Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 09:14 AM CDT
Warstomp, improved whirlwind, the perks of path selection, warpaint was admitted by kodius to be horribly broken 3+ years ago. And these are just all the issues from the guild actually being released, 3.5 years ago. That isn't counting the dev that has been proposed out of necessity and still hanging in limbo. Order of priority was given numerous times ("Ok guys, going to finish up shaping then I will get on combat fixes and barbarian development"). Seems the same thing over and over. Lore and general coding take the priority while we are swept under the rug, because not enough barbarian players are vocal about the shortcomings, and our dev has 'more important' things to do.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 09:58 AM CDT
>>IIRC that the mastery reduces either/both RT and the balance that is lost?
No. Improved forms of whirlwind with potential melee pushback/increased damage.
>>heh, to be fair, it's a pretty silly idea.
I mean, that's one opinion. Many tribal peoples consider their warpaint to be empowering or even mystical. It filled a nice niche for barbs, has been around for a very very long time, and hasn't been slated to be removed. Don't simply pass off something broken because you think it is "silly".
>>FWIW, Barbs aren't the only non-finished guild, or guild that still needs work...
There is another guild, aside from Traders (but seriously, who cares about Traders?), that still isn't fully released as a version 3.0 guild? Enlighten me, please. Necros will always need work, as well. There is a lot to do for them, and they are the latecomers to the party. The development people seek with them (Lich form, Risen) are pretty revolutionary mechanics for DR and theyre always going to be a guild "in progress". Hardmode.
>>This may be getting too off topic
Absolutely. The scale of cashgrab dev versus event developments alone seems rather skewed. But, another topic for another forum.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:13 AM CDT
>I mean, that's one opinion. Many tribal peoples consider their warpaint to be empowering or even mystical. It filled a nice niche for barbs, has been around for a very very long time, and hasn't been slated to be removed. Don't simply pass off something broken because you think it is "silly".
Lets put aside RL implications and validity of tribal paint, which may or may not apply, at all, to this situation.
Warpaint as it stands, is a neat system that lets Barbs cosmetically add a thing to their LOOK description. I'm all for that, though not sure why it's really unique to Barbs. The buffing to some things is what I think is silly. Generally, I would like to see guilds get away from buffing or abilities not on the core system, and EXTRA SUPERDUPER get away from those abilities that are available only via items that are rarely available and often stashed behind pay to attend fests.
>There is another guild, aside from Traders (but seriously, who cares about Traders?), that still isn't fully released as a version 3.0 guild?
Well, Necro's don't have Risen or Lichdom/Transcendence/Redemption, Paladins don't even have a guild skill, Bards and Rangers have a guild skill that does nothing (or basically nothing)... A lot of guilds need a lot of dev, and Barbs are actually not in the least complete shape, I'd say. There are a lot of things that have been on the table for longer than Barbs 3ish years of waiting fixes regarding damage outputs. Frankly, if Barbs got an additional damage output and a tweak to IF cost/gen, I think they'd be in phenomenal shape, and that strikes me as WAY less required dev than what some other guilds are staring down.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:32 AM CDT
The only guild behind barbs in straight pve damage gen is traders. Even empaths can outperform pve damage generation, considerably. If that is not really a problem that ranks up there near the top with you, it is just a matter of different personal priorities, I guess.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:37 AM CDT
>>The buffing to some things is what I think is silly. Generally, I would like to see guilds get away from buffing or abilities not on the core system, and EXTRA SUPERDUPER get away from those abilities that are available only via items that are rarely available and often stashed behind pay to attend fests.
There are tons of abilities not on the 'core system'. That is what makes guilds unique and not a generic MU or NMU mess with a different text flavor of the same abilities. Look at Paladins, for example. Glyphing can block TM and aimed weapon targetting and improve perception. Protect is well... amazing. Aside from the obvious uses, protect self removing (5 I think?) applications of CC, web, etc is incredible.
I, personally, am absolutely for a little unique guild flavor to ensure we have more differences than skillsets.
