Re: Soul Pool 07/01/2003 01:46 AM CDT
As it drifts down, the other side of the pool drops to rapidly, have to tend tithe or something every few hours.

Samsaren Remlane
I stand, here and now, proudly declaring, I am a Paladin.
Remember those that came before, remember honor.
Soul Cleaning 07/17/2003 11:51 PM CDT
Why dons't our soul cleanse when we give the beggar at the Crossing some coins? I think it sould do something. Also anyway you great GM's could code in some way of interacting with alot of the other NPC's so doing certain things and preforming certain duties for them will cleanse our soul in varrying degtrees? Part of the fun could be discovering what the different ways are.

Brittany (...the player of Aspasia Darkbrook)

"If ever the Darkness should conquer the Light, the last gleam shall come from the uplifted blade of one of a righteous Paladin."

Sir Cleworth, paladin initiation speech.

"The truth will set you free...but first it pisses you off."

Re: Soul Cleaning 07/17/2003 11:58 PM CDT
<Why dons't our soul cleanse when we give the beggar at the Crossing some coins? I think it sould do something.>

Well....If life were that simple...but he'll just buy booze with it. No..actually thats kinda crude..but you obviously dont know his connections.

Run What?

>Run Conflict
Conflict Loading...

That's my 82 Cents and I don't care if you don't want a damn Nickel

~Bombmaster Blasword
Re: Soul Cleaning 07/18/2003 12:45 AM CDT
<<Well....If life were that simple...but he'll just buy booze with it. No..actually thats kinda crude..but you obviously dont know his connections.>>

Damn and I gave him my last 13 coppers! Quick throw him in the stocks!! Teach him a lesson for being poor and blind!!

"If ever the Darkness should conquer the Light, the last gleam shall come from the uplifted blade of one of a righteous Paladin."

Sir Cleworth, paladin initiation speech.

"The truth will set you free...but first it pisses you off."

Re: Soul Cleaning 07/18/2003 08:36 AM CDT
<<Damn and I gave him my last 13 coppers! Quick throw him in the stocks!! Teach him a lesson for being poor and blind!!>>

He is neither.

Drongol's Player
Re: Soul Cleaning 07/19/2003 10:02 PM CDT
how about we have a way to "buy" soul
in medeval days landowners bout eternal salvation by making gifts to the church... made a guy named martin luther get really peeved and try to fix a door.. or something like that <heh>
1 plat equals one full level of soul with a duration to it..
100 plat gets you a year of untouchable soul (mass killings?) think of the RP.. buy yer way to favor by eviscertating yer enemies....

It wont heal if you dont stop picking at it.
Re: Soul Cleaning 07/20/2003 12:56 AM CDT
<how about we have a way to "buy" soul>


That's my 82 Cents and I don't care if you don't want a damn Nickel

~Bombmaster Blasword
Re: Soul Cleaning 07/30/2003 12:17 PM CDT
I always thought there should be a way to help out that poor river elf up in Langenfirth. Go hunt with him so he can make some money or donate some new equipment to him or something.

-Advocate Alaxndr
Noble Paladin of Elanthia
"A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His words speak only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked."
Soulstone 08/25/2003 04:36 PM CDT
Does anyone know how to get a soulstone in haven?I've been told I need one of those too.
Re: Soulstone 08/25/2003 05:38 PM CDT
Soulstones are a drop from tortured souls on the second floor of the dunshade manor you need blessed weapon and a bit of skill to kill them. It has been years since I fought them so don't recall exactly how much skill. a soulstone is sort of a luxury you can get the same information walking through the soulstone arch in the crossing or Shard guild hall just watch what you do and you should be able to keep a good pristine white soul. I have a stone I could give you and get another for myself easier then you could fight and get one.

Granyt Fyrforg
Re:Soulstone 08/25/2003 10:15 PM CDT
Thanks for the help.I was told I had to have one in order to circle.I'll take you up on your offer.I'll try to find you or you can find me.Right now I've been hunting gobs so you can usually find me there.Thanks again.
Seeking Soulstone 08/26/2003 09:54 PM CDT
Anybody selling an extra one?

Wait we can't stop here! This is bat country!
Re: Seeking Soulstone 09/08/2003 09:41 PM CDT
I have a spare, but right now I'm down in Shard chasing steeds around on my new horse. <g>

Um, souls are awsome hunting fodder for young pallies. I was in there from third to ninth circle. Way easier than goblins at those circles, I found. I was hitting 'em decently with 20's in my weapons, so you can pretty much go from rats/crabs to boars to souls.

