Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 12:41 PM CDT
Add me to the negative list. Another currency is just beyond stupid.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 12:53 PM CDT
I'm just a new fish in a big murky old pond, but I'm a bit confused as to why everyone seems shocked that a new event would have new currency? Every micro-transaction event seems to have it's own currency. If it didn't, the "bloat" of bloodscrip everyone complains about would only get worse with more events to create it. I can't picture a way to have a brand new event, in the current state of the game, without a new currency? Or is the anger mostly due to secondary market concerns?

I'm excited for something new, because the DR > DM > DR rotation was getting boring and I've barely been here a year.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 01:04 PM CDT
>I'm just a new fish in a big murky old pond, but I'm a bit confused as to why everyone seems shocked that a new event would have new currency? Every micro-transaction event seems to have it's own currency. If it didn't, the "bloat" of bloodscrip everyone complains about would only get worse with more events to create it. I can't picture a way to have a brand new event, in the current state of the game, without a new currency? Or is the anger mostly due to secondary market concerns?

Every time a new event with a new currency comes out, it devalues the work people have put into the game previously (to earn silvers, other currencies, etc). It says, "We don't respect your investments in time, energy, and cash." Couple that with the fact that there are few if any significant, management-sponsored silver drains* (which is the main counter for regular investment in the game) and it seems like management is basically shouting from the rooftops that the only players they value are the ones who invest significant cash outside the normal game.** Some of that is fine, but where's the balance? Let's also give some rewards for, you know, playing the day-to-day game!

*Dragonbones at the Icemule fest is the only recent exception I can think of.
**Yes, I sometimes fall into this group.

~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox

You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 01:04 PM CDT
>What do we do with all the bloodscrip we've already paid for in order to purchase "high end items and upgrades"?

>Another alternate currency. Are you sure this announcement wasn't supposed to go out next Monday? Unless there is a significantly more detailed explanation as to why silvers would not be appropriate for such an event, I am going to go ahead and opt out of it.

It's because they can't sell silvers for cash. Literally. I'm not joking. GS is a glorified P2W Chuck E Cheese / casino now for all intents and purposes as far as obtaining any sort of new high end gear goes, with some exceptions here and there that are luck based like raffles, which usually don't offer anything actually high end anyway.

>So the $1000 spent to earn bloodscrip wasn't good enough, and I now have to get a new currency for high end offerings?

IMO, this new currency is a test to see just how gullible a good chunk of the GS player base is in regards to how much manure Simu can shovel into peoples' mouths before they stop smiling and asking for more.

>30+ negative comments.


>I've got 250k silvers says, "minimum of 500 unique account logins attend the event."

See above. And you're probably right because GS players tend to encourage the very thing they're complaining about on a regular basis.

This also isn't the last time this will happen unless players finally say enough is enough with all this short sighted nonsense.

>You guys already don't use silver (which makes zero cents - ha! love the puns!), then folks complain about nothing to spend silvers on and you guys complain about there is no viable way to drain silvers....

The excuse I hear posted the most is (paraphrased) "The people with billions in their account aren't the ones spending money." and the idea of silver auctions or pretty much every silver draining idea gets dismissed pretty quickly as "That wouldn't really put a dent in things." So naturally instead of trying to figure out what would, the solution is to keep introducing more P2W currencies and see how long before even the whales get fed up and leave and haul in as much as possible in the meantime. That's certainly what it's felt like from the outside for quite a while now, and every action Simu takes reinforces that belief, despite their attempted damage control when people show up with their torches and pitchforks.

This will kill the game sooner or later. How much sooner or later, I have no idea, but it will kill the game eventually. GS has survived a lot of things over the past few decades, but if they push this too far, which I've seen no reason to believe they won't, it won't survive it.

Regardless, this whole thing is extremely arrogant and disrespectful on Simu's part, in my opinion. Especially since pretty much none of the money gets invested back into the game, and GMs getting their cut from making more P2W items doesn't count. And making a new spell, giving it to a class that can't use it, and then turn around right after and sell a SK item for that spell for tons of money doesn't count either. I'd love to see someone from Simu try to deny that that was the intent with 1206 from the start and prove pretty much every GS player with a functional brain wrong. Except this is exactly what happened, we predicted it as soon as 1206 was announced, and then it happened.

We were literally just joking about a new currency recently on the PC. Precisely zero people expected it to actually happen, especially within like a week or 2 of said joking. Which for joke purposes, made it even better.

>Oh hell no. They have to be trolling us with an early April Fools Day gag. Good one Simu!!! Ha ha ha.

