Poor Pantheon of Neutrality, never getting any love when people (myself included) start dreaming up skills for the more flashy Liabo/Lornon dichotomy.
Won't someone think of the Zelians?! (And Aeia, Arachne, Ghezresh, Gosaena, and the Huntress.)
Re: Ascension
05/13/2020 04:38 PM CDT
Guided Blade | Activated ability, which focuses mana around your hands to guide your strikes. Lasts three minutes and can't be shut off early. While active, you lose 1 mana per second and your physical attacks cost (10 - (ranks of the applicable weapon/10)) mana each, down to a minimum of 1, but have an increased AS of (Spell Aiming ranks/2). You can't fry your nerves this way, but there's no AS bonus while your mana is 0. While active, your bolts and warding spells have a penalty of 50 AS and 30 CS due to some of your concentration being diverted to maintaining the spell. Additional ranks of this skill remove 10/6 of the penalty, up to a maximum of five ranks. (So even then there's still a penalty of 10 AS and 6 CS.) |
I'm not super set on most of the numbers here.
In the first iteration I didn't have the 1-per-second mana drain, but had each swing cost 3 mana minimum and disallowed casting bolts and offensive CS spells entirely. That one was aimed more at pures and semis due to the higher cost, but I wanted it to be a more plausibly useful ability for squares.
In another iteration, I had it as (Spell Aiming bonus/2) with an initial mana cost for the activation, because I wanted it to have a more immediate payoff for squares without being into Roblar levels of post-cap, and to maybe work a bit on some of the feelings that spellburst is anti-square and that warriors shouldn't have so much incentive to learn spells to improve AS post-cap. (I'm sure some would argue they shouldn't have incentive to learn Harness Power or Spell Aiming either, but personally I think it's less egregious than spell research... different strokes.)
Anyway, a lot of tweaking could be done, but you get the gist!
Re: Ascension
05/14/2020 12:45 PM CDT
Clear Memory | Can now see exactly how much field exp is in your pool. |
Premier Vigilante | When you receive a bounty asking you to kill less than 25 bandits, you can REQUEST that it be bumped up to 25. |
Up to the Challenge | Same as Premier Vigilante, but for creatures. |
Wheeling and Dealing | Doubles weekly cap of Trading bonus on non-self-generated loot. |
Re: Ascension
05/14/2020 02:23 PM CDT
>> Clear Memory
Ooohh, I like this!
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Ooohh, I like this!
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Re: Ascension
05/15/2020 11:17 AM CDT
Paladin 1625 armor bonding
Level 1: +1 wisdom bonus, sanctification
Level 2: +1 wisdom bonus
Level 3: +1 wisdom bonus, permanent and reactive guiding light flares
Level 4: +1 wisdom bonus
Level 5: +1 wisdom bonus, permanent Faith's Clarity effect
Level 1: +1 wisdom bonus, sanctification
Level 2: +1 wisdom bonus
Level 3: +1 wisdom bonus, permanent and reactive guiding light flares
Level 4: +1 wisdom bonus
Level 5: +1 wisdom bonus, permanent Faith's Clarity effect
Re: Ascension
05/18/2020 11:17 AM CDT
Some ideas, first one I shared on Discord, regarding Trading. Meant to be Elite/Legendary.
Here's a few I see fitting into the General Tier, as I consider them to be nonmechanical..
Thanks for reading!
Price Cuts | Increases the amount your Trading skill will reduce the prices from NPCs. |
Price Hikes | When selling items to NPCs, your Trading skill will give you more of a boost. |
Coin Toss | With this ability you can SET an amount of silvers to toss. Then throw them at enemies to do significant amounts of damage. I was thinking 10000 coins minimum, but I think encumbrance might be an issue. Maybe having the ability pull directly from a player's bank account to get around this? |
Mobile Shop | A trader of significant skill can set-up a mobile shop in designated locations, with limited slots (2-4) available in the shop. Lower Ascension ranks would only be predesigned items, such as drinks, items from local weapon stores. Max Rank would let you put your own items in the store. |
Mobile Shop (Expansion) | Required you first learn Mobile Shop. This ability simply lets you add more slots to the shop. |
Here's a few I see fitting into the General Tier, as I consider them to be nonmechanical..
