Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 03:11 PM CST
This is the post I was referencing in my previous:

> I'm not sure off hand if we're going for a literally 1:1 conversion between TM and combat pet skill. So I'm only comfortable saying "if it's Cyclic, it'll be on par. If it's not, it'll be about 2/3rds that." [Armifer]

the " " surrounding the on par scared me significantly. Any chance for clarification on it? Nevertheless, I'd still prefer #3 over either of the other 2.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 03:19 PM CST
There was a initial mis-communication between Armifer and myself which we have subsequently clarified.

The cyclic option will be about par (with some variance based on casting power) with your TM in offense.

It will also be very good at defense and protecting the Empath if necessary.

The non-cyclic option will be bad at offense.

Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 03:29 PM CST
>Finally, yes, the shock rewrite, which will allow Empaths to just shoot someone if they become aggravated enough, which forcing them to lose their abilities forever.

I'm hoping you meant "without" forcing them and this was a typo, right?

>The cyclic option will be about par (with some variance based on casting power) with your TM in offense.

Sign me up for cyclic, please!
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 03:58 PM CST
Am I understanding correctly that Heart Link will no longer benefit the Empath, just the patient? Just looking for a clarification.

- Illcram

Please rephrase that command.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 04:14 PM CST
<<You mean... like the myriad of healing spells at the top of the list? :P>>

<<And the magic barrier.>>
<<And the damage barrier.>>
<<And the vitality regen.>>
<<And the reactive poison/disease curing.>>
<<And the disabler.>>

Clearly I've failed to adequately communicate what I mean. Let me try again here...

All that stuff is great, and will certainly enhance one's survivability, but it doesn't have the "feel" of what I'm referring to. Those sorts of things are fine for keeping oneself from reaching the point of death, but I was more hoping for something that reacts in a life-saving way once you've actually gotten there. At this point I'm not even talking about saving my own life, but rather that of someone else.

Until I actually see the new combat system, I can still imagine a situation where someone I'm trying to keep alive suddenly gets clobbered so fast that there's no possible way I can save them...that should not be the case unless I'm particularly ill-prepared. Rather than go on about trying to explain it, though, I'll just throw out a couple suggestions.

1. A metaspell that causes Innocence to auto-cast when I enter the dying state.

2. Let Heart Link use my vitality to sustain someone through the dying state even if it doesn't pulse fast enough to pump some into them. If they're linked the only way they'll be losing vitality is getting hit anyway, and I'd like to be able to keep that from finishing them off

3. A spell to make vital area destruction knock someone (self included) into a dying state instead of outright killing them.

4. A one-shot attack nullifier (think Veil of Ice, but not just for magic) that only works if the target is in a vulnerable state (unconscious, etc.).

5. Assuming I understand the "you take less bodily damage if you get hit when you have high vitality" concept correctly, I'd like a spell that allows my vitality to contribute to someone else's damage resistance (damage is still applied solely to them though) if it's greater than their current vitality.

6. Maybe a blatant "as long as I'm alive, the person I cast this spell on can't be killed" spell. I should probably have to stay pretty close by for this one to remain active.

I apparently am sort of counting on the dying state coming into play much more often. And if it doesn't, I'd like to be able to force it to rather than having to stand there and watch someone die. At least then I theoretically get a chance to try and save them.

-Death's Nemesis Karthor
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 04:45 PM CST
<<Despawning is going away. Creatures who are successfully compelled will go away and will not come back, but they will still exist.>>

My concern with this is that it will make it exponentially more difficult to find a new target for Paralysis.

-Death's Nemesis Karthor
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 04:46 PM CST
Option #3, Cyclic. Thanks.


NMUs are not people. -GM Armifer
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 04:51 PM CST
I like the first choice for the guardian.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 05:09 PM CST
Interesting spell list there, thanks for posting it! I'm pleased overall with what's been listed and look forward to seeing them go live.

