Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 08:10 PM CDT
>>And really, we're going to trot out the 'reduce money flowing in' argument again?

I'm not saying that's the solution, but I think it's important to recognize that having someone buy one or two or three of something isn't going to solve the long term issue, as much as it will instead just temporarily delay it at best.

I mean, I think a selling a few multi room houses for 25k platinum or something is a great idea, and can definitely reduce the current amount of coins in the game.

But, what happens when those people earn the money back? Then what? We're back at the same problem. People who want to give a dozen, two dozen, or three dozen characters the same top-tier stuff aside (since I would imagine they're an incredible minority), once someone has something for their character, they rarely need a second one.

"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 08:30 PM CDT
That issue comes up whether or not a character makes 1 plat a day or 1000 plat a day.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 08:51 PM CDT
50k+ plat for special combat techniques that let you look cooler in combat. No mechanical bonus per se, just looks. Like a pre-made alteration for combat or something.

You hear the voice of Jaedren exclaim, "Look! I'm Leilond!"
You notice Jaedren come out of hiding.
Jaedren shimmers out of sight.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 09:02 PM CDT

<<<I think these are totally cool ideas, but they're more a buffer than a long term solution, unless they also hamstring earning back that money spent.>>>

I agree I"m more for a general continuos lower plat sink.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 09:20 PM CDT
There will never be a "long term solution." There will always be potentially infinite earnings for people dedicated to maxing their earnings, or who are able to spend 8+ hrs daily playing the game. Scaling down income will not fix this, it will just change the magnitude of the values, not the disparity between those who have the time/focus and those who don't. Period.

I don't understand why this conversation continues to happen. To me it is like the "why is there no search function" discussion. I've seen the "broken economy" as a thread more times than I can count with my hands and toes, and I'd wager Apu probably couldn't count the number of these discussions he's been involved in.

We have an imaginary currency that isn't tied to a real world currency, (until recently, and even then the conversion rate is arguably absurd, which is why this thread started in the first place) or a finite resource. The economy will always "be broken" because of design decisions based on playability over realism.

Nobody really wants plats tied to RL currency either, because it would bring the game even closer to "play to win." That said, having nice fluffy stuff people could spend 10s of thousands of plats on would at least give high income characters something to spend their plats on, and MIGHT subsequently allow for a wider variety of people having "a legitimate chance" at winning auction items.

But if anybody thinks that shrinking loot payouts could in anyway correct the disparity people like to complain about, they're deluding themselves. It would just make 1kp "impressive" again as opposed to 10+kp it is now. And the people with a few hundred plats now, would wind up with dozens, because they can't scale down loot values on just the high end. It would be unbalancing and discouraging for HLCs and people who want to climb the criter/loot ladder. Earnings have to scale with difficulty/level. The number of 0s in the number is irrelevant. At the end of the day, real life and game design combine to create economic disparity based on time and commitment to earning coin. And again, even then, new EXP allows everybody to reach the high end faster, and when you reach the point where everybody has 10s of thousands of plats, it typically boils down to "who values it most" more often than "who has the most coins."
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 09:26 PM CDT
>>But if anybody thinks that shrinking loot payouts could in anyway correct the disparity people like to complain about, they're deluding themselves.

I never said that was the solution.

I just said "high priced items" isn't the solution, either, because it doesn't solve what I believe to be the actual issue: people amassing great amounts of wealth as a result of not having things to buy.

Giving people more "things" to buy only delays it until they hit the "I have everything I want" stage again.

That doesn't mean I'm against high priced items just for the sake of having high priced items. It's just that if the plan is to create high priced items to solve the issue of people having too much money, I don't believe it will actually solve it.

"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 09:37 PM CDT
>>I don't understand why this conversation continues to happen.

The conversation keeps happening, because the solution is so incredibly simple and easy. Take all the cool items that GMs design for payquest prizes, and make those available for large numbers of plats. Done.