There are tons of abilities not on the 'core system'. That is what makes guilds unique and not a generic MU or NMU mess with a different text flavor of the same abilities. Look at Paladins, for example. Glyphing can block TM and aimed weapon targetting and improve perception. Protect is well... amazing. Aside from the obvious uses, protect self removing (5 I think?) applications of CC, web, etc is incredible.
I, personally, am absolutely for a little unique guild flavor to ensure we have more differences than skillsets.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:52 AM CDT
>The only guild behind barbs in straight pve damage gen is traders. Even empaths can outperform pve damage generation, considerably. If that is not really a problem that ranks up there near the top with you, it is just a matter of different personal priorities, I guess.
I disagree with you, but I think arguing the point is sort of moot. Barbs need additional damage output options, period, but I don't think magic or weapon terts are really crushing it end game for having that option. I know, for example, my Necromancer isn't bringing a sword to any fight of merit, and training weapons is just for the TDPs on him.
>There are tons of abilities not on the 'core system'. That is what makes guilds unique and not a generic MU or NMU mess with a different text flavor of the same abilities. Look at Paladins, for example. Glyphing can block TM and aimed weapon targetting and improve perception. Protect is well... amazing. Aside from the obvious uses, protect self removing (5 I think?) applications of CC, web, etc is incredible. I, personally, am absolutely for a little unique guild flavor to ensure we have more differences than skillsets.
There aren't 'tons', there are 'a handful remaining that need to be updated'. A 'little unique guild flavor' is fine. Abilities completely off the core system that break down any semblance of offense checks are not.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:56 AM CDT
> The only guild behind barbs in straight pve damage gen is traders.
I keep hearing this argument, but it's "behind" in rank for rank, not hour for hour. You're also leaving out that barbs are moving to high value creatures far quicker than other guilds (save rangers). They don't wait for tertiary defenses, have higher weapon stats (buffed or not), and they can dual load for decent single target damage.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:56 AM CDT
> Even empaths can outperform pve damage generation, considerably. If that is not really a problem that ranks up there near the top with you, it is just a matter of different personal priorities, I guess.
Separate post because I'm curious about this for selfish means. How can an empath out pace a barbarian in terms of damage output?
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 11:02 AM CDT
>Look at Paladins, for example
>Protect is well... amazing.
You're pointing to legacy systems are off core because of their age. If Glyphs and Protects were written today they'd follow the rules of core magic and be balanced and contested correctly. A lot of Protect's 'amazing'ness is that it's broken.
>Protect is well... amazing.
You're pointing to legacy systems are off core because of their age. If Glyphs and Protects were written today they'd follow the rules of core magic and be balanced and contested correctly. A lot of Protect's 'amazing'ness is that it's broken.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 11:09 AM CDT
>>Separate post because I'm curious about this for selfish means. How can an empath out pace a barbarian in terms of damage output?
They have two available means of "pets".
They have two available means of "pets".
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 11:14 AM CDT
>>They have two available means of "pets".
Yes. Manipulate 2. Guardian spirit. Absolution allows attacking and TM use on undead, as well as shock locking yourself allowing it on everything.
And, we're not talking hour for hour. A barbarian cannot hit the magic or lore ranks other guilds can in equal time either. And to be fair, crafting can be a pretty nice source of income, between workorders and item sales. Hour for hour skill gain in specific skillsets is not the point. The point is, two characters in different guilds with comparable ranks are nowhere near equally effective.
I could spend 10 hours a day crafting on a barbarian and 2 hours a day hunting (you know who you are). Hour for hour is just not a reasonable argument, or a means of quantifying comparison. Way too many factors involved (number of skills trained, efficientcy of training, priority of mental vs physical stats, use of RPAs).
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 11:24 AM CDT
>>Separate post because I'm curious about this for selfish means. How can an empath out pace a barbarian in terms of damage output?
Manipulated creatures are not that effective.
Guardian spirit is, when your TM greatly outclasses your opponent, and it's still not as effective as a ranged weapon - let alone a dual-loaded bow in our primary skillset.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 11:29 AM CDT
> I could spend 10 hours a day crafting on a barbarian and 2 hours a day hunting (you know who you are). Hour for hour is just not a reasonable argument, or a means of quantifying comparison.