In response to the last part (the poll), from the brief overviews of the 3 options, I was only interested in #1:
>1) Esoteric utility. Offenses will be capped at a little under two thirds of the Empath's TM skill. Defensively, it will be capped at a bit better than the Empath's TM skill. The GS will be able to "taunt" enemies -- to keep them from attacking the Empath and force them to attack the GS instead. This will work better than the current "guard" mechanism does now.

I have never really used my GS for a defensive stance, preferring to rely on my own skills to survive rather than something less adept than I am that can be killed while I watch. I'm not too big on "meat shields", so #2 has no appeal to me and I would be unlikely to use it other than to goof around with the spell and torment my friends with scroll...:P.

And, I would need to see the spell in action of course, but making the spell a channeled spell seems problematic on a defense stance. I would assume that if the empath was stunned, they would drop the channel, so then anything that was on the avenger would come to attack the empath once the spell went down too. And while it makes sense that a damage spell would have a channel, if the avenger is only going to do a % of your TM skill in damage, why would you use the avenger and not a proper TM spell where you would use 100% of your skill?

Anyhow, looks good. I would say, don't drop Sprout but fix it! If the spell would make a permanent boost to herbs instead of temporary, it would certainly pull it's weight, at least in my spellbook...:)

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." - Mark Twain
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 05:12 PM CST
I had a question on how the new GS will use TM in its calculation. Will it use the base TM of the caster or can the GS be boosted up using CJs and links? If it can be boosted and the spell ends up be cyclic, is the GS's strength based on the initial cast of the the spell or on each "pulse/tick"?

In essence, if the CJ/links wear off, will the GS suddenly be weaker or will it stay the same strength as the initial cast?
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 05:14 PM CST
>My concern with this is that it will make it exponentially more difficult to find a new target for Paralysis.

I wouldn't worry overmuch about this. The TM calcs for Paralysis will probably be a lot less punitive in M3.0

Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 06:24 PM CST
#2 preventing engagement please. I'll rely on manipulate and my discipline to kill things.

Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 07:45 PM CST
Vote for #3
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 08:00 PM CST
>>#2 preventing engagement please. I'll rely on manipulate and my discipline to kill things.<<

If you've ever used manipulate to kill things, it's awful unless you're in a hunting area like elder deer where you manipulate the far superior deer and it then kills the inferior cougar. Hunting in single critter hunting areas like caracals, you've got one caracal that is exactly the same as the other, trying to kill each other. When that caracal turns to face the new threat, you now lose any benefit of training defenses.

I've never liked manipulate, and unless I'm way off, it's still going to be a painfully slow and inefficient way to kill things. Manipulate seems to be a non-combat empath's survival mechanism if they have to run into a hunting area to heal someone real quick and then run away again. Manipulate a few critters to keep them off you, and have your GS handle any overflow.


NMUs are not people. -GM Armifer
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 08:47 PM CST
>75th circle "fighter" with a 35th circle avenger

I must be reading the 3:2 ratio totally wrong. I thought a 3:2 ratio was as follows:

So a base of 100 TM ranks would give you (100/3)x2= 66.7 effective ranks for your avenger to use.

Anyhow, after reading through more of the posts, unless I am totally off on the 3:2 ration thing, I am more receptive to the 3rd avenger option but am still inclined to 'vote' for the first option. I have found it a luxury to be able to hunt at level with my avenger, however in the global scheme of things, I would expect my player skills, not my pet skills, to be able to make the pet useful at level. A reduced pet would still allow me the ability to go back and help with backtraining of gathering boxes, skins, etc.

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." - Mark Twain
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 09:18 PM CST
I just wanted to reiterate that the rest of the spell list is truly A+ work. It looks awesome.

I really am worried about any changes to Lethargy though. Please do not change that spell.

~ Purehand

>collect coin
You manage to collect a pile of coin.
Roundtime: 30 sec.

