Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 11:50 AM CDT
The key to draining money is to add something that people have to pay for consistently... most of the ideas in this thread are a great idea if you change buy to rent. That way there is a constant flow of gold out of the economy. The alternative would be to make great armor/weapons that can't be repaired, so they have to be constantly replaced. In order to not screw over the crafters, I think that these items need to be craftable but still involve a plat sink. For example you could craft these awesome weapons, but you can only do so at a specific forge with an entry fee.

I also think items with charges would be a similar sink. Some ideas are a boost to the learning rate of a specific skill/all skills, an item that auto-rezzes you when you die, an item that heals you, an item that teleports you to a safe area when stunned (like contingency). Maybe the ability to summon a NPC to sell a bundle/pouch/deposit coins without having to leave the hunting grounds, but they take a large cut of the profits.

To expand on the person with the pay-to-hunt area, could also have places that you pay to train certain skills (especially the hard to train ones). For example, you pay to enter a room where there is a box that you can disarm/pick over and over, but with no loot inside. Or maybe you can just rent-a-teacher and have a NPC follow you around and teach whatever skill you ask for.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 01:13 PM CDT
>>pay to enter a room where there is a box that you can disarm/pick over and over, but with no loot inside

These kind of areas don't work, example shard door, ratha door. Rent a teacher? Doesn't that take away from the way you are supposed to learn the skill?
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 01:22 PM CDT
>>These kind of areas don't work, example shard door, ratha door.

Uhh, please point to the one that required coin to use. They aren't the same thing.

>>Rent a teacher? Doesn't that take away from the way you are supposed to learn the skill?


TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 01:26 PM CDT
<Rent a teacher? Doesn't that take away from the way you are supposed to learn the skill?

Not any more than having a PC teach you a skill instead of learning by doing. The NPC would only teach you for a limited amount of time, and maybe at a limited rate, but would provide a nice skill boost and plat sink for those that could afford it. Anyway the thought behind my idea was to provide people with some convenience in exchange for a cost. Making travel, skill training etc a little easier for a price would provide for a consistent plat sink. As long as they are balanced enough to be useful yet not game breaking, I think it could be viable.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 07:26 PM CDT

I still think a 250 plat NPC gating service from the islands, when a certain moon was up and at certain times would sink a ton of plats. Let's say it only available within the first 30 minutes of Katamba, that wouldn't cut into the moonies much at all and would sink coins.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 09:13 PM CDT
>>NPC gating service from the islands

I'm personally not in favour of this. If you want to have pay-to-travel services, I think the better idea would be to do something akin to Lake Gwenalion.

No new ships are going to be put up for sale, but what about a rentable large-scale boats? Set one up for each island and perhaps a Premium-only one at Fang Cove. I think 100pk is a good price to get the vessel for let's say 3 hours? After the time is up, the pilot is set to auto-sail back to home-port. Strip the boats down to the deck boards if that will make them less of a drain on the system. Maybe even drop the whole cabin/galley thing alltogether and make it more like a charter thing with off-limits areas for crew-only.

Could really set it up to scale both price and vessel offered:
M'Kresh/M'Riss - 2 cogs x 50pk for 3 hrs
Aesry - 1 brig x 100pk for 3 hrs
Ratha - 2 brigs x 100pk for 3 hrs
Hara'Jaal - 2 cutters x 75 pk for 3 hrs
Taisgath - 1 cog x 50pk for 3 hrs
Fang Cove - 1 galleon x 150pk for 3 hrs

I don't know, just a thought.

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 09:21 PM CDT
RE: boats

My thought: make it an order system so that players just order a ride from wherever they are (Crossings in this example) departing when purchased, to a list of valid destinations from that point. So Crossings could sail direct to Ratha or Aesry or any other direct hub.

Just slap them in a room for the duration of the trip as per normal ride times.

No one wants a boat to sail around like a merry ponce, they all want a fast instant on ride to wherever they want to go, and people will pay for it. Player owned boats are simply nice ways of getting this. If I could drop 50-100 plat for a instant departure ticket to wherever...I'd do it.

Rentable boats tie up systems in a lot of ways, and by and large don't do anything to address the 'what people really want to spend money on' issue. They're just a neat side ticket. People really want some way to spend money and get fast/instant/on-demand travel from point A to point B.

Heck, make them gates. Look at what PCs are charging, and double it. That way PCs still have a hefty market for undercutting the NPCs, and other benefits, etc.

Same goes for NPC clerics. Put 'em in, make 'em work moderately fast, and make it a set fee someone has to pay before they go to work.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 10:34 PM CDT
>>No one wants a boat to sail around like a merry ponce

I really wouldn't say that at all. I've seen many players go out on their boat for that explicit purpose. Introducing a rentable system for boats would also make this a more viable option for players to accomplish.

