Re: Poison and Soul 03/28/2004 11:36 AM CST
Supposedly the alchemy system thats been in the works for god knows how long will have antitodes and the such.

~~From Hell

"Then look for me by moonlight,
Watch for me by moonlight,
I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way."- Alfred Noyes
Re: Poison and Soul 03/28/2004 11:43 AM CST
You don't see being critically poisoned where it doesn't even break the barrier of the skin, but rather glances off the armor protecting you as being unrealistic? Depending on the armor Lennon is wearing he can get good hits on him where they cause no external damage. How then does the same hit in which the arrow/bolt touches him for 1/100th of a second make him critically poisoned? Thats NOT realistic. The severity of the poisoning should be dependent on not only the strength of the poison, but also the degree of contact. A mild poison on an arrow/bolt that punctures you deeply should be much more deadly than a arrow/bolt with even the most deadly poison on it grazing you and not breaking the skin. I'm not going to get into RL comparisons as this is a fantasy game. However, I'm uncertain how you can say its not unrealistic.

--Just a "clueless" Squire
Re: Poison and Soul 03/28/2004 12:42 PM CST
While I very much agree with you that the poison damage should be based on its potency and degree of contact, there are poisons in real life that can shut down the human brain with less than 2 grains of toxic material. Im aware, but unable to recite, animals that have toxins that are much more powerfull than that. Most "kills you in seconds" poison is the top tier of what players can produce; although with all that armor on you I guess it does seem semi silly. I believe poison though is only administered as long the the blow did the minimum amount of possible damage (which I believe is glancing. Grazing is fully negated damage, glancing is the lowest possible damage (correct me if im wrong on that)).

~~From Hell

"Then look for me by moonlight,
Watch for me by moonlight,
I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way."- Alfred Noyes
Re: Poison and Soul 03/28/2004 12:52 PM CST
<<While I very much agree with you that the poison damage should be based on its potency and degree of contact, there are poisons in real life that can shut down the human brain with less than 2 grains of toxic material. Im aware, but unable to recite, animals that have toxins that are much more powerfull than that. Most "kills you in seconds" poison is the top tier of what players can produce; although with all that armor on you I guess it does seem semi silly. I believe poison though is only administered as long the the blow did the minimum amount of possible damage (which I believe is glancing. Grazing is fully negated damage, glancing is the lowest possible damage (correct me if im wrong on that)).>>

You are correct on the last point.

I wanted to stray away from RL comparisons mainly because every time someone brings up such a comparison the other side screams "but this is a game!". Anyhoo, you are coorrect there are poisons out there that only take miniscule amounts to kill or injure. The difference with this and the game however is that in RL that poison needs to get inside the body in some way, e.g. a lesion on the skin, through the mucous membranes, through different orifices, or through slow absorption of the skin (by slow I mean contact that takes more than the amount of time that something hits your body and bounces off). In the game it doesn't need this, it simply needs to make contact with the skin for 1/1000th of a second.

Anyhoo, how you been Constatine? Haven't heard from you in a long time. You stil lhave your eyeballs? heh

--Just a "clueless" Squire
Re: Poison and Soul 03/28/2004 12:58 PM CST
grin Yep.

Per the poison. Very few creatures sport poison that kills you that fast. Its only the top tier of player made poisons that are that deadly. So ill say back, this is a game, and poison takes alot of effort and experimentation to work, and even then is not a combat ready application. I cant just pull some very powerfull poison from a bodily orifice. I have to go voodoo it up, which takes time, and the product doesnt take long to go bad. Compare the effects of a poison that took time to harvest materials, time to make, and the skill to atleast hit the foe to deliver the poison compared to say, a potent spell? Just as much effort went into both, so I personally have to qualm with either. When poison supposedly becomes a bigger house hold name (alchemy) and isnt as unviable as a hunting tool let alone a killing tool, we will see antitodes and the such.

~~From Hell

"Then look for me by moonlight,
Watch for me by moonlight,
I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way."- Alfred Noyes
Re: Poison and Soul 03/28/2004 04:24 PM CST
Now when you say a soul hit for use, does that mean everytime you swing the weapon, or everytime you actually land a hit?

If it's just a hit, then I might actually want to keep a very special blade around just in case.

