Yes, it's time for that post. Please keep in mind that, as usual, any of this is still subject to change for any reason, up to and including, mechanical limitations, change in development direction, mass acts of bardic protest, acts of the divine, alcoholic Simucon bribes, or just good ol' fashion whimsy.
The following updates all current Bard mojo abilities (including Bluff, Practice, Whistle, and Scream). Omitted existing abilities are candidates for removal. Except where noted all abilities are driven by Bardic Lore, as they cross into the supernatural territory. Abilities list as "as now" will still be subject to bug fixes/balance tweaks and so forth.
The term "Mojo" is being phased out. In its place are "Presence" and "Inspiration" (terms subject to change). Inspiration is the Bard’s active power pool and will ebb and flow regularly. Presence is the Bard’s connection to society and controls how much Inspiration they can have and how quickly it recovers. Presence should change slowly and only improve through active effort.
Please note the abilities will be awarded at a given circle and may or may not involve quests, but are not intended to use a slot system.
1st: Beguile - Tier 1
Beguiles the target into doing as the Bard suggests. Tier 1 includes the following commands: Stop (Gives an RT), Stand/Kneel/Sit/Lie, Drop (causes them to drop what they’re holding. PvE protection to prevent item loss), Bow and Salute (RP options).
1st: Scream - Concussive
As now, though contesting Targeted Magic. Generally less devastating than now, but intended to be a much more frequent part of the Bard’s arsenal.
5th: Bluff - Dodge
* Please Note, this ability in particular is still subject to redesign or replacement due to redundancy concerns *
Allows the Bard to burn Inspiration in exchange for a improved chance to evade attacks.
10th: Practice - Steadying Breaths
Speeds recovery of Inspiration while providing a mild boost to Performance and Bardic Lore.
15th: Whistle - Taunting
Single target taunt.
20th: Lionize/Satirize - Confidence
The Bard inspires others to great feats or casts them down in shame, granting a short term (de)buff that fades quickly if the target strays far from the Bard. Increases/decreases the recovery rate of vitality, fatigue and spirit.
25th: Beguile - Tier 2
Tier 2 includes the following commands: Attack and Defend (Causes the target to skew towards defense or offense in their next action), Flee, Dance and Apologize (RP options).
30th: Scream - Defiance
As now. Stun removal, balance restoration, damage reduction.
35th: Whistle - Piercing
As now. AoE taunt plus RT.
40th: Bluff - Dead
As now.
45th: Scream - Havoc
As now, though contesting Debilitation.
50th: Lionize/Satirize - Skill
(De)buffs any one skill. May only be used on others, one skill at a time. Short duration and will fade if the target gets too far from the Bard. Fairly restrictive in bonus/penalty size.
75th: Beguile - Tier 3
Tier 3 includes the following commands: Release (causes the target to release any prepped spells and held mana), Assault (causes target to attack a friend), Guard (Target defends the Bard against the next attack), Tip (Causes the target, player only, to tip the Bard if they have coin available. Consent-wise is treated as theft and the target -- as well as the room -- is automatically aware of the action), Fetch (Causes the target, if a hand is free, to pick up an item and hand it to the Bard).
100th: Riposte
A melee weapon attack that combines a verbal feint with a physical attack into a single action. Only works against intelligent foes. May be restricted against use as a first strike (to stay true to the name), though this is undecided.
125th: Scream - Cacophony
AoE version of Scream - Concussive.
150th: Beguile - Tier 1 AoE
Allows the Tier 1 beguile abilities to be used in an AoE capacity.
RP Abilites:
The following are role playing abilities, and will either not teach any skills at all or to a very limited degree.
Voice Throw
No change beyond allowing both Bards and Thieves to learn all 10 abilities instead of only 5 each.
Recall History
As now, with the caveat of the ongoing Recall rewrite. Scholarship based, exception to the "teaches nothing/little" note above.
1st: Practice Assess
Allows the Bard to measure their current levels of Inspiration and Presence. This will have the much requested silent option.
1st: Bluff Amaze
Removal of mechanical benefits. Purely a fluff verb.