>>People really want some way to spend money and get fast/instant/on-demand travel from point A to point B.

Seems too much like meta-gaming to me, honestly.

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 11:20 PM CDT
>>Seems too much like meta-gaming to me, honestly.

Or just wanting an instant way from A to B.

"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 06:01 AM CDT
I dont really think your boat idea would be much of a plat sink. I think a 250-500 plat NPC gate for a half hour everytime a certain moon came up could rake in thousands.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 08:10 AM CDT
>Seems too much like meta-gaming to me, honestly.

How exactly? We already have teleportation magic in-game. How is it different when wielded by an NPC? Not to mention, this exact thing was just released for Premium members at an LTB cost. Maybe allow anybody access to it in limited locations for large amounts of Plat, but Premium members can access it anywhere for LTBs.

Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 08:22 AM CDT
We have moongates in the hands of actual PC's. Others have said they have astral guides to do pretty much this already. I don't get the desire for this, but again I'm just one and these are just my feelings on it. I like the idea of taking standard resources and making them more available for IG uses. Players invest time and energy getting up to the ability to do this kinda stuff that you are just wanting to pay some NPC for. I just find that whack and an attempt to avoid game mechanics/design.

>>Premium members

I really don't know why you would bring this up. LTB > platinum coins. Premium Accounts > Standard. Are you saying that just because they can do it, you should be able to? What would be the advantage to Premium? Why don't you just start paying for Premium?

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 09:06 AM CDT
>>We have moongates in the hands of actual PC's. Others have said they have astral guides to do pretty much this already. I don't get the desire for this, but again I'm just one and these are just my feelings on it.

People like instant gratification. They want to be in X and be in X now.

There's also some wonky mindset where some will gladly pay an NPC 250 plat for something (like a moongate) but get huffy if a player asks for 25 plat to do the same exact thing. Just the way people sometimes work.

"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 11:28 AM CDT
>>No one wants a boat to sail around like a merry ponce, they all want a fast instant on ride to wherever they want to go, and people will pay for it. Player owned boats are simply nice ways of getting this. If I could drop 50-100 plat for a instant departure ticket to wherever...I'd do it.

Good to know you speak for the entire player base, but you're wrong. People do want to sail around on boats, and would pay inordinate amounts of plats to do so.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 11:31 AM CDT
I'd pay for makers mark alteration, Boat name change, custom tattoo, plenty of alteration ideas I'd pay for.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 11:44 AM CDT
>>Boat name change

That seems like a totally reasonable use of at least 500-1k. I could support this.

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 12:04 PM CDT
I posted a few things I'd pay a considerable amount of money for (granted not 50k plat, since I only have about 10k). They're "bad guy" items. The idea is that you'd have to be Open to use most of them, and they'd all have long (multiple day/ a week) cooldowns.

1. Invasion Starting Flag - Flag that when waved summons a specific kind/group of monster to the area around you. Invasion lasts until you're killed or time runs out. Flag should alert the room who's holding it.

2. Instant hideaway - Like a portable house, basically an instant thief style passage that opens in the area you're in and has an exit in a random area around you.

3. Sticky bombs - Things that freeze an entire room for a little while (30ish seconds) while also making the people in the room invulnerable. Best way to get a good monologue in.

4. Mobile Altar - Keyed to you, lets you change the spot you end up in when you depart.

5. Gweth Scrambler - Centered on you, Prevents gweths from being heard/sent in an area. Probably should message people trying to gweth the name of the person scrambling them.

6. Smoke bombs - Like the trap easter egg (which I seriously think is bugged at the moment, and doesn't show up on multi-traps with the new disarm) but that cause an entire room to flee in a random direction.

I've posted things like this before but can't seem to find it. More to come when I can think of what I'm missing.
Invest Today! 07/31/2012 12:19 PM CDT
Here's an idea for an IC moneysink that covers a lot of what people want to see.

It might be cool if people could "invest" in a town's economy.