Trantris says, "Save the oratory for the enemy, Poetus. It just might be our only hope."
Re: Poison and Soul 03/28/2004 11:32 PM CST
I havn't used poison in a very very long time, however my experience with it was that the soul hit was on making it, not using it. I had some issues with that.

Vidumavi exclaims, "Wait!"
Vidumavi points at you.
Vidumavi exclaims, "Your that Blasword guy!"
>nod vid
You nod to Vidumavi.
Vidumavi exclaims, "You are the bomb!"
Re: Poison and Soul 03/29/2004 12:01 AM CST
<<Now when you say a soul hit for use, does that mean everytime you swing the weapon, or everytime you actually land a hit?

a hit , but poison only last one hit.


Check out Genie2 A Great New FE
Soul system flaw 05/14/2004 05:10 PM CDT
I've been thinking about it some, and have decided that our soul system is fundamentally flawed. Currently, a purer soul creates a larger pool for soul related abilities. Using an ability, such as too much smite or a certain glyphs, uses up our soul, which seems to imply that our soul is a pool of holy power from which to draw. But this creates contradictions within the soul system, as well as being inconsistent with the actual nature of a soul. As far as the contradictions go, since the color of one's soul reflects the character of the Paladin, and using some abilities lowers soul, using an ability which lowers my soul essentially means I am making my soul worse - just like stealing or killing. Definitely inconsistent.

Plus, if you stop and think about what a soul is, it doesn't make any sense for a soul to change its state based on the use of our powers. A soul is eternal. It does not grow or decrease. The current system treats it as a reservoir to be filled by tending, tithing, etc. and emptied by using abilities.

A better system would be one in which the state of our soul was not determined by the use of our abilities, but the use of our abilities was determined by the state of our soul. Our soul state is meant to be a measure of our goodness. A higher soul state would indicate greater holiness and allow one to use more demanding abilities. I know this is done to some extent now, as certain abilities require a pristine soul, but this aspect of the soul system really should be emphasized. The color of a soul should reflect only a Paladin's character and how close he or she is to the ideal of Paladin justice. I know this is probably not going to happen anytime soon, but I know they've reworked a lot of stuff in the past, so maybe they'll get soul as well at some point, and I'd like to see it look something like this.

Alright, It feels good to vent that. am I missing anything? Because I'm a little confused as to how it has come to this point. I'd like to hear what people think.

Re: Soul system flaw 05/14/2004 10:56 PM CDT
>>Using an ability, such as too much smite or a certain glyphs, uses up our soul, which seems to imply that our soul is a pool of holy power from which to draw.

A change that went in quite a while ago (don't ask me when, I'm awful at dates) changed Paladin abilities to work off of a power pool instead of directly from our soul state. The size of the power pool is directly dependent on the purity of your soul. So now using the abilities you were given will not tarnish your soul - that's still reserved for acts like murder, theft, or fighting without honor.

>>A better system would be one in which the state of our soul was not determined by the use of our abilities, but the use of our abilities was determined by the state of our soul.

That's a good description of how it is now. If you have a soulstone handy, there's a different way of using it so you can see how full the power pool is. I forget exactly how it works, though.

Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay

"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."
- W. Wonka
Re: Soul system flaw 05/15/2004 09:39 AM CDT
This ain't the real life. Abilities have to have restrictions, and measures. Without those, you could just run-around all day long glyphing, leading, etc...

The soul state/pool setup is just a means to that end.
Re: Soul system flaw 05/15/2004 09:39 AM CDT
>That's a good description of how it is now. If you have a soulstone handy, there's a different way of using it so you can see how full the power pool is. I forget exactly how it works, though.

exhale soulstone
Re: Soul system flaw 05/18/2004 07:09 PM CDT
Well I have to say, I didn't understand how the power pool works. I'll have to keep track of that. Thanks.
Re: Soul system flaw 05/19/2004 08:46 AM CDT
>Well I have to say, I didn't understand how the power pool works. I'll have to keep track of that. Thanks.

--Raising soulstate--
Soulstate is the tank.
Soul Pool is the fuel.

You can only put as much fuel in the tank, as the tank will hold. The Paladin has to do a soul boosting action every now and again to keep both as full as possible. Over time, the soul pool will fill automatically based on the size of the tank (soulstate).

--Using soul based abilities--
Soulstate is the engine.
Soul pool is the fuel.

When fuel runs out, abilities run out. Different abilities have a different soul pool cost.