1st: Evoke
Replacement for Perc History. Bardic Lore based, exception to the "teaches nothing/little" note above.
5th: Slip
As now.
20th: Playact
As now.
30th: Whistle Signal
Similar to Signing, allows communication that can only be understood by other bards. Message travels one room away, is visible to everyone that it is being used (though not the content of the message) and is highly restricted in message length (though this restriction will ease with skill somewhat). Replaces the current system of key words.
40th: Advanced Playact
As now.
You are, of course, welcome and encouraged to provide feedback, though for everyone's sanity I request that you keep it contained to this folder (Prime forums, Bards --> Suggestions and Discussion - Enchantes and Special Abilities). Thank you.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/06/2011 04:33 PM CDT
Thank you SO MUCH for posting this list Raesh! Just want to start off by saying I cannot express how greatful I am for your work. I do have a couple of questions!
>>Beguile (Tiers I, II, III, I AOE), Whistle (Taunting, Piercing), Scream - Cacophony
Will these abilities work on player characters and creatures alike?
Not quite sure what this is supposed to do. Are you saying we shout out a command simultaneously as we attack, like HADOUKEN?
My only other questions are...
1) Did you do away with the idea of giving us a suite of special Bard-specific weapon feats or were those just not included in this list?
2) There were a hand full of other planned screams--Have those been scrapped, are they planned for the future or something else entirely?
Thank you again Raesh :)
>>Beguile (Tiers I, II, III, I AOE), Whistle (Taunting, Piercing), Scream - Cacophony
Will these abilities work on player characters and creatures alike?
Not quite sure what this is supposed to do. Are you saying we shout out a command simultaneously as we attack, like HADOUKEN?
My only other questions are...
1) Did you do away with the idea of giving us a suite of special Bard-specific weapon feats or were those just not included in this list?
2) There were a hand full of other planned screams--Have those been scrapped, are they planned for the future or something else entirely?
Thank you again Raesh :)
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/06/2011 04:48 PM CDT
Oh, also, Scream - Concussive:
Assuming we have equal ranks in Targeted Magic, Light Thrown and Long Bow, is there anything that will separate Scream Concussive apart in terms of usefulness from say, using throwing blades, or shooting capped basilisk arrows?
Mainly I'm trying to think of a reason why I would burn my Inspiration to use Scream Concussive when I could just get blade;throw UNLESS my Targeted Magic skill is just a buuunch more than my other weapon skills.
Assuming we have equal ranks in Targeted Magic, Light Thrown and Long Bow, is there anything that will separate Scream Concussive apart in terms of usefulness from say, using throwing blades, or shooting capped basilisk arrows?
Mainly I'm trying to think of a reason why I would burn my Inspiration to use Scream Concussive when I could just get blade;throw UNLESS my Targeted Magic skill is just a buuunch more than my other weapon skills.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/06/2011 06:22 PM CDT
>>1st: Beguile - Tier 1
Beguiles the target into doing as the Bard suggests. Tier 1 includes the following commands: Stop (Gives an RT), Stand/Kneel/Sit/Lie, Drop (causes them to drop what theyre holding. PvE protection to prevent item loss), Bow and Salute (RP options).
Please add ROLL to the RP options so Bards can ensure everyone engages in proper fire safety.
"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
Beguiles the target into doing as the Bard suggests. Tier 1 includes the following commands: Stop (Gives an RT), Stand/Kneel/Sit/Lie, Drop (causes them to drop what theyre holding. PvE protection to prevent item loss), Bow and Salute (RP options).
Please add ROLL to the RP options so Bards can ensure everyone engages in proper fire safety.
"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/06/2011 08:49 PM CDT
>>Will these abilities work on player characters and creatures alike?
Generally speaking abilities should both work on players and creatures, though there will be some exceptions or mechanical limitations since they aren't the same thing.
Quite honestly, this is a little more light hearted than the other abilities. I didn't want to push Bards into that direction (I'm of the view they have been pushed that way more than enough historically) but I don't mind a little touch of it.
Think Elan's Dashing Swordsman attacks.
Mechanically it'll be similar to performing a feint followed by an attack, but as one action.