I thought the iridescent core announcement last year was an April Fools' joke too. They said it wasn't. Turns out we just got trolled instead and are still being trolled.

>One would have hoped that, with Duskruin being as powerful a revenue generator as it is, we could have taken a step back from the pay2grind2win hamster wheel.

>Instead, we are doubling down.

This cycle will never end as long as the players keep rewarding them for it instead of taking a stand on it for once, which requires some self control, which a good amount of players are severely lacking in.

I don't know if Simu is just following Stillfront's marching orders with all this shady garbage or what, but it's really getting old and it's ruining a lot of what made this game great to begin with. Why do silvers even exist in the game anymore? To buy blue crystals from the pawnshop with and...what else?

And I don't care what the NIRs try to say, this does affect the main game's dev negatively. Example? 1206. You guys sure threw that spell together quick to sell for cash while there are tons of spells that are still unfinished and/or completely useless for 20+ years. It's not like anyone would expect them to be like "Yeah we slacked off on main game dev to make more P2G2W items." when it's brought up. Instead they just deny it, and then list off a bunch of fluff dev and bug fixes (which are often huge nerfs) as if that's proof of P2W not affecting dev, as if things like that are on par with real things like fixing/finishing spell lists that have been waiting to be done since the previous century.

You're going to have an extremely hard time convincing some/most/all of your players that this isn't the case when your actions along with your track record indicate otherwise.

>The proliferation of these pay events strongly suggests that the traditional revenue stream from subscriptions is insufficient for current company goals.

Do you have any idea how expensive fire extinguisher inspections are? :|

>If that's the case, then the negative responses here, in turn, strongly suggest that current company goals are out of whack with player desires. The GS player community is astonishingly willing to fork over money, but I don't think it's an unlimited willingness, especially if players don't feel their desires are being met. There's a balance that needs to be struck for the long-term viability of the game.

The repeating cycle seems to be, "Hey Simu, ABC is massively screwed up because XYZ." and then Simu is like, "No it's not." and that's pretty much the extent of the conversation.

There are a pretty large amount of people who firmly believe that Simu's plan is to milk everything they can with these trash events while they can until it dries up, then Stillfront will bring down the hammer. If it's not that, then it's short-sightedness, which will eventually have the same end result. And if it's not that, then it's Simu simply being fully aware about how gullible a big chunk of their player base is.

gg guys

~ Methais
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 01:08 PM CDT
>*Dragonbones at the Icemule fest is the only recent exception I can think of.

What are people going to do with all those silvers if/when they win at Dragonbones though? It's like going to Vegas and winning a lifetime supply of used candy wrappers.

~ Methais
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 01:12 PM CDT
>What are people going to do with all those silvers if/when they win at Dragonbones though? It's like going to Vegas and winning a lifetime supply of used candy wrappers.

It's true. My point was just that it drained ~400m, and silver drains are good.

~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox

You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 01:18 PM CDT
Best case scenario is they have learned from the mistakes of the past.

One thing that would, in my opinion, fix a LOT of the issues with a new currency:

Don't let it carry over. Don't let people hoard this between event runs. Once the run ends, have any excess currency evaporate.

This accomplishes several things: It helps with pricing, as you do not have to deal with huge amounts of currency in circulation (which is a real issue imho). It will create demand each time, rather than having people farm up to speculate and then get mad when they made Poor Choices in regards to the market and are left 'holding the bag' so to speak. It allows a fresh slate each time for those coming into gemstone, and they don't feel they have to do so much 'catching up.'

All of which, imho, will improve the atmosphere.

GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 01:21 PM CDT
LOL. This game.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 01:22 PM CDT
>I'm just a new fish in a big murky old pond, but I'm a bit confused as to why everyone seems shocked that a new event would have new currency? Every micro-transaction event seems to have it's own currency. If it didn't, the "bloat" of bloodscrip everyone complains about would only get worse with more events to create it. I can't picture a way to have a brand new event, in the current state of the game, without a new currency? Or is the anger mostly due to secondary market concerns?

Just because you have a new event, doesn't mean a new currency is needed.

There are in-game silvers (but because it doesn't generate any new money for the company, they tend to stay away from using it).
There is already a lot of BS in the game.

So, allow BS to be used at other events, but limit the ways you can earn BS. This way folks will work on building up BS when the ways to earn it are available. Then folks will have an alt currency to spend at other events that they've already paid for and saved up. BS will be a finite currency, unlike silvers.

