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Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 02:11 PM CST
While we are in the test cycle, any chance that something could be done so that shield wasn't mandatory for pvp? It seems pretty broken that you have to use evasion/shield in PVP or lose. Thanks!
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 02:44 PM CST
> While we are in the test cycle, any chance that something could be done so that shield wasn't mandatory for pvp? It seems pretty broken that you have to use evasion/shield in PVP or lose. Thanks!

auto-defending should resolve this issue, im told Kodius is writing this. I wish it had been written a year ago when we told everyone making shield mandatory was a horrible idea.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 03:19 PM CST
Math just isn't nice considering one possible formula makes evasion God, and makes the shield and parry skills worthless. This was 2.0.

The second possible formula makes shield useful, but also pretty necessary if your enemies are using ranged attacks. This is what we have with 3.0.

The third possible formula available allows parry to help against ranged attacks, but must be tempered so as to not make shield a worthless skill again. This is what I've selected to pursue for now...

Players are just BEGGING to need only 1 defense. If I had a million dollars I'd hire the 10 coders and spend the next 6 months making a generic "defending" skill, and stick ARMOR skills in with SURVIVALS. Then we'd figure out what to do with Paladins, Traders, Rangers and Barbarians that use the Armor skillset. Messaging would ultimately just be "fluff" as there would be no parry, evasion or shield skills.

Of course, with this approach shield type no longer matter, nor does weapon balance. DFA goes away, etc. Some Guilds would lose out substantially as they no longer have an easy to train defense available to them. Others win, as the harder to train defense goes away. Like I said, million bucks, 10 coders, 6 months. Maybe we'd improve it... but I really think it'd just be a bigger mess and DR would lose in the end :P

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 03:45 PM CST
>>The third possible formula available allows parry to help against ranged attacks, but must be tempered so as to not make shield a worthless skill again. This is what I've selected to pursue for now...

I do not envy the task of balancing such either.

Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 03:45 PM CST
<<The third possible formula available allows parry to help against ranged attacks, but must be tempered so as to not make shield a worthless skill again. This is what I've selected to pursue for now...>>

This is a really good plan and I'm excited to see it work out down the road.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 04:05 PM CST
>Players are just BEGGING to need only 1 defense. If I had a million dollars I'd hire the 10 coders and spend the next 6 months making a generic "defending" skill, and stick ARMOR skills in with SURVIVALS. Then we'd figure out what to do with Paladins, Traders, Rangers and Barbarians that use the Armor skillset. Messaging would ultimately just be "fluff" as there would be no parry, evasion or shield skills.

I love the two-defense relationship. I like it so much that I wish the system allowed for more flexibility.

If someone or something decides to go melee with me, for instance, it would be really cool to change my stance on the fly to use more parry than evasion without having to worry that I’ll die to some well-timed throws or casts while in RT. Or, if it becomes a missile fight, I’d have time to switch to shield/evasion without taking potentially fight-ending hits.

It sounds like the system you proposed gives us that flexibility. I can’t wait to see it.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 04:07 PM CST
I feel evasion should always be your primary form of defense, why risk damage to gear when you can just walk by your foe? Unless like parrying had the chance of flooring an opponent instead of off-balancing them?

How about if against missle attacks parry only used like 75-80% of your current stanced parry skill percentage - (which would account for random accidents like batting a rock into your own head)

Making shield still the preferred method for missle defense, and parry's trade-off being it's better for weapons, and with Evasion noone's left with just one defense to rely on and benefits/options to choose from. (cept bow users, but parrying with a bow or parry stick has been on my 'want' list for awhile)

And I'd guess against multi-opponents it'd be best to have all 3 available? or that too crazy and easier to stick with parry?

I mentioned Defensive techniques before, and I still think there's some viable and fun silly options -
fortify yourself behind a shield or 2 for extended defense boost at the cost of RT(tank up while targetting a spell)
plow from missle to melee and back to missle while holding a shield with no disengagment penalty and attack damage
why couldn't a barbarian try to use an impact weapon to bat an arrow or slung stone back at their opponent?
set up to try and disarm an opponent who attacks during that window leaving their weapon at their feet(whenever that becomes a thing)

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 05:15 PM CST
Say parry at 80% of stance would just make everybody go that route do to the nice decrease in stealth / maneuver hinderance. I wouldn't really have a problem though if there were also techs or other methods of getting rid of a bit of shield hinderance.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 05:20 PM CST
70-80% max stanced parry for missile and 70-80% max stanced shield for melee. A bit more enticing now that there are abilities to lock folks at melee.

Sorry for double post.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 05:35 PM CST
The system you propose still makes shield better than parry for pvp. Since there are no attacks that require Evasion/Parry and disallow shield, shield will always be king above parry. It would be nice if all three defenses were put onto equal footing. Why can't parry/shield stance be viable? It seems silly not to let players use their best defenses to defend with.