>>1) Did you do away with the idea of giving us a suite of special Bard-specific weapon feats or were those just not included in this list?
See Riposte
>>2) There were a hand full of other planned screams--Have those been scrapped, are they planned for the future or something else entirely?
They have been unplanned. This list was comprehensive.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Generally speaking abilities should both work on players and creatures, though there will be some exceptions or mechanical limitations since they aren't the same thing.
Quite honestly, this is a little more light hearted than the other abilities. I didn't want to push Bards into that direction (I'm of the view they have been pushed that way more than enough historically) but I don't mind a little touch of it.
Think Elan's Dashing Swordsman attacks.
Mechanically it'll be similar to performing a feint followed by an attack, but as one action.
>>1) Did you do away with the idea of giving us a suite of special Bard-specific weapon feats or were those just not included in this list?
See Riposte
>>2) There were a hand full of other planned screams--Have those been scrapped, are they planned for the future or something else entirely?
They have been unplanned. This list was comprehensive.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/06/2011 08:53 PM CDT
>>Scream - Concussive:
No more than using weapon X over weapon Y over weapon Z over TM given roughly the same ranks.
Which is to say, it'll be different but not necessarily better. But also not necessarily worse.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
No more than using weapon X over weapon Y over weapon Z over TM given roughly the same ranks.
Which is to say, it'll be different but not necessarily better. But also not necessarily worse.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/06/2011 08:53 PM CDT
>>Please add ROLL to the RP options so Bards can ensure everyone engages in proper fire safety.
Well. There you go people, I believe you have a volunteer to act as a test dummy.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Well. There you go people, I believe you have a volunteer to act as a test dummy.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/06/2011 10:51 PM CDT
For "driven" by Bardic Lore does that mean only driven, or the primary driver is Bardic Lore but other factors, like Charisma, would potentially come into play?
>10th: Practice - Steadying Breaths
Speeds recovery of Inspiration while providing a mild boost to Performance and Bardic Lore.
I know the skills are all collapsing into Performance, but would this just have verbage clearly related to breathing or could it be a little or both stretching and breathing to signify the use of Performance for more than just breathing/vocals/winds.
>10th: Practice - Steadying Breaths
Speeds recovery of Inspiration while providing a mild boost to Performance and Bardic Lore.
I know the skills are all collapsing into Performance, but would this just have verbage clearly related to breathing or could it be a little or both stretching and breathing to signify the use of Performance for more than just breathing/vocals/winds.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/06/2011 11:15 PM CDT
>>Mechanically it'll be similar to performing a feint followed by an attack, but as one action.
So kind of like a fake out and then attack. Sounds awesome, especially if the 2nd attack can capitalize on the fact that the opponent has been faked out and is vulnerable!
>>Weapon Feats: See Riposte
What I got from that was, we're going the direction of less weapon feats and more beguiling/trickster-ing, but I could totally be mis-understanding that :P
Thank you for the responses Raesh!
So kind of like a fake out and then attack. Sounds awesome, especially if the 2nd attack can capitalize on the fact that the opponent has been faked out and is vulnerable!
>>Weapon Feats: See Riposte
What I got from that was, we're going the direction of less weapon feats and more beguiling/trickster-ing, but I could totally be mis-understanding that :P
Thank you for the responses Raesh!
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 12:21 AM CDT
>>For "driven" by Bardic Lore does that mean only driven
It will be the primary skill behind all of the abilities, however I reserve the right to incorporate other skills or stats as is fitting.
>>I know the skills are all collapsing into Performance, but would this just have verbage clearly related to breathing or could it be a little or both stretching and breathing to signify the use of Performance for more than just breathing/vocals/winds.
You're just talking about messages right? If so, we'll see. I don't know how much of the existing messaging will be retained yet.
>>So kind of like a fake out and then attack. Sounds awesome, especially if the 2nd attack can capitalize on the fact that the opponent has been faked out and is vulnerable!
That is, essentially, the entire point of the attack.
>>What I got from that was, we're going the direction of less weapon feats and more beguiling/trickster-ing
I'm sorry if I ever gave the impression that we were talking about getting lots of weapon feats. One specific attack is about on par with the other weapon secondary guilds (Smite, Barrage etc).
