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Important information! 03/25/2019 09:38 PM CDT
Hi everyone!

Our May event will introduce not only a brand new activity to our pay event line-up, but also some never-before-seen items into the world of Elanthia. We are also looking at offering some unique high-end opportunities that will be available for all participating characters.

In order to bring you these exciting developments, it was necessary for us to start with a clean slate (for this event), and because of this, we will be introducing a new currency to the game - Rachi. These coins from the Erithi land of Eloth Ra, will be the currency for this new event and will be used to purchase wares from the shops on the event grounds.

More information to follow in the coming weeks!

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 09:54 PM CDT
Hi, please stop introducing new alt currencies.

Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 09:58 PM CDT
I am...concerned. Is it simply a need to reset the rampant inflation and runaway currency generation that bloodscrip/silver has fallen prone to?

If so: What are your plans in place to keep that from just happening again?

GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 09:59 PM CDT


DR was supposed to be high end gear, EG was supposed to be high end fluff. Why do we need to have the currencies we already have paid into further devalued by adding a whole new one for "high end stuff"?
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 10:06 PM CDT

Hi, please stop introducing new alt currencies.

Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 10:15 PM CDT
Are there plans for current redundant currencies like tickets? Blackscrip could also be removed and set up similar to how the other quests are, but that's another thing entirely.

More importantly, when do we get some previews or teasers for all the yay and less of the grumbling?

PS Will Summit Academy be at this same event by chance?

_ _ _
Myasara says, "Raining rocks down on my city was not the best course of action."
- - -
Nishima put a group of five partially frozen corpses in the Nishima disk.
Several frozen limbs peek out of the disk in a macabre fashion.
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 10:17 PM CDT

What do we do with all the bloodscrip we've already paid for in order to purchase "high end items and upgrades"?
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 10:21 PM CDT

This is a terrible plan.
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 10:32 PM CDT
Another alternate currency. Are you sure this announcement wasn't supposed to go out next Monday? Unless there is a significantly more detailed explanation as to why silvers would not be appropriate for such an event, I am going to go ahead and opt out of it.

Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 10:35 PM CDT

No more new currencies.
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 10:44 PM CDT

Equal parts predictable and awful.
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 10:46 PM CDT
You should at least entice me with what 'new powerful items' means, along with the news.

I'm happily not invested in anything presently because of the pain of 'new economics'. But I might support it, if it were something really way cool for one of my active characters.

Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 10:53 PM CDT
So the $1000 spent to earn bloodscrip wasn't good enough, and I now have to get a new currency for high end offerings?

Will this be a one and done event? Will it be recurring?
Re: Important information! 03/25/2019 11:32 PM CDT

I understand that scrip has gone a bit crazy but Simu created this system. You need to figure out how to fix it and not just create another currency. Stop scrip generation, release items that people will buy to get it to reasonable levels, and then move forward with your plans. If you have to release 10 dupe quivers to do it, do it.

Prior to the June 2018 DR, I had bought into all the micro-trans events at about $100-400 per event. From June until now, I've done about 4-5k runs in Heist/Sewers. If you move forward with this plan, I'll likely just get rid of everything and walk away.

PS - The standard answer of 'this isn't the event for you' or 'you don't have to participate' is a cop out and please don't patronize me by using it. Everyone wants great items.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 12:23 AM CDT
Events all basically need their own scrip or they aren't going to be successful. If they didn't, initial scrip prices would have to be set so high that people wouldn't be tempted to buy in. (We've seen this at the HESS in Duskruin, last few instances -- this is the effect of reusing a popular scrip.) I still say scrip should never persist beyond a single event instance. There are pros and cons both ways, but having many different scrip types is an unfortunate but essential side-effect of persisting the scrip beyond the event.

It'd be nice if the in-game banking system could be updated to handle all of them transparently, though, so we didn't need a special pouch/bucket/etc. for each one.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 01:43 AM CDT
I'm out
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 02:53 AM CDT
I think there are some major misconceptions with GM Haliste's announcement that I'll try to clear up.

>>Is it simply a need to reset the rampant inflation and runaway currency generation that bloodscrip/silver has fallen prone to?

There isn't rampant inflation or runaway currency generation issues with bloodscrip. What you're experiencing with bloodscrip is more participation of the actual event and less secondary market dependency. Obviously we've either hit a stride where people actual enjoy the event and/or we've made it easier to get more people involved. Prior to February 2019's run, June 2018 was out best run of Duskruin, where we saw over 600 unique account participants purchasing booklets from the SimuCoin Store with non-monthly stipends (the free SimuCoins each month). Last February, we had over 1,000 unique account participants. Bloodscrip drained last month was also one of the best drains we've had in awhile.

However, bloodscrip has nothing to do with GM Haliste's announcement. This is a different event, one of which will have different sorts of activities and inventory.

>>What do we do with all the bloodscrip we've already paid for in order to purchase "high end items and upgrades"?