... Jackpot.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 09:46 PM CST
> I must be reading the 3:2 ratio totally wrong. I thought a 3:2 ratio was as follows:(base/3)x2 [KYTHRYN]

You are correct with that calculation. And while it would help with backtraining - I don't really ever backtrain except for now with TM. My response stems from the fact that I don't need a pet for backtraining. I use my GS as a helper for training at-level stealths and TM (as in, killing them so I have new ones), so for me, it defeats any use for having the GS at all.

And also, that 2:3 ratio won't be very noticeable in the first few hundred ranks. Once you get to a 100 rank gap in TM and avenger ability due to that ratio, it will be a much more noticeable affect.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/09/2011 09:49 PM CST
Oh - one more thing. My comment about "75th circle fighter with 35th circle avenger" was a reference to a previous post of mine. I had stated I'm currently on par in combats with a 75th circle hunter, but my current TM would make my avenger comparable to a 35th circle fighter, and that difference would make the avenger useless to me.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 04:10 AM CST
My question is in regard to the new spell "compel", as to its usage on players.

Will this be an automatic if the empath has it up, or is it going to have to be directly cast on the person?

IF area spell, will it trigger against a trader on the road when they are wandering by, preventing them from getting back to their caravan?

How will this work in Maze areas <i.e. black leucros, where you wander aimlessly til you find your way out... <well, I do ;-)>

IF it is something that has to be cast on a character...

what are the defenses? WvW? Does it provide consent if empath casts it on someone in a hunting area? Is it considered an aggressive act if empath casts it on a person?


You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath

Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 05:21 AM CST
I use manipulate quite extensively. Perhaps it's just because I'm still working my way up the ladder and in gargoyles but garg vs garg is a much quicker kill than avenger vs. garg. It was also better for rock trolls before I had my avenger. 47th circle, 24 charisma, 23 across in str, agi, reflex, 30 int, 27 wis, 33 disc, 33 stamina. The only real benefit I see from my avenger is being a flanker on a critter facing me. It seems that I get better hits in that situation than when I'm 1 on 4 with no flanker.

I may change my mind as I move up the ladder but manipulate works well up through the critter ladder that got me to gargs. It also sounds like manipulate will get better and more useful in the future.

Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 10:53 AM CST
<<Lethargy will be charm vs. fortitude>>

Are you sure? "The user is trying to lure or befuddle the target in a subtler attack, or instead awe the target through sheer presence" doesn't really sound like it describes Lethargy...I would have expected magic vs. fortitude. Or is the new version going to be less "smack them with glowing energy-things that sap their energy" and more "lull them into a drowzy state"? For what it's worth, I like the energy-things.

-Death's Nemesis Karthor
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 01:04 PM CST
Co-sign onto anything Karthor has to say about Lethargy.

~ Purehand

>collect coin
You manage to collect a pile of coin.
Roundtime: 30 sec.

... Jackpot.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 02:16 PM CST
>>doesn't really sound like it describes Lethargy...I would have expected magic vs. fortitude.

I don't think it fits particularly well in any of the contests, really. Considering its prereqs (and the fact that it currently angers undead), it does seem to involve Empathy in some way, which to my mind is more of a charm thing than a magic thing.

I don't think it's the red tendrils that do the work, they're just the manifestation of the hoo-doo to my mind. I don't have strong feelings about its placement really, but that doesn't mean it will change.

What reason do you have for wanting it to be a magic contest, other than the messaging?

[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 02:44 PM CST
>>Am I understanding correctly that Heart Link will no longer benefit the Empath, just the patient? Just looking for a clarification.

Yes, it will mostly only benefit the patient. The empath may be able to passively siphon off a little vitality from someone they have linked (oops, didn't meant to allude to the Necro spell) but all of the other stuff will be for the patient only.

Considering that we already have blood staunch and can just cure disease and poisons, it seemed better to keep it patient-only. Keep in mind, more stuff = more slots. We aren't discussing slot costs yet (per the original posts) but it was something we kept in mind when drafting the spells.