That said, I'm not sure I'd say we're pushing the beguiling/trickster side that much.
Mojo abilities generally have an aspect of a social element to them. The Beguile line of abilities represent more than just tricking someone, which I believe will be more clear when you have messaging, but they needed a single word to fall under (In earlier drafts it was "Charm" but there are a number of reasons, both thematically and technical, that inspired the change.). Thematically it would he closer to The Voice from Dune. The rest are mostly fixes or expansions on existing abilities, or, in the case of Lionize/Satirized, tie directly into the Bard's purpose. A Bard who cannot influence his audience is not much of a Bard at all.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
It will be the primary skill behind all of the abilities, however I reserve the right to incorporate other skills or stats as is fitting.
>>I know the skills are all collapsing into Performance, but would this just have verbage clearly related to breathing or could it be a little or both stretching and breathing to signify the use of Performance for more than just breathing/vocals/winds.
You're just talking about messages right? If so, we'll see. I don't know how much of the existing messaging will be retained yet.
>>So kind of like a fake out and then attack. Sounds awesome, especially if the 2nd attack can capitalize on the fact that the opponent has been faked out and is vulnerable!
That is, essentially, the entire point of the attack.
>>What I got from that was, we're going the direction of less weapon feats and more beguiling/trickster-ing
I'm sorry if I ever gave the impression that we were talking about getting lots of weapon feats. One specific attack is about on par with the other weapon secondary guilds (Smite, Barrage etc).
That said, I'm not sure I'd say we're pushing the beguiling/trickster side that much.
Mojo abilities generally have an aspect of a social element to them. The Beguile line of abilities represent more than just tricking someone, which I believe will be more clear when you have messaging, but they needed a single word to fall under (In earlier drafts it was "Charm" but there are a number of reasons, both thematically and technical, that inspired the change.). Thematically it would he closer to The Voice from Dune. The rest are mostly fixes or expansions on existing abilities, or, in the case of Lionize/Satirized, tie directly into the Bard's purpose. A Bard who cannot influence his audience is not much of a Bard at all.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 12:30 AM CDT
I love everything about that list. Cannot wait to try them all out! Again, huge THANKS!
When you say Bardic Lore would be the driving skill to most of those abilities, I'm wondering what would be the defending skill for when someone tries to resist being beguiled into lying down or bowing to you :P
P.S. I laugh(in a good way) every time I imagine some of these abilities.
When you say Bardic Lore would be the driving skill to most of those abilities, I'm wondering what would be the defending skill for when someone tries to resist being beguiled into lying down or bowing to you :P
P.S. I laugh(in a good way) every time I imagine some of these abilities.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 12:43 AM CDT
Once we get further into the actual code the contests will shake out, but in general they'll conform to the Magic 3.0 contests.
I don't have the forum link offhand, but thanks to those crazy people over at Elanthipedia I'll provide this for reference:
I'd take a solid gander at the "Charm" entry.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
I don't have the forum link offhand, but thanks to those crazy people over at Elanthipedia I'll provide this for reference:
I'd take a solid gander at the "Charm" entry.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 01:11 AM CDT
OMG! I haven't read it yet, but I'm stoked! Yay!
Now for some reading and then some posting...
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Now for some reading and then some posting...
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 01:36 AM CDT
1. loving the new beguiles. Especially the slip-esque ones like TIP and FETCH.
2. will the single target taunting whistle be stronger in some way than the AoE version? Or is it meant to be mostly redundant once both are known?
3. AoE damage scream?! Huzzah!
4. I love the change to signal whistles. Now it has some practicality to it.
5. Is the CHA buff of the now defunct AMAZE moving elsewhere? Perhaps Muse's Inspiration?
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
2. will the single target taunting whistle be stronger in some way than the AoE version? Or is it meant to be mostly redundant once both are known?