Silvers can be earned by anyone and everyone, from F2P (they are limited on the max they can bank and earn by limiting how much they can skin from creatures and such) to pay account holders. Everything we do in game from hunting to selling treasures to the pawnshop/gemshop/alchemist/other players deals with silvers. Silvers are a non-stop growing currency......there are billions and billions (maybe trillions) of silvers in the game. There is no effective way to stop this flow of silvers, but then again there has been no sign that anything will be done about it from GMs.

Now, BS, they can control. Only allow a few times people can earn it throughout the year. Right now you can earn BS via Duskruin in the Arena, Sewers or Heist at DR. Once those events are closed, there is zero new BS coming into the game. You offer a couple of ways to use the BS throughout the year at DR events and other events.

Once folk get on with the idea of BS being used at several events and that the main way to earn a good amount is through will be accepted. DR and BS is already accepted and mostly integrated into the way of things in the game.

Constantly adding a new event with a "new currency" is just going to piss people off. Most people that have come to terms with DR have already been putting their time, energy and money into it and saving up for things they enjoy. Having to start from scratch after so much time, energy and money have already been put into DR and BS is just a slap in the face.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 01:57 PM CDT
>It's true. My point was just that it drained ~400m, and silver drains are good.

I think we're pretty much at the point to where even if all the silver in the game disappeared tomorrow and everyone had to start their bank accounts over from scratch, it still wouldn't matter because Simu would still only cater to P2W events in regards to releasing high end items.

And that makes me sad.

~ Methais
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 02:11 PM CDT
>One thing that would, in my opinion, fix a LOT of the issues with a new currency:

>Don't let it carry over. Don't let people hoard this between event runs. Once the run ends, have any excess currency evaporate.

>This accomplishes several things: It helps with pricing, as you do not have to deal with huge amounts of currency in circulation (which is a real issue imho). It will create demand each time, rather than having people farm up to speculate and then get mad when they made Poor Choices in regards to the market and are left 'holding the bag' so to speak. It allows a fresh slate each time for those coming into gemstone, and they don't feel they have to do so much 'catching up.'

I agree with this except probably the evaporation part, but I don't have any actual ideas on what that part should be instead to keep people from throwing money down the drain.

Well maybe one that just popped in my head, which would be some sort of leftover alt-currency buyback from Simu in the form of converting your leftover alt-currency back into Simucoins, but lol @ that ever happening. Simu would act like they were being bankrupted at the thought of "buying" back like 5k worth of BS from someone.

Also, in before Simu plays the "That wouldn't work because you're not purchasing Bloodscrip with Simucoins, you're purchasing entry into the event in order to get Bloodscrip." loophole card.

They'll never do it, but it would be a nice good faith gesture.

>There are in-game silvers (but because it doesn't generate any new money for the company, they tend to stay away from using it).

It's always funny when Simu is like, "Silvers are still useful!" except it's funny in a way that shouldn't be funny. :/

>There is no effective way to stop this flow of silvers, but then again there has been no sign that anything will be done about it from GMs.

I mean there is, as evidenced by last year's Confluence nerf that we recently found out about. They can do anything they want with the flow of silvers into the game. They just refuse to address it because they want silvers to be worthless so people will flock to alt-currency. It's pretty much not even up for debate anymore, which is unfortunate.

~ Methais
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 02:37 PM CDT
I will hold judgment until it is released. I have no, none, zero idea what it is ad maybe it needs to be a different currency. Haliste mentioned the requirement of "a clean slate" lending me to believe it will be worth it. I'm sitting on a bunch of BS so I can relate to the other opinions, but jumping to conclusions has never served me well. I invite you all to extend the benefit of doubt until further info is release or the event itself arrives.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 02:58 PM CDT
I am also against a new currency and am not happy to see this direction for the next event.

That being said, I am open to hearing reasoning why this is the best route, and hope there's a good plan in place.

I agree that SILVERS need to be addressed, as they are the CORE CURRENCY of the game and are mostly neglected and declining in value quickly - and I'm not just speaking about 3rd party markets.

It does seem, at face value, that this is just an attempt to reset with a new currency and maximize short-term profits at the expense of long-term viability...and I hope I am proven wrong.

I don't see why we don't have an annual event where we use SIMUCOINS to buy entry/tickets and then everything is sold for silvers - a massive silvers drain every year. I know it might make less profit in the short-term, but I don't see the current direction as being long-term healthy, especially if silvers are neglected.