Except that you're ignoring the amount of time it took you to get there, and you're ignoring the value of incidentals like maps, trader sold pouches, and scrolls. Selling to other players also requires you to be master crafting most gear with rare metals, which will take you a long, long time to accomplish.
> Way too many factors involved (number of skills trained, efficientcy of training, priority of mental vs physical stats, use of RPAs).
That's true, but at the end of the day it all boils down to skillsets. If we're talking about combat, barbarians and rangers climb the ladder the fastest, get to the high reward creatures the quickest, and kill single target at a very reasonable clip. AOE classes climb much more slowly (about 50%) , and while they kill more low level mobs after some hours of training, each mob is worth less. Crafting is something you can do on a F2P bard more quickly than you could your barbarian or with minimal investment. You can double up this way, and you won't see the treasure penalties you see in combat for F2P.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 11:29 AM CDT
>>Guardian spirit is, when your TM greatly outclasses your opponent,
Very untrue. All the way up through wyverns I have had great result with GS, now even moreso that the cost has been scaled down, and cyclic cost in general retuned.
>>and it's still not as effective as a ranged weapon
As a set and forget ability, much like manipulate, it doesn't have to be. You can actively pursue alternative means of damage production while they go to work.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 11:37 AM CDT
>>Except that you're ignoring the amount of time it took you to get there, and you're ignoring the value of incidentals like maps, trader sold pouches, and scrolls. Selling to other players also requires you to be master crafting most gear with rare metals, which will take you a long, long time to accomplish.
None of this has anything to do with comparable damage at comparable ranks. That is my point.
Your argument here that the perk of being a barbarian is climbing the ranks faster, and that should be offset by producing less total damage at equal combat ranks than other guilds? That makes the perk of being a barbarian no longer a perk.
> AOE classes climb much more slowly (about 50%)
What? This is completely untrue. War Mages and such do NOT climb the critter ladder or advance 50% slower than a barbarian. As barbarian is armor and survival secondary, and a war mage is tert, it has been noted the disparity in skillset learning already in other threads. With all things moving equally, people were reporting secondaries moving at around 87-88% the rate of primaries, and terts at a rate of around 66% of primaries. So say in 100 ranks gained in primaries, that would be 87.5 in secondaries and 66 in terts. Taking the secondary defenses and comparing them to tert rates nets an 11.5 rank gap between the two, or around 13%. On top of that, magic users have a higher motivation to max on wisdom intelligence and discipline to benefit their primary skillset, which double dips in learning.
Making up statistics benefits noone.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 11:56 AM CDT
> Very untrue. All the way up through wyverns I have had great result with GS, now even moreso that the cost has been scaled down, and cyclic cost in general retuned.
I don't want to derail this conversation, so can you create a tips and tricks post in the empath forums? If I'm doing it wrong then I'd love someone to point me towards the right direction.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 12:30 PM CDT
Why does no one seem to love whirlwind? It's... AoE? And it does lots of damage, with low RT? And it trains to the point where it probably needs to be downtweaked?
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 01:24 PM CDT
Lots of sidetracks -
>They have two available means of "pets".
Empaths can rock Absolution, and thus cast TM + normal weapons (as a tert, but still) + GS + Manipulate. That's pretty respectable, but again, you're talking about a tert skill as an output (much like Rangers and Paladins with TM, or Necros and Moonies with their weapons). This notion that Empaths are outperforming Barbs is pretty eye roll worthy, and I say that as someone who adores my Empath.
>Why does no one seem to love whirlwind? It's... AoE? And it does lots of damage, with low RT? And it trains to the point where it probably needs to be downtweaked?
Whirlwind is great, fine, and badass. The problem is it's RT, which means you can't ALSO use a weapon while you're whirlwinding, compared to TM AoE, which can be targeted WHILE you keep swinging away, or even worse, Cyclic TM, which can be set, while you target a non-cyclic, AND also use a weapon.