3. AoE damage scream?! Huzzah!
4. I love the change to signal whistles. Now it has some practicality to it.
5. Is the CHA buff of the now defunct AMAZE moving elsewhere? Perhaps Muse's Inspiration?
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 01:39 AM CDT
6. Thanks for implementing my EXTOL/HARANGUE suggestion in the form of LIONIZE/SATIRIZE! Those are wonderful.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 01:44 AM CDT
I'd like to suggest that all of the Beguile abilities be shared for both Bards and Traders, much like how Voice Throw and Slip are shared for Bards and Thieves, because most of those abilities really would make more sense for Traders to have than Bards to be honest.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 01:45 AM CDT
/raise eye
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 01:52 AM CDT
<<slip are shared for Bards and Thieves
I'm not sure whether to laugh or beat a dead horse.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
I'm not sure whether to laugh or beat a dead horse.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 02:22 AM CDT
Oh, the other bluffs not mentioned... are they sticking around? BLUFF <story>, DISTRACT, <self>, and any that I missed.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 02:28 AM CDT
I'm sorry Apu, I hope we can still be friends :(
For what it's worth I hope you guys(Traders) get some really cool stuff. I hear Socharis has something awesome planned for ya'll.
I think I'm gonna go have dreams of these abilities tonight now :)
For what it's worth I hope you guys(Traders) get some really cool stuff. I hear Socharis has something awesome planned for ya'll.
I think I'm gonna go have dreams of these abilities tonight now :)
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 04:47 AM CDT
>>1. loving the new beguiles. Especially the slip-esque ones like TIP and FETCH.
It wasn't actually intentional in design, but I am pleased how some of these fill the niche of Bards traditionally being kinda thief-esque while at the same time wanting to respect the fact that in DR Bards are survival tert.
>>2. will the single target taunting whistle be stronger in some way than the AoE version? Or is it meant to be mostly redundant once both are known?
No and no. Presumably once you have both there are times you might want to taunt everything, and times you might want to taunt a specific thing.
>>5. Is the CHA buff of the now defunct AMAZE moving elsewhere? Perhaps Muse's Inspiration?
A CHA buff (and self buffing in general) is more something magic should be doing as opposed to this ability suite. At this time I am unaware of a planned spell to do this, however that is the most likely direction we'd go in the future. As an aside, I have some vague plans for Muse's Inspiration, but nothing even close to concrete.
As a Lore GM Traders do fall under my area, however they are not my current focus, nor do I agree that the beguile abilities, as written, are more fitting for them than Bards. I currently have other projects on my plate and other GMs are in the midst of giving them love. /end derail.
That said, I should point out that on the Beguile abilities I may have slightly misrepresented their thematic intent. They are, quite literally, imposing your will on another to do something they might not otherwise do. It's a very focused and supernatural extension of charisma, trickery really doesn't enter into it. The Bard gives a simple command or suggestion, and the subject finds themselves obeying without really giving it any thought, and may not have any real clue afterwards why they did that.
>>Oh, the other bluffs not mentioned... are they sticking around? BLUFF <story>, DISTRACT, <self>, and any that I missed.
The ones that are pure fluff (Such as story), sure. Distract, however, will not.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
It wasn't actually intentional in design, but I am pleased how some of these fill the niche of Bards traditionally being kinda thief-esque while at the same time wanting to respect the fact that in DR Bards are survival tert.
>>2. will the single target taunting whistle be stronger in some way than the AoE version? Or is it meant to be mostly redundant once both are known?
No and no. Presumably once you have both there are times you might want to taunt everything, and times you might want to taunt a specific thing.
>>5. Is the CHA buff of the now defunct AMAZE moving elsewhere? Perhaps Muse's Inspiration?
A CHA buff (and self buffing in general) is more something magic should be doing as opposed to this ability suite. At this time I am unaware of a planned spell to do this, however that is the most likely direction we'd go in the future. As an aside, I have some vague plans for Muse's Inspiration, but nothing even close to concrete.
As a Lore GM Traders do fall under my area, however they are not my current focus, nor do I agree that the beguile abilities, as written, are more fitting for them than Bards. I currently have other projects on my plate and other GMs are in the midst of giving them love. /end derail.