It's not rocket science. But it would lower Simu's profits if they sold items for plats instead of $$, so there probably won't ever be anything worth buying with ingame coins

Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 09:46 PM CDT

I'd pay just about anything to have the STUPID dwarf look the other way when I'm bleeding and want to use my vault :(


A gestalt draugen swipes a hooked leonine claw at Silus. The claw lands a solid hit that cuts deeply into his groin!
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 09:47 PM CDT
>>I just said "high priced items" isn't the solution, either, because it doesn't solve what I believe to be the actual issue: people amassing great amounts of wealth as a result of not having things to buy.

What in the world? Of course "having things to buy" is the solution to "not having things to buy". Even Gonif's suggestions about buying a million short swords for 1 silver each makes more sense than this.

I mean yeah of course you can't just release a couple items one time and then never release anything else, and expect that to solve the problem. But there is no shortage of great ideas coming from GMs for awesome items that people would pay tons of plats for (for examples, see payquest prize lists)

Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 10:14 PM CDT
>>What in the world? Of course "having things to buy" is the solution to "not having things to buy".

Read the rest of what I said.

Each "thing to buy" is really just a speedbump to the impending "I have tons of money and nothing to do with it". For example, no one is going to buy a new mobile crafting station each month, unless instead of buying it you're renting it.

You can sell tyrium at 1,000 platinum a volume, but how long until the people who are amassing thousands of platinum a year run out of tyrium things they want?

Or do they just keep boosting the arms race, and make something better than tyrium?

And then something better than that?

Etc etc etc.

"You always have to be a know-it-all. And you don't. Know. It. All." - GERSTEINJ2
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 10:32 PM CDT

Have another one of those sight unseen auctions. That was fun. You can bid big and flop or get something awesome. was that premie only or everyone I forgot
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/28/2012 11:42 PM CDT
I'm not apart of the 1%, but throwing the idea out there for those who are:

Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 12:13 AM CDT
I'd also pay plats to prevent memory loss when dying and departing shortly after.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 02:13 AM CDT
>>In all honesty, I'd pay 50 plat a go for an instant on gate from/to the islands and the mainlands.

I'm sure others are getting tired of hearing me say it, but since I haven't seen you around for very long I'll repeat for your benefit:

I (and other moon mages) offer Astral Guides for around this price. (Possibly up to 100 plat/charge, but more likely even less than 50 plat/charge, depending on how many charges you get, which is a mystery amount.)

Granted, they are items with charges, they require Arcana (~100 to start) and a particular moon to be up, but they will get you between any two locations of your choice in only a few minutes.

I've also considered offering a service where you can IM me any time and I'll drop what I'm doing and come gate you from point A to point B, for a fee. I don't know if I really want to disrupt my gameplay that much, but I'd consider it for the right price point.

I realize that the above options don't have anything to do with directing plats out of the economy (and everything to do with directing plats to me!), but I wanted to bring them up so that there is awareness that there are systems in place for moon mages to share the traveling love a little bit.

As far as actual plat sinks, I love some of the ideas here. For myself, a really easy to use portable vault would be very high on the list, or even just more vault space in general. It seems silly to me that everyone I know has multiple characters to manage all their stuff -- Simu is storing this stuff for them anyway, might as well make it convenient and make some cash off of us.

-- Player of Eyuve [IM Eyuve, or contact me via the email link under my icon]
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 03:12 AM CDT
My thoughts

Portable crafting equipment: Medium cost and low/no upkeep
- Rent from correct society/get ticket
-- It is set on cart/wagon
-- Tap ticket at location renter wants it brought to and set up
- Daily/Weekly/Monthly rental prices
- Usable only when renter on cart or in wagon
- Undeed item for additional fee

Home crafting equipment: High cost and medium upkeep
- Purchase from correct society/items placed in home or home workshop
-- Monthly/weekly/usage upkeep to keep equipment in pristine condition
- Undeed item for additional fee

What is needed are items added to the game with 10s of thousands of plats in initial costs with hundreds of plats in monthly upkeep costs for high plat income players and items with thousands of plats initial costs with tens of plats in monthly upkeep costs for medium plat income players. Items that if a person doesn't maintain, is removed from the game once the unpaid maintenace costs exceed a percentage of the initial price. But they should definately have a wow/convenience factor appropriate for the costs.