Valentyi and Tydin
Re: Seeking Soulstone 09/09/2003 09:01 AM CDT
I'm planning on heading to shard anyway for the missions so I'll keep an eye out for you if you are still willing to offer the soulstone.

Wait we can't stop here! This is bat country!
Re: Seeking Soulstone 09/09/2003 08:38 PM CDT
I'll be here for a while. I just got a horse, so I've moved to Shard until I can't learn from steeds, then, um, I'm not sure where I'll go. Peccs, most likely, in a bajillion circles. <g>

Valentyi (Kaldar) and Tydin (Akhaal)
Re: Seeking Soulstone 09/11/2003 11:29 AM CDT
Well, I have 8 spare ones, and I'm in M'riss.

If ya want to come get one, it would take ya less time to make the round trip then hunting for one yourself. Also if you are below 30th, don't bother about the missions.

OCF Recruiter
Soul that is bugged to my benefit 10/11/2003 08:58 PM CDT
I recently killed someone and had 3 soul hits, hidden, first strike and death. And stayed at pristine. I used my badge and one tithe and did the same thing a few hours later cept i got a few first strikes, and death. I still stayed at pristine.

I think this is a bug maybe just me or maybe all paladins.

39 Charisma level 91.


!Coming Soon

Check out Genie2 A Great New FE
Re: Soul that is bugged to my benefit 10/11/2003 09:24 PM CDT
You were just really really high pristine.

The ambush hit is really small. First strike is the biggest we got (save stealing) and killing is somewhere in the low middle.

I stay pristine after first strike/killing sometimes with only 30 charisma and circle 58

Need a babelfish for DragonRealms?

Re: Soul that is bugged to my benefit 10/11/2003 09:47 PM CDT
did it twice in a row and second time i had about a few first strikes.


!Coming Soon

Check out Genie2 A Great New FE
Soul Power 10/23/2003 08:30 PM CDT
Is there any way to get soul power to refill quickly? or is it just a time factor? I just tried the GOL quest and failed because I didn't have enough soul power and would Like to try again fairly soon. If not are there any paladins who would be willing to be willing to go to Ratha with me to help me carry that torch back? when I finally get all of my soul power that is.

Protector Verdann Taaranich
Re: Soul Power 10/23/2003 10:34 PM CDT
Patience, young grasshopper.



"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -Albert Einstein
Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/22/2004 08:52 PM CST
This post would've created too much of a tangent from the comments thread so I figured I'd start a new one. Yes, I know this isn't even the same folder, but it fit much better under this one.

<<We also don't get soul hits for hunting in Throne City, where we can even walk people.

We need to just realize that most soul hits are a way to limit Paladins from acting out in PvP. That's all it is.>>

Not exactly, although that's part of it. Soul hits and restrictions on certain actions (stealing, hiding in combat) are ways to try to enforce this idea of "doing good". Members of the Paladin guild are supposed to be morally righteous individuals. How do you create a guild of people who are morally pure out of a player base who is very obviously not? Well, you give them rules so that they get punished for doing bad. You reward them for doing "good" and then even if they do good for the reward, they've still done good, so it's win/win right?

Wrong. First off, the rules are too rigid and do not encompass all good things. They are incoherent and inconsistent. In Pureblade's above example, clearly we should be getting soul hits from these things, but we're not. Why not? I dunno, perhaps making all these rules consistent is WAY too much work. If it cannot reasonably be made consistent, then I would say they should be done away with.

Secondly, the actions we're rewarded for do not do anyone much good. How about all those tithe's go towards some sort of fund for new players? How about Paladins get some sort of ability that makes people WANT to let them tend their bleeders. As tending bleeders currently stands, more often than not the bleeding person is doing US a favor, not us doing them a favor, which kind of negates the whole feeling good about doing good thing.

The soul system is in desparate need of looking at. As it stands now it has nothing to do with a Paladins willingness to do good or their devotions to their gods. My characters measure as a person should at least be somewhat correlated to the state of his soul. Right now it's, oh, I've got to do this this and this to get the most out of my abilities? Ok, I can use my abilities to actually help someone, unlike the actions I took to get myself pure in the first place.


"If they ever come up with a swashbuckling School, I think one of the courses should be Laughing, Then Jumping Off Something" ~ Jack Handy
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/22/2004 10:54 PM CST
>>Soul hits and restrictions on certain actions (stealing, hiding in combat) are ways to try to enforce this idea of "doing good".

The majority of the current soul system only involves not being mean to PCs and GMNPCs.