I would imagine things would build up in this kind of order:
1) Town can now hire more component workers for automated resource gathering. This means the local societies will sell materials that are higher quality than normal (so 70 quality vs 50 quality, for example).
2) With all those people coming into town to gather materials and increase their quality, there's some excess workers who are skilled in basic trade. They've been hired up by the local repair shops and as a result repairs are happening faster.
3) More/better materials and a boom in people coming for work? Looks like the local stores can hire more craftsmen and use those resource for their own goods, too! Shops start selling better quality equipment! For example, instead of Cormyn selling finely-crafted quality swords, he'd sell outstanding quality swords instead.
4) What's that? Trade is going that well now as a result of all this investment? Local transports can't support this! Time for more ferries to take people back and forth, cutting down on the wait times!
5) All this popularity is starting to have risks. Local bandits may invade time to time (people like automated mid-level invasions as something to do, right?).
6) It's not just local towns that want these goods anymore: they're going international! Ships now showing up in more frequency.
7) Vault transfers to and from this location are now faster, since they can piggyback on all those convoys going in and out of town.
8) Traveling guildfest-quality merchants start showing up, hoping to get a piece of the pie.
9) Now there's trouble. Word of the town's wealth is getting out of hand. Roaming bandit camps are moving in. These camps are tailored to higher level players and, upon entering, an instanced combat zones is created where you have to kill off 6-12 of them.
10) A wild festival zone appears! Think of this as the 40-fragment god-totem RPA reward. More guildfest-quality merchants and a game or two.

"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 12:20 PM CDT

A priest or monk who sold weapon blesses. put weapon on altar, deduct 10 plat and get 1500 strikes with it. by a holy cloth from the guy and rub weapon later to get an additional 1000 strikes. give cloth a huge price tag and say 3 charges.

a wearable fluffy skinning knife that you don't have to hold in your hand but functions like the lockpick rings. so you can skin without grabbing it up every time.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 12:37 PM CDT
>a wearable fluffy skinning knife that you don't have to hold in your hand but functions like the lockpick rings. so you can skin without grabbing it up every time.

They make those already, really like the Bless idea though. Maybe even purchasable buffs as well from Clerics/Moon Mages etc. Not full potency max casts but maybe a 5-10 rank buff would be interesting. Buy SoP, Shadows, MAPP etc. Rank bonuses would have to be enough to warrant selling them, maybe 30 minute cast max for a 5-10 rank buff per spell.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 01:18 PM CDT
>>a wearable fluffy skinning knife that you don't have to hold in your hand but functions like the lockpick rings. so you can skin without grabbing it up every time.

See: Belt (sometimes not on belt) knives.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 02:09 PM CDT
>Good to know you speak for the entire player base, but you're wrong. People do want to sail around on boats, and would pay inordinate amounts of plats to do so.

And I'm sure the population of those wanting to do nothing but sail around aimlessly vastly oversizes people who want to be at point X now.

Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 02:11 PM CDT
>And I'm sure the population of those wanting to do nothing but sail around aimlessly vastly oversizes people who want to be at point X now.

I want to fill a ship full of lead, put up all the sails, and ram a town.

Wonder what size population that is.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
Combat Balance List:
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 02:24 PM CDT
>I want to fill a ship full of lead, put up all the sails, and ram a town.

>Wonder what size population that is.

At least two.
Re: Making money the oblivious way :Nudge:: 07/31/2012 02:37 PM CDT

Before the boat bickering continues, let's just not.


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Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/31/2012 05:58 PM CDT
>Why don't you just start paying for Premium?

Cool your jets, man. I am Premium. I was suggesting giving everybody access to that system, only they pay plats (lots of them) and we pay LTBs (not very many, really). Plus they can only access it in certain locations (like attach it to the vault square, since they already employ Moon Mages to transfer all your junk).

Elemental Lord Opieus, Master Warrior Mage of Elanthia
"For a bunch of radical empiricists, the Philosophers' system relies on a whole lot of faith." ~Armifer
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/01/2012 12:20 AM CDT
There is already a premium LTB device that bestows blesses too. A flask of some sort I believe.

Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/01/2012 01:33 AM CDT
there is a sheath that gives blesses too from one of the quests.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/01/2012 08:38 AM CDT

That sheath is pretty awesome, except it atmos and can't be shut off. Soooo, it's a vault dweller.


A gestalt draugen swipes a hooked leonine claw at Silus. The claw lands a solid hit that cuts deeply into his groin!
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/03/2012 07:22 AM CDT
Some of you seem to think that lowering the plat generation wouldn't do anything - I'm not sure how can even say/think that? The example with Apu buying crafting books is a good example, if the plat generation was lower, he would be spending a higher % of his pot on any store bought item, any rent, anything really. It's obvious. Less money in = less money.

Ideas for plat sinks that I personally like.

- Travel (however it's set up)
- Vault Space
- How about bonding potions for non-premie members at a much higher price?
- Memory Orbs - when you die, they burst instant rejuv you. Cost fairly high - but these would be a massive plat sink.
- How about Traders can increase their rent if they can keep their shop open 24/7 for a pay period?

A quick comment on the "stuff to spend money on" discussion. There IS a ton of stuff to spend money on with the crafts - it just doesn't solve any of the plat issues though because it's money just switching hands.

Forged Weapons:
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/03/2012 03:58 PM CDT
>> - How about bonding potions for non-premie members at a much higher price?