I don't own one, but it sounds like boats had a good initial price at the time to remove plats from the game, but their maintenance costs sound like they are too low to keep removing plats as fast as people earn them. They also persist even if a person doesn't maintain them. New boats are also no longer available. Since conditions for removal of these resource hogs weren't written in from the start, and new boats are no longer available, I think its safe to say that as a plat sink, they fail.

I see my ideas appropriate for medium plat income players. I don't have a high plat income, so I don't know what a player of high plat income would want or would be willing to pay a lot for. Whatever the costs though, they should not be limited items. They need to be items readily available to anyone who feels they can afford the initial costs as well as the upkeep, and still be available later in case they fail to keep up with the maintenance. Perhaps these items could also have a buy back ability that will refund part of the initial costs, minus depreciation and upkeep, in case the player no longer wants to or can afford to maintain said item.

Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 06:23 AM CDT

All of which are player managed, and subject to the vagaries of player availability. Which is why the demand isn't there. There are (real or imagined) concerns about supply.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 09:19 AM CDT
>All of which are player managed, and subject to the vagaries of player availability. Which is why the demand isn't there. There are (real or imagined) concerns about supply.

Pretty much this. I'm not really interested in having to track a player down every time I want to travel, or getting stuck somewhere when my AG dies, etc.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 09:25 AM CDT
A high level hunting ground on the mainland thats easy to get into and doesn't have any weird attacks, where you get skins, boxes and coins - Pay to get in.

- Felicini
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 10:05 AM CDT
>>A high level hunting ground on the mainland thats easy to get into and doesn't have any weird attacks, where you get skins, boxes and coins - Pay to get in.

That doesn't make any sense to me. I thought we were trying to come up with ideas on what people would be willing to pay for that would remove plats from the system. So your thought is to have them develop another money making area and add a fee to get in? Only way that would remove plats from the system, is you pay for a specific amount of time, and the fee is guaranteed to be higher than what can be earned from said skins, boxes, and coins. Would you really want to hunt there and lose money when there are places that are off the mainland, or difficult to get into, or have weird attacks that can make you a lot of plats? Thats akin to just dropping the level of payouts on hunting. Then again, perhaps you and others would like an easy place to train, and would be willing to lose money doing it.

Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 10:53 AM CDT
>That doesn't make any sense to me.

He's grinding his own special axe, regardless of how appropriate or how many times the GMs say 'no' to this same request?

Solution to that: make the entry fee insane, and no coins drop. Skins are difficult to get but completely worthless, as in 0 copper, and any boxes that drop are empty but highly trapped. Perfect training ground, plats removed from system, no plats generated.

I'd say 'poof them on exit' but that's a tricky one at best and requires tracking how much the character enters with and other variables. So just make the drop value on everything 0.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 11:10 AM CDT
I was also thinking about contests as a way to suck platinum out of the system. Although, maybe not as a way to get a single player to drop 50k. But perhaps it could get 50 players to drop 1k? Not really sure. So here it is...

I've always loved the idea of a "Great Hunt" or something of the like. Most of the fantasy literature has something like this, weather with nobles-only or something that is regional. With all the talk about group mechanics, this could really shine and might have to wait for a system like that to come out first.

We could have a Guildleader or other important NPC ( my original idea years ago was for Scynn and his wife but I don't think that's going to happen) rally up interested players, have them pay for their chance to participate. In return they might be able to get some rare skin/hide/etc or perhaps a chance for the critter to drop one or more of the "treasure" boxes.

I think it would be cool, but as I said it might have to wait on improved group combat.

System Announcement: The Night Sun has been snuffed. It's dark again. Now the scary stuff comes out.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 11:25 AM CDT
>>The conversation keeps happening, because the solution is so incredibly simple and easy. Take all the cool items that GMs design for payquest prizes, and make those available for large numbers of plats. Done.

You can easily buy almost anything you want second-hand. It costs extra, but since people apparently have hundreds of thousands of plats available, I don't think this is a problem.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 12:12 PM CDT
>You can easily buy almost anything you want second-hand. It costs extra, but since people apparently have hundreds of thousands of plats available, I don't think this is a problem.

