Some of the best items in the game
10/27/2016 12:29 PM CDT
contact me if intrested
1) ice age claidhmore used to be a blue shaalk claidhmore, now its "a blue vultite claidh", 50 points of weighting, extra crit weighting, old style claidh 4x, the only one of it's kind in the game. also lightened to 13 lbs. 70mil.
2) "enruned trollskin bracers" unlimited spell shield, rub them a million times a day , infinite charges. rub to activate. 70 mil.
3) "A wide mithril belt" , wear it and become half your weight, carry twice as much, and reduces the relative encumbrance for maneuvers. i am a giant man, and i can carry 130lbs more with it on. 60 mil
4) "a garnet medallian" 5x per day benediction, self recharging, all charges must be used before it recharges rub to activate 40 mil
5) "a tiny vial of quicksilver" on a silver chain 3x a day haste self recharging rub to activate 40 mil
6) "a small emerald earring" 3x a day self recharging self control rub to activate 40 mil
7) "some full plate embossed with an unholy symbol of sheru" 4x/4x full plate , lightened to 40lbs , 30 mil
most of these items were purchased from tsin a very long time ago,
thats it for now, if you want anything send an email to or add me on aim @ x2good4thisx
Re: Some of the best items in the game
10/27/2016 02:53 PM CDT
>Some of the best items in the game, Ice age claid, encumbrance reducing belt, trllskin bracers etc.
Considering that the owner of these items (Let's call him Wichaelous for now) was permanently banned years ago and these items went with him, I'd recommend taking extreme caution to anyone thinking about purchasing, as there's a high likelihood that this is a scam.
~ Methais
Considering that the owner of these items (Let's call him Wichaelous for now) was permanently banned years ago and these items went with him, I'd recommend taking extreme caution to anyone thinking about purchasing, as there's a high likelihood that this is a scam.
~ Methais
Re: Some of the best items in the game
10/27/2016 08:26 PM CDT
all sold, thanks to Ambassador Ardwen for being an honorable middleman