>I don't want to derail this conversation, so can you create a tips and tricks post in the empath forums? If I'm doing it wrong then I'd love someone to point me towards the right direction.
I'll poke you about this, I'm not sure what you're doing, but Empaths are pretty effective in combat.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 01:42 PM CDT
>>Empaths can rock Absolution, and thus cast TM + normal weapons (as a tert, but still) + GS + Manipulate. That's pretty respectable, but again, you're talking about a tert skill as an output
Tert skill as an output, on top of TM and 3 pets. If there are 2 people with an empath and barb at really comparable positions, I would be really interested to see the DPS output of both. I think you would be surprised, even with just the 3 pets, at the overall damage put out.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 02:27 PM CDT
>> Whirlwind is great, fine, and badass. The problem is it's RT, which means you can't ALSO use a weapon while you're whirlwinding, compared to TM AoE, which can be targeted WHILE you keep swinging away, or even worse, Cyclic TM, which can be set, while you target a non-cyclic, AND also use a weapon.
Good points. I tend to run out of spawn in most hunting areas with WW, but I can see the point.
Good points. I tend to run out of spawn in most hunting areas with WW, but I can see the point.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 02:39 PM CDT
>> Whirlwind is great, fine, and badass. The problem is it's RT,
Well, damage is lacking, comparatively speaking. Even with Strength buffed over 100 I see around 3-4/22 at most whirling with a max weight haralun greatsword at level. Plus, repeated whirling without taking precautions in between will quickly compound the balance and defensive penalty issues to a dangerous place. No other AoE in game that I am aware of shares that penalty, and it is also limited by range. It is really comparing apples to oranges, when talking AoE in general. I appreciate having it. It is great for training, yes. Not overwhelmingly effective pure dps production compared to other options.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::SECOND NUDGE::
07/29/2016 03:16 PM CDT
What the heck is going on in here?
Barbarian Folder, anything not specific to the Barbarian Guild does not belong in this discussion.
Constructive feedback about the Barbarian Guild with suggestions to change things to your liking, are always welcome.
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Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 04:07 PM CDT
>being able to cast a few more debil/tm spells at you before running low on mana
Which tanks our IF pool with Serenity up. That's my point and you just made it.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Which tanks our IF pool with Serenity up. That's my point and you just made it.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::SECOND NUDGE::
07/29/2016 04:11 PM CDT
So, with the rising number of these conversations being had, could we please hear from Kodius on the matter?
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 04:14 PM CDT
>>Being able to cast more TM and debilitation spells per unit mana is a pretty big deal.
This is something a lot of people aren't considering. Wards were balanced around mana cost per power production, for us. With those spells being equally as powerful at 1/2 the cost and difficulty, our wards have just become a much cheaper, easier thing to break. I have witnessed as much happen on multiple occasions since 3.2 has released.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 04:21 PM CDT
>This is something a lot of people aren't considering. Wards were balanced around mana cost per power production, for us. With those spells being equally as powerful at 1/2 the cost and difficulty, our wards have just become a much cheaper, easier thing to break. I have witnessed as much happen on multiple occasions since 3.2 has released.
>Setting aside Serenity.
^Not this. You can't "set aside Serenity. It is our primary magic resistance ability, that and Swan (not Swam, my bad). All other barb counter magic abilities are deduction in damage only. So, we are set in a place where MU can tank our IF even faster if we have Serenity up, all our debils are on the same timer, but we can buff stuff to 20%...just like everyone else. Woo hoo! The guild is in great shape!
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
>Setting aside Serenity.
^Not this. You can't "set aside Serenity. It is our primary magic resistance ability, that and Swan (not Swam, my bad). All other barb counter magic abilities are deduction in damage only. So, we are set in a place where MU can tank our IF even faster if we have Serenity up, all our debils are on the same timer, but we can buff stuff to 20%...just like everyone else. Woo hoo! The guild is in great shape!