What if you made an attack that could be defended with all three defenses contest all three defenses? Attacks that contest two defenses just do two, with a modified score, and same for one. So for example:

Player A has 1000 evasion, 800 parry, and 600 shield.
Attack with a melee weapon contest parry, shield and evasion. Defense score is 1000+800+600=2400
Attack with ranged weapon/spell. Defense score is 1000x1.5+600x1.5=2400
Attack with DFA that only contests shield. Defense score is 600x3=1800

Then the awkward stance shifting could be done away with and could be switched to a generic Defending that would be similar to Attack and apply equally to all defenses.

If the above is too difficult, my second choice would be to allow parrying of ranged attacks/spells. Evasion would still be king, but at least that way shield and parry are on level playing fields.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 06:00 PM CST
> Players are just BEGGING to need only 1 defense

Its not that players are begging to need only 1 defense, you added shield as a second mandatory defense in order to survive in pvp, for 3.0 shield and evasion are BOTH required to have any sort of chance in pvp, this lack of options or choice is what upsets players so much. parry is virtually useless in pvp right now, something im hoping will change with the update of auto-defending.

Shield is FAR more than necessary in 3.0, its shield or die. If you even survive not using shield long enough to parry, the first time you successfully parried an attack your opponent would switch to ranged or magic after laughing at you for using parry like a n00b.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 06:04 PM CST
I've never understood why attack type doesn't determine defense tested.
Melee vs. Parry + Evasion (edged) or Shield (blunt)

Ranged vs. Shield + Parry (xbow) or Evasion (bow or sling)

TM vs. Evasion + Parry/Shield depending on spell type.

Then each guild to train weapons and choose spells appropriate for different foes.

Until you do something that makes defenses based on attack type, you are always going to have 1 or 2 defense is best scenario. Same thing with armors... the effectiveness against puncture,slice,impact is just not different enough. Plate is basically awesome, cloth sucks. Stealth is a mute point because it sucks, so their is really no reason for light armor.

Rangers in plate RAWR!

Player of Diggan, Ranger & Halfing of Aesry
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 06:37 PM CST

>Players are just BEGGING to need only 1 defense.

I most certainly am, because it allows guilds to play to their strengths, which is their primary skillset.

Respectfully, all the current system does is force almost everyone to train tertiary skills to huge amounts over their circle requirements to remain effective at circle, and I'll never be on board with that. As an interesting aside this is also what causes a large portion of the rampant amount of underhunting, but maybe 3.1 has that back to acceptable levels.

Yes, a possible formula to allow parry to help against ranged attacks could help somewhat on the surface for guilds that have weapons as a prime or secondary, but the intention is to make people continue to need to train with and wear a shield. So, I can't really say I'm the biggest fan of that either.

I honestly believe that parry should just straight up be able to parry everything. There's already systems in place where Z defense is not as good against X attack and better against Y attack and better for multiple engagement and so on, it would certainly need tweaking and those systems would need to be applied to things like arrows and spells as well...

I not pretending to have any great, complete, magic answers, but I don't see why a 1 defense system has to be ZOMG EVASION IS GOD or nothing else, I'd like to think there's more options in the universe than that.

Or Maybe there's something we could do with the way the game uses the 2 defense system, like a weighted formula based on guild, or skillset placement, or circle.

In the end I guess I'm not begging for a 1 defense system. I'm begging to be allowed to stop training tertiary skills, at a point, without completely destroying that character's effectiveness.

That said, maybe the parry-ranged-helper-formula will be awesome and I'll love it to the ends of the earth and I'll never have anything to ever complain about ever again.

Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 06:48 PM CST

I don't want one defense. I think your right when you said it would be bad for DR in the end.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 08:04 PM CST
I'm kind of curious if anyone has ever used a shield/parry setup with evasion at 0%. Just wondering if it would even be a viable option.

Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 08:04 PM CST
>>How about if against missle attacks parry only used like 75-80% of your current stanced parry skill percentage

If I did that, I'd never ever train shield again. As a tertiary skill, shield will always lag behind by as much as 20%. Far easier to train parry a little bit harder or make use of my parry buffs to even things out....

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 08:12 PM CST
I'd like to just get rid of stances, use all your defense skills at all times. Most guilds would be pretty equal skillset wise and you wouldn't worry about having to balance shield and parry, they'd both be useful for defending since all your skill is used.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 08:41 PM CST
We have discussed that, but it also introduces some problems.

What if you want to use only shield because your shield is enchanted to do something fun when the arrow hits it? Removing stances prevents this.

What if you want to train only shield skill because you are backtraining? Removing stances prevents backtraining from being possible.

What if you want to stance down to die in a RP scenario.... nope!

