As Product Manager Wyrom noted his in Creating Adventure (, we are making some dramatic changes to how Development works going forward. A big part of that change is how we will communicate and engage players. Up until this point, we always held back any details of what we were working on or hoped to work on in the near future. A lot of that was due to situations were something was announced as an intention, then failed to come to fruition, due to any number of reasons. I hope that it's perfectly clear that things we're willing to discuss going forward are strictly goals and not promises. Having said that, I think this approach is better than not announcing any details until something is going out the door. I'd much rather Development work with players to refine ideas and consider all viewpoints during the design phase than after we've spent a considerable amount of time designing and implementing something. With that in mind, this is what we have in the plan for the Ascension system.
The Ascension system will be Post-Cap Development, but it will not be restricted to level 100 characters. A lot of the exact details are still being worked out, such as the mechanism to earn points, so any or all of this could change. However, the current plan is for you to earn experience through your normal hunting grounds. That experience can then be diverted into a special pool for Ascension Training Points (ATPs) that that are then spent to unlock a number of passive and active abilities. It will function very similar to the Combat Maneuver List (CML) system.
There are 3 tiers of abilities: Common, Elite, and Legendary. The Common abilities are intended to be very generic and apply to things that most characters might be interested in. It includes things like boosts to stats, skills, resistances, etc. Just those 3 different areas represent 71 different abilities, since each stat/skill/damage type is a separate ability. Elite abilities are designed for certain builds and character types (such as Squares, Semis, Pures, archers, locksmiths, etc). It includes things like rapid health/mana/stamina/spirit regeneration, elemental arrows for archers, locksmiths detecting traps when being handed a box, etc. Finally, Legendary abilities are designed for specific abilities/spells and usually tailored to a specific profession. It includes things like Rangers being able to tame one of each animal companion type (and separate ability to temporarily summon them all in combat), Warriors being able to manually stop a Berserk, Bards being able to create higher enchant sonic armaments, double attacks/spells, etc.
Characters will be required to invest a certain amount of points into the Common tier before they can access the Elite tier. They will then also be required to invest a certain amount of points into the Elite tier before they can access the Legendary tier. The abilities in each tier will get more expensive to unlock as the power those abilities represent grows. In addition, we intend to have a lot of chained abilities to promote certain builds. Some abilities may be exclusive of each other (so if you learn X, you can't learn Y).
Right now, we're spending a lot of time brainstorming the different abilities that will exist in this system and we're very interested in your thoughts and ideas. We're mostly just after ideas, so feel free to respond with anything you can think of. Rough concepts are okay. Development will work out most of the actual numbers and restrictions to keep everything in check.
GameMaster Estild
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 10:17 PM CST
At the moment, I have no ideas, but wanted to shout my support for the increased and upfront communication. We've seen some great things just since we came back a few months ago, and I think with this philosophy, we'll see a bunch more. I'm pro brainstorming and working with the masses ;)
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 10:43 PM CST
So first of all: AMAZING ideas.
Second of all, I have some thoughts. Both for specific ideas and more general 'system' ideas. I'll add specific ideas soon, but general concepts I would like to see:
Can't catch em all - Make it so that there are Trees within each of the tier circles (common, elite, legendary) where joining that tree locks you out from being able to gain the abilities in the other tree. I'd rather see that choice be the main factor aside from your profession dictating most of your choices. For example, as a Wizard you can choose between going for the Master of the Elements legendary perks, OR the Warmage legendary perks OR the Chronomancer legendary perks. But once you choose one of those you lock out the other two! This makes it easier to balance and provides uniqueness and real choice to a character, a way to really make your character stand out!
Profession and Society specific skills - THAT said, I think there should be some trees ONLY available to specific professions within the circle. For example, CoL Masters should have access to a specific tree which allows them to further enhance their abilities and plays on the nature of the organization in fun and interesting ways. One example for the Legendary Ability could be:
"Infiltration" - For every point you have in this, you can gain 5 ranks of one other 'secondary society'. Being a member of this secondary society does not grant you access to any Ascension perk requiring membership in this society. You cannot gain more than 10 ranks in this way in either society, nor can you gain in more than one additional society.
This would play into both this societies Roleplay AS WELL AS be a unique, interesting, and powerful perk.
I have more ideas, I have more thoughts. But to me, those two things would be important to have an interesting and balanced system like you propose.
GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Second of all, I have some thoughts. Both for specific ideas and more general 'system' ideas. I'll add specific ideas soon, but general concepts I would like to see:
Can't catch em all - Make it so that there are Trees within each of the tier circles (common, elite, legendary) where joining that tree locks you out from being able to gain the abilities in the other tree. I'd rather see that choice be the main factor aside from your profession dictating most of your choices. For example, as a Wizard you can choose between going for the Master of the Elements legendary perks, OR the Warmage legendary perks OR the Chronomancer legendary perks. But once you choose one of those you lock out the other two! This makes it easier to balance and provides uniqueness and real choice to a character, a way to really make your character stand out!
Profession and Society specific skills - THAT said, I think there should be some trees ONLY available to specific professions within the circle. For example, CoL Masters should have access to a specific tree which allows them to further enhance their abilities and plays on the nature of the organization in fun and interesting ways. One example for the Legendary Ability could be:
"Infiltration" - For every point you have in this, you can gain 5 ranks of one other 'secondary society'. Being a member of this secondary society does not grant you access to any Ascension perk requiring membership in this society. You cannot gain more than 10 ranks in this way in either society, nor can you gain in more than one additional society.
This would play into both this societies Roleplay AS WELL AS be a unique, interesting, and powerful perk.
I have more ideas, I have more thoughts. But to me, those two things would be important to have an interesting and balanced system like you propose.
GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 10:44 PM CST
Sounds like an awesome idea. Question - if you're hunting, and you turned the pool on, is it diverting the experience to the pool or are you gaining the experience alongside it?
Is there a max "pool" limit that you need to rest to absorb or would it be continuous?
Is there a max "pool" limit that you need to rest to absorb or would it be continuous?
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 10:50 PM CST
To help give you an idea of what we're planning, here are some rough ideas. Please keep in mind that some of these may or may not happen.
GameMaster Estild
General | |
Strength Training | Gain +1 Strength statistic per rank. |
Constitution Training | Gain +1 Constitution statistic per rank. |
Dexterity Training | Gain +1 Dexterity statistic per rank. |
Agility Training | Gain +1 Agility statistic per rank. |
Discipline Training | Gain +1 Discipline statistic per rank. |
Aura Training | Gain +1 Aura statistic per rank. |
Logic Training | Gain +1 Logic statistic per rank. |
Intuition Training | Gain +1 Intuition statistic per rank. |
Wisdom Training | Gain +1 Wisdom statistic per rank. |
Influence Training | Gain +1 Influence statistic per rank. |
Two Weapon Combat Training | Gain +1 Two Weapon Combat skill rank per rank. |
Armor Use Training | Gain +1 Armor Use skill rank per rank. |
Shield Use Training | Gain +1 Shield Use skill rank per rank. |
Combat Maneuvers Training | Gain +1 Combat Maneuvers skill rank per rank. |
Edged Weapons Training | Gain +1 Edged Weapons skill rank per rank. |
Blunt Weapons Training | Gain +1 Blunt Weapons skill rank per rank. |
Two-Handed Weapons Training | Gain +1 Two-Handed Weapons skill rank per rank. |
Ranged Weapons Training | Gain +1 Ranged Weapons skill rank per rank. |
Thrown Weapons Training | Gain +1 Thrown Weapons skill rank per rank. |
Polearm Weapons Training | Gain +1 Polearm Weapons skill rank per rank. |
Brawling Training | Gain +1 Brawling skill rank per rank. |
Ambush Training | Gain +1 Ambush skill rank per rank. |
Multi Opponent Combat Training | Gain +1 Multi Opponent Combat skill rank per rank. |
Physical Fitness Training | Gain +1 Physical Fitness skill rank per rank. |
Dodging Training | Gain +1 Dodging skill rank per rank. |
Arcane Symbols Training | Gain +1 Arcane Symbols skill rank per rank. |
Magic Item Use Training | Gain +1 Magic Item Use skill rank per rank. |
Spell Aiming Training | Gain +1 Spell Aiming skill rank per rank. |
Harness Power Training | Gain +1 Harness Power skill rank per rank. |
Elemental Mana Control Training | Gain +1 Elemental Mana Control skill rank per rank. |
Mental Mana Control Training | Gain +1 Mental Mana Control skill rank per rank. |
Spirit Mana Control Training | Gain +1 Spirit Mana Control skill rank per rank. |
Elemental Lore - Air Training | Gain +1 Elemental Lore - Air skill rank per rank. |
Elemental Lore - Earth Training | Gain +1 Elemental Lore - Earth skill rank per rank. |
Elemental Lore - Fire Training | Gain +1 Elemental Lore - Fire skill rank per rank. |
Elemental Lore - Water Training | Gain +1 Elemental Lore - Water skill rank per rank. |
Spiritual Lore - Blessings Training | Gain +1 Spiritual Lore - Blessings skill rank per rank. |
Spiritual Lore - Religion Training | Gain +1 Spiritual Lore - Religion skill rank per rank. |
Spiritual Lore - Summoning Training | Gain +1 Spiritual Lore - Summoning skill rank per rank. |
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology Training | Gain +1 Sorcerous Lore - Demonology skill rank per rank. |
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy Training | Gain +1 Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy skill rank per rank. |