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 04:25 PM CDT
If you had read the rest of my statement rather than jumping the gun you would see that I acknowledged that. And with how Regen works now, people are more likely to run out attunement than before if they spam spells. Before, Regen was as much as 5% a pulse if you tanked mana and as little as 1% if you were just below full. Now it's a flat 2.5% across the board. No more blowing your mana to take advantage of twice the Regen anymore.
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Elanthipedia -
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Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 04:35 PM CDT
>>Now it's a flat 2.5% across the board. No more blowing your mana to take advantage of twice the Regen anymore.
still, if it took 4-5 100 mana spells to break everything down (which can drop all out buffs), and now it takes 4-5 50 mana spells, the mana situation is definitely not twice as bad as it was, overall.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 04:36 PM CDT
>If you had read the rest of my statement rather than jumping the gun you would see that I acknowledged that.
I did read the rest of your statement and though you "acknowledged that" you didn't pay it proper focus. I'll leave this be for now but I reserve the right, once again, to say "I told you so." (To the masses not you specifically) From what I've see so far It's not a big deal for MU to regen and keep smapping just over min prep spells which Swan doesn't stop but affect Serenity and tank our IF. We shall see.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
I did read the rest of your statement and though you "acknowledged that" you didn't pay it proper focus. I'll leave this be for now but I reserve the right, once again, to say "I told you so." (To the masses not you specifically) From what I've see so far It's not a big deal for MU to regen and keep smapping just over min prep spells which Swan doesn't stop but affect Serenity and tank our IF. We shall see.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 06:09 PM CDT
>You most certainly can when you're discussing entire systems and not 1 ability vs. entire systems.
Except again, the complaint was that barbs don't have sufficient anti-magic, and then Serenity and Swan were ignored.
>Well, damage is lacking, comparatively speaking. Even with Strength buffed over 100 I see around 3-4/22 at most whirling with a max weight haralun greatsword at level
With all seriousness, I don't know what you're doing if that's what you're seeing. I routinely see -
Tensing your body and reaching deep within yourself, you feel the fire build until you are almost ablaze with energy. It courses into your arms and legs as you begin to spin until you are a blur of whirling destruction.
Your broadsword lands a hard hit (5/23) to a zombie stomper's right leg!
Your morning star lands a hard hit (5/23) to a zombie stomper's left arm!
Mind you, that was dual wielding, so, that represents pretty solid damage, and was only against a single opponent. Do you roar before whirling? Are you balanced? In a good position? Furthermore, thinking back on the AoE TM that report hits on the same damage model as weapons (or putatively the same), like PYRE, I don't really ever see more than light/hard hits.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 06:21 PM CDT
Forget it.
I'm not arguing with you people either. Barbarian abilities are OP and need to be nerfed. I don't know what you want me to say.
I'm not arguing with you people either. Barbarian abilities are OP and need to be nerfed. I don't know what you want me to say.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:02 PM CDT
Kuniyo knows I love you Badgopher. Maybe you are up for a night of running the realms with me and showing all those non-believers how OP whirlwind is. Heck, I can get 7/23 dual welding on four apes. It's just like what MU can do with AOE spells...oh, it's not? Well color me embarrassed!
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:04 PM CDT
LOL do not run a test on boarclan zombies expecting the way you hit those to be normal across the critter board. Those things are notoriously easy to kill and hit HARD. Let's see you do those kinds of whirlwinds repeatedly on critters with armor and block/parry.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:16 PM CDT
>Squanto saying stuff...
I have to agree with Squanto. This is a whirl that was from adeptly balanced and in good/better/strong position to my 3 opponents.
381 staves, 581 melee mastery, 50 agility, dragon form up. Is it good for just learning? Yes, but for actual damage, it's pretty weak when you compare it to AoE TM.
And I keep my "heavy" nightstick in my main hand, and the light balanced one in my offhand.
* Awkwardly, a warklin mauler rears back and slashes its impaler at you. You beat off some of the impaler with a kertig nightstick.
[You're adeptly balanced and in good position.]
* As if fumbling muscle flab were natural, a warklin mauler rears back and slashes its impaler at you. You fend off most of the impaler with a kertig nightstick.