Do you have a soulstone or one of them fest soul-checker thingies?
Soul state and soul pool 06/06/2005 12:26 PM CDT
When using lead, glyphs, ect., these drain your soul pool, but does it also lower your soul state? Also, once I get to prestine, will it stay that way or would one need to do tasks to upkeep it's state? I've read some past posts, but couldn't find anything to answer my questions. Thanks in advance.

Player of Salvalis Nyrobi
Re: Soul state and soul pool 06/06/2005 12:57 PM CDT
Hi Sal,

<<When using lead, glyphs, ect., these drain your soul pool, but does it also lower your soul state? Also, once I get to prestine, will it stay that way or would one need to do tasks to upkeep it's state? I've read some past posts, but couldn't find anything to answer my questions. Thanks in advance.>>

Using your glyphs and draining your soul pool should not affect your soul state at all.

But, your soul state will drift over time unless you do some act's to upkeep it.

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me via pigeon at sir rayac .

Best Regards,

Some Love Us, Some Hate Us, All Know Us!
Soul and Attack 07/03/2005 03:27 PM CDT

I'm a new paladin, just starting out. I'm trying to figure out why my soul state seems to be permanently knackered.

I haven't stolen from anyone, retreated from combat (save the once) or done anything that I can think of that might be construed as an evil act. I've pumped a fair amount of copper away in tithes, tended wounds and all the rest of it, but my soul state still stinks. Is there something I'm not covering here? The only thing I can think of would be my advancing on ships rats might be having a detrimental effect.

Anyone give me a hand here?


Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies - Frank Gillette Burgess
Re: Soul and Attack 07/03/2005 06:32 PM CDT
As long as you're not advancing or retreating while hidden you're ok. Your soul starts out dull and chalky I think.. but that's the neutral state. It takes quite a bit of tending, tithing, etc. to finally get it up to pristine.

Not sure if you have any protect abilities yet, but protecting others in combat gives some soul boost. Also, you may want to start fighting undead critters for a while (re-killing undead boosts soul).

~Caneghem Urathi
Re: Soul and Attack 07/03/2005 09:10 PM CDT
Killing thieves gives you a nice soul boost plus the town gaurd pays you 5 plat for each one you bring in dead or alive. Good way to make some quick cash.


Off through the new day's mist I run
out from the new day's mist I have come
I hunt
therefore I am
harvest the land
taking of the fallen lamb
Re: Soul and Attack 07/03/2005 09:13 PM CDT
And just in case you didn't know already, there's a long timer (ie, once an hour) on just about everything.

>>re-killing undead boosts soul

It does? Hmm, never seemed to notice it when facing boggles (supposedly undead though I don't have the skill to tell yet).

J'Lo, no that other one
Re: Soul and Attack 07/04/2005 03:04 AM CDT
Thanks for the advice. I'll go after some revenant zombies as soon as I'm able, unless anyone can suggest any smaller undead.


Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies - Frank Gillette Burgess
Re: Soul and Attack 07/04/2005 09:50 AM CDT
>I'll go after some revenant zombies as soon as I'm able

Lets see, first undead are actually death squirrels by Leth for most folks. Then you can go up to Dirge and harass some skeletons and then I'd say souls.
Re: Soul and Attack 07/04/2005 09:57 AM CDT

Ah well, it's hardly less noble than squishing rats.


Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies - Frank Gillette Burgess
Re: Soul and Attack 07/04/2005 03:01 PM CDT

>>Ah well, it's hardly less noble than squishing rats.

Or.. you can try the tortured souls in Haven Manor and possibly pick up a soulstone while yer at it. If the souls don't teach ya, next step up are the dark fiends in the Manor. Either should give you some small soul boost too.

Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Soul and Attack 07/04/2005 03:35 PM CDT
Pale Grey Death Squirrels in fact, if I remember correctly.

Marksman Ahmir Nam'al
Re: Soul and Attack 07/05/2005 03:01 AM CDT
>>Pale Grey Death Squirrels

Had a go at them last night, up by Arthe Dale. Amusing little critters, once you get them at melee. Getting dinged with acorns is a little odd though.


Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies - Frank Gillette Burgess
Re: Soul and Attack 07/05/2005 09:14 AM CDT
>Had a go at them last night, up by Arthe Dale. Amusing little critters, once you get them at melee. Getting dinged with acorns is a little odd though.