Mental Lore - Divination Training | Gain +1 Mental Lore - Divination skill rank per rank. |
Mental Lore - Manipulation Training | Gain +1 Mental Lore - Manipulation skill rank per rank. |
Mental Lore - Telepathy Training | Gain +1 Mental Lore - Telepathy skill rank per rank. |
Mental Lore - Transference Training | Gain +1 Mental Lore - Transference skill rank per rank. |
Mental Lore - Transformation Training | Gain +1 Mental Lore - Transformation skill rank per rank. |
Survival Training | Gain +1 Survival skill rank per rank. |
Disarming Traps Training | Gain +1 Disarming Traps skill rank per rank. |
Picking Locks Training | Gain +1 Picking Locks skill rank per rank. |
Stalking and Hiding Training | Gain +1 Stalking and Hiding skill rank per rank. |
Perception Training | Gain +1 Perception skill rank per rank. |
Climbing Training | Gain +1 Climbing skill rank per rank. |
Swimming Training | Gain +1 Swimming skill rank per rank. |
First Aid Training | Gain +1 First Aid skill rank per rank. |
Trading Training | Gain +1 Trading skill rank per rank. |
Pickpocketing Training | Gain +1 Pickpocketing skill rank per rank. |
Acid Resistance | Gain 1% acid damage resistance per rank. |
Cold Resistance | Gain 1% cold damage resistance per rank. |
Disruption Resistance | Gain 1% disruption damage resistance per rank. |
Electrical Resistance | Gain 1% electrical damage resistance per rank. |
Grapple Resistance | Gain 1% grapple damage resistance per rank. |
Heat Resistance | Gain 1% heat damage resistance per rank. |
Impact Resistance | Gain 1% impact damage resistance per rank. |
Crush Resistance | Gain 1% crush damage resistance per rank. |
Plasma Resistance | Gain 1% plasma damage resistance per rank. |
Puncture Resistance | Gain 1% puncture damage resistance per rank. |
Slash Resistance | Gain 1% slash damage resistance per rank. |
Steam Resistance | Gain 1% steam damage resistance per rank. |
Unbalance Resistance | Gain 1% unbalance damage resistance per rank. |
Vacuum Resistance | Gain 1% vacuum damage resistance per rank. |
Disintegration Resistance | Gain 1% disintegration damage resistance per rank. |
Health Regeneration | Increases passive health regeneration. |
Mana Regeneration | Increases passive mana regeneration. |
Stamina Regeneration | Increases passive stamina regeneration. |
Spirit Regeneration | Increases passive spirit regeneration. |
Elite | |
Elemental Arrows | Allows the archer to imbue their arrows with elemental (heat, cold, impact, vacuum, or electricity) energy instead of using puncture criticals. |
Voln Avenger | JABs automatically apply a Kai's Smite pre-flare effect against the undead. UCS gear provides full bonus/special abilities against the undead. |
Hybrid Offense | When a physical attack is performed, the next magical attack receives a boost, and vice versa. |
Health Renewal | A manually activated ability to rapidly regenerate health with a long cooldown. |
Mana Renewal | A manually activated ability to rapidly regenerate mana with a long cooldown. |
Stamina Renewal | A manually activated ability to rapidly regenerate stamina with a long cooldown. |
Spirit Renewal | A manually activated ability to rapidly regenerate spirit with a long cooldown. |
Mana Adept | Reduces mana cost of spells. |
Diverse Caster | Increases Casting Strength for secondary and tertiary spell circles only. |
Armored Caster | Reduces spell hindrance. |
Spell Resistance | A chance to resist all spells (beneficial and harmful). |
Focused Redux Training | Reduces the spell penalty for redux calculations. |
Artificer | A chance to not expend a charge when invoking a magical item. |
Arcane Scribe | A chance to not expend a charge when invoking a scroll. |
Fire Elementalist | Boost to fire damage/crits via fire based spells. |
Earth Elementalist | Boost to earth damage/crits via earth based spells. |
Water Elementalist | Boost to water damage/crits via water based spells |
Air Elementalist | Boost to air damage/crits via air based spells |
Lightning Elementalist | Boost to lightning damage/crits via lightning based spells |
Marksman | Increases chance to hit aimed location. This is applied after any location modifiers. |
TWC Specialist | The off-hand penalty for being outleveled is increased by 1 level. At rank 5, there is no longer a penalty. |
UCS Specialist | The tier up penalty for being outleveled is increased by 1 level. At rank 5, there is no longer a penalty. |
Arcane Crafter | Each rank grants the equivalent of 20% of the workshop bonus to the success roll of 420, 517, 714, 735, 925, and RECALL. Stacks with actual workshop bonuses. |
Danger Sense | When you GET or ACCEPT a treasure box, there is a 20% chance per rank to immediately sense if a trap is present (0 RT). You still need to DETECT and DISARM when a trap is present, though. (But this saves you from having to DETECT every box). |
Improvisational Fighter | You can maintain two martial stances at once. |
Lucky Caster | You no longer fumble warding rolls (i.e. you roll a 1 + d99 instead of a d100). |
Legendary | |
Advanced Enchanting | Increases the wizard's Enchanting (925) skill. |
Advanced Ensorcelling | Increases the sorcerer's Ensorcell (735) skill. |
Advanced Loresinging | Increases the bard's loresong unlocking skill. |
Beastmaster | Allows a Ranger to maintain up to 4 animal companion bonds (one of each subtype). Only one companion may be active at a time. Each rank unlocks a new slot. |
Wild Stampede | Allows a Ranger to temporary summon all of their animal companions to attack. |
Beast Whisperer | Allows a Ranger to unlock more specific animal companion combat options (aimed attacks, faster attacks, combination attacks with the Ranger or other companions temporarily brought in with Beastmaster). |
One With Nature | Assume Aspect becomes innate, allowing one aspect to be active at a time indefinitely. Animal creatures receive a Sheer Fear-like check to be automatically calmed in the Ranger's presence. |
Natural Harmony | At rank 1, Resist Nature requires half as many potions to complete. At rank 2, luminescent indigo mushroom potions are no longer required to affect higher armor groups. At rank 3, the shack herbalist will now be willing to craft potions for the Ranger out of Confluence forgeables, which also introduces lightning resistance. |
Battle Lorekeeper | Allows a Bard to loresing to creatures to identify their stats, spells, potential attacks, and allies that naturally spawn in the area. This would use the ::target syntax, lyrics optional. |
Anger Management | Allows the Warrior to manually end a Berserk. |
Griffin's Focus | Allows the Warrior to use warcries during Berserk |
Improvised Pick | Allows rogue to pick locks with a found item. Each rank provides X picking mod, depending on the total number of ranks and the max ability (probably a mid-range pick) |
Deadfall | Use trap components to set a trap in a room that is triggered by a creature entering. Strong enough attack to disable like-level creatures for a potent ambush on a good result. Additional ranks unlock the ability to use additional components and increase effectiveness. |
Hot Potato | Toss a dangerous trap component at a target, if successful they catch it and it blows up in their hands. |
Song Mastery | Lowers the multi-song penalty for renewals. |
Raise Dead Mastery | Reduces the cooldown from Raise Dead (318). |
Persistent Demon Summoner | Increases the duration of Minor Summoning (725) with each rank and lasts indefinitely at rank 5. |
Persistent Animator | Increases the duration of Animate Dead (730) with each rank and lasts indefinitely at rank 5. |
Persistent Familiar Summoner | Increases the duration of Call Familiar (920) with each rank and lasts indefinitely at rank 5. |
Persistent Spirit Summoner | Increases the duration of Spirit Servant (218) with each rank and lasts indefinitely at rank 5. |
Naturalist | Nature's Touch is always passively active. |
Assessor | Ability to assess gear outside of trained weapon types |
Musical Group | Sync instrument playing while in the same room |
Booming Voice | Lowers the spell failure associated with head-worn armors |
Holy Crusader | Allows unlimited uses of Divine Word |
Consecrated Touch | Consecrate adds guiding light flares (instead of holy) to blesses |
Pitch Perfect Shield | Increases the enchant of Sonic Shield (1009) by +5 per rank. |
Pitch Perfect Sword | Increases the enchant of Sonic Sword (1012) by +5 per rank. |
Pitch Perfect Armor | Increases the enchant of Sonic Armor (1014) by +5 per rank. |
Pitch Perfect Singing Sword | Increases the enchant of Singing Sword Song (1025) by +5 per rank. |
Endurance Singer | Increases the duration of your bardic spellsong renewal cycle. |
Double Attack | Once every 30 seconds, your single target physical attacks (ATTACK, AMBUSH, FIRE, etc) will flare a double attack for no extra RT similar to rank 5 of weapon bonding. Stacks with the weapon bonding flare. |
Double Cast | Once every 30 seconds, a single target attack spell with be cast twice for no additional mana or cast RT. |
GameMaster Estild
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 10:52 PM CST
sounds amazing. but im assuing stats and such will not be capped by the normal +40 since a lot of us already have them maxxed.
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 10:55 PM CST
Will the +1 to stats go towards the +20 bonus stat cap or go beyond this cap?
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear. |
A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!" |
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 11:06 PM CST
Holy Crusader Allows unlimited uses of Divine Word
No thank you. No one even wants a paladin's raise.
Holy Crusader Allows paladins to use chrisms and 1640 functions like 318. Yes please.
Holy Crusader Allows unlimited uses of Divine Word
No thank you. No one even wants a paladin's raise.
Holy Crusader Allows paladins to use chrisms and 1640 functions like 318. Yes please.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear. |
A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!" |
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 11:09 PM CST
So a couple questions or concerns I'd have about the rogue based stuff - would a trap set by a rogue be able to hit other players?
What about finding and disarming bandit traps? Or having a chance to keep party members (and yourself) from tripping bandit traps?
Hot potato could be interesting, but I see it being abused with other players more easily than many things. "Hey, you want this component I found in your box?" "Uh, sure?" "Here, catch..."
Overall I really like the look of this!! And appreciate the transparency and listening to suggestions.
Lyrna's player
What about finding and disarming bandit traps? Or having a chance to keep party members (and yourself) from tripping bandit traps?
Hot potato could be interesting, but I see it being abused with other players more easily than many things. "Hey, you want this component I found in your box?" "Uh, sure?" "Here, catch..."
Overall I really like the look of this!! And appreciate the transparency and listening to suggestions.
Lyrna's player
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 11:10 PM CST
What about being able to summon multiple or all four AC types at once not in combat? My companions should get to know each other if I expect them to be able to work together in the field.