Just my 2 cents. I am sure whatever Haliste/Thandiwe and the events team puts together will be awesome - but the new currency part is a bit hard to swallow without any further info.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 03:10 PM CDT
I don't see why someone would grind Duskruin (for example) in the hope that it'll be useful for a non-Duskruin event. It can -- you could trade bloodscrip for the new currency. If the next Duskruin HESS prices were known well enough in advance, people would be trying to stockpile bloodscrip during the other events. The fact that prizes aren't usually announced til right before the event leads to artificial devaluation of scrip currencies, with a few hopeful speculators. More probably, the scheduling and timing of information about the events is more an issue than having different scrip types for each one. It seems everyone is turning into a hopeful speculator.

>Let's also give some rewards for, you know, playing the day-to-day game!

This seems to be more of the core issue. Silvers and the in-game economy really need to be addressed, although there are other aspects of this statement that don't include silver. It's so far away from low-hanging fruit, though, it might as well be in outer space. I still think making WPS always available for silvers, with a little adjustment, would be a straightforward way to create a constant silver drain and make silver valuable again over time. Economy 3.0 seems past due, though.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 03:50 PM CDT
"I agree with this except probably the evaporation part, but I don't have any actual ideas on what that part should be instead to keep people from throwing money down the drain." -- Methais

I don't think it should evaporate completely, but... we already have a "decay over time" mechanic built for Type2 orbs.
"Lose X percent per month" of your un-spent CurrencyX, down to a minimum of 50% of what you started with.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 03:55 PM CDT
Have to pass on this one. No thanks.

Vhorg Emberskald
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 04:05 PM CDT
As far as silvers go... Raffles are your best drain, because for every item that goes out, a squillion tickets get sold.

Auctions are not a good drain, because ONLY the person who actually wins the bid is out any silvers. The three-to-twenty people who were bidding against, earlier, still have all of theirs, unspent.


Now, one thing that I could see draining a stack of silvers would be to offer, essentially, 3-5 of the same item, but unlocked to 3-5 levels. For auction. With 3-5 winners. Highest bidder gets the most-unlocked/sexiest item, and then on down. Not everything should have all 5, some only have two or three.

That way you're moving "almost as many silvers" each time, but only turning over one of the most super ultra-cool items. The other one is only "deluxe medium-cool" at best. Designing the item can be done knowing that there are going to be multiple tiers, all going out, and power adjusted accordingly. And we don't have to wait for multiple events spread over time to get several of them available on the aftermarket.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 04:07 PM CDT
I don't necessarily think another currency is the issue, especially if it's for things that aren't just a replacement for DR and are more akin to the RoL brooch artifact. The two issues I do have are:

1) The lack of useful applications of silver, thus devaluing the game's core currency. Two small ways to help address this are a) year-round enhancive charging at the AdvG instead of just during the New Years' event and b) a few times per year do WPS for silvers event like we had at CCF. That latter being year-round would destroy the incentive to have it at events and making WPS available for certain in every two-month interval seems problematic. But doing it once or twice per year would be nice especially if spaced out from DR/EG. The CCF silver pull from WPS was enormous. We should have this happen twice a year. A third harder way to address his would be annual silver auctions. I know how hard that is on the GMs, though, but if they're serious about silver drain, something like that should exist.

2) Charging for currency bags and having a fee for unredeeming bloodscript. Charging us simply to use the alt currency that's created feels predatory to me and I was very turned off by this when I first came back to the game. If this was done as a cash-grab, I'm ashamed of Simu. If this was done b/c it seemed easier this way and it wasn't considered how much of a feel bad it was, then please just fix it and make currencies easier to use w/o fees associated with their use. Please remove the need of the currency bags as a prop and just integrate all currencies into player fields like how TICKET does now and let us use GIVE for alt currencies like we do with silvers.

Glimmin Goodhand
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 04:39 PM CDT
It seems there will be a new activity to earn Rachi. Looks like that is the only hint on how to earn Rachi.

I agree please include the Summit Academy with this. Something I am hoping that will be added to the Summit Academy is a small wedding package with the wedding verbs and special attuned rings. Most of that is already coded.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 05:07 PM CDT

"Lose X percent per month" of your un-spent CurrencyX, down to a minimum of 50% of what you started with."

I had a similar idea to this, but with silvers on inactive accounts. At regular intervals, x% is removed from the characters.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 05:39 PM CDT
Years ago I suggested that handing silvers from person to person should be "lossy", with adjustments (upwards, for % actually moved) for DEX & AGI, Pick Pockets, and Trading on both sides (i.e. "same mechanism as Mana Control/send mana"). Sure, have some minimum floor of success (60%? 70%?).