[You're adeptly balanced and in better position.]
* Awkwardly, an armored warklin snaps its mandibles at you. You repulse some of the mandibles with a kertig nightstick.
[You're adeptly balanced and in strong position.]
> whirl
Attempting to draw your enemies close, you feint back and then spin forward, your nightstick swinging out at everything within reach.
A warklin mauler deftly sidesteps your nightstick.
Your errant nightstick results in nothing more than a soft thud against a warklin mauler's chitinous armor.
Your errant nightstick results in nothing more than a soft thud against an armored warklin's chitinous shell.
Your nightstick lands a light hit to an armored warklin's chest!
Your nightstick lands a light hit to a warklin mauler's left hand!
Your nightstick lands a light hit to a warklin mauler's right arm!
[You're adeptly balanced]
Roundtime: 6 sec.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:20 PM CDT
You swing your concussive baton with wild abandon, weaving it through the air in a flurry of blows that are nearly impossible to count. You channel the momentum with surreal skill and grace.
Your concussive baton lands a good strike to a juvenile desert armadillo's right eye!
Your spiked ball and chain lands a solid hit to a juvenile desert armadillo's right arm!
A juvenile desert armadillo deftly sidesteps your concussive baton.
Your spiked ball and chain lands a solid hit to a juvenile desert armadillo's neck!
Your concussive baton lands a good strike to a juvenile desert armadillo's head!
The desert armadillo is stunned!
Your spiked ball and chain lands a hard hit to a juvenile desert armadillo's left leg!
A juvenile desert armadillo falls over and, after a couple of spasms, is still.
Your concussive baton lands a good strike to a juvenile desert armadillo's right arm!
Your spiked ball and chain lands a good strike to a juvenile desert armadillo's right hand!
[You're solidly balanced]
Roundtime: 4 sec.
This is what I normally see. I stopped combat and the whirlwind killed the armadillo I had been beating on already. The concussive baton has a good ability to stun so that's a nice bonus but not due to whirlwind. I'm glad we have it but it is lackluster and needs to have Monkey running to not throw you completely off balance. It's a party trick more than a useful experience generator, inner fire restorer, or death dealer.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Your concussive baton lands a good strike to a juvenile desert armadillo's right eye!
Your spiked ball and chain lands a solid hit to a juvenile desert armadillo's right arm!
A juvenile desert armadillo deftly sidesteps your concussive baton.
Your spiked ball and chain lands a solid hit to a juvenile desert armadillo's neck!
Your concussive baton lands a good strike to a juvenile desert armadillo's head!
The desert armadillo is stunned!
Your spiked ball and chain lands a hard hit to a juvenile desert armadillo's left leg!
A juvenile desert armadillo falls over and, after a couple of spasms, is still.
Your concussive baton lands a good strike to a juvenile desert armadillo's right arm!
Your spiked ball and chain lands a good strike to a juvenile desert armadillo's right hand!
[You're solidly balanced]
Roundtime: 4 sec.
This is what I normally see. I stopped combat and the whirlwind killed the armadillo I had been beating on already. The concussive baton has a good ability to stun so that's a nice bonus but not due to whirlwind. I'm glad we have it but it is lackluster and needs to have Monkey running to not throw you completely off balance. It's a party trick more than a useful experience generator, inner fire restorer, or death dealer.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:22 PM CDT
Protip: put your more amazing weapon in your offhand. Enjoy.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:29 PM CDT
Protip: I did ;-)
A spiked steel ball and chain is a heavy blunt melee-ranged weapon.
A spiked steel ball and chain trains the large blunt skill.
You are certain that it could do:
fair puncture damage
no slice damage
extreme impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
The spiked ball and chain is extremely well designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the ball and chain is poorly balanced and is well suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the spiked ball and chain is somewhat unsound against damage, and is in pristine condition.
The spiked ball and chain is made with metal.
You are certain that the spiked ball and chain weighs exactly 69 stones.
You are certain that the spiked ball and chain is worth exactly 65529 Lirums.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
A spiked steel ball and chain is a heavy blunt melee-ranged weapon.