The only one that doesn't only involve that is stealing.

Do I think soul needs to be rewritten in order to fix this? Yes. But it'll make soul work a ton different than it does now.

Need a babelfish for DragonRealms?

Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/23/2004 07:15 AM CST
Excellent post Dandun.

I'd have to agree with Tev too in that the soul system would have to be rewritten and it would completely change what it is today if it could be done at all which I'm not sure of. I think its going to take some creative thinking to come up with a way for soul to work in a way that truly shows how "virtuous" a Paladin is.

Lord Krymson Dyne Ebonrune
Dark Paladin of Urrem'tier
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/23/2004 01:30 PM CST
Soul would not have to be rewritten to reflect how a paladin acts towards his or her peers.

Take for example, Ssra's teaser about Protect Cover.

No one mentioned anything about the log, but was I the only one that noticed the soul boost from doing the ability?

All that is needed is for more ways, like Ssra's, to be able to gain soul.

Join me in King of Chaos
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/23/2004 02:01 PM CST

Yes, I did notice it, but it fails to be any different than tending bleeders.

It has the potential to be used to do good, but I think I can make a fair prediction that protection will be used regardless of whether someone is in danger or not to gain soul.

A Paladin and his buddy can just go hunting, and as the timer on the soul-gainingness (made it up) permits, the paladin will protect his buddy.

Also, it should be pointed out that merely adding more ways to gain soul does not eradicate the inconsistencies mentioned in my original post.

You could allow protect to only give soul when someone is say, badly wounded or worse, and that might help, but again, there are problems with soul that have nothing to do with the number of ways to gain it.


"If they ever come up with a swashbuckling School, I think one of the courses should be Laughing, Then Jumping Off Something" ~ Jack Handy
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/23/2004 03:18 PM CST
Not having more ways to gain soul is about the extent that I care about soul.

Please explain to me what ya think should be done to Soul as a system, in order to "iradicate the inconsistencies".

Join me in King of Chaos
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/23/2004 03:31 PM CST
And just as a sidenote, after going back and re-reading your post:

Paladins already have too many bars against being effective with their usage of skills due to the timer and penalties outweighing the recovery process of soulstate.

If the ability to regain soul is pigeon-holed for only truly helping others, most of us will never have an even decent soulstate. If you take the time to think about what would be required for a Paladin to actively gain soul by helping others, you would see that it would not be feasible in a game where so many Paladins are present. It would require someone to actively watch over the shoulder of every Paladin in order to award soul gain per good deed.

Sure, over the years we've had many ideas about how to award soulgain. All of them could be just as easily abusable as now.

Another thing, I don't want to do goody works in order to juggle better or get more mana, since those are the only two reasons I use soul for. As has been preset by prayer badges, one's soulgain is directly related to doing the god's will, and if tending someone is what the gods want, then so be it.

Join me in King of Chaos
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/23/2004 03:50 PM CST
We do need a few more diverse ways to gain soul....a newish paladin may not be able to afford to tithe...granted its only 5 silvers, but when I first started I had played up that a paladin shouldn't covet coin, and although I spent some coin on nice looking items, they were functional, beyond that I had little cash. I went so far with it that when we went live, I gave 5 gold kronars to every new commoner I met to get them started...if that loan was paid back now even without interest I'd make the wealthiest trader blush. Heh, maybe I shoulda kept hold of a bunch of it cause to this day I only have about 50p in my account.

Anyway.....back then gaining soul for tending was fine, were few enough folks that someone well skilled in first aid was appreciated, today, its a sad thing when we have to walk into someplace and ask if we may tend someones wounds, and generally its allowed out of charity because they know we need the soul boost, not out of necessity because they or a friend can't take care of it.

I was wandering the wilds when pilgrim badges were sold, and am not paying around 100p to get one now.

thats 3 of our ways to gain soul...we need something new
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/23/2004 04:27 PM CST

I think I've got a solution to the soul problem. Get rid of it. It's now a meaningless exercize used to get the most of our abilities. Since Elanthia obviously can't watch over every Paladin, why should it pretend it can with this soul system that doesn't do the job at all.

This does not eradicate us as the guild that strives to do good deeds. We still have the code to guide our actions.
How about we assume that as a Paladin (you joined the guild so you obviously have to had agree to follow its rules) you have a clean soul, and that as long as you follow the code you maintain said clean soul. When you break the code, you have to go repent by praying or some such, and then after that, you're all clean again. That seems to be enough to maintain this idea of a guild striving for moral excellence. The soul system is just redundant.