[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 03:25 PM CST
<<What reason do you have for wanting it to be a magic contest, other than the messaging?>>

Well I didn't think it fit particularly well into any of them either, so my brain just defaulted to "so it must be magic then" as the catch-all. I never imagined Lethargy being even loosely related to Empathy; I always figured the undead reaction was just because undead are supposed to be immune to fatigue altogether, so a spell to fatigue them would naturally not be expected to work right.

I don't have strong feelings on it either, it just surprised me is all.

-Death's Nemesis Karthor
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 04:11 PM CST
We're gonna get to completely re-choose our spells after the change right? I assume we will have too.

Just wanna make sure.

Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 04:26 PM CST
>We're gonna get to completely re-choose our spells after the change right?


Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Blunts for Sale:
Combat Balance Sheet:
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 04:39 PM CST
The 'hoodoo' manifestation of the visual can sometimes imply a magic contest but unless it's conjuring physical objects that do something (an ice patch, bees), it's usually linked to the caster's force of mind, spirit, or subtlety

Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 08:13 PM CST
How about different types of critters for the different options. The avenger is more offensive, the defender is more defensive, a guardian knight as another option. I would like to see a wide variety for guardian spirit, even for noncombat things.

Player of Frediwyn


Really Excited about the changes. Looking forward to play with new spells.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 08:17 PM CST
Speaking of... whats happening to all the fluff forms? Staying? Vanishing? Getting rolled into useful versions for Beckon the Fae?


Gay, geeky, and a little bit cheeky.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 08:24 PM CST
<<How about different types of critters for the different options. The avenger is more offensive, the defender is more defensive, a guardian knight as another option. I would like to see a wide variety for guardian spirit, even for noncombat things.

I forget if it was A. or Z., but one of them shot this down. The reason was that awhile back they had two paths they could take the guild: great pets or construct hunting.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 08:44 PM CST
>>Speaking of... whats happening to all the fluff forms? Staying? Vanishing? Getting rolled into useful versions for Beckon the Fae?

Staying but being functionally the same as the alfar avenger. This is one way that will make it easier for Empaths to differentiate their GS's, since they will all attack and have the same capabilities.

[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 09:36 PM CST
> Staying but being functionally the same as the alfar avenger. This is one way that will make it easier for Empaths to differentiate their GS's, since they will all attack and have the same capabilities.

This is kinda random, but any chance they can have a dedicated name to each empath? Like...Wigglesworth always will be my avenger sorta deal?
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 09:41 PM CST
>>This is kinda random, but any chance they can have a dedicated name to each empath? Like...Wigglesworth always will be my avenger sorta deal?

It's something I also thought would be entertaining, but at this point it's hard to say how feasible it would be.

[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 11:15 PM CST
Do we have any clarity on how the functional effects of lethargy will be changing?

~ Purehand

>collect coin
You manage to collect a pile of coin.
Roundtime: 30 sec.

... Jackpot.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 11:17 PM CST
>>Do we have any clarity on how the functional effects of lethargy will be changing?

[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/10/2011 11:24 PM CST
thanks, sorry for missing that

~ Purehand

>collect coin
You manage to collect a pile of coin.
Roundtime: 30 sec.

... Jackpot.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/11/2011 12:28 AM CST
>>In essence, if the CJ/links wear off, will the GS suddenly be weaker or will it stay the same strength as the initial cast?


[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face

P.S. - Yes, it will boost the avenger on the initial cast, and no, it won't cause the avenger to return to normal strength when the CJ wears off. Sorry, that was just my homage to Royce.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/12/2011 08:55 AM CST
I vote for option #3.

Magus Adakin of Prime
A continually player of Empaths in adjacent to his paladin career.

Your body already swells with the enhanced strength of a hero.
Re: Tentative Empath Magic 3.0 Spell List 02/13/2011 01:31 AM CST
Option 3


>touch zombie
You gingerly touch an unctuous Rakash zombie. In your professional opinion, it isn't only merely dead, it's really most sincerely dead!