They're the legacy of Skraelthaen, a truly warped soul and past leader of the cleric's guild. I'm very, very glad they were released as a general critter and I always get a chuckle out of the pure silliness of them. Ok, they're undead, but they really are incompetant undead and great place to start ... as long as you use a shield. Yeah, those acorns can smart.
Re: Soul and Attack 11/20/2005 08:37 PM CST
what are some good ways to get back a decent soulstate?

and does the book in theren only work for stealing? or also blacken souls?
Re: Soul and Attack 11/20/2005 09:12 PM CST
>>what are some good ways to get back a decent soulstate?

Tithing at least a gold (any less and I don't think you get any benefit). Not sure if there's any greater benefit with more gold, however.

Accusing a lawbreaker (ie, pickpocket).

PROTECTing someone else (definitely an hour-long timer on this one.)

Praying to Chadatru (dunno if it really matters, but that's who the chapel in the Lady Snow's tower is dedicated to and it works there.)

Listening to a cleric preach.

Knocking off an undead critter (evil or cursed types, too?).

J'Lo, no that other one
Re: Soul and Attack 11/20/2005 09:31 PM CST
A couple of corrections:

>>Tithing at least a gold (any less and I don't think you get any benefit). Not sure if there's any greater benefit with more gold, however.
Things may have changed but as I remember, the "max boost" limit is 3 silver. Anything over that is wasted because you don't get any further boost. And that tithing is time-limited. Once every 4 game days I think it was?

>>Accusing a lawbreaker (ie, pickpocket).
Just to clarify, one must actually see XXX name pull their hand out of your pocket with coins. Catching them in a failed attempt does not let you accuse and get a soul boost.

>>PROTECTing someone else (definitely an hour-long timer on this one.)
Has to be against a critter that is actually a danger to the protector. If I protected someone in goblins.. I'd get no boost. Protecting someone in Basilisks that are in my range does give a boost.

>>Praying to Chadatru (dunno if it really matters, but that's who the chapel in the Lady Snow's tower is dedicated to and it works there.)
This works only in the locations that are Holy Weapon recharge sites.

>>Listening to a cleric preach.
I'm not sure if this is being confused with the one in Theren Chapel where having a cleric read the Book of Chadatru to ya will give a soul boost. I'm not aware that simply going to where a cleric is and listening to them preach will generate a soul boost.

>>Knocking off an undead critter (evil or cursed types, too?).
Basilisks are a cursed creature that will wear off blesses but can be hit with an unblessed weapon. They don't generate a soul boost. Non-corporeal critters that require blesses to hit generate soul boosts when ya kill em. Happens on either a random or timed basis. Won't get a soul boost for EVERY critter ya kill.

Adding a few more.

Tracing glyph of mana in a room with a corpse AND a cleric will give a soul boost.

Tending a non-Paladin's wounds, alive or dead, will generate a soul boost, but that is also on a timer so you get the boost only every so often.

I've heard that feeding a caravan that is starving will generate a soul boost but I've never tried this myself. Mostly because I've never found a starving caravan.

Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Soul and Attack 11/20/2005 09:36 PM CST
>>and does the book in theren only work for stealing? or also blacken souls?

If a Paladin learns ANY stealing skill, their soul is blackened. To repair this, one must go to the Chapel in Theren and "repent" until the stealing skill is back to 0.00

Once that is done, THEN the paladin can do soul-boosting things to recover their soul. Repenting in and of itself does not improve your soul. It simply removes any ranks of stealing one has learned..

The above is what I've heard/been told over the years. I've never actually tried this myself.

The part I have tried was going to the Chapel and repenting to repair my sould after killing someone once.. and it did not improve my soulstate. That's when I did the investigation to be told the above.

Dwarf with an Axe.. Watch your toes!
Re: Soul and Attack 11/20/2005 09:45 PM CST
I can confirm that one, I foolishly listened to a stealing class when I was about 5th circle. I'd never been out of the crossing, so it was a good way to encourage me to explore <g>. Fortunately I think stealing can no longer be taught to non-thieves... that's what I've heard at least.

~Caneghem Urathi
Re: Soul and Attack 11/20/2005 10:24 PM CST
>>Has to be against a critter that is actually a danger to the protector. If I protected someone in goblins.. I'd get no boost.