I think this would also up the frequency of rare weapon sales - I have several 5k+ weapons that I don't even use because of the high probability of them being stolen. And I'd buy more, if it were possible to wield them knowing they couldn't be stolen.

>> - Travel (however it's set up)

Jump-jewelry comes to mind here - maybe you could travel to Throne city and hire a MM to craft a piece for you? Put some high price-tag on it (10,000P), make it last forever, bonded, use-able once per day for a round trip. Only use-able by the buyer. Can have the destination changed for a flat rate of 1000 plat. Takes 10 minutes to use(2 to prepare, 6 to set the conduit, 2 for the actual jump).

So if someone plays 2-3 characters, they might buy one for each character.

30k gone right there.

It wouldn't solve the problem, but it would certainly help. You get 1000 characters with a piece, and there's a million plats gone.

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/03/2012 04:48 PM CDT

I think if each town had a selection of Titles and positions that could be acquired by passing enough coin to the right person, that might get some interest. Especially if the titles gave some form of RP recognition within the borders(guards recognizing you, things like that).

Could even establish formal societies that had titles that were recognized(but needed to be bought or 'leased')
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/03/2012 07:30 PM CDT
>Jump-jewelry comes to mind here - maybe you could travel to Throne city and hire a MM to craft a piece for you? Put some high price-tag on it (10,000P), make it last forever, bonded, use-able once per day for a round trip. Only use-able by the buyer. Can have the destination changed for a flat rate of 1000 plat. Takes 10 minutes to use(2 to prepare, 6 to set the conduit, 2 for the actual jump).

Aside from cross ocean travel, you can basically be anywhere in DR in 10 minutes (including ferries, unskilled) except possibly Muspari or across the gondola, I'd say make the timer 3-5 minutes.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/03/2012 07:56 PM CDT
>>Jump-jewelry comes to mind here - maybe you could travel to Throne city and hire a MM to craft a piece for you? Put some high price-tag on it (10,000P), make it last forever

I would pay 10k if it lasted 1 year. Hell maybe even 6 months but that is probably pushing it.

6 month version for 6k, 1 year for 10k.

Forged Weapons:
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/03/2012 09:34 PM CDT
How about extra vault spaces that you paid per slot and per month. Say something like ten extra slots for 100 plat and one person could rent up to 100 extra slots a month. That would be up to 1k per month per character that decided to use it. Not a huge money sink by any means, but it is something I would hope isn't to memory intensive (they are added for Premium already) and something I could see many high level characters wanting to spend money on as they are the ones who tend to have very full vaults as is.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/04/2012 10:47 AM CDT
How about paying for the titles your character uses or has access to. You pay the guild leader or some other guild representative and they sell you the rights to wear that title either permanantly or until you want to change it again. The price would scale up based on the title, so just for example, an Initiate Guild title might cost 1P and the Transcendant Guild title might be 100P. Nothing changes with how titles are earned, just how you "wear" them.

I had this fake log trying to describe this, but then thought better of it, as I think i'd probably just muck up the concept in too much details. Anyways..might be a good plat sink thing, assuming it's not too resource intensive.

Blackguard Danoryiel

"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/04/2012 10:55 AM CDT

I think this is a great idea, although I would be leery about requiring that every title be pay-to-use. Some of the generic Guild-type ones should stay free for members of that guild who have the skills needed. However, there could be a whole host of titles not covered by any guild that would be awesome to purchase. I can totally see crafting titles working like this, since you could reason it as being a promotion in your trade and thus you pay more for your name to get "out there" to customers.

I dunno.

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/04/2012 11:02 AM CDT
>although I would be leery about requiring that every title be pay-to-use

would it help if I rationalized it by saying it'd be sort of like "guild dues" :P

Blackguard Danoryiel

"Sogan udazama umbunor fau arrazoi inishatu seiremisai. (Only the fallen have nothing to despair)"
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/04/2012 11:25 AM CDT
>>titles though "guild dues"

Throwing it over in my head, I suppose I could find this reasonable for some of the Guild titles.

Like I said before, I do think its a great idea and could defiantly work on the majority of the non-guild titles. Also, would be a great time to work on something like that with the skills change and the possibility of titles needing an overhaul.

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 08/04/2012 12:24 PM CDT
> pay more for your name to get "out there" to customers

How I do wish I could drop 5,000 or 10,000 plat or whatever to get a maker's mark without having to forge a few thousand sets of heavy full plate. Though the subject of how advanced crafters are screwed in comparison with newbs in terms of armor workorders is for another topic, it would be very nice to be able to buy a basic maker's mark if you have enough skill.

- Tyr, player of

SEND[Wilidore] Dude! You beat DR!