Also, how about something that lets a ranger choose between bracelet and anklet when imbuing wiregrass?
Wee Sleepy Gnomette
Cloth-of-eonake: for when you absolutely, positively need to have zombie-impenetrable underwear. - Denil
When my scripts are acting up, I take Modrian with Coding. After a few hours, they feel like new! - MAXMANJ
Also, how about something that lets a ranger choose between bracelet and anklet when imbuing wiregrass?
Wee Sleepy Gnomette
Cloth-of-eonake: for when you absolutely, positively need to have zombie-impenetrable underwear. - Denil
When my scripts are acting up, I take Modrian with Coding. After a few hours, they feel like new! - MAXMANJ
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 11:17 PM CST
Very excited about this, and I am thrilled that you are soliciting input. As an archer ranger, this list is somewhat focused toward that, but this is what I would like to see. To me, earning these abilities would make post-cap advancement very hard, very long, but also rewarding.
General Perk Ideas
+Shear Fear Resistance
Archery Based Post-Cap Development Elite Perk Ideas
Elemental Arrow: Summon an elemental arrow for mana (advancement could be reduced mana cost)
Flare Arrow: Add flares to an existing arrow (rot-flare style subscript please) for mana (advancement could be increased flare rate)
Weighted Arrow: Add weighting to an existing arrow for mana (advancement would be amount of weighting, reduced mana cost, etc.)
Perfect Fletching: Perk to let fletchers improve the damage factor of the arrow they make (advancement would be increase in DF)
Archer Haste (must have imho): allow 2 second reduction in roundtime for a brief window for stamina (advancement could be shortening of a cooldown)
Trueshooting: Allow an arrow to bypass Evade/Block/Parry with a cooldown (advancement could mean making more such arrows per day)
Ranger-Based Legendery Perk Ideas
Vine Attack: Recasting 610 when in a room with a vine will cause the vine to attack a mob
Resist Nature: Add more elements (acid, impact, etc.) Make a temp, easily castable version. Allow permanent resistance to all armors.
Animal Attack: Lesson the RT to the point our animal companion will attack right as we command. BeastWhisperer Sounds great
Assume Aspect: Make duration of each perk longer, potentially allowing one single aspect for the total 5 minutes. One with Nature perk is pretty amazing too.
Shapeshifting: Ability to actually become an animal-based NPC mob for a short period of time. Only thing that would transfer between states being health.
General Perk Ideas
+Shear Fear Resistance
Archery Based Post-Cap Development Elite Perk Ideas
Elemental Arrow: Summon an elemental arrow for mana (advancement could be reduced mana cost)
Flare Arrow: Add flares to an existing arrow (rot-flare style subscript please) for mana (advancement could be increased flare rate)
Weighted Arrow: Add weighting to an existing arrow for mana (advancement would be amount of weighting, reduced mana cost, etc.)
Perfect Fletching: Perk to let fletchers improve the damage factor of the arrow they make (advancement would be increase in DF)
Archer Haste (must have imho): allow 2 second reduction in roundtime for a brief window for stamina (advancement could be shortening of a cooldown)
Trueshooting: Allow an arrow to bypass Evade/Block/Parry with a cooldown (advancement could mean making more such arrows per day)
Ranger-Based Legendery Perk Ideas
Vine Attack: Recasting 610 when in a room with a vine will cause the vine to attack a mob
Resist Nature: Add more elements (acid, impact, etc.) Make a temp, easily castable version. Allow permanent resistance to all armors.
Animal Attack: Lesson the RT to the point our animal companion will attack right as we command. BeastWhisperer Sounds great
Assume Aspect: Make duration of each perk longer, potentially allowing one single aspect for the total 5 minutes. One with Nature perk is pretty amazing too.
Shapeshifting: Ability to actually become an animal-based NPC mob for a short period of time. Only thing that would transfer between states being health.
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 11:25 PM CST
So. A proposal. Unique trees for each class. I'll bust out some ideas for Wizards right now. Each will have 2 elite and 1 Legendary Ascensions that lock out other tree Ascensions.
Warmage Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Wizard. Cannot have chosen any abilities in CHRONOMANCER tree or MASTER OF ELEMENTS tree.
Elite Tier:
Storm of Magic, Storm of Steel: You can add ATTACK as a command to 950 which will allow you to use your weapon in place of a spell.
so INC 950 410 912 518 518 ATT ATT for example.
Battle Trained: For every point, lower failure rate on casting in armor by X%.
Legendary Tier:
Spellsword: Have a X% chance to cast a burst of arcane magic at any enemy struck by your weapon, lowering their Elemental TD by X as well as doing raw damage of X. The percent chance for this to happen, as well as the strength of the strike and lowering of the TD rise as you put points into this.
Chronomancer Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Wizard. Cannot have chosen any abilities in WARMAGE tree or MASTER OF ELEMENTS tree.
Elite Tier:
Warping Reality: For every point you have here, %chance for, when Temporal Reversion Triggers (540) or when you trigger TIME STOP (550), to ALSO cast a powerful magic blast at all enemies in the area.
One True Fate: Gain Truehand of 5/10/15/20 on all bolt spells or attacks.
Legendary Tier:
Time is my Plaything: Get a %chance for a secondary roll on ALL abilities, enchant rolls, attacks, artisan rolls, etc.
Master of the Elements Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Wizard. Cannot have chosen any abilities in Chronomancer tree or MASTER OF ELEMENTS tree.
Elite Tier:
Elemental Shielding: For every point, you may wear another type of MAGE ARMOR (520) elemental specific ability. So for example, you could wear and gain the benefits from 520 FIRE ARMOR and 520 WATER ARMOR
Storm Summoning: Elemental energies swirl around you, and randomly strike out at any enemies in the room! X% chance every X seconds to cast a random bolt spell you know at any random critter in the room. At max points, this also works WHILE STUNNED/INCAPACITATED.
Legendary Tier:
Fire in the heart, Ice in the veins: Become resistant to an element of your choice! More points, more resistance and more choices.
GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Warmage Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Wizard. Cannot have chosen any abilities in CHRONOMANCER tree or MASTER OF ELEMENTS tree.
Elite Tier:
Storm of Magic, Storm of Steel: You can add ATTACK as a command to 950 which will allow you to use your weapon in place of a spell.
so INC 950 410 912 518 518 ATT ATT for example.
Battle Trained: For every point, lower failure rate on casting in armor by X%.
Legendary Tier:
Spellsword: Have a X% chance to cast a burst of arcane magic at any enemy struck by your weapon, lowering their Elemental TD by X as well as doing raw damage of X. The percent chance for this to happen, as well as the strength of the strike and lowering of the TD rise as you put points into this.
Chronomancer Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Wizard. Cannot have chosen any abilities in WARMAGE tree or MASTER OF ELEMENTS tree.
Elite Tier:
Warping Reality: For every point you have here, %chance for, when Temporal Reversion Triggers (540) or when you trigger TIME STOP (550), to ALSO cast a powerful magic blast at all enemies in the area.
One True Fate: Gain Truehand of 5/10/15/20 on all bolt spells or attacks.
Legendary Tier:
Time is my Plaything: Get a %chance for a secondary roll on ALL abilities, enchant rolls, attacks, artisan rolls, etc.
Master of the Elements Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Wizard. Cannot have chosen any abilities in Chronomancer tree or MASTER OF ELEMENTS tree.
Elite Tier:
Elemental Shielding: For every point, you may wear another type of MAGE ARMOR (520) elemental specific ability. So for example, you could wear and gain the benefits from 520 FIRE ARMOR and 520 WATER ARMOR
Storm Summoning: Elemental energies swirl around you, and randomly strike out at any enemies in the room! X% chance every X seconds to cast a random bolt spell you know at any random critter in the room. At max points, this also works WHILE STUNNED/INCAPACITATED.
Legendary Tier:
Fire in the heart, Ice in the veins: Become resistant to an element of your choice! More points, more resistance and more choices.
GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 11:32 PM CST
Shield Hero
Use your shield as a blunt weapon to strike your foes. (I'm imagining your shield functions like different weapon bases depending on the size of the shield. Small - Cudgel, Medium - Mace, Large - Morning Star, Greatshield - Mattock)
Ever-present Guardian
A paladin is able to divert all creature actions towards them instead of their group (Attacks, spells, cmans, etc. etc.)
Force to be Reckoned With
The paladin's MOC ranks for defensive purposes (Force on Force) apply to their group.
Sacred Bond
The spell infused into your bonded (1625) weapon never runs out of charges.
Shield Hero
Use your shield as a blunt weapon to strike your foes. (I'm imagining your shield functions like different weapon bases depending on the size of the shield. Small - Cudgel, Medium - Mace, Large - Morning Star, Greatshield - Mattock)
Ever-present Guardian
A paladin is able to divert all creature actions towards them instead of their group (Attacks, spells, cmans, etc. etc.)
Force to be Reckoned With
The paladin's MOC ranks for defensive purposes (Force on Force) apply to their group.
Sacred Bond
The spell infused into your bonded (1625) weapon never runs out of charges.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear. |
A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!" |
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 11:46 PM CST
Bard Legendary:
Chorus of Tonis
Song of Tonis further reduces roundtime by 1 second.
Chorus of Tonis
Song of Tonis further reduces roundtime by 1 second.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear. |
A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!" |
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 11:50 PM CST
Legendary for all pures -
Wounded Caster
T1 any arm wounds
T2 any head wounds
T3 any nerve wounds (basically T3 would be casting no matter what wounds you have)
Empath Legendary
Witty Name
Miracle will auto cast (if you have a use left) 1x per day if you are dealt a killing blow, healing you to full instantly and negating the death.
Wounded Caster
T1 any arm wounds
T2 any head wounds
T3 any nerve wounds (basically T3 would be casting no matter what wounds you have)
Empath Legendary
Witty Name
Miracle will auto cast (if you have a use left) 1x per day if you are dealt a killing blow, healing you to full instantly and negating the death.