Instruments as Weapons | Bard-specific skill, lets instruments be used as weapons, by looking at your weapon skills to pull AS numbers. (SET INSTRUMENT TO EDGED and it will pull data from your edged weapon skill) This causes musical vibrations cause damage to opponents in place of a physical weapon, which has no mechanical benefit, simply a different flavor, it can only be used as a Ranged Weapon if you have training in that combat style, same with Runestaves. |
Follower of <deity> | This is kind of two-fold. I'd like to see a way for non-cleric/paladins to get Deity based titles (of some sort), furthermore, I'd like to see some sort of way to have L'naere as an option, I know this isnt available through CONVERT, so maybe it can be made available through Ascension system? At least to get access to the titles? |
Thanks for reading!
Re: Ascension
05/19/2020 04:12 PM CDT
This sounds amazing and something that will definitely keep me playing, but please don't make this for cap characters only. I like the game better in the level 50 range and would love to have lateral development like this! Maybe make it available/optional to anyone over level 20 or 40?
Re: Ascension
05/19/2020 05:26 PM CDT
From the initial few posts, it sounds like it's going to be a side-system, wherein you can tell it how much you want to invest your field experience towards it, instead of towards actual experience, and that all levels should be able to divert at least a little bit from the get-go. :)
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Re: Ascension
05/25/2020 02:27 PM CDT
I really hope that the skills whatever they may be are not limited to class,race, and prof. Meaning anyone can train a skill so that we can really customize our characters. That doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be skills that affect class spells etc. I would love to see an a system where if your character might take an increase to locking picking even if your not a rogue.
I see the ascension system similar to the tree pathways popular in many other games, plenty of options and your not restricted into what you choose, if your a warrior and choose to decrease a cool down on Ressing people or increased healing then so be it
Re: Ascension
06/13/2020 08:45 AM CDT
For rogues with gambits: being able to loot critters/rooms and stow the loot automatically without being revealed from hiding (and no RT).
Re: Ascension
06/19/2020 12:47 AM CDT
Sooooo many things catch up on.. and a lot of great ideas. I really like the ideas that more/less creates the anti paladins ;-)
My suggestion since I'm under the impression that anything is possible:
1) Holier Than Thou - Paladins only.
Option A)
Basic: Gives the paladin access to Circles 1 to 13 of the Major Spiritual Circle
Elite: Allows up to level 26 of the Major Spiritual Circle
Legendary: Full Access to the Major Spiritual Circle
Option B)
I'm assuming that's possible. If not then...
Basic: 15 Spell Circle Knowledge does not count against you in regards to DFRedux
Elite: The above now goes up to 30 Spell Circles that don't count against you in DFRedux
Legendary: Access to the Major Spiritual Circle
Actually.. I think I like my option B Better
2) Divine Champion
Basic: Paladins now have the ability to "Guard" a single person that is grouped with them, much like how a warrior is able to. When the person is attacked, the paladin gets a chance to parry / block or take the damage instead of the person they are protecting
Elite: The paladin's armor now has +10 damage phantom padding
Legendary: The paladin is able to bond to an additional weapon OR their shield. The shield: Same rules as the weapon bond with the following exceptions: Instead of the Attack Strength bonus (CML) you'll instead get +2 Defense Strength per tier of the bond. Additionally, instead of a Spell being stored, the shield will instead give a TD defense bonus of 2 per tier.
3) Glutton for Punishment
Basic: While Divine Shield or Zealot is activated, all creatures in the room have a 25% chance to attack the paladin who's spell that is over the rest of the room.
Elite: Same as above.. except now it's 50%
Legendary: Beacon of Courage no longer is needed to be cast over when new creatures enter the room and is no longer just a simple warding spell. Instead it is now a "buff" that lasts for 10 minutes. While that buff is active, any creatures in the room and any creature that enters the same room as the paladin will have a warding check. If they fail the check, they will attack the paladin. In addition to this, they will also do their Combat Maneuvers, etc etc on the paladin.
Cleric Idea:
Clerical Blade - Clerics Only
Basic: The Cleric is able to swing their runestaff as if they had knowledge of Two Handed Weapon training. More/less their "runestaff training" = their Attack Strength if I'm making sense. (This is the only one I dont have a real good answer for.)
Elite: The cleric's armor now has +10 phantom damage padding
Legendary: The cleric has access to the Paladin Spell Circle
A) My Kingdom for a Horse!
