Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 08:52 AM CDT
Hrm... Is Riposte the 100th circle ability, or just an ability we happen to get at 100th circle?


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 08:56 AM CDT
For the sake of argument, yes, yes it is the 100th circle ability.

For what it's worth, I think that was the slot I waffled over the most before eventually deciding it just wasn't THAT special, particularly since there's an ability at 125th and 150th. I must have had a half dozen or more abilities slotted for 100th at some point (some of which made the final cut, some of which did not). I'm also of the opinion that putting too much weight on "100th circle abilities" isn't particularly mindful of current development trends.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 09:12 AM CDT
Well, thats... anticlimactic.


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 09:40 AM CDT
I wouldn't count Riposte out yet. It almost sounds like a standing Backstab, with the following differences:

Backstab: Successful Stealth Check + Invulnerable(In hidden. Excludes AOEs) > Critical Strike
Riposte: Successful Bluff/Feint Check + Vulnerable(In the open) > Critical Strike

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 09:58 AM CDT
I think it's a pretty decent 100th ability, especially compared to the current one it's replacing.

Player of Ryken
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." ~ Doug Larson

AIM - RykenDR
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 10:16 AM CDT
>>Well, thats... anticlimactic.

Out of pure curiosity is your disappointment due to a perceived lack of a "100th level worthy ability" in the line up in general, or specifically the placement of Riposte at 100th?


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 05:07 PM CDT
Riposte looks cool, but I hope the messaging doesn't only draw from Elan's style. Cyrano's ripostes would probably be more sophisticated than simple puns, for example.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 09:05 PM CDT
>>Cyrano's ripostes would probably be more sophisticated than simple puns, for example.

Perhaps, but there are things to be said about the Threepwood style of swordfighting, as well.

Killing you softly with his song,
- Stormsinger Shavay

Faerie tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Faerie tales tell children that dragons can be killed.
- G.K. Chesterton
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 09:08 PM CDT
At the bare minimum it will have a toggle to alteration between horrid one liners and a generic message about making a quip.

Depending on my time/motivation/inspiration/player suggestions (NOT YET!) the toggle may have multiple tones you can take on.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 09:21 PM CDT
>>Depending on my time/motivation/inspiration/player suggestions (NOT YET!) the toggle may have multiple tones you can take on.

That would be SO cool. Thanks!

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 10:31 PM CDT
<<Raesh re: anticlimactic

Its the years and years of discussion back and forth about what it should or shouldn't be... only to culminate in "oh yeah, we don't really do capital C, capital A,100th circle abilities anymore, but if you want to think of it that way go ahead."

I like the ability. But it doesn't have the quality of a '100th Circle Ability' in my mind. Its not awesome enough or unique enough to make that cut.


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 11:03 PM CDT
<<riposte is bard backstab

I think its more like an instantaneous Crystal Spike that executes feint/damage instead of damage/damage. I doubt we're getting anything remotely resembling the strength of a backstab.


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 11:14 PM CDT
>>...Crystal Spike that executes feint/damage instead of damage/damage.

Not sure what that means, but the reason why I suggested it was akin to a backstab is because...

>>So kind of like a fake out and then attack. Sounds awesome, especially if the 2nd attack can capitalize on the fact that the opponent has been faked out and is vulnerable!
That is, essentially, the entire point of the attack. - Raesh

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/08/2011 11:27 PM CDT

The description is almost identical. Basically the spell attacks twice. The second is always damaging, but the first is randomly a feint or a damaging attack, although more mana skews it to damage.

Riposte sounds almost identical except for always having a feint, and not having a delay.


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 12:09 AM CDT
> Riposte sounds almost identical except for always having a feint, and not having a delay.

But those are very vague descriptions of how they'll work. A shot from a staff sling and Partial Displacement can both be described as "ranged attack that cannot be parried", but that ignores a great many differences in implementation between the two.

"An attack combined with a feint that makes the foe vulnerable" could be implemented identically to Crystal Spike, it could be identical to Backstab, or it could be its own thing. So what we know is mostly just the flavor of the ability.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 12:14 AM CDT
Okay, I'll let you go on wishfully thinking.

Just remember the 'Pyre is not Fire Rain?!' fiasco when it had TM damage added. :p


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 08:15 AM CDT
>>Just remember the 'Pyre is not Fire Rain?!' fiasco when it had TM damage added.

That's a very good point actually. I will quell my hopes in hopes that I may be pleasantly surprised.

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 11:43 AM CDT
<<Assault (causes target to attack a friend), >>

If this one works on PCs, please remember to make it automatically fail against an Empath (unless perhaps said Empath is already completely insensitive, post Shock rewrite).

