badge itself.
Appreciate your help!
Re: Soul State & Pilgrim Badges 01/30/2007 01:16 PM CST
I want someone to do that pilgrimage thing that was suggested where we get a group together to check out all the shrines around elanthia and fill up our badges.

I never do events, and I still think this would be cool.

>>nudge nudge
Re: Soul State & Pilgrim Badges 01/30/2007 11:08 PM CST
>>I want someone to do that pilgrimage thing that was suggested where we get a group together to check out all the shrines around elanthia and fill up our badges.

Yep. Still compiling the list of altars and locations. Soon as I confirm my list is current and workable, we'll post a date and time to gather for the pilgrimage.

Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Soul State & Pilgrim Badges 02/22/2007 08:25 AM CST
I too would be very interested in this trip as well. Though I feel the current boost of about 5 altars is good(which is how many I have). I don't think the theory of "the more you have the better it is", is actually true.

Player of Adakin Sothir
Re: Soul State & Pilgrim Badges 02/22/2007 04:18 PM CST
I've never noticed this myself either.


Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Soul 05/25/2008 07:24 AM CDT
Soul is checked via a soulstone, correct? Where are they attained?
Re: Soul 05/25/2008 08:00 AM CDT
Soul is checked via soulstone or other specialty items found at fests that have a soulstone embedded into them. You can find soulstones on tortured souls in Riverhaven I believe, though the stones are extremely rare. Also, the paladin guild in crossing, (and I'm assuming the other paladin guilds) have a soulstone arch that you can walk through that will give you an indication of the current condition of your soul.

You have been vanquished. That is all.
Re: Soul 05/26/2008 01:02 AM CDT
Or come out to Ratha Elfverhan normally has a few extra ones on hand.
Chadatru Favors for Soul? 10/08/2009 05:38 PM CDT
Is there a limitation on how many at a time or a timer? Does it work with the light and dark aspects? Is there messaging when you put the orb on the altar that you also got soul for it?

Re: Chadatru Favors for Soul? 12/09/2009 05:37 AM CST
the only known limitation to me is that you can do this as many times as possible until your soul is steady white or some level therein. Once you are on the positive side, it will no longer work. This is a great feature with a tanked soul.
Soul hits- Interacting with Necromancers 01/21/2010 10:02 PM CST
I recently had an experience interacting with Necromancers that alerted me to the very real possibility that some less than obvious action or actions can affect our soul state.

I've found there is 3 "points" in soul state in regards to spells being restricted. At the lowest most spells are uncastable and bring about "dejection." At the mid point almost all spells are usable save a select few, and the third point where all our spells are usable. The Heretic title is available for the lowest point(of course) and also the mid point... at least for part of the range... I have not been able to get my soulstate back up to the point where all my spells are castable again... and still have access to the Heretic title currently.

What happened...

I was at the at the point where I could only cast a select few spells(lowest point)... I did two redeeming acts and found myself able to once again cast most spells(mid point)... (at this point I could not see my soul pool by exhaling upon a soul stone embedded item... I don't have a plain soulstone so I could not chance rubbing without possibly destroying my item.) Shortly after, I was in the midst of "working" with a couple Philosophers from their kniven order... I find that few are willing to entertain their redemption... but I can often bend their ear to my preaching of the benefits of a redeemed life by aiding them in their hunting persuits... while doing just this I began a class which they both listened to, and then cast Divine Guidance upon the both of them(capped casts) I then attempted to cast DiG upon myself and found my soul suddenly lacking again, and could not cast it successfully. I was wearing the Heretic title at the time.

Now from what I can figure... one or more of these potentials occured...
-Casting certain beneficial spells upon Necromancers will net you with a soul hit that you get no sense of it occuring.

-teaching Necromancers will net you a soul hit that you cannot sense.

-A soul state drift from slightly higher then neutral to neutral is the point where you lose access to the second point of spell availability. (no Necromancers required)(soul-state drifts toward neutral unless you are "pristine" or "black." "Pristine" souls drift toward the minimum "prisinte" soul-state but then drift no further down.)

-wearing the "Heretic" title has effects upon soul-state and/or soul-state drift. I recolect hearing/reading something about the Heretic title in regards to this... but cannot be sure I'm not just imagining this memory. Part of this memory includes the effect of wearing the Heretic title negates any good deed you do while wearing it... thereby not boosting your soul. You still get the warm feeling... but soul-state does not increase. I have not been successful in redeeming myself with good deeds enough to reach the second point in casting availability without removing my Heretic title... so this lends strength to my theory... though I coulda have just happend to remove my title just prior to doing the good deeds that redeemed my soul enough by chance. More testing and "good deeding" would be needed while wearing the title to confirm or deny this.

as a side note if you could follow this post... congrats on being an adept at understanding poorly gramatatized writing.

Re: Soul hits- Interacting with Necromancers 01/22/2010 11:54 AM CST

You can't melt soulstones anymore and you can't raise your soul state with the Heretic title on.

Banner first, ask questions later.
Re: Soul hits- Interacting with Necromancers 01/22/2010 12:45 PM CST
<< You can't melt soulstones anymore and you can't raise your soul state with the Heretic title on. >>

When did soulstones stop melting? Thats a shame, I for one like the little negatives here and there that make DR interesting.