Basic: The player is able to use their mount to immediately be able to teleport to the next town from where they currently are. They must do this from the current towns' gate They will arrive at the closest gate, mounted.
Elite: The player is able to go up to 2 towns away now as opposed to the normal 1.
Legendary: The player is able use their mount from their current location to ride/flee away the closet town so long as they are outside (ie: not indoors).
B) Call the Calvary
Basic: Players can now be mounted while they are in combat
Elite: Melee users can "Charge" 1 enemy in the room - a 2 second RT attack that also has a chance to knock down their foe if they hit them
Legendary: Stampede If grouped with other players that know Stampede, the group charges at all (regardless of the number) NPCs/Beasties, incurring 5 second of RT to the foes, and an attack on each opponent. If hit, they have a 50 percent chance to get knocked down. The group gets a 5 second RT.
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!
Re: Ascension
06/19/2020 03:50 AM CDT
Spirit Barrage | Activated ability that hits the enemy with a powerful SMRv2 attack at the cost of 1 spirit and 3 soft RT. Can be learned by any profession that's at least partly spiritual. Clerics and paladins have a bonus to the maneuver. |
Vicious Intent | When used in offensive stance, maneuver-based abilities and spells have one extra cycle but now have hard RT. You can still use the soft RT versions in other stances. (Not combat maneuvers, but abilities such as Condemn (309), Earthen Fury (917), Divine Incarnation - Smite (1650), Spike Thorn (616), and Spirit Barrage up above.) |
I wanted to dream up an equivalent elemental version where wizards would have a bonus while the non-elemental professions (clerics, empaths, monks, paladins, rangers) can't learn it at all, but no other resource is equivalent to spirit... Either way, the point was to have something with an intense cost in exchange for intense power. So something in that vein for wizards.
The second ability is because I like the channeling mechanic and wanted something like it for maneuvers. I don't think semis have anything they can channel, but I wanted it to work for 616 and Incarnate Smite, so I stuck it in ascension (as opposed to, say, thinking it should be an innate channeling ability).
Re: Ascension
06/19/2020 04:23 AM CDT
I wanted to dream up an equivalent elemental version where wizards would have a bonus while the non-elemental professions (clerics, empaths, monks, paladins, rangers) can't learn it at all, but no other resource is equivalent to spirit... Either way, the point was to have something with an intense cost in exchange for intense power. So something in that vein for wizards. |
Maybe using precious elemental essence for TONS OF DAMAGE or other utility instead of enchanting fits this bill?
I'd sign up for that.
-Sea Wizard
>A green-eyed white cat meows questioningly.
>A green-eyed white cat points at a spot just beyond your feet.
>A burst of flames erupts from the ground and soon a furious fire begins consuming anything combustible there.
Re: Ascension
07/11/2020 08:28 AM CDT
Is it possible rogues can get legendary skills that aren't tied to lockpicking? All rogues aren't lockpickers. Some of us want legendary combat abilities.
Re: Ascension
07/11/2020 08:54 AM CDT
>> Some of us want legendary combat abilities.
You mean "even more" legendary? I still am in awe of some rogues' abilities to deal punishment to those who've earned their displeasure.
You mean "even more" legendary? I still am in awe of some rogues' abilities to deal punishment to those who've earned their displeasure.
Re: Ascension
07/14/2020 04:19 PM CDT
May have already been mentioned. Give wizards the ability to discharge excess mana. Perhaps in the form of an AS boost or unique bolt attack. Excess mana being over the max amount. Currently that doesn't happen often, but then tie in with the ability for manna leach to draw in mana past the pool limit. Perhaps this has already been mentioned.
Overcharged | Allow Mana Leach(516) to draw in mana beyond normal abilities to be discharged in a powerful blast. (New Bolt?/+ASandCS?/+CW?/+Special Flare?/EmpoweredCoreTap?/Elemental EWave?) |
Re: Ascension
08/15/2020 02:23 PM CDT
Sorcerer ability -
A passive ability that is always on where each offensive spell cast by the Sorcerer has a chance of cutting through the armor of the target. for that one cast, it's as if target wasn't wear any armor at all (no benefits from CvA, padding, etc.). % chance of activating can start out low and increase with each additional rank trained.