I'll have to pull out the paladin and make sure I'm remembering this right, but you got anything more specific about this check? Seems to me I haven't yet found a critter that I can safely hunt that won't give me a boost and I'm about to the point when I can say armed goblins will never hit me. Seems like someone's definition of "danger" might be quite a bit off.

J'Lo, no that other one
Re: Soul and Attack 11/21/2005 08:08 AM CST
I am the king of black soul, and the never-ending quest to gain pristine.

>>Tithing at least a gold (any less and I don't think you get any benefit). Not sure if there's any greater benefit with more gold, however.
>Things may have changed but as I remember, the "max boost" limit is 3 silver. Anything over that is wasted because you don't get any further boost. And that tithing is time-limited. Once every 4 game days I think it was?

I use 7 silver. Clynlyn tested and approved value.

Some timers:
Pilgrim badge: Once an hour. The more locations stored on the badge, the bigger the soul boost. Visit Crossing, and Ratha for a good chunk of the easy ones.
Tending: Once per hour.
Shard guild: Once every 4 hours. Biggest soul boost in the game, GM confirmed (but I won't say who, why, or how). It is possible to moongate past the soul arch to get in.
Tithing: I used to tithe at the same time I used my badge. I don't use this any more, so it may have changed.
Accuse: No timer. Other restrictions include; in town, must be a catch, guards must beleive you.
RPA start: Not sure if this has changed, but we used to get a soul boost from using them.

It is semi-important to remember the drift, so even if you get to pristine, you still have more pool to fill. I do not beleive it drifts at the very top. I make it a point to use my badge, even if I don't need to recover soul.

Reporting is futile, you will be assimilated.
Old Paladin and A Black Soul 12/03/2005 09:02 PM CST
So I went to go take part the spar up in Theren last night. I went in with a pristine soul, and came out with it black. Suprise suprise. Mind you I only killed one person, and had a first strike soul hit about another. It seemed kinda odd to me cause I have killed before and never went to black before but no big deal. I start to tend, tithe, and all that good stuff, but my soul ain't going nowhere. After my 30th or so tend, I go to check my soul stone, and I melt it. I also notice now that I have the heretic title have never stolen period. I don't know the requirement for heretic exactly, but one kill, and a first strike soul hitshould not kill my soul to the point where I'm Heretic. I think thats alittle drastic. I hope I don't have to go through 9 monts of soul buildin like Slaris to get it back. I was thinkin about assisting, but wanted to check here and see what you guys though first.

A gentleman and a scholar
Re: Old Paladin and A Black Soul 12/03/2005 10:19 PM CST
There are times I really hate the first strike soul hits, tourneys and wargames are the big ones. What makes it worse, is GM's will turn off the kill counter, but they don't even turn off soul hits for blockers in Droughtmans heh. If you're over 50th, don't forget to pray to Chadatru in the recharge sites, its a decent boost that many forget.

Samsaren Remlane
I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man, target practice on the other hand, is another matter entirely.
Re: Old Paladin and A Black Soul 12/04/2005 01:02 AM CST
So I went to go take part the spar up in Theren last night. I went in with a pristine soul, and came out with it black. <--

I asked if this would happen to paladins at the events area where the event was posted, but no one replied so I assumed the worst and skipped out even bothering to go. Sorry to hear you did end up getting the black. :(

Re: Old Paladin and A Black Soul 12/04/2005 06:35 AM CST
Thats really odd. Something is messed up.

I know I've stayed at pristine even with a first strike and a murder soul hit. My personal best is 3 murders in a hour, and was only grey.

It did not take long to fix, just the jumping through the timers soul repair effort.

Sorry to hear, bud. Good luck.

Reporting is futile, you will be assimilated.
Soulstones... 12/27/2006 09:48 AM CST
Okay, i'm beginning to think that tortured souls dropping soulstones is more urban legend than fact.

I've been going at it all morning, and even set up a little script to let me know how many it took me to get one. Unfortunately the results are a bit disappointing:

Plugin Echo: You have killed 343 tortured souls in your quest for a soulstone.

Is this normal, or am I just quite unlucky?
Re: Soulstones... 12/27/2006 09:49 AM CST
>>Is this normal, or am I just quite unlucky?

Unfortunatly that's normal. I think the rumor awhile back was that 1:500 drops a soulstone. Just gotta get lucky...

Good Luck with the hunt!