-Death's Nemesis Karthor
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 02:38 PM CDT
Orrr... perma-consent? My empath is sitting with about 600 TM that I'd look forward to ravaging a sleepy foe with. Of course she can barely dodge a rat but lord knows she'll be a little alfar titan come 3.0.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 02:50 PM CDT
I doubt there is such a thing as perma-consent. The fact that the Bard is mind controlling you to begin with is probably consent in and of itself, regardless of you attacking anyone. Besides, shock is being rewritten to be much less severe than it is now.

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 02:59 PM CDT
>I doubt there is such a thing as perma-consent.

While you are probably technically right, I was under the impression that if you were grave-robbed that you had "perma-consent" on the party or parties that took your things until you got them back or compensated for the items taken. I'm sure that this is not hard set, and a GM could step in and settle the situation if it came to it, but I think that's there for the people who want to hide behind the Guarded or Closed setting while taking other's stuff.

While this is not really related to what he was talking about, there are examples or where they do that sort of thing.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 03:36 PM CDT
Comments from an outsider:

1. <<1st: Beguile - Tier 1 Beguiles the target into doing as the Bard suggests. Tier 1 includes the following commands: Stop (Gives an RT)>>

RT disablers are pretty potent in that there is really nothing you can do to break the RT. My concern/caution would be that (i) it doesn't allow stacking (i.e. no rt-lock) and (ii) there is a mechanism to "break out" of the RT by way of ability/skill (if the particular opponent possesses such special ability, etcetera).

2. <<1st: Scream - Concussive As now, though contesting Targeted Magic.>>

So this contest is Bard TM vs. Opponent TM? Or, is it TM vs. "normal defenses" (i.e. evasion/shield)? My very self-serving sentiment is that three guilds just started training TM in the not too distant past. May not be a reasonable consideration, but wanted to raise the point.

3. <<35th: Whistle - Piercing As now. AoE taunt plus RT.>>

See RT concern above. To my knowledge, there is no way to break out of a RT. RT stuff seems OP to me personally.

4. <<75th: Beguile - Tier 3

What is the contest for Beguile? I am not a big fan of forcing characters to do the things you listed even if it results in an open setting. Because of the severity of the potential action (i.e. attack someone, defend someone..give money), I would like to the think the contest is very much skewed to the opponent.

I think there are some really cool things in the list. My two overall thoughts are:

1. Stacking RT's are not fun.

2. Things that make people do things against their will should be defended with the advantage to the opponent.

Just my observations. I am not a bard, never played a bard so take my observations for what you will. Good luck in your development!

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 03:47 PM CDT
>>Bard TM vs. Opponent TM? Or, is it TM vs. "normal defenses"

Pretty sure it's Bard TM vs Opponent Defenses. Right now the contest is Bard Vocals vs Opponent Defenses which is what they are changing.

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 03:58 PM CDT
>>RT disablers are pretty potent in that there is really nothing you can do to break the RT

As much as I feel that the RT thing was picked to avoid any of the innate penalties of other "no more moving" (stun/immobilization/web), I definitely would want to see it as an immobilization just because there are skills to break out of it, as opposed to a RT thing which has no real exit strategy once successful.

"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 04:27 PM CDT
<<Besides, shock is being rewritten to be much less severe than it is now.>>

Even with that in mind and with only speculation to go by, I rather doubt that "inflict a stun that'll probably end up being longer than that allowed by disablers while also applying an Empathy debuff that may be larger than that allowed by global caps and lasts for probably not less than a couple of hours" is a valid effect for an ability to produce. Sure, it's not as bad as the "inflict a five minute stun and make the game largely unplayable for up to two years worth of logged in time" that we'd end up with in the current system, but it's still not okay. There's also no reason to believe that Shock will be rewritten before Stuff 3.0 is released.

-Death's Nemesis Karthor
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 04:32 PM CDT
Duration really is the main problem to look at with abilities in my opinion. I don't think it is limited to RT.

No negative effects should last for more than 10-15 seconds MAX, and that should only be a maximum tier success when you're outclassing the other person by 20+ total stat points. Additional inflictions should only add the difference in duration on top. That should apply to RT, immobilizers, stuns, and most of all the Hypnotize spell >:(

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 04:46 PM CDT
It wouldn't shock me if the "forced attack" thing was more along the lines of "if you try to attack, you'll attack this person" as opposed to "you're automatically forced to enter combat in the first place"

So if you try to throw a punch, you'll end up swinging at Bob, but if you don't swing a punch, it's all good.

"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 04:48 PM CDT
>>No negative effects should last for more than 10-15 seconds MAX, and that should only be a maximum tier success when you're outclassing the other person by 20+ total stat points. Additional inflictions should only add the difference in duration on top. That should apply to RT, immobilizers, stuns, and most of all the Hypnotize spell >:(

I only disagree because I've been using PV and I feel like I only get three or four melee attacks off at BEST before having to cast it again, and god forbid I forget I wasn't in the proper parry/dodge position for my combo before casting the spell...