Re: Ascension
03/01/2020 11:56 PM CST
Some suggestions
Someone earlier mentioned a preference for profession specific abilities. I'm on the opposite side. I'd rather not see profession specific, per se, but ability specific limitations. If, for random example, I have a SK 318 item and want to learn 318 specific abilities, that should work even if the character isn't a cleric.
I'd also like to see a nice mix of active/passive options. I prefer less powerful passive abilities. I know others like more powerful active abilities. The ideal system will make us all happy.
Another thing I think about when I hear "prerequisites" is having to learn unwanted/unhelpful abilities just to get something useful. While entirely subjective, I'd like to see very little of "I only learned X to get Y". I believe a few of the CMANs are in the wiki as "the only reason to learn {this} to because it is a prerequisite to {something useful}". (Though I couldn't find any immediate examples, so maybe those statements are no longer there.) I feel like the shield maneuvers, on the other hand, are much better. Even the prereqs for other abilities are useful.
aimed bolts | Either reduces hard RT when channelling by 1s/rank or uses ambush training to further improve chances to hit a specific location (or maybe separate options for both) |
hated hero | Increase warcamp spawn rate. |
hated enemy | Increases AS/CS or damage/crit weighting against a specific creature (similar to bane weapons). Can learn more than once. |
chronomage friend | Prevents gold rings/coins from being confiscated. Prevents chrono-locking from teleportation spells. |
chronomage ally | Reduces the lore requirements for same zone teleportation spells. |
chronomage | Unlock cross-realm teleportation for spells. (Including snap-cast and rough chalk for 740.) |
Someone earlier mentioned a preference for profession specific abilities. I'm on the opposite side. I'd rather not see profession specific, per se, but ability specific limitations. If, for random example, I have a SK 318 item and want to learn 318 specific abilities, that should work even if the character isn't a cleric.
I'd also like to see a nice mix of active/passive options. I prefer less powerful passive abilities. I know others like more powerful active abilities. The ideal system will make us all happy.
Another thing I think about when I hear "prerequisites" is having to learn unwanted/unhelpful abilities just to get something useful. While entirely subjective, I'd like to see very little of "I only learned X to get Y". I believe a few of the CMANs are in the wiki as "the only reason to learn {this} to because it is a prerequisite to {something useful}". (Though I couldn't find any immediate examples, so maybe those statements are no longer there.) I feel like the shield maneuvers, on the other hand, are much better. Even the prereqs for other abilities are useful.
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 12:31 AM CST
Some sorcerer ideas!
Plague Master Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Sorcerer . Cannot have chosen any abilities in SUMMONER tree or HEXER tree.
Elite Tier:
Spreading the Disease: 5/10/15/20% chance to cast 716 (warding version) at the enemy along with any other offensive spell. Cannot trigger more than once every 30s
Infect: Every time your 716 reaction flare triggers, it triggers on up to 2/4/6/Unlimited additional targets.
Legendary Tier:
Worm of Contagion: 716 (warding version) lasts longer and deals damage at a fast rate, dealing damage every 2 seconds until target is dead. Then there is a X% chance for it to spread to an additional target.
Summoner Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Sorcerer . Cannot have chosen any abilities in HEXER tree or PLAGUEMASTER tree.
Elite Tier:
Empowered, Enslaved: Animates you control attack faster with a higher AS and a greater Damage Factor. No longer need magic weapons to hit magic creatures.
Soul Proxy: You're minor demon takes the first hit instead of you, all damage and effects transfering onto it. This will make the demon unusable for 10m.
Legendary Tier:
Great is the Call: Summon forth a Greater Demon or Greater Animate. The Greater Demon lasts for 30s and follows you room to room, attacking with focused Mstrikes, stunning everyone around it with sheer fear, and dealing much single target damage in general. The Greater Animate is a caster minion, and lowers your maximum Mana by 50% while it lives. It can cast many AoE Spells but is generally weak single target wise.
Hexer Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Sorcerer. Cannot have chosen any abilities in SUMMONER or PLAGUE MASTER tree.
Elite Tier:
Enshrouded in Shadows: Your cloak of Shadows periodically lashes out at any enemy in the room, dealing ATTUNED ELEMENT damage. The flare rate/strength increases with every point spent.
Mystical Expertide: Truehand to all your CS spells of 5/10/15/20.
Legendary Tier:
Cursed Visage: Lasts 30 seconds. Every X seconds while you have this ability on, you lower the TD/DS of all creatures in the room with a percent chance to drain their mana for your own use. When the spell ends OR if you are stunned, flares out a powerful wave of energy that deals immediate damage to all enemies in the area. Usable once every 10m.
GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Plague Master Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Sorcerer . Cannot have chosen any abilities in SUMMONER tree or HEXER tree.
Elite Tier:
Spreading the Disease: 5/10/15/20% chance to cast 716 (warding version) at the enemy along with any other offensive spell. Cannot trigger more than once every 30s
Infect: Every time your 716 reaction flare triggers, it triggers on up to 2/4/6/Unlimited additional targets.
Legendary Tier:
Worm of Contagion: 716 (warding version) lasts longer and deals damage at a fast rate, dealing damage every 2 seconds until target is dead. Then there is a X% chance for it to spread to an additional target.
Summoner Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Sorcerer . Cannot have chosen any abilities in HEXER tree or PLAGUEMASTER tree.
Elite Tier:
Empowered, Enslaved: Animates you control attack faster with a higher AS and a greater Damage Factor. No longer need magic weapons to hit magic creatures.
Soul Proxy: You're minor demon takes the first hit instead of you, all damage and effects transfering onto it. This will make the demon unusable for 10m.
Legendary Tier:
Great is the Call: Summon forth a Greater Demon or Greater Animate. The Greater Demon lasts for 30s and follows you room to room, attacking with focused Mstrikes, stunning everyone around it with sheer fear, and dealing much single target damage in general. The Greater Animate is a caster minion, and lowers your maximum Mana by 50% while it lives. It can cast many AoE Spells but is generally weak single target wise.
Hexer Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Sorcerer. Cannot have chosen any abilities in SUMMONER or PLAGUE MASTER tree.
Elite Tier:
Enshrouded in Shadows: Your cloak of Shadows periodically lashes out at any enemy in the room, dealing ATTUNED ELEMENT damage. The flare rate/strength increases with every point spent.
Mystical Expertide: Truehand to all your CS spells of 5/10/15/20.
Legendary Tier:
Cursed Visage: Lasts 30 seconds. Every X seconds while you have this ability on, you lower the TD/DS of all creatures in the room with a percent chance to drain their mana for your own use. When the spell ends OR if you are stunned, flares out a powerful wave of energy that deals immediate damage to all enemies in the area. Usable once every 10m.
GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 12:36 AM CST
Legendary - Why Wield Just One?
Allow the use of certain two-handed weapons via two weapon combat.
Allow the use of certain two-handed weapons via two weapon combat.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear. |
A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!" |
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 01:00 AM CST
Warrior ideas!
Weaponmaster Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Warrior. Cannot have chosen any abilities in Warlord tree or Rager tree.
Elite Tier:
Strength Training: May use a two handed weapon as a one handed weapon. This allows the ability to use either a shield in the opposite hand (rank 1) or a one handed weapon (rank 2) in ther other.
One with Weaponry: Every point in this allows you to bond with an additional weapon. This bond must be strengthened through use.
Legendary Tier:
Flexible and Fast: You may put one active offensive CMAN skill into any max bonded weapon. With each additional point, you may put it into an additional weapon. These have a chance to flare during an attack, much like a Blink flare flares spells. The CMANs will not incur RT or use stamina.
Warlord Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Warrior. Cannot have chosen any abilities in Weaponmaster tree or Rager tree.
Elite Tier:
Get behind me!: You gain the ability to parry and block attacks against anyone in your group(rank 1) or in the room (rank 2), and at rank 3 you increase the DS and Cman defense of everyone grouped with you by X.
Come, follow me!: You gain one companion, whose strength and abilities increase with ranks put into this. It may be targetted by enemies and must be healed by empaths. If it dies, you cannot summon another for X amount of time.
Legendary Tier:
All Strike as One!: Everyone in your group gains your ranks in MoC and may use any CMAN or warrior guild ability you know, though this does not grant any defensive benefits.
Rager Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Warrior. Cannot have chosen any abilities in Weaponmaster tree or Warlord tree.
Elite Tier:
Spirit of the Slayer: You're berserks take less stamina and for every kill you make whilst berserking you cure one rank 1/2/3 wound.
Break their Ranks: Increase chance to stun whilst berserking, as well as inflicting heavier wounds. In addition, when Berserk makes you chase an enemy into another room, there is a chance to SHEER FEAR all enemies when you enter.
Legendary Tier:
Undying: Once a day, when you are killed, you may use this ability to come to life fully healed/retaining all experience with all status effects cleared. It also automatically puts you into BERSERK
GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Weaponmaster Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Warrior. Cannot have chosen any abilities in Warlord tree or Rager tree.
Elite Tier:
Strength Training: May use a two handed weapon as a one handed weapon. This allows the ability to use either a shield in the opposite hand (rank 1) or a one handed weapon (rank 2) in ther other.
One with Weaponry: Every point in this allows you to bond with an additional weapon. This bond must be strengthened through use.
Legendary Tier:
Flexible and Fast: You may put one active offensive CMAN skill into any max bonded weapon. With each additional point, you may put it into an additional weapon. These have a chance to flare during an attack, much like a Blink flare flares spells. The CMANs will not incur RT or use stamina.
Warlord Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Warrior. Cannot have chosen any abilities in Weaponmaster tree or Rager tree.
Elite Tier:
Get behind me!: You gain the ability to parry and block attacks against anyone in your group(rank 1) or in the room (rank 2), and at rank 3 you increase the DS and Cman defense of everyone grouped with you by X.
Come, follow me!: You gain one companion, whose strength and abilities increase with ranks put into this. It may be targetted by enemies and must be healed by empaths. If it dies, you cannot summon another for X amount of time.