That said, I should point out that on the Beguile abilities I may have slightly misrepresented their thematic intent. They are, quite literally, imposing your will on another to do something they might not otherwise do. It's a very focused and supernatural extension of charisma, trickery really doesn't enter into it. The Bard gives a simple command or suggestion, and the subject finds themselves obeying without really giving it any thought, and may not have any real clue afterwards why they did that.
>>Oh, the other bluffs not mentioned... are they sticking around? BLUFF <story>, DISTRACT, <self>, and any that I missed.
The ones that are pure fluff (Such as story), sure. Distract, however, will not.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 06:41 AM CDT
>> I'd like to suggest that all of the Beguile abilities be shared for both Bards and Traders
I'd like to suggest you reroll if you would like to enjoy them.
I'd like to suggest you reroll if you would like to enjoy them.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 07:27 AM CDT
>>Think Elan's Dashing Swordsman attacks.
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Seriously, this is one of the most enjoyable things I've read about our guild in a long time (even subject to changes). I like the thought and diversity in activities this range of abilities would give a bard -- if 75% of it comes to fruition I will be very happy.
Player of Ryken
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." ~ Doug Larson
AIM - RykenDR
You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
Seriously, this is one of the most enjoyable things I've read about our guild in a long time (even subject to changes). I like the thought and diversity in activities this range of abilities would give a bard -- if 75% of it comes to fruition I will be very happy.
Player of Ryken
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." ~ Doug Larson
AIM - RykenDR
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 07:43 AM CDT
agreed. there are a wide range of abilities to look forward to, allowing for the diversity that seems inherent in "barddom".
You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath
You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 08:15 AM CDT
>You're just talking about messages right? If so, we'll see. I don't know how much of the existing messaging will be retained yet.
Just talking about messaging. In the scheme of things it's really, really, really minor and not something I care that much about, I'd just think it's odd to have messaging related to breathing before I start playing on my lute.
>I'm sorry if I ever gave the impression that we were talking about getting lots of weapon feats. One specific attack is about on par with the other weapon secondary guilds (Smite, Barrage etc).
What about our blade throwing ability? I don't know if it counts as a weapon feat or not, I'm just curious if it's still around.
Just talking about messaging. In the scheme of things it's really, really, really minor and not something I care that much about, I'd just think it's odd to have messaging related to breathing before I start playing on my lute.
>I'm sorry if I ever gave the impression that we were talking about getting lots of weapon feats. One specific attack is about on par with the other weapon secondary guilds (Smite, Barrage etc).
What about our blade throwing ability? I don't know if it counts as a weapon feat or not, I'm just curious if it's still around.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 08:23 AM CDT
>That said, I should point out that on the Beguile abilities I may have slightly misrepresented their thematic intent. They are, quite literally, imposing your will on another to do something they might not otherwise do. It's a very focused and supernatural extension of charisma, trickery really doesn't enter into it. The Bard gives a simple command or suggestion, and the subject finds themselves obeying without really giving it any thought, and may not have any real clue afterwards why they did that.
If "Presence" wasn't already taken for Mojo, would that be a good word for the ability? I can see how it's not really about tricking someone based on your statement that Charm was also considered. I'd throw out "Glamour" too, in the old sense of the word.
I really appreciate the hard work you're putting into all of this to properly balance the Guild's abilities. I know lots of us think of ourselves as jack of all trades, sneaky types, etc., but you're right in that we're still survival tert. And I know we all want weapons feats, but as weapons secondary we can't really exceed the baseline for everyone else. I really appreciate the work put into better defining us as a lore primary Guild.
If "Presence" wasn't already taken for Mojo, would that be a good word for the ability? I can see how it's not really about tricking someone based on your statement that Charm was also considered. I'd throw out "Glamour" too, in the old sense of the word.
I really appreciate the hard work you're putting into all of this to properly balance the Guild's abilities. I know lots of us think of ourselves as jack of all trades, sneaky types, etc., but you're right in that we're still survival tert. And I know we all want weapons feats, but as weapons secondary we can't really exceed the baseline for everyone else. I really appreciate the work put into better defining us as a lore primary Guild.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 08:51 AM CDT
>>Riposte as Elan's Dashing Swordsman Attacks
In case people aren't familiar...