I hate to say this, but the obvious solution most games come to is bound to character items. Only way to get another is from the primary source, secondary sales are almost impossible excepting bugs and wholesale character sales. DR has this script already, not sure if it would kill the game to have millions of bound-to-X items running nonstop. But it does solve a few problems.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 12:28 PM CDT
>>Then again, perhaps you and others would like an easy place to train, and would be willing to lose money doing it.

This all day long.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 01:03 PM CDT
Bring on the gladiators....

A pay-plats-to-enter Gauntlet like area. The "reward" for entering would be your name on a list, similar to guild registers. No coins for the winner, just bragging rights. All guilds allowed to enter, and a kill by your "pet" would count as a kill as well <hence allow both empaths and necros to enter>. Only your name and whatever "title" you're wearing at the time would go up on the board, not your guild. and only the "prestige" board type thing would be open to the public, so how you killed the critter would be your own "secret". There might be some that could elect to be viewable as well.

Oh and last one, DR at any given time has a population of weenies that will criticize at the drop of a hat, don't take things personally it happens to everyone.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 01:18 PM CDT
I don't have 1000s of plats to spend of this, but definitely hundreds.

But I'd like to be able to combine quest items of the same type, and special ability so that I only have to carry one item, and have more charges (I might even accept a percentage of the charges for the convenience of only having to hold one item instead of 3, 4, 5 or whatever I'm up to, and shuffle through them to get the one with the charge still available).

So that's my idea, not to actually have those quest items be available outside the quest, just to combine them: again for reduced hassle with finding the one with the remaining charges, and reduced item count, and encumbrance, hopefully you get the idea.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 02:06 PM CDT
>Bring on the gladiators....

Uh...People would use this once, as a novelty. It wouldn't suck plats out of the game, because they wouldn't be constantly pushing the thing like people did with arcade machines back in the day, they'd do it, say 'all right, I need XYZ ranks' and then come back when they had them.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 02:22 PM CDT
>>Then again, perhaps you and others would like an easy place to train, and would be willing to lose money doing it.

I really like this idea. You could tie it into a portal like system so you could live anywhere you want for RP purposes and still be able to train your character.


To be fair, I've always privately characterized Burn as an orbital death laser. Armifer
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 02:33 PM CDT

How about....

A very serious, very big casino where you can buy special prizes like quest items and auction items with credits, but the odds are rigged such that players will blow massive amounts of plat trying to win?

Casinos are one of the greatest money-sinks in the world, after all. The house always wins!
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 03:06 PM CDT
>>I hate to say this, but the obvious solution most games come to is bound to character items. Only way to get another is from the primary source, secondary sales are almost impossible excepting bugs and wholesale character sales. DR has this script already, not sure if it would kill the game to have millions of bound-to-X items running nonstop. But it does solve a few problems.

My post was in response to Apu, saying that he wanted to be able to buy quest prizes for plats. I was pointing out that he already can. I personally don't think binding quest prizes is necessary.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 03:54 PM CDT
>>My post was in response to Apu, saying that he wanted to be able to buy quest prizes for plats. I was pointing out that he already can. I personally don't think binding quest prizes is necessary.

Yes I can, and have, spent tens of thousands of plats on payquest prizes that were originally purchased by someone else with $$. I also can, and have, sold tens of thousands of plats to other players for $$ in order to then turn around and spend that $$ on payfest admittance (which can be rationalized as "paying plats to get into Hallows Eve")

But this is terribly unbalanced game design when the only worthwhile items that can be purchased with plats involve transferring plats between players, and transferring $$dollars to Simutronics. The only time a significant amount of plats ever leave the system is during festival auctions, which have far too few items and are far too infrequent to even put a dent in inflation

Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 04:18 PM CDT
>But this is terribly unbalanced game design when the only worthwhile items that can be purchased with plats involve transferring plats between players, and transferring $$dollars to Simutronics.