The dropped ones just fall to the ground and roll off never to be seen again.


Then, of course, they came out with checkbooks... :)
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 05:55 PM CDT

Clunk has three bronze tradebars and three copper tradebars stored away. Thuunk has one too.

Is there a chance they will become a currency again?

And why does the wiki not know about tradebars?


(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 06:25 PM CDT

I am going to have to sit this one out, even if it's the most fun event Simu has ever had. Frankly, even if the best items Elanthia has ever seen are available at the event, gonna pass. We do NOT need another currencty. 2 currencies is more than enough 1.) Silver and 2.) Bloodscrip. I am tired of saving up "new currency" and it winds up being worthless. It seems to me that this new currency is basically going to be exactly like Seashells. It's only used for one specific event, which may or may not come back, and if there is nothing at that event you like, you just wasted all that money and wind up with hundreds of thousands of Rachishells and a few thousand dollars more poor.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 06:40 PM CDT
Terrible idea, I highly doubt there is anything so unique in this event that it was impossible to add it to a current event, instead of coming up with a tenth Zimbabwe inspired currency. Sitting this one out.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 07:01 PM CDT

> I invite you all to extend the benefit of doubt...


I did ask for the reason they think it is a good idea, they are not rushing to answer. Perhaps there is a good reason for that, and perhaps we will able to buy a slot for the new savant class. We will see what they have come up with.

Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 07:22 PM CDT

Another new currency... fine... but only if....

We get an In Game exchange counter in each town, at each festival, and every event.

GS4 Prime: -= Jahadeem =-
Earth Prime: -= Rich =-
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 07:37 PM CDT
Not a good idea. Not a good idea at all. No, stop, stop bringing more currencies. Fix the game, develop Savants, new hunting grounds, more permanent silver related services. Make the game FUN outside of paid events.

You guys are in a lose-lose here. Stop milking players for a change.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 07:39 PM CDT

This exchanger idea seems like a nice solution. I second it.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 07:41 PM CDT
Oh, hey! This new event might be on the grounds of Summit Academy.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 07:50 PM CDT
See, now why didnt you open with this? :)

YAY Summit Academy!

GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 07:51 PM CDT

I am scared to admit but you may be the only one there :-(
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 08:09 PM CDT

And RoL?
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 08:19 PM CDT

Oh please. The moment Simu announces the phat lewtz associated with the event everyone will buy in.

This negative aversion to a new alt currency is fake.
Re: Important information! 03/26/2019 08:55 PM CDT
>> This negative aversion to a new alt currency is fake.

If a new currency means a pay event where the rewards are a fixed price that is known up front / can be worked towards over time then I would be all for it. If it is just more slot machine pulls or chasing rewards that continue to price themselves higher (or disappear before you can attain them if you are unwilling to spend crazy amounts at 1-2 events) then I'll vote with my wallet the same way I do with the existing pay events.

-- Robert

Wex winks before saying, "Cravin' some winterberry ale? Head on over to White Haven!"
Re: Important information! 03/27/2019 01:49 AM CDT

Would it be possible to do an official player poll on how many of us want a 10th currency?
Re: Important information! 03/27/2019 02:50 AM CDT
>>Oh, hey! This new event might be on the grounds of Summit Academy.

You should have lead with that. Yay Summit Academy!

_ _ _
Myasara says, "Raining rocks down on my city was not the best course of action."
- - -
Nishima put a group of five partially frozen corpses in the Nishima disk.
Several frozen limbs peek out of the disk in a macabre fashion.
Re: Important information! 03/27/2019 09:25 AM CDT
If the new event is on Summit Academy grounds and everything that was in Summit Academy is still there in this iteration then I'm good.
Re: Important information! 03/27/2019 09:27 AM CDT
All they do is mention where the event might be and all of a sudden everyone is good with it. lol no wonder they don't listen to us anymore.
Re: Important information! 03/27/2019 10:06 AM CDT
Unsurprising, since there was a loud clamor for Summit to make a return... and now it is.


I've got a hunch that a lot of people want to hit up the Fusion Shaman, since he's been gone for (by the time of this event) 18 months or more.
Re: Important information! 03/27/2019 10:46 AM CDT
>I agree with you, the location of the event shouldn't matter. The fact they wish to introduce yet another currency so you can obtain items in game is ludicrous. We have silvers (but they don't earn Simu any extra money), but it's not a favorable payment method.

Help make silvers great again here:

~ Methais