Legendary Tier:
All Strike as One!: Everyone in your group gains your ranks in MoC and may use any CMAN or warrior guild ability you know, though this does not grant any defensive benefits.
Rager Unique Line:
Requirements: Must be a Warrior. Cannot have chosen any abilities in Weaponmaster tree or Warlord tree.
Elite Tier:
Spirit of the Slayer: You're berserks take less stamina and for every kill you make whilst berserking you cure one rank 1/2/3 wound.
Break their Ranks: Increase chance to stun whilst berserking, as well as inflicting heavier wounds. In addition, when Berserk makes you chase an enemy into another room, there is a chance to SHEER FEAR all enemies when you enter.
Legendary Tier:
Undying: Once a day, when you are killed, you may use this ability to come to life fully healed/retaining all experience with all status effects cleared. It also automatically puts you into BERSERK
GM Naionna at 11:41 PM
Whick is so pretty. it's a shame he has to talk.
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 01:58 AM CST
Hand and Half Attack Mastery: When wielding a hand-and-a-half weapon (bastard sword, katana, bastard axe, etc.) two handed, and if fully trained in OHE, reduces rt of all attacks by 3 seconds, to a minimum of 1 second. When wielding one-handed with another weapon (but not shield), allows you to use AvD and DF as if wielding two-handed.
Hand and Half Defensive Mastery: When wielding a hand-and-a-half weapon and not a shield, and if fully trained in OHE, grants an additional +20% parry and dodge.
Spell Mastery: Increases DF and crit rank of all spells.
Spell Drain: allows damage done by spells to heal you of blood loss and injuries.
Runestaff Bonding: allows casters to bond to runestaves, up to 6 tiers, with each tier providing various additional benefits similar to paladin/warrior weapon bonding.
Tier 1: Reduce costs of all spells 20%,
Tier 2: flares with caster's attuned element (or random),
Tier 3: CS/AS increase,
Tier 4: Double-cast flares,
Tier 5: runestaff floats in front of you and is connected to you without you holding it, allowing you to reap all benefits of the weapon while having both hands open.
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 02:23 AM CST
I'd also like to see abilities that help with katars and using a katana one-handed, since they just became even more challenging to use than ever. I haven't come up with anything creative for that yet, though.
I'm a bit spent for now, but I'm sure I'll be back for more later!
Boundless Determination | Reduces cooldown between mstrikes. |
Center of Gravity | Reduces spell hindrance when wearing torso-only armor. (Given that limitation, it would be either more effective than Armored Caster, cheaper, or both.) |
Channeling Master | Removes 1 second hard RT from channeled spells. Max of 3 ranks. |
Formation Strategist | +X AS and DS per rank when in a group. |
Independent Strength | Significantly increases AS and DS. Must not be in a society. |
Independent Studies | Increases CS and significantly increases TD. Must not be in a society. |
Natural Adept | Adds the chance for a flare of your elemental attunement when casting or channeling open-handed. |
Nimble Caster | X% chance for -1 casting RT when wearing robes. |
Opportunity Strikes | Increased chance of tiering up with an unarmed attack. |
Veteran Instincts | For each level an enemy is below you, its ability to use maneuvers or contribute to Force on Force pushdown is more penalized than normal. |
Wildfire | Significantly increases power of splashes from ball spells. (Only the splashes.) |
I'd also like to see abilities that help with katars and using a katana one-handed, since they just became even more challenging to use than ever. I haven't come up with anything creative for that yet, though.
Bards | |
Call and Response | When casting a single-target spellsong twice in a row against the same target, the second costs -X mana. |
Countermelody | X% chance to retaliate with a Stunning Shout (1008) at no cost of mana or RT when evading, blocking, or parrying an attack. |
Harmony of Tonis | Until STOPped, Song of Tonis (1035) automatically renews itself with no casting RT for an additional cost of X mana. |
Rhythmic Dissonance | When an enemy has hands and doesn't have a weapon or shield, Vibration Chant (1002) can now blow up its hands. |
Sonic Singer | Sonic gear can renew while stunned. |
Sparkling Voice | Purification Song (1004) has twice the effect per cast. |
Clerics | |
Fearless Zeal | Soul Ward (319) can now be EVOKEd to cast an inverted spell which grants you a deity-specific flare on your first attack against an enemy. The Blessings benefit that would normally allow subsequent attacks to be blocked allows subsequent deity-specific flares instead. (The shield effect no longer applies.) |
Fire and Brimstone | Significantly increases strength of brimstones used by the cleric. (If used by another character without this skill, that character sees no benefit.) |
Flow Mastery | Ethereal Censer (320) lasts +X seconds per rank. Max of Y ranks. |
Insistent Wrath | All cycles of Divine Wrath (335) hit immediately upon cast. |
Manna Perfection | Manna (203) no longer wears off in combat. Additional ranks add +X minutes duration per bite. |
Soul Pierce | When using a sanctified weapon or casting, +X% chance per rank to hit the target as if they were Y AsGs lower. |
Ties That Bind | Bind (214) and Prayer of Holding (301) now inflict RT, and Censure (316) needs X less of an endroll to immobilize. At Y ranks, the max number, Censure inflicts RT. |
Paladins | |
Ascendant Divinity | +X Divine Energy pool per rank for use with Divine Incarnation (1650). |
Divine Retribution | +X% chance for a reactive deity-specific flare when struck. |
Endless Quest | Until STOPped, Crusade (1618) automatically renews itself with no casting RT for an additional cost of X mana. |
Soul Pierce | When using a sanctified weapon or casting, +X% chance to hit the target as if they were Y AsGs lower. |
Time of Need | BESEECH can be used when in RT, on a cooldown. |
I'm a bit spent for now, but I'm sure I'll be back for more later!
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 02:59 AM CST
Great idea. Any chance we can get the ATP turned on if that part gets settled first, even if the coding for all the neat abilities is still in the works? Normal exp isn't giving me much benefit right now and I'd love to start earning ATP.
Also, am right in thinking the list might be rather open to additions in the future? It would be nice if any GM with a good idea could add extra ascensions down the road.
And some suggestions.
Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.
Also, am right in thinking the list might be rather open to additions in the future? It would be nice if any GM with a good idea could add extra ascensions down the road.
And some suggestions.
General | |
Weight training | Gain 1% DF on all melee attacks |
Will training | Gain 1% DF on all warding/bolt attacks |
Focus training | Gain 1% DF on all ranged/thrown attacks |
Light burdens | Gain 1 pound more carry capacity without being encumbered per rank |
Spell duration | Gain 1% more duration on buff spells per rank |
Bane of orcs | Gain +1 damage weighting to all orcs |
Bane of trolls | Gain +1 damage weighting to all trolls |
Bane of ghosts | Gain +1 damage weighting to all non-corps |
Bane of ghouls | Gain +1 damage weighting to all reanimated type undead, ghouls/zombies/rotting farmers and such |
Bane of beasts | Gain +1 damage weighting to all 4 legged animals |
Bane of bandits | Gain +1 damage weighting to all bandits |
Bane of elementals | Gain +1 damage weighting to all elementals |
Elite | |
Dwarven training | Gain +2 AS per rank when using any axe, hammer or pick |
Swordmaster training | Gain +2 AS per rank when using any sword |
Naturally lucky | D100 combat rolls become D10N rolls where N=(2 x rank). So D102 on rank 1, up to D110 on rank 5. |
Dedicated forger | Forge RT reduced by 5% per rank |
Skilled forger | 1% higher chance for best results per rank |
Tough hide | Gain +1 damage padding per rank |
Legendary | |
Master of mirrors | Song of mirrors creates a full double of the bard. The first attack within a 2 minute window in diverted harmlessly to the double. The window shrinks by 25 seconds per rank to a minimum of 20 seconds at rank 5. |
Shield master | Dodge penalty is reduced to 1 shield size smaller per rank (small shield penalty gone at rank 1, tower shield gone at rank 4) |
Strapped shield | Shield can be held without penalty when using a two-handed weapon. Bigger shield used with more ranks |
Crusader for light | 1630 is player friendly, +1 target per rank for ranks 1-4, +2 more for rank 5 (total +6), cannot learn Crusader for dark |
Crusader for dark | 1630 gains +2 targets per rank, hits the full room (including players, but group friendly) at rank 5, cannot learn Crusader for light |
Forked tongue | Gain a chance (independent of other abilities) to hit a second creature with the same noun as the first on any offensive cast. 10% per rank, has a 30 second cooldown. |
Hard to kill | Once per day, ignore the fatal effects of a crit. Higher ranks reduce the injury and stun associated with the attack. 5 ranks automatically applies any short term buff abilities the player has access to (140, 1619, incarnate armor, 919) |
Threatening presence | Any attack made towards members of a group lead by a paladin with threatening presence must pass a warding check. If they fail, the the creature is put under the effects of 1608. Added ranks cause TD pushdown and allow the group to be larger (+1 person protected per rank, any size group at rank 5). |
Master Elementalist | On each normally cast elemental spell (not from a wand, 950 or with rapid fire), gain an additional chance for an elemental flare for each rank in master elementalist. Rank 1 unlocks a flare governed by your highest e-lore type (For instance, if you have the most water lore the flare will be one of cold/water/acid/steam/lightning). Rank 2 is the second highest lore, 3 the 3rd, 4 the 4th. At 5 you can pick the type for all 5 flare chances. |
Combined arms | With a 30 second cooldown, any melee attack will be preceded by a ranged or thrown attack "flare" similar to weapon bonding. Uses your skill for that attack type and requires a thrown or ranged weapon to be on your person. |
Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain,
And the stream that falls from the hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook,
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 07:53 AM CST
Holy form (Ascended being, Celestial Form, Gift of the Arkati...You get the idea
Gain the ability to call upon the ultimate favor of your deity being granted a portion of their power
This could grant all sorts of things, stat boosts, skill boosts, padding, weighting, access to cross class spells, unlimited 1650 charges
Holy Warrior
Gain access to a warriors cman list
Conjure Elemental
Pretty self explanatory i guess
Elemental form (Assume element)
Transform into an elemental matching your elemental attunement