Arguably that's good game design for Simu, since, as a business, the only thing they want is for you to transfer $$ to Simu.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 04:25 PM CDT
>>Arguably that's good game design for Simu

Yeah at first I typed "bad game design", which is subjective depending on your viewpoint. It is extremely "good" design if the goal is to fleece remaining customers of as much money as possible with no regard for designing a balanced game. But I think no matter your goal, everyone can agree that this is unbalanced game design

Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 05:07 PM CDT
If an auction is a good plat sink. then why not have auctions that cost 10k to even attend. Could even expand and make 10k, 50k, 100k auctions depending on what kind of items were being sold. Depending on items in said auction could drain the plats extensively. Free auction at Guildfest this year drained 194,113.8115 and HE auction last year drained

273,018.1709 plat lirums. If 100 people went to an auction that cost 10k to even get into plus what they spent on the auctioned items would be a large number out of bank accounts.

Same thing could go wih raffles. the orders run raffles that sell tickets and make a decent amount of money. I'm sure simu could take this idea and drain some plats with auction grade pries or even a boat. Sell tickets for 1000 plats a piece for a boat. I am sure it would get plenty of purchasers. Unless that is resrved with intent to entice people to attend HE or something for RL cash
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 07:20 PM CDT

Raffles are a good idea, and it kind of relates to my casino idea. Gambling is a proven business model for draining peoples' money. Selling people a chance to win something is a great way to fleece them of large amounts of money.

Open up a swanky, high-rolling casino somewhere. Maybe even charge a membership fee just to enter it. Pay out in chips that are redeemable for plats or rare prizes. People who have money to blow will blow a lot of it. It's proven to work in real life. Some people will strike it big, but if it is tuned right, it will be a massive plat sink overall.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 08:23 PM CDT
Maybe a better solution would be to change the current auctions over to "penny auctions".
Have the auctions start at the beginning of the fest and end on the last day. Charge 10 plat to place a bid and bids go up in increments of 1 plat.
This way you drain money not just from the winning bidder but also from everyone else who bids on the item as well.
Back of the napkin calculations show that the mirror blade from the last auction, which went for 40k plat, would have drained 440k plat out of the system just by itself.

Better yet set up a penny auction for 3 months where the winner gets use of a customized boat twice as fast as current ones/always working moongate/personal forge/ god like stat weapon/whatever for 6 months. Can yall imagine the bidding wars for a ME bone-crushing/bone-crushing/bone-crushing mirror blade weighing 50 stones? Throw in a minimum winning amount that has to be reached for the item to be won and the GM's would never have to worry about there being too much money in the game for a very long time.

Of course a simpler answer is for those who have thousands upon thousands of plats to stand outside the crossing bank and give to those of us still working on our first 1k plat.

Maybe I should start selling a handshake and nod for 1k plat to the people who have everything...
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 08:26 PM CDT

I like the idea of penny auctions!
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 08:49 PM CDT
Penny auction sounds kind of like how they did the gem box point game for the tyrium statue. more stuff like that would be a good plat sink also
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/29/2012 08:52 PM CDT
Raffles seem like a decent idea. The player-run raffles seem to generate tens of thousands of plats.

Monthly raffle - August 2012

Grand Prize (1 winner): 5 volumes tyrium, Keishalae alteration voucher
Second Prize (2 winners): 5 volumes vardite
Third Prize (3 winners): 10 volumes kertig

September 2012:

Grand Prize: one of those obsidian-shard weapons
Second Prize: racial weapon
Third Prize: treasure map

Some such things. Nothing game-breaking: ultimately, 5 volumes of tyrium being won a couple times a year won't make much difference, I think, but should still be good to drain thousands of plats every time it's done.
Re: Making money the oblivious way 07/30/2012 03:49 AM CDT
>>I'm not really interested in having to track a player down every time I want to travel, or getting stuck somewhere when my AG dies, etc.

I understand and respect this concern. At the same time, there's sort of that delicate balance to maintain -- we want to give players some cool, desired stuff to craft, but we also want uber items that will drain plats out of the system.

As a crafter, I'm obviously biased and would prefer that enchanters create the cool travel stuff, but I can respect that from the buyer side you'd probably prefer to just pay out one gigantic sum for something to own forever.

Maybe the middle ground is to have player-crafted stuff come out for hundreds and uber travel GM items come out for tens of thousands. So you could buy an AG for 700 plat (or two if you wanted to never get stuck somewhere), or you could buy a perma-AG for 70,000.

I just hope it wouldn't dry up the player market any more than it already is.

-- Player of Eyuve