Nothing is happening to bloodscrip. It will continue to be used at Duskruin, like it always has. We have not accepted bloodscrip at any other events other than Duskruin.

>>Will this be a one and done event? Will it be recurring?

This event is planned to run and grow in the same way our other flagship events have.

Wyrom, PM
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 03:17 AM CDT
I don't think there's any misconception that we don't want another currency.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 04:20 AM CDT
Agreed. I think the one thing ALL players agree on is not wanting more currencies.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

Whick's body sways back and forth for a bit.
* Whick drops dead at your feet!

Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 06:16 AM CDT

My opinion was not based on any misconception. I would like to see an event that did not require its own currency, like the spire or the rings of Lumnis.

Bottom line there are too many currencies. It stops being fun and becomes stomach turning.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 06:34 AM CDT
This is a terrible idea and an obvious bandaid. What is wrong with silvers, bloodscrip, or seashells? I am sitting on 300,000 seashells until October and 186,000 bloodscrip until July. You really want me to buy into another event for high end items so I can sit on alt currencies for another year?? This plan is incredibly infuriating.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 07:08 AM CDT
Please take the feedback here, and realize no one wants a new event that requires a new currency.

I won't speak for others, but for myself, I'd rather see the previously discussed combo event of RoL/Summit/DM or something along those lines, then something new.

I mean, in all these posts and on discord, have you gotten any feedback, at all, that saying, "Yes, we want a new event with a new currency"?

Don't be tone deaf, listen to the feedback this announcement has gotten. Whatever event you had planned, scrap it, move whatever offerings it was going to have to other existing events and currencies, or just don't offer them if you'd rather take your ball and go home. We don't want to play with your ball if it means we have to commit to stockpiling yet another currency that may end up abandoned, over-inflated, de-valued, and mis-scaled into oblivion.

Regarding the post about misconception over DR/BS, if the players think DR/BS is failing, telling them it's not isn't a solution. Addressing the reasons people feel like it's failing, and using that feedback at future events is the solution. Starting fresh with a new currency for high end offerings is just insulting to those of us who have bought into DR, and keep asking for offerings to spend our BS on, when you move things we'd like to get to a new system. Highly offensive.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 07:26 AM CDT
Wyrom, we may be operating under a misconception. While there may be many details to be ironed out or released later, I think most of the player concerns hinge on one facit. Is this new currency going to be yet another pay simucoins per attempt to earn kind of thing?

Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 08:43 AM CDT

If we don't have enough info to believe the sky isn't falling then why release any info at all? Continuing to release info or content and then fix the issues later is a continuous issue with these micro-trans events.

For this event the only way I can see it even being slightly ok is if the items have absolutely nothing to do with existing gear. It shouldn't include any powerups to items currently in the lands - no unlocks, no enchantments, essentially nothing that has, would, or could ever end up in DR or the HESS.

If that's the case then release that info and the sky won't be falling anymore.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 09:50 AM CDT
>I am...concerned. Is it simply a need to reset the rampant inflation and runaway currency generation that bloodscrip/silver has fallen prone to?

>If so: What are your plans in place to keep that from just happening again?

Based on Simu's track record, they don't have a plan for that. The plan is to keep repeating this cycle over and over for as long as players keep falling for it.

~ Methais
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 09:54 AM CDT

+1 on this being a bad idea, for all the reasons stated above.

Can you give us a reason that it a good idea?

Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 10:19 AM CDT
Oh hell no. They have to be trolling us with an early April Fools Day gag. Good one Simu!!! Ha ha ha.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 10:41 AM CDT
30+ negative comments.


I've got 250k silvers says, "minimum of 500 unique account logins attend the event."

Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 10:41 AM CDT
You guys already don't use silver (which makes zero cents - ha! love the puns!), then folks complain about nothing to spend silvers on and you guys complain about there is no viable way to drain silvers....then you make an alt currency (again) and the complaints come around again and again about silvers, just a revolving door. Stop the stupidity already.

* You started with EG tickets. They were kinda of a neat, novel idea. Folks built up large stockpiles of them and to help drop down the count some, you did a raffle.
* Next year the tickets were still there, but still kind of worthless as the previous year (at least to me).
* The following year you change the tickets to "General Tickets" with DM came around and you offered nothing good for general tickets - are these still in use for anything?
*DR had been going for a while already and folks have been earning BS for HESS and WPS services offered there. Seems like a solid, all around, accepted event for a currency to put towards getting new, better gear.
* EG gets it's new (second) alt currency, SEASHELLS! Yeah! (/sarcasm). A stupid way to get people to spend money on Simucoins so they can come into shops at EG and buy things that could have just as easily been priced in silvers (you guys realize the game still has silvers, right?) and you offered some things with seashells only, but nothing super exciting that made folks want to spend all their seashells. I just recently off loaded 30K+ in seashells - I found zero need for them and I don't see that changing anytime in the future for EG.
* Now you want to offer a new event (which is good) and offer a new currency (which is down right an awful idea).