This could unlock many things, lore boosts, Damage boosts, double cast spells associated with your element, resistance or even immunity to said element, each element could grant permanent duration on some buffs (Air: Always have Celerity and Haste for example)
You could also make this a viable Warmage thing by granted immolation flares, melee stat boosts
Arcane mage(master, caster, etc)
Use ATP to learn spells from the 1700's(Arcane) circle
Double bonding
Bond to two weapons
Shadow mastery
Never leave hiding
Mana shield
a portion of HP damage is taken from mana instead (or perhaps all HP damage is transferred from mana instead)
Lay on hands
You know the one
Demon form (Transformation, aspect, etc)
Transform into a demon
This could grant multiple abilities, gain rapid fire, stat boosts, damage boosts, double casts, padding, maybe wings making you a flying creature
Mana mastery
Double mana regen/mana pool...Unlimited mana
True Faith, Gift of the Arkati (i'm struggling to name this one)
You no longer require deeds
Holy strike (guided strike)
All attacks ignore stance of target
Time mage
Always have celerity active, unlimited uses of stop time, max lore benefit from haste
Mixed Magic
Combine two of your spells into one
Gate between realm boundaries
Holy form (Ascended being, Celestial Form, Gift of the Arkati...You get the idea
Gain the ability to call upon the ultimate favor of your deity being granted a portion of their power
This could grant all sorts of things, stat boosts, skill boosts, padding, weighting, access to cross class spells, unlimited 1650 charges
Holy Warrior
Gain access to a warriors cman list
Conjure Elemental
Pretty self explanatory i guess
Elemental form (Assume element)
Transform into an elemental matching your elemental attunement
This could unlock many things, lore boosts, Damage boosts, double cast spells associated with your element, resistance or even immunity to said element, each element could grant permanent duration on some buffs (Air: Always have Celerity and Haste for example)
You could also make this a viable Warmage thing by granted immolation flares, melee stat boosts
Arcane mage(master, caster, etc)
Use ATP to learn spells from the 1700's(Arcane) circle
Double bonding
Bond to two weapons
Shadow mastery
Never leave hiding
Mana shield
a portion of HP damage is taken from mana instead (or perhaps all HP damage is transferred from mana instead)
Lay on hands
You know the one
Demon form (Transformation, aspect, etc)
Transform into a demon
This could grant multiple abilities, gain rapid fire, stat boosts, damage boosts, double casts, padding, maybe wings making you a flying creature
Mana mastery
Double mana regen/mana pool...Unlimited mana
True Faith, Gift of the Arkati (i'm struggling to name this one)
You no longer require deeds
Holy strike (guided strike)
All attacks ignore stance of target
Time mage
Always have celerity active, unlimited uses of stop time, max lore benefit from haste
Mixed Magic
Combine two of your spells into one
Gate between realm boundaries
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 08:17 AM CST
Since we’re going to the Feats route we could always add some “multi classing” ascension. A la carte Savants!
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 08:21 AM CST
Purge (self cast):
T1: purge all crowd control
T2: purge all cc & debuffs
T3 purge all cc & debuffs more often
Squares only
T1: Reduce the duration of all cc by a %
T2: more
T3: not quite immune
Bolts bolts bolts:
T1: -1 mana cost for all bolts
T2: runestaff enchant value bestows offensive bonus
T3: unlocks aimed bolts
Flair flare:
T1: flares have a chance to activate on aoe
T2: flares have a chance to activate on ball splashes
T3: flares have a chance to activate on any damaging ability
T1: purge all crowd control
T2: purge all cc & debuffs
T3 purge all cc & debuffs more often
Squares only
T1: Reduce the duration of all cc by a %
T2: more
T3: not quite immune
Bolts bolts bolts:
T1: -1 mana cost for all bolts
T2: runestaff enchant value bestows offensive bonus
T3: unlocks aimed bolts
Flair flare:
T1: flares have a chance to activate on aoe
T2: flares have a chance to activate on ball splashes
T3: flares have a chance to activate on any damaging ability
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 08:45 AM CST
Ah, skill trees. This seems like a great solution, but if I may make some suggestions.
1. If you are going to split the currency, then you can award both just at different rates. Then customize certain mobs/events focus their rewards more upon ascension points.
2. I usually suggest only keeping skills that are tangible in game. Other bonus can be associated with that particular skill. I think you have the aspirational aspect down, but I always cringe when I see +1 nodes.
3. Related to the above, the warrior/square list needs some love. The major decision should be how I want to play. Do I want to be an unstoppable tank? Deal damage? I think Nehor’s player made some great suggestions above.
Again, great concept. I’m looking forward to implementation and further discussion.
1. If you are going to split the currency, then you can award both just at different rates. Then customize certain mobs/events focus their rewards more upon ascension points.
2. I usually suggest only keeping skills that are tangible in game. Other bonus can be associated with that particular skill. I think you have the aspirational aspect down, but I always cringe when I see +1 nodes.
3. Related to the above, the warrior/square list needs some love. The major decision should be how I want to play. Do I want to be an unstoppable tank? Deal damage? I think Nehor’s player made some great suggestions above.
Again, great concept. I’m looking forward to implementation and further discussion.
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 08:50 AM CST
Master Tracker
Requires at least 1 rank of Beastmaster and a 4-legged AC at some high level of affinity
Allows Ranger to track their AC after having been sent to find someone.
Rank 1 - same realm
Rank 2 - adjacent realms
Rank 3 - distant realms and you can take your group with you
Rank 3 - distant realms
Rank 4 - you can take your group with you
Beast of Burden
Negates all encumbrance for short period of time (long enough to exit a hunting area while buried in boxes - 2-5 minutes)
Wee Sleepy Gnomette
Cloth-of-eonake: for when you absolutely, positively need to have zombie-impenetrable underwear. - Denil
When my scripts are acting up, I take Modrian with Coding. After a few hours, they feel like new! - MAXMANJ
Master Tracker
Requires at least 1 rank of Beastmaster and a 4-legged AC at some high level of affinity
Allows Ranger to track their AC after having been sent to find someone.
Rank 1 - same realm
Rank 2 - adjacent realms
Rank 3 - distant realms and you can take your group with you
Rank 3 - distant realms
Rank 4 - you can take your group with you
Beast of Burden
Negates all encumbrance for short period of time (long enough to exit a hunting area while buried in boxes - 2-5 minutes)
Wee Sleepy Gnomette
Cloth-of-eonake: for when you absolutely, positively need to have zombie-impenetrable underwear. - Denil
When my scripts are acting up, I take Modrian with Coding. After a few hours, they feel like new! - MAXMANJ
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 08:55 AM CST
What are your thoughts about a fair amount of these skills potentially being relegated to pointless status due to other skills being far superior mechanically?
The skill that made me think this thought is the Improvised Pick one.
Unless it can offer a benefit over vaalin it's going to be a pure RP skill, and may be a hard choice when you have other legendaries that are going to be a lot better.
I suppose if the system is flexible enough to allow skills to be easily added to it then I don't see an issue having these for people that really want that ability for their character. However, I would hate to see a ton of time spent on something that barely anyone is going to take.
The skill that made me think this thought is the Improvised Pick one.
Unless it can offer a benefit over vaalin it's going to be a pure RP skill, and may be a hard choice when you have other legendaries that are going to be a lot better.
I suppose if the system is flexible enough to allow skills to be easily added to it then I don't see an issue having these for people that really want that ability for their character. However, I would hate to see a ton of time spent on something that barely anyone is going to take.
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 09:03 AM CST
Great ideas so far! Keep them coming!
I also want to note the list of ideas I posted was to provide examples of the types of things we're hoping for. It's not all inclusive or the final list that's going to happen. Every profession will have fun and unique abilities to strive for. In addition, the system will be ever evolving. Like with spells and the Combat Maneuver List, we'll make changes (adjustments, new abilities, etc) over time as needed. Lastly, this system will also not replace updating existing abilities as needed either. As a specific example, a number of sorcerers have been wanting longer animate durations with Animate Dead (730) and one of the proposed abilities is the Persistent Animator which extends the duration and eventually makes it indefinite. Persistent Animator doesn't mean we would never consider extending the base duration of the spell. It's possible for both to exist.
To answer a few questions:
Any experience you earn would continue to be field experience (your mind). It's when that field experience is turned into real experience that the experience is reallocated (per your setting) into the Ascension system. So normally, you might absorb 30 experience per pulse, but if you have it to set to divert 50% to ATPs, you would earn 15 normal experience and 15 experience toward ATPs.
More than likely not, but some of the details still need to be worked out. It's a matter of if the bonus should replace the need for enhancives or supplement them.
The abilities will be for any existing content in the game. We're first focusing on new abilities and the system for you to earn them. Down the road, there definitely could be newer hunting grounds with more challenges and risk that also reward more credit toward the Ascension system.
GameMaster Estild
I also want to note the list of ideas I posted was to provide examples of the types of things we're hoping for. It's not all inclusive or the final list that's going to happen. Every profession will have fun and unique abilities to strive for. In addition, the system will be ever evolving. Like with spells and the Combat Maneuver List, we'll make changes (adjustments, new abilities, etc) over time as needed. Lastly, this system will also not replace updating existing abilities as needed either. As a specific example, a number of sorcerers have been wanting longer animate durations with Animate Dead (730) and one of the proposed abilities is the Persistent Animator which extends the duration and eventually makes it indefinite. Persistent Animator doesn't mean we would never consider extending the base duration of the spell. It's possible for both to exist.