In case people aren't familiar...
Feinting Flair (Ex): Dashing swordsmen are adept at using witty banter to distract and discourage opponents. While feinting, a dashing swordsman may make a flair check with a bonus equal to his dashing swordsman level plus his charisma bonus. The Dashing swordsmen may add half of his base ranks in Perform (act) to the roll. If his flair check surpasses his target's AC, the swordsman may add his Charisma bonus in addition to his Strength bonus to the damage he deals on that attack, this only works when the Dashing Swordsman is using a rapier. |
Dashing swordsmen may only make a number of flair checks per day equal to their charisma score. |
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 09:44 AM CDT
Great ideas. Beguile sounds fun. I really like the Lionize/Satirize concepts. Whistling being useful and usable will be nice.
"How appropriate, you fight like a cow!"
Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay
Faerie tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Faerie tales tell children that dragons can be killed.
- G.K. Chesterton
"How appropriate, you fight like a cow!"
Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay
Faerie tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Faerie tales tell children that dragons can be killed.
- G.K. Chesterton
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 10:03 AM CDT
Taunt - What are these abilities supposed to do? Like, if I taunt a PC, will they be forced to attack me and only me?
Bluff Dodge - Will this be an ability that you activate and it slowly burns Inspiration, and then you have to turn it off for it to stop draining it?
>>Riposte: May be restricted against use as a first strike (to stay true to the name), though this is undecided.
Are you just saying that Riposte cannot be used as a first strike attack because we would have nothing to mock? If so that makes a lot of sense :)
Bluff Dodge - Will this be an ability that you activate and it slowly burns Inspiration, and then you have to turn it off for it to stop draining it?
>>Riposte: May be restricted against use as a first strike (to stay true to the name), though this is undecided.
Are you just saying that Riposte cannot be used as a first strike attack because we would have nothing to mock? If so that makes a lot of sense :)
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 11:06 AM CDT
Taunt does what piercing whistle does now. Briefly grabs the targets attention. The first one will just be single target instead of AoE.
I don't think either will be able to be used on players. I.e. the status quo.
Re: riposte
Yup, cannot be a first strike is what that means. I'd be okay with that, since its only one ability and not our whole repertoire limited by first strike mechs.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
I don't think either will be able to be used on players. I.e. the status quo.
Re: riposte
Yup, cannot be a first strike is what that means. I'd be okay with that, since its only one ability and not our whole repertoire limited by first strike mechs.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 11:15 AM CDT
>>I'd just think it's odd to have messaging related to breathing before I start playing on my lute.
Not really, if you focus on breathing exercises as something that calms you.
>>If "Presence" wasn't already taken for Mojo, would that be a good word for the ability? I can see how it's not really about tricking someone based on your statement that Charm was also considered. I'd throw out "Glamour" too, in the old sense of the word.
Keep in mind it needs to be a verb. At this point it'd take a fairly strong argument to convince me to change it. I feel the word is fairly accurate in describing what's going on and more importantly it parses nicely. Which is to say "Beguile" is good because you can "Beg Leilond to Tip" and have it work, whereas if we went with "Charm" you'd have to type out "Charm" every time, since otherwise you end up trying to Charge, which is a particularly unfortunate result.
>>What about our blade throwing ability?
I have no plans to change this.
>>In case people aren't familiar...
Congratulations, I think you found the most boring way possible to explain that.
I would have gone with, on, this:
Taunt is mostly a PvE ability. Most likely the PvP ramifications will be minor.
>>Bluff Dodge
More or less, my intention wasn't for the ability to change much, though it would drain with each attack made against you. That said this is the most likely ability to be revised since it is somewhat redundant with Harmony.
>>Are you just saying that Riposte cannot be used as a first strike attack because we would have nothing to mock? If so that makes a lot of sense :)
Yes. It's a riposte. By definition it doesn't make much sense as a first strike, but I may not end up limiting it with this restriction.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Not really, if you focus on breathing exercises as something that calms you.
>>If "Presence" wasn't already taken for Mojo, would that be a good word for the ability? I can see how it's not really about tricking someone based on your statement that Charm was also considered. I'd throw out "Glamour" too, in the old sense of the word.