It's silly that we're the only guild that has to pay 5 silvers per elanthian day to get the most of our abilities, money that doesn't go anywhere to boot.


"If they ever come up with a swashbuckling School, I think one of the courses should be Laughing, Then Jumping Off Something" ~ Jack Handy
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/23/2004 05:34 PM CST
We can'thave that either.

Why you may ask, well, I'll tell ya.

The Paladin Soul is a system whitin itself. Why is that so important? Well, any and all barricades placed on the system come from our own GM's. The importance of this is that any ability that uses soul, is gauged by paladins and the GM(s) that placed that ability in our repertoire.

Without the Soul system, any ability would come in one of two forms.
1. A glyph - The problem with this, is that with the exception of Mana and Light, these are all designed with others in mind.

2. A spell - Spells must all overcome 3 restrictions:
a. Magic Prime guilds - anything worthy will be given to someone else. This has been seen time and time again.
b. Subpar reactions - due to the tertiarity of Paladin magic, our spells never do as much as they can.
c. Pureblade - nuff said.

Therefore, as an independent system, Paladins can get the most out of their soul abilities. Granted, we haven't had many, but those magic people can't stick their grubby, pale, butt-smelling, black-tipped, spellbook page-flipping, dirty fingers in our business

Join me in King of Chaos
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 01/23/2004 09:22 PM CST
<<A glyph - The problem with this, is that with the exception of Mana and Light, these are all designed with others in mind.>>

Some glyphs, since we're using them for good, should give soul.

Glyhing the deader seems like the perfect scenario for using our abilities to help others. Let it drain the soul pool, but at the same time, slightly increase the size of the pool.

You make a good point though, and our main abilities do rely on soulstate. Getting rid of it would more than likely create more problems than it solves, however I still say that the soul system needs more work than just more ways to gain soul (though it needs that too).

I don't really know right now what exactly it needs, though I am working on it. Believe me if I figure something out I'll be posting it, but I do know that there's currently things wrong with it that deserve fixing.


"What makes a complete stranger jump into an icy river to save a solid gold baby? Perhaps we'll never know." ~Jack Handy
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 02/26/2004 11:49 PM CST
>>a newish paladin may not be able to afford to tithe...granted its only 5 silvers<<

I keep seeing this one come up - it's not 5 silvers, at least to start. Minimum donation for a change in soul state (For a circle 10 Paladin in the Crossing, anyway - might differ depending on circle/percentage of character wealth/location/who knows) is 2 silvers.
Re: Souls and how unrelated they are to how virtuous a Paladin is 02/27/2004 07:29 AM CST
And tithing stinks to get soul..... I had better luck with the book of Chadatru or a pilgrims badge going from freezing cold black back to pristine in 42 hours of nothing but soul training after I blocked for the maze. Granted 42 hours of work turned out to be a 6 day period... but details details.

I couldn't enter tower in shard so couldn't tell you how that faired, and I didn't wanna travel to kresh. But tithing and tending are on the lowest rungs of soul giving and yet those should be the highest since you are helping another or spending coin.

Ellsdragon Dride
Poison and Soul 03/26/2004 10:18 PM CST
Can using poison on your blade affect your soul?
Re: Poison and Soul 03/26/2004 11:30 PM CST
yes you get a soul hit for applying, and a soul hit for use.


Check out Genie2 A Great New FE
Re: Poison and Soul 03/27/2004 12:47 PM CST
<<yes you get a soul hit for applying, and a soul hit for use.>>

Penalty for using it but no defense against it? Seems like we should start working on a new glyph.

Caneghem Urathi
Re: Poison and Soul 03/27/2004 07:35 PM CST
there is partial defense. Its called stamina, so cast courage and run to a hospital. If not well poison has to hit you for it to work. If it misses then theres no damage.


Check out Genie2 A Great New FE
Re: Poison and Soul 03/27/2004 08:51 PM CST
<<there is partial defense. Its called stamina, so cast courage and run to a hospital. If not well poison has to hit you for it to work. If it misses then theres no damage.>>

Unfortunately poison only has to graze you too work. Even if it causes no external damage (i.e. doesn't break the skin) it can kill you in a matter of minutes.

--Just a "clueless" Squire
Re: Poison and Soul 03/28/2004 10:22 AM CST
<<Unfortunately poison only has to graze you too work. Even if it causes no external damage (i.e. doesn't break the skin) it can kill you in a matter of minutes.

yeah and if splashes you, you can get poisoned and pretty badly. I dont see it as unrealistic. I think what we need are antidotes.


Check out Genie2 A Great New FE