High End Items (10 million and higher)

Some of the best items in the game, Ice age claid, encumbrance reducing belt, trllskin bracers etc. - (2 replies)
created by - MARKALISH
created by - MARKALISH

Seeking Collusion Partners for Duskruin Auction on 8/30 - Must have at least 500k bloodscrip or 3b in items to be considered - (4 replies)
created by - DAIYON
created by - DAIYON

Dexterity and Spell Aiming enhanced longcoat no level restrictions! - (0 replies)
created by - SHIMERA
created by - SHIMERA

1x per day Fash'lo'nae's gift (1750), spirit staff, self-charger, Nalfein stuff etc. - (0 replies)
created by - LORDBACL
created by - LORDBACL

1x per day, encumbrance reducing backpack. 6 lbs, holds 150 lbs. max L/D - (0 replies)
created by - JON9818331
created by - JON9818331

+10 SA orb, +10 Dex orb, 7x fusion doubles, 7x perfect dagger, 6x lor runestaff - (6 replies)
created by - ISMANO
created by - ISMANO

4x sancted claidhmore, 7x HCP pauldroned brig, 7x HCP LBP, ice ring - (0 replies)
created by - TOLWYNN
created by - TOLWYNN

4x sancted claidhmore, 7x HCP pauldroned brig, 7x HCP LBP, ice ring - (0 replies)
created by - TOLWYNN
created by - TOLWYNN

Demonkilling 8x Ironwright handaxe -- blessable with fire/disruption flares - (0 replies)
created by - BRIARFOX
created by - BRIARFOX