Keep in mind it needs to be a verb. At this point it'd take a fairly strong argument to convince me to change it. I feel the word is fairly accurate in describing what's going on and more importantly it parses nicely. Which is to say "Beguile" is good because you can "Beg Leilond to Tip" and have it work, whereas if we went with "Charm" you'd have to type out "Charm" every time, since otherwise you end up trying to Charge, which is a particularly unfortunate result.
>>What about our blade throwing ability?
I have no plans to change this.
>>In case people aren't familiar...
Congratulations, I think you found the most boring way possible to explain that.
I would have gone with, on, this:
Taunt is mostly a PvE ability. Most likely the PvP ramifications will be minor.
>>Bluff Dodge
More or less, my intention wasn't for the ability to change much, though it would drain with each attack made against you. That said this is the most likely ability to be revised since it is somewhat redundant with Harmony.
>>Are you just saying that Riposte cannot be used as a first strike attack because we would have nothing to mock? If so that makes a lot of sense :)
Yes. It's a riposte. By definition it doesn't make much sense as a first strike, but I may not end up limiting it with this restriction.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 11:41 AM CDT
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 02:22 PM CDT
I have to say nice list. Looks like bards will have some interesting abilities on top of their new magic.
I was wondering if the Beguile Tip will work like stealing and lock the bard open when they use it on a player since it is using theft consent? Not trying to QQ any or hate on the ability. I actually think it's really cool, but can see it being abused in some cases, and was really just curious how the whole consent, and PvP profile was going to work out.
I was wondering if the Beguile Tip will work like stealing and lock the bard open when they use it on a player since it is using theft consent? Not trying to QQ any or hate on the ability. I actually think it's really cool, but can see it being abused in some cases, and was really just curious how the whole consent, and PvP profile was going to work out.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 02:28 PM CDT
I think thats a given, since it says it will be treated the same as stealing with respect to consent and PvP.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 05:41 PM CDT
>>it will be treated the same as stealing with respect to consent and PvP.
Correct. Forcing someone to tip you, consent wise, will be treated as theft. You'll be popped to an Open profile, and everyone is going to clearly know what you did. There is simply no way the ability would ever happen otherwise.
I suppose it's worth pointing out that any of the Beguile abilities could potentially grant consent, just like many other actions. That whole forcing people to do things against their will might not work out so well for you if you don't pick your targets carefully...
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Correct. Forcing someone to tip you, consent wise, will be treated as theft. You'll be popped to an Open profile, and everyone is going to clearly know what you did. There is simply no way the ability would ever happen otherwise.
I suppose it's worth pointing out that any of the Beguile abilities could potentially grant consent, just like many other actions. That whole forcing people to do things against their will might not work out so well for you if you don't pick your targets carefully...
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 05:56 PM CDT
Did you know all those digits of pi, or did you look them up?
Elemental Lord Opieus, Expert Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Elemental Lord Opieus, Expert Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 06:43 PM CDT
Fantastic job on the new abilities! If even just a few of the new ones made it out, I'd be happy, but the variety of clever ideas there is thoroughly win. Thanks mucho, Raesh.
-Broichan Leshyahen
-Broichan Leshyahen
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 08:30 PM CDT
Use of any Beguile or Scream ability plus Whistle-Piercing in a justice zone will be a crime I assume?
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 08:35 PM CDT
>>Use of any Beguile or Scream ability plus Whistle-Piercing in a justice zone will be a crime I assume?
Not necessarily, no.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Not necessarily, no.
"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279
05/07/2011 11:55 PM CDT
No moreso than Halting, chanting PYRE quietly, firing an arrow, berserking, casting lightning bolt, speculate coin, etc.
The only one I can see causing a disturbance of the peace warrant is the AoE scream, similar to chanting PYRE loudly, casting Frostbite, etc. I.e. indiscriminant harmful AoEs.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
The only one I can see causing a disturbance of the peace warrant is the AoE scream, similar to chanting PYRE loudly, casting Frostbite, etc. I.e. indiscriminant harmful AoEs.
The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.