Re: Ascension
08/19/2020 10:33 PM CDT
"You've Got A Friend In Me"
Legendary Acsension level
Grants access to ONE of the pet spells, whether it's 218, 630, 730, 920, or 1025.
Cost will be a base number of ATP plus a variable number depending on the level of the desired spell (so, 218 is cheaper than 920, 920 is cheaper than 1025, etc... 218 might be considerably cheaper than the other four, since it's a MjS spell, and not profession-specific).
Can only be taken ONCE, and once set, the chosen spell can only be changed with use of a Fixskills.
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Legendary Acsension level
Grants access to ONE of the pet spells, whether it's 218, 630, 730, 920, or 1025.
Cost will be a base number of ATP plus a variable number depending on the level of the desired spell (so, 218 is cheaper than 920, 920 is cheaper than 1025, etc... 218 might be considerably cheaper than the other four, since it's a MjS spell, and not profession-specific).
Can only be taken ONCE, and once set, the chosen spell can only be changed with use of a Fixskills.
~Cylnthia Kythnis Ardenai
~Paragon of Kuon
~Rose Guardian, House Sylvanfair
Re: Ascension
08/20/2020 02:27 AM CDT
A series of activated abilities mimicking group spells at half effectiveness to the base spell (no accounting for ranks or lores). I'd see them as lasting 15 minutes, usable X times per day where X is the number of ranks trained in the ability, and each character can only learn one.
And just something I randomly thought of:
Bard's Inspiration | Activated ability to gain +10 AS and have a chance to reroll various actions at a rate of half the likelihood of if you had Song of Luck active. Does not stack with Song of Luck or Kai's Triumph Song. |
Cleric's Inspiration | Activated ability to gain +3 AS, +5 DS, and +5 spiritual TD. Does not stack with Benediction or Warding Sphere. |
Monk's Inspiration | Activated ability to gain 10% stamina reduction. Does not stack with Mind Over Body. |
Paladin's Inspiration | Activated ability to gain +5% physical DF, -7 melee DS, and +15 melee AS. Does not stack with Arm of the Arkati, Guard the Meek, or Zealot. |
And just something I randomly thought of:
Zealot's Blessing | Paladin only. Armor Blessing used by this paladin now grants +CS and +CvA (so a drawback) in addition to its normal abilities. |
Re: Ascension
08/31/2020 10:57 AM CDT
Zealots blessing.. what an interesting concept. Give a character some casting strength at the cost of more magically permeable armor. It would have to be togglable, because I could see some rangers and bards riding the fence on it.
Re: Ascension
09/07/2020 08:33 PM CDT
Three comments/suggestions from a Sorcerer's perspective:
(1) Persistent Demon Summoner. I would not likely invest ASC points in this legendary skill. Refreshing the duration of a demon is easy. The Persistent Animator legendary ability, in comparison, sounds far more desirable. To make a demon ability have comparable attractiveness, I would suggest adding phantom demon summoning ranks, which would count only for determining a demon's capacity for purposes of spell 725. If each rank of Persistent Demon Summoner added 25 phantom demon summoning ranks for purposes of computing coin capacity and 150 phantom demon summoning ranks for purposes of computing mana capacity (that's 15 mana for most demons), then the increase in a demon's mana and coin capacity would make it a more worthwhile investment. Even with those improvements, I'm not sure how many Sorcerers would invest points in it.
(2) Sacrificer. A Sacrifice boost would be a nice addition to the legendary or elite list. Here is a suggestion. Each time a Sorcerer uses the Sacrifice ability, there is a 20% chance per rank of Sacrificer of receiving a message allowing a second use of Sacrifice during the cooldown period. At 5 ranks of Sacrificer, there would be a 100% chance of a second use during the cooldown period.
(3) Marksman. Let the Marksman elite ability increase the chance that a Channeled bolt spell will hit a vital area.
Re: Ascension
09/24/2020 09:10 PM CDT
Another idea:
Divine Vessel The cool down of 1650 is substancially less and maybe in addition the paladin gains 2x the normal "divine energy"
No idea for pre req. Maybe Lore of some sort
- Kobold in Disguise Falvicar, Blade of the Night
You swing a silver-edged black veil iron katana at Sevynne!
* Sevynne drops dead at your feet!
* Sevynne just bit the dust!