A spiked steel ball and chain trains the large blunt skill.
You are certain that it could do:
fair puncture damage
no slice damage
extreme impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
no electric damage
The spiked ball and chain is extremely well designed for improving the force of your attacks.
You are certain that the ball and chain is poorly balanced and is well suited to gaining extra attack power from your strength.
You are certain that the spiked ball and chain is somewhat unsound against damage, and is in pristine condition.
The spiked ball and chain is made with metal.
You are certain that the spiked ball and chain weighs exactly 69 stones.
You are certain that the spiked ball and chain is worth exactly 65529 Lirums.
Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!
Barbarian Guild Suggestions
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:37 PM CDT
A blazing flame-like droplet lands a strong (7/23) hit to a hulking Xala'shar magus's right leg!
A blazing flame-like droplet lands a heavy (8/23) strike to a hulking Xala'shar magus's chest!
The Xala'shar magus is lightly stunned!
A blazing flame-like droplet lands a powerful (11/23) strike to a hulking Xala'shar magus's back!
A blazing flame-like droplet lands a massive (12/23) strike to a hulking Xala'shar thrall's abdomen!
The Xala'shar thrall is dealt a vicious stun!
A blazing flame-like droplet lands an earth-shaking (15/23) strike to a hulking Xala'shar thrall's abdomen!
A hulking Xala'shar thrall crumples to the ground with a tearful wail of agony and begins fruitlessly tugging at its blood-stained robes before growing still with a sputtering cry.
A blazing flame-like droplet lands a very heavy (9/23) hit to a hulking Xala'shar thrall's chest!
The Xala'shar thrall is stunned!
A blazing flame-like droplet lands an awesome (13/23) strike to a hulking Xala'shar thrall's abdomen!
One of the blazing flame-like droplets impacts harmlessly with a hulking Xala'shar thrall's scarred arm.
A hulking Xala'shar thrall crumples to the ground with a tearful wail of agony and begins fruitlessly tugging at its blood-stained robes before growing still with a sputtering cry.
A blazing flame-like droplet lands a strong (7/23) hit to a hulking Xala'shar thrall's back!
The Xala'shar thrall is stunned!
A blazing flame-like droplet lands a hard (6/23) hit to a hulking Xala'shar thrall's chest!
A blazing flame-like droplet lands a hard (6/23) hit to a hulking Xala'shar thrall's right arm!
Set it and forget it cyclic with TM slightly low for hunting Xalas. You can see by the stuns they're not debil'd with thunderclap or anything. Cannot stun what is stunned.
How's the 4 mob restricted, unbalancing, roundtime rocking whirl look now? lol. Have plenty of that to paste. All 6-15/23.
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/29/2016 10:43 PM CDT
That was more of a public service protip!! Also, heavier, harder hitting weapon for the whirls IMO.
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
"Brace yourselves, Squanto is going to bleh blah fart fart bleh.." -the player of the character formerly known as Pureblade
Re: So... that magic 3.2. ::NUDGE::
07/30/2016 02:20 AM CDT
<<From what I've see so far It's not a big deal for MU to regen and keep smapping just over min prep spells which Swan doesn't stop but affect Serenity and tank our IF.
So nothing has changed then, since that was just as possible to do before this week's changes as it is now.
Perhaps a solution would be to have Serenity only trigger the IF cost on hits above a certain potency, determined by Serenity's Integrity while still protecting against the nickel and dime casts below that threshold that would otherwise have worn your IF down too quickly. I.e. make spellcasters actually put something into the spells they cast at you if they want to wear actually away your defense.
Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -
So nothing has changed then, since that was just as possible to do before this week's changes as it is now.
Perhaps a solution would be to have Serenity only trigger the IF cost on hits above a certain potency, determined by Serenity's Integrity while still protecting against the nickel and dime casts below that threshold that would otherwise have worn your IF down too quickly. I.e. make spellcasters actually put something into the spells they cast at you if they want to wear actually away your defense.
Elanthipedia -
Epedia Admins -