To answer a few questions:
Sounds like an awesome idea. Question - if you're hunting, and you turned the pool on, is it diverting the experience to the pool or are you gaining the experience alongside it? |
Is there a max "pool" limit that you need to rest to absorb or would it be continuous? |
Any experience you earn would continue to be field experience (your mind). It's when that field experience is turned into real experience that the experience is reallocated (per your setting) into the Ascension system. So normally, you might absorb 30 experience per pulse, but if you have it to set to divert 50% to ATPs, you would earn 15 normal experience and 15 experience toward ATPs.
sounds amazing. but im assuing stats and such will not be capped by the normal +40 since a lot of us already have them maxxed. |
Will the +1 to stats go towards the +20 bonus stat cap or go beyond this cap? |
More than likely not, but some of the details still need to be worked out. It's a matter of if the bonus should replace the need for enhancives or supplement them.
Sabotage |
I think figuring out what these will ultimately be for is important. If it is just for more fun abilities against creatures we are currently facing then a lot of this stuff is fine cause we can faceroll most of it already at a certain point. If you want to create creatures that are more powerful then that's another thing as a lot of this may not help with that. |
The abilities will be for any existing content in the game. We're first focusing on new abilities and the system for you to earn them. Down the road, there definitely could be newer hunting grounds with more challenges and risk that also reward more credit toward the Ascension system.
GameMaster Estild
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 09:06 AM CST
"Society specific skills" -- FudgeHJ
In addition, there should be a tree for "those with NO Society", and quite possibly some different things "only if you have LEFT <a particular Society, though it might be any of the three>".
In addition, there should be a tree for "those with NO Society", and quite possibly some different things "only if you have LEFT <a particular Society, though it might be any of the three>".
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 09:08 AM CST
What are your thoughts about a fair amount of these skills potentially being relegated to pointless status due to other skills being far superior mechanically? |
The skill that made me think this thought is the Improvised Pick one. |
Unless it can offer a benefit over vaalin it's going to be a pure RP skill, and may be a hard choice when you have other legendaries that are going to be a lot better. |
You're not just unlocking a single ability then done. You can earn as many as you want. More powerful abilities will cost more ATPs, so Improvised Pick might cost 1 ATP while Improvisational Fighter might cost 20.
GameMaster Estild
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 09:24 AM CST
Holy Shield:
Rank 1 - Can 1625 a shield to sanctify and get guiding light flares for offensive shield maneuvers.
Rank 2 - Shield flares can now be reactive
Holy Armor:
Rank 1 and 2 as above
Supreme Consecration:
Rank 1 - No guiding light flare penalty until 10 cer, guiding light phases out at 15 cer
Rank 2 - 15 cer / 20 cer
Rank 3 - 20 cer / 25 cer
Divine Arbitration:
Can 1635 BESEECH to remove applicable status effects from group members
Alternative Judgment:
Each deity now has a second deity specific flare type that can be chosen, ie with Koar could choose lightning OR crush instead of just lightning
Divine Clarity:
Faith's Clarity (1603) now has a 5 minute duration when cast
Radiant Aura:
Rank 1 - Chance for reactive Pious Trial (1602) upon being the target of an attack
Rank 2 - Chance for reactive Aura of the Arkati (1614) upon being the target of an attack
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 10:04 AM CST
Sounding good so far. While we're talking about branches/trees... I'm curious as to whether any other clerics would like this set of skills for one of the clerical branches/paths... I sure would.
As a wedding cleric for 20somethin years, I've always wanted some special abilities like:
GROUP A - wedding item creation (limited per day, week, or month)
1. create a 2-quaff love potion
2. create water then turn that water into a pourable 12-quaff decanter of wine for the reception, in one fell swoop
3. make/decorate a 70-bite wedding cake
4. create a plain but engravable/alterable engagement ring/band
5. create a plain but engravable/alterable wedding ring/band
6. create an official-looking wedding certificate or license
GROUP B - engrave ring (hoping it's possible to limit this to the special rings in GROUP A which are created by clerics)
7. engrave with symbol
8. engrave with phrase
9. engrave with language
GROUP C - ?ambient? tricks
10. cause wedding bells to ring/chime
11. audible cooing of doves in the distance
12. smellable scent of roses in the air
13. visible glow surrounding the cleric-made wedding ring (in the cleric's hand) which is receiving a "wedding blessing"
GROUP D - wedding perks (for the newlyweds)
14. a special wedding blessing that can be given to the bride and groom, which offer some sort of real protection for an hour or so of their journey
= = = = = = = = = =
more details below - in other words, QUIT READING and MOVE ON, BUDDY... if you're not already interested
= = = = = = = = = =
overlook my horrid examples/spelling/descriptions please, i'm always the one at the merchant event ever-whispering to 200 people "HELP i can not create a show descrip! HAAALP!"
GROUP A - SKILL: WEDDING ITEM CREATION (limited to once per day/week/month - or twice, in the case of wedding rings you need two per day/week/month because making them for a couple)
rank 1: create a love potion (2 quaffs, drinking results in some sort of fun-looking but useless effect)
-example a love potion, show/look: The crystal bottle is heart-shaped and decorated with red hearts. A fancy label lettered in elegant script reads: Love Potion.
-example: a <color> heart-shaped bottle, show/look: The glass-stoppered bottle contains a bubbly potion and reads "Love Potion"
rank 2: create a decanter of water, then turn that water into wine (pourable, 10-12 quaffs)
-example: Soliere gestures and a decanter of water appears in her hand. She concentrates on the decanter, mutters a few words, and the water appears changed to a decanter of sparkling wine.
rank 3: create/decorate a wedding cake (40-70 bites, the writing on the cake should be one standard message, but it would be nice if the two colors and two names are customizable)
-example: a wedding cake, show/look: The cake is iced in <color> with a wedding bells theme in <color2>. You see these words: "Congratulations, <name> and <name2>!"
rank 4: create an engagement ring/band (engravable/alterable)
rank 5: create a wedding ring/band (engravable/alterable)
rank 6: create a wedding certificate or license (should be limited, and hopefully customizable with <color of certificate>, <name>, <name2>, <cleric name>, <date of wedding>, <place of wedding>)
-example: <name> and <name2> were joined in marriage by <cleric name> on <today's date> at <town/area name> (this should have to be created on the day of the wedding while standing in the area of the wedding, and the date/place are filled in by default based on game time/date and LOCATION verb result... cleric name would default to the cleric who is creating the certificate... might be a little clunky but accuracy would be important and i even have trouble remembering how to write a proper Elanthian date sometimes)
GROUP B - SKILL: ENGRAVE RING/BAND (limited to rings created by the/a cleric)
-example: a wedding ring, show/look: Engraved on the ring is a rose symbol.
-rank 1: dagger symbol
-rank 2: infinity symbol
-rank 3: flame symbol
-rank 4: heart symbol
-rank 5: rose symbol
-example: a wedding ring, show/look: Inscribed inside the ring are the words: "<name>: I love you. -<name2>" (if 2 names are specified) or "I love you, <name>." (if one name specified) or only "I love you." (if no name specified)
-rank 1: "<name>: I love you. -<name2>"
-rank 2: "<name>: Forever mine. -<name2>"
-rank 3: "<name>: Together as one. -<name2>"
-rank 4: "<name>: Faithfully yours. -<name2>"
-rank 5: "<name>: Gags, whips, chains... Us. -<name2>"
-example: a wedding ring, show/look: Inscribed inside the ring are the words: "<name>: Anu aminaeri. -<name2>" (if 2 names are specified) or "<name>: Anu aminaeri." (if one name specified) or only "Anu aminaeri." (if no name specified)
-rank 1: aelotian: "<name>: Anu aminaeri. -<name2>" (i love you)
-rank 2: krolgeh: "<name>: Q'ap tezt gno'ap to. -<name2>" (you are mine)
-rank 3: tehir: "<name>: Zomjii, rafir. -<name2>" (thank you, lover)
-rank 4: dhe'nar-si: "<name>: Tacne q'hesa. -<name2>" (slay many)
-rank 5: trollspeak: "<name>: Ruo vro'lar ri. -<name2>" (i love you)
-Yes, I often speak troll to my love interest. 0;)
-Language experts, please fix if i screwed up too bad?
-rank 1: bells - Soliere waves her hand in the air. Wedding bells begin to ring. (the hand wave is admittedly dorky, you'll come up with something awesome, i just know it)
-rank 2: birds (sound) - You hear the cooing of doves in the distance.
-rank 3: roses (scent) - You detect a light floral hint of roses in the air.
-rank 4: ring glow - Soliere blesses the wedding ring, which is then surrounded by a soft golden glow. (would be nice to be able to choose a special color) (this could be problematic unless the bless was able to be limited to a wedding ring the cleric had created themself and were holding in their hand at the moment, so i figure it might be too complicated to implement.)
-grant a newlywed couple a "wedding blessing" which gives them special uncommon defense for a certain period of time for their travel to their honeymoon (how would you determine that the couple really were newlyweds or prevent this from being cast on non-newlyweds? you couldn't, except to limit the use of this to twice per day/week/month - twice because hopefully there are two people in the newlywed couple, and cause it to not be self-castable). it wouldn't have to be a brand new spell, perhaps Spirit Guard (1712). just something unusual. impossible? i know, right?
i would like to see limits imposed because most clerics perform less than one wedding per month (many perform less than that), therefore, the need for a pair of wedding rings/bands is not so common, and we don't need 400 playershops selling wedding rings nor love potions etc, i myself would prefer things created by the cleric not even be sellable in playershops
my intent here is not moneymaking but just pure fun and roleplaying. thus, the love potion should grow mold (not too quickly, some of us do prepare for a wedding a few weeks in advance, it would be horrible if the love potion we made did not last until the wedding 3 weeks later), so it does not become an item overstocked in playershops, etc
i doubt there's a way you could easily track how many ASSIST REQUESTs are generated as a result of a particular cleric's mistakes in creating items, but it would be nice if, after a cleric has screwed up 10 items and caused GM's an inordinate amount of grief, they have their privileges revoked for a month or two. or get struck by lightning a few times. yes i'm a twisted meanie. smiteme!
I know, IknowIknow... I've always been a dreamer... no plans to stop now 0:D
Thanks for asking for input! You rule!