"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 05:03 PM CDT
All of my comments are PvP related. I don't really care about PvC (or whatever we call normal creature combat) powerful stuff. RT-lock those dillos until your heart is content.

By the by, that unconscious thing you bards do has a crazy long time period to it.

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 05:15 PM CDT
>>...that unconscious thing you bards do has a crazy long time period to it.

It's not a single cast. It's continually recast on you every 10-15 seconds, for as long as we maintain the enchante. If we stop playing the song, you wake up fairly quickly.

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 06:19 PM CDT
>>Even with that in mind and with only speculation to go by, I rather doubt that "inflict a stun that'll probably end up being longer than that allowed by disablers while also applying an Empathy debuff that may be larger than that allowed by global caps and lasts for probably not less than a couple of hours" is a valid effect for an ability to produce.

I agree, and I would actually argue that it wouldn't cause shock for the Empath at all. If an Empath holds a weapon and I pick up their hand and move their hand so the sword slices a goblin they're not the ones held responsible and shouldn't be given shock IMO. Same principle applies to mind control.

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 06:35 PM CDT
Transfer shock to bard as a shortterm "Death's Sting" ouchie.

Player of Ryken
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." ~ Doug Larson

AIM - RykenDR
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 06:36 PM CDT
Especially when it's a non-subtle mind control that the controlled can instantly recognize. Ooh, can we cause spirally mind control eyes?
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 08:05 PM CDT
<<If we stop playing the song, or you resist a pulse, you wake up fairly quickly.

Added for completeness.


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/09/2011 09:45 PM CDT
<<It's not a single cast. It's continually recast on you every 10-15 seconds, for as long as we maintain the enchante. If we stop playing the song, you wake up fairly quickly.

Figured that was the case. Falls into the X-lock in my book. Once again, just setting forth my observations about overall things I would like to see change in general. Nothing personal on the bard list at all. I am equally opposed to halt-lock, stun-lock and so forth. I have a bit more sympathy for "states" that can be broken (i.e. everyone seems to have a way to break a stun in some fashion) whereas not a fan of things that nothing can be done (i.e. RT and unconscious).

Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/10/2011 02:12 AM CDT
... And now this discussion has a new home. Or is living it's new home. Or something.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/10/2011 02:24 AM CDT
>>RT disablers are pretty potent in that there is really nothing you can do to break the RT.

To my understanding game wide disabler stacking will be changing with Combat 3.0, though I will hurt anyone who quotes me on that since I am not directly involved in those decisions/projects at this time.

Either way, please trust me -- these abilities will be fairly contested and they will have cool downs and they are based on a limited pool of power.

You're not going to have a 1st circle Bard holding anyone in RT, let alone someone way above them.

>>So this contest is Bard TM vs. Opponent TM?

No. It's just an attack that uses TM instead of Vocals on the offensive side.

>>3. <<35th: Whistle - Piercing As now. AoE taunt plus RT.>>

>>See RT concern above.

See above. Also this ability already exists in a very similar form (Complete with RT and taunt), and I've heard no complaints about it's power level.

>>What is the contest for Beguile? I am not a big fan of forcing characters to do the things you listed even if it results in an open setting.

I touched on this earlier in the thread, they will certainly be contested -- though the final contest is not set in stone, the "charm" mechanic for magic 3.0 should give you a good idea where it'll be going.

That said, lots of things that can happen to your character that you do not like. These events can provide character growth. Or an excuse for glorious glorious vengeance.


Not sure what my solution to this will be here, but, not -- I don't see forcing empaths to get shock as being a desirable result. I'll consult with Melete to make sure we have a viable solution here.

>>It wouldn't shock me if the "forced attack" thing was more along the lines of "if you try to attack, you'll attack this person" as opposed to "you're automatically forced to enter combat in the first place"

All of the beguiles are an impulse thing. The Bard says a brief command, and the target either resists, or acts quickly on it before they have time to properly process why they are going on with the Bard's request. There is no long term hypnotizing or charming going on here.

I haven't decided the exact mechanic for this ability, but it's not going to cause you to engage someone and then slug them in the face. You'd need to already be in close proximity, or perhaps holding a loaded weapon. Conceptually the ability is designed for a situation where the Bard is facing two already hostile targets to cause one to strike the other, though I'm sure clever players will find ways to get into all sorts of trouble with it.

>>Ooh, can we cause spirally mind control eyes?



"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/10/2011 03:07 AM CDT
Four pages of goodness all over again. Woot!


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/10/2011 03:12 AM CDT
>>Four pages of goodness all over again. Woot!

You need to view more posts per page, clearly.


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 05/10/2011 03:16 AM CDT
Welcome to mobile.

Countdown to new laptop is 4 days, assuming they didn't pull the backorder date out of a hat.


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.