We already have the following:
General Tickets - though I'm not sure if they're still used or if you can even earn them
Seashells - tied to EG (used to be EG Tickets, then they were renamed to General Tickets so a second EG alt currency could be put into play)
Blood Scrip - earned in DR.
Black Scrip - I'm not familiar with this one, I didn't participate in whatever event(s) it gets tied to
SILVERS - I think you guys forgot about this in-game currency. Silvers doesn't make you any extra money, so why put effort into correcting the silver economy nor offer any real way to use them?

We don't need a 6th currency in the game.

Wouldn't it just be more viable to keep 1 alt currency in the game and have it as the base for other events?

BS is already heavily invested in. Folks have spent time (and money) in creating a supply of BS so they can save for an item that's being released at DR. Now you want to offer another event (most likely requires Simucoins to participate) with alt currency? That's probably one of the dumber moves I've see recently.

How about you let BS be the base for payment and keep the main way to obtain it through DR. This way you still offer high end items in HESS that people will work towards. Now you also offer another venue that people can funnel their BS through to purchase different items. Then when DR comes around again, folks will want (hopefully) to jump into things to earn more BS so they have it to spend at DR and at the next event.

Keep BS as the base payment with pay events (and have silvers also be involved in there somewhere) without creating a new alt currency.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 10:44 AM CDT
Firm pass. I’m out on any more currencies. This is honestly getting ridiculous. Have fun everyone who participates.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 10:45 AM CDT
Well, money speaks. I won't be participating in this event.

~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox

You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 10:47 AM CDT


One would have hoped that, with Duskruin being as powerful a revenue generator as it is, we could have taken a step back from the pay2grind2win hamster wheel.

Instead, we are doubling down.

Avaia, player of
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 10:55 AM CDT
Each time you do this it seems like an obvious cash grab. Just use silvers. Oh wait, you won't make as much money if you do that, huh. I'm sure the usual suspects will attend, but I won't. I know, you don't care. This event just isn't for me, right? smh
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 11:32 AM CDT
>>I've got 250k silvers says, "minimum of 500 unique account logins attend the event."


What's the over/under on how many of the people decrying it as the worst thing ever are later talking about how it's a great event?

_ _ _
Myasara says, "Raining rocks down on my city was not the best course of action."
- - -
Nishima put a group of five partially frozen corpses in the Nishima disk.
Several frozen limbs peek out of the disk in a macabre fashion.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 11:46 AM CDT
Seems like this would have been a great opportunity to:
1. have a sorely needed silver event
2. instead take time off and devote resources to any of enhancements (post cap, disarm removal, etc) people have been wanting.

Introducing another currency and event around it just comes across like our feedback about the kind of game we want to continue to play is not being taken seriously.

I won't be participating in this or any events that introduce a new currency going forward.

AIM: m444w
Discord: Ondreian#3875
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 11:50 AM CDT
>I think there are some major misconceptions with GM Haliste's announcement that I'll try to clear up.

>There isn't rampant inflation or runaway currency generation issues with bloodscrip. What you're experiencing with bloodscrip is more participation of the actual event and less secondary market dependency. Obviously we've either hit a stride where people actual enjoy the event and/or we've made it easier to get more people involved. Prior to February 2019's run, June 2018 was out best run of Duskruin, where we saw over 600 unique account participants purchasing booklets from the SimuCoin Store with non-monthly stipends (the free SimuCoins each month). Last February, we had over 1,000 unique account participants. Bloodscrip drained last month was also one of the best drains we've had in awhile.

>However, bloodscrip has nothing to do with GM Haliste's announcement. This is a different event, one of which will have different sorts of activities and inventory.

>Nothing is happening to bloodscrip. It will continue to be used at Duskruin, like it always has. We have not accepted bloodscrip at any other events other than Duskruin.

>This event is planned to run and grow in the same way our other flagship events have.

Yeah. So is anything ever going to be done about the silver economy or are you guys just going to let it rot into complete worthlessness, which is probably like 90% there already in regards to meaningful items, and pretty much 100% in regards to attaining any sort of new decent gear.

~ Methais
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 12:05 PM CDT

I will also share my opinion, that this constant need to utilize alternative currency is extremely undesirable. I hope a better option can be found and implemented, however I will not be participating in future events should this continue to be the SOP.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 12:07 PM CDT

>>but also some never-before-seen items

I've been wanting a Coin Foot for years!
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 12:27 PM CDT

April fools?
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 12:40 PM CDT
The proliferation of these pay events strongly suggests that the traditional revenue stream from subscriptions is insufficient for current company goals. If that's the case, then the negative responses here, in turn, strongly suggest that current company goals are out of whack with player desires. The GS player community is astonishingly willing to fork over money, but I don't think it's an unlimited willingness, especially if players don't feel their desires are being met. There's a balance that needs to be struck for the long-term viability of the game.

~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox

You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
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