Soliere :) :)
Sounding good so far. While we're talking about branches/trees... I'm curious as to whether any other clerics would like this set of skills for one of the clerical branches/paths... I sure would.
As a wedding cleric for 20somethin years, I've always wanted some special abilities like:
GROUP A - wedding item creation (limited per day, week, or month)
1. create a 2-quaff love potion
2. create water then turn that water into a pourable 12-quaff decanter of wine for the reception, in one fell swoop
3. make/decorate a 70-bite wedding cake
4. create a plain but engravable/alterable engagement ring/band
5. create a plain but engravable/alterable wedding ring/band
6. create an official-looking wedding certificate or license
GROUP B - engrave ring (hoping it's possible to limit this to the special rings in GROUP A which are created by clerics)
7. engrave with symbol
8. engrave with phrase
9. engrave with language
GROUP C - ?ambient? tricks
10. cause wedding bells to ring/chime
11. audible cooing of doves in the distance
12. smellable scent of roses in the air
13. visible glow surrounding the cleric-made wedding ring (in the cleric's hand) which is receiving a "wedding blessing"
GROUP D - wedding perks (for the newlyweds)
14. a special wedding blessing that can be given to the bride and groom, which offer some sort of real protection for an hour or so of their journey
= = = = = = = = = =
more details below - in other words, QUIT READING and MOVE ON, BUDDY... if you're not already interested
= = = = = = = = = =
overlook my horrid examples/spelling/descriptions please, i'm always the one at the merchant event ever-whispering to 200 people "HELP i can not create a show descrip! HAAALP!"
GROUP A - SKILL: WEDDING ITEM CREATION (limited to once per day/week/month - or twice, in the case of wedding rings you need two per day/week/month because making them for a couple)
rank 1: create a love potion (2 quaffs, drinking results in some sort of fun-looking but useless effect)
-example a love potion, show/look: The crystal bottle is heart-shaped and decorated with red hearts. A fancy label lettered in elegant script reads: Love Potion.
-example: a <color> heart-shaped bottle, show/look: The glass-stoppered bottle contains a bubbly potion and reads "Love Potion"
rank 2: create a decanter of water, then turn that water into wine (pourable, 10-12 quaffs)
-example: Soliere gestures and a decanter of water appears in her hand. She concentrates on the decanter, mutters a few words, and the water appears changed to a decanter of sparkling wine.
rank 3: create/decorate a wedding cake (40-70 bites, the writing on the cake should be one standard message, but it would be nice if the two colors and two names are customizable)
-example: a wedding cake, show/look: The cake is iced in <color> with a wedding bells theme in <color2>. You see these words: "Congratulations, <name> and <name2>!"
rank 4: create an engagement ring/band (engravable/alterable)
rank 5: create a wedding ring/band (engravable/alterable)
rank 6: create a wedding certificate or license (should be limited, and hopefully customizable with <color of certificate>, <name>, <name2>, <cleric name>, <date of wedding>, <place of wedding>)
-example: <name> and <name2> were joined in marriage by <cleric name> on <today's date> at <town/area name> (this should have to be created on the day of the wedding while standing in the area of the wedding, and the date/place are filled in by default based on game time/date and LOCATION verb result... cleric name would default to the cleric who is creating the certificate... might be a little clunky but accuracy would be important and i even have trouble remembering how to write a proper Elanthian date sometimes)
GROUP B - SKILL: ENGRAVE RING/BAND (limited to rings created by the/a cleric)
-example: a wedding ring, show/look: Engraved on the ring is a rose symbol.
-rank 1: dagger symbol
-rank 2: infinity symbol
-rank 3: flame symbol
-rank 4: heart symbol
-rank 5: rose symbol
-example: a wedding ring, show/look: Inscribed inside the ring are the words: "<name>: I love you. -<name2>" (if 2 names are specified) or "I love you, <name>." (if one name specified) or only "I love you." (if no name specified)
-rank 1: "<name>: I love you. -<name2>"
-rank 2: "<name>: Forever mine. -<name2>"
-rank 3: "<name>: Together as one. -<name2>"
-rank 4: "<name>: Faithfully yours. -<name2>"
-rank 5: "<name>: Gags, whips, chains... Us. -<name2>"
-example: a wedding ring, show/look: Inscribed inside the ring are the words: "<name>: Anu aminaeri. -<name2>" (if 2 names are specified) or "<name>: Anu aminaeri." (if one name specified) or only "Anu aminaeri." (if no name specified)
-rank 1: aelotian: "<name>: Anu aminaeri. -<name2>" (i love you)
-rank 2: krolgeh: "<name>: Q'ap tezt gno'ap to. -<name2>" (you are mine)
-rank 3: tehir: "<name>: Zomjii, rafir. -<name2>" (thank you, lover)
-rank 4: dhe'nar-si: "<name>: Tacne q'hesa. -<name2>" (slay many)
-rank 5: trollspeak: "<name>: Ruo vro'lar ri. -<name2>" (i love you)
-Yes, I often speak troll to my love interest. 0;)
-Language experts, please fix if i screwed up too bad?
-rank 1: bells - Soliere waves her hand in the air. Wedding bells begin to ring. (the hand wave is admittedly dorky, you'll come up with something awesome, i just know it)
-rank 2: birds (sound) - You hear the cooing of doves in the distance.
-rank 3: roses (scent) - You detect a light floral hint of roses in the air.
-rank 4: ring glow - Soliere blesses the wedding ring, which is then surrounded by a soft golden glow. (would be nice to be able to choose a special color) (this could be problematic unless the bless was able to be limited to a wedding ring the cleric had created themself and were holding in their hand at the moment, so i figure it might be too complicated to implement.)
-grant a newlywed couple a "wedding blessing" which gives them special uncommon defense for a certain period of time for their travel to their honeymoon (how would you determine that the couple really were newlyweds or prevent this from being cast on non-newlyweds? you couldn't, except to limit the use of this to twice per day/week/month - twice because hopefully there are two people in the newlywed couple, and cause it to not be self-castable). it wouldn't have to be a brand new spell, perhaps Spirit Guard (1712). just something unusual. impossible? i know, right?
i would like to see limits imposed because most clerics perform less than one wedding per month (many perform less than that), therefore, the need for a pair of wedding rings/bands is not so common, and we don't need 400 playershops selling wedding rings nor love potions etc, i myself would prefer things created by the cleric not even be sellable in playershops
my intent here is not moneymaking but just pure fun and roleplaying. thus, the love potion should grow mold (not too quickly, some of us do prepare for a wedding a few weeks in advance, it would be horrible if the love potion we made did not last until the wedding 3 weeks later), so it does not become an item overstocked in playershops, etc
i doubt there's a way you could easily track how many ASSIST REQUESTs are generated as a result of a particular cleric's mistakes in creating items, but it would be nice if, after a cleric has screwed up 10 items and caused GM's an inordinate amount of grief, they have their privileges revoked for a month or two. or get struck by lightning a few times. yes i'm a twisted meanie. smiteme!
I know, IknowIknow... I've always been a dreamer... no plans to stop now 0:D
Thanks for asking for input! You rule!
Soliere :) :)
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 10:20 AM CST
Trueshot Multi-bolt
Like the previously proposed 940 and a single target 950 with no cooldown, a 30 sec booster ability activated for a flat mana cost that allows one to instantly multi-cast a slew of bolts that costs full mana per bolt but is not subject to EBP, delivering quality of life in combat to the post-cap wizard.
Trueshot Multi-bolt
Like the previously proposed 940 and a single target 950 with no cooldown, a 30 sec booster ability activated for a flat mana cost that allows one to instantly multi-cast a slew of bolts that costs full mana per bolt but is not subject to EBP, delivering quality of life in combat to the post-cap wizard.
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 10:26 AM CST
Cross posted from the wizard forum, since all the action seems to be here:
- Aim bolts.
- A giant single target no cooldown nuke that wrecks shop.
- Frontload 917 instead of being a DoT Boil Earth and Earthen Fury put together. Could be a giant single target nuke.
- 0 RT 515.
- A lot of phantom lore ranks (101+).
- Recharge items with no fail/no degradation.
- Items you recharge grant short term self-knowledge when used.
- Change your attunement instantly. Or something. Possibly move to Legendary if attunement is made more impactful.
- A hefty amount of phantom lore ranks.
- True cross realm 930.
- A decent amount of phantom lore ranks.
And stuff.
~ Methais
- Aim bolts.
- A giant single target no cooldown nuke that wrecks shop.
- Frontload 917 instead of being a DoT Boil Earth and Earthen Fury put together. Could be a giant single target nuke.
- 0 RT 515.
- A lot of phantom lore ranks (101+).
- Recharge items with no fail/no degradation.
- Items you recharge grant short term self-knowledge when used.
- Change your attunement instantly. Or something. Possibly move to Legendary if attunement is made more impactful.
- A hefty amount of phantom lore ranks.
- True cross realm 930.
- A decent amount of phantom lore ranks.
And stuff.
~ Methais
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 10:27 AM CST
Oh sweet Kai! This is exciting news! Great ideas from everyone!
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 11:05 AM CST
Get Over Here
Allows an evoked version of 116 to summon a player corpse from any realm. More ranks allows the summoning of living players from same, near-adjacent, adjacent, and far transportation realms.
Allows an evoked version of 116 to summon a player corpse from any realm. More ranks allows the summoning of living players from same, near-adjacent, adjacent, and far transportation realms.
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear. |
A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!" |
Re: Ascension
03/02/2020 11:11 AM CST
Gnomish Evolution
Burghal gnome only. Allow burghal gnomes to modify their physical attributes by addition steampunk grafts to their arms (dwarf race str bonus), torso (giantman race encumbrance), legs (elven race agility bonus).
Burghal gnome only. Allow burghal gnomes to modify their physical attributes by addition steampunk grafts to their arms (dwarf race str bonus), torso (giantman race encumbrance), legs (elven race agility bonus).
As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear. |
A squeaky halfling nearby asks, "Why you playing with orcs heads and troll rearends?!" |