I would like to make it more dynamic, but removing the choice from players will invariably cause the end of the world for many.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 09:10 PM CST
>Since there are no attacks that require Evasion/Parry and disallow shield,

Not Yet, anyway. In an ideal world, Evasion, Shield and Parry would be unique and tactically interesting, instead of Evasion, Improved Evasion, Situational Evasion skills we have now. I think really solving this issue requires those 10 coders and a redesign of how combat works in DR. On the other hand, I think the last, pseudo-stanceless system Kodius proposed last sounded like the best-fit idea I've heard.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 09:19 PM CST

<<What if you want to stance down to die in a RP scenario.... nope!>>

Wait what if instead of delineating stance points you could stance defense. Defense would dynamically choose the appropriate skill, or basically whatever your max best defense was based on the percent you set. Training all of them would still matter because they would have different strengths.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 09:21 PM CST
It'd be nice if there were options for not using shield, such as training offhand and dual wielding a light edge for parrying melee weapons or the like. That said, there's a reason historically shields have been used by... everyone and every culture.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 09:34 PM CST
>Wait what if instead of delineating stance points you could stance defense. Defense would dynamically choose the appropriate skill, or basically whatever your max best defense was based on the percent you set. Training all of them would still matter because they would have different strengths.

I agree. It's not like your Offensive stance is split into Stance Accuracy and Stance Damage. A single Offense and Defense stance + parry/dodge/block having meaningful roles is pretty understandable while still offering tactical depth that doesn't encourage spreadsheets.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 09:54 PM CST
<What if you want to use only shield because your shield is enchanted to do something fun when the arrow hits it? Removing stances prevents this.

It'd already generally be suicide to do that now since evasion helps so much. Parry can't block arrows anyway so it'd be just like using 100 evasion / 80 shield stance right now that people do when they wanna block something.

<What if you want to train only shield skill because you are backtraining? Removing stances prevents backtraining from being possible.

Why would it prevent backtraining? You'd basically just be at 100% shield stance at all times and it would train just like it would right now if you were backtraining.

<What if you want to stance down to die in a RP scenario.... nope!

Like others said you could just have a general defense stance for that.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 09:56 PM CST
Could also just give everyone 300 stance points to use instead of the 180 + defending now. Would just need some other perk for defending skill besides being multi opponent all over again. That way all the not being able to stance down problems would be solved and people could use all their ranks all the time.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 10:21 PM CST
I really don't think everyone with shield in a lower skill-set would throw it away even if parry came up to parity with shield against ranged. This game is still a role-playing game. Even the people that don't do much of it still probably like this game for the character creation depth that it has. For my part, I don't like the shield requirement because I don't like the idea of my mage character with a shield--simple as that. If parry worked against ranged, I would use it a lot of the time and I would train it even if parry were tert for me and shield were secondary. Training both of them is smart, and would continue to be done by most people, for the same reason training a couple weapons and armors is smart--the game changes and you never know what you're going to wish you trained. Diversify your text risk and whatnot.

People make non-mix-maxing decisions like my example above all the time. They do it for guilds, they do it for weapons, and they do it for spells. Not everyone uses 2HE despite the unavoidable truth that it is more powerful than SE right now. Even if everyone were allowed the option of switching weapons right now, a great many people would stick with the less powerful choice that they just liked for their character.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 10:22 PM CST
>>It'd already generally be suicide to do that now since evasion helps so much. Parry can't block arrows anyway so it'd be just like using 100 evasion / 80 shield stance right now that people do when they wanna block something.

Evasion helps less than shield in many cases today where the two skills are comparable and a medium or large shield is being used. Armor hindrance and MO penalty hits evasion harder, and evasion is also a bit more penalized from certain things. Evasion is just more convenient, tends to be trained better among the player population, doesn't require a shield and folks are convinced that it is still the best defense.

>>Why would it prevent backtraining? You'd basically just be at 100% shield stance at all times and it would train just like it would right now if you were backtraining.

I don't want to prevent backtraining. I am explaining why having things magically choose for you in the background can cause other issues (or be quite difficult to code).


Really liking the idea of making Parry an exceptional defense when overwhelmed. It does give it a better niche.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 11:21 PM CST
> If I did that, I'd never ever train shield again. As a tertiary skill, shield will always lag behind by as much as 20%. Far easier to train parry a little bit harder or make use of my parry buffs to even things out....

Someone who learned shield and parry the same speed would have to pick between the 2, its only natural that a weapons secondary would focus more on parry because they can do it better and learn it more efficiently. This is something built into the guild, not a failure on shield or parry. Thats like making shield weaker because paladins learn it too fast.

The goal here is to make parry an option while still keeping shield on peoples mind, if the rollover cost of parry is too steep, shield will still be mandatory for pvp. If you want to tempt more people into using shield, i would suggest incorporating a "pick yer own secondaries" feature into character creation, and just have circle requirements mold to those. One of the biggest drawbacks of shield is that the majority of guilds are armor tert.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 11:37 PM CST
It's probably a coding nightmare, but I still love the idea of having a missile stance and a melee stance.

So someone can be set at 100 shield/80 evasion (or whatever) for missile weapons while also being set at 40 shield/80 evasion/40 parry for melee weapons (or whatever).

I mean it makes sense RP-wise that your character wouldn't respond to both things similarly, anyway, so why not have both things as available options running in tandem.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/02/2014 11:39 PM CST
>>How about if against missle attacks parry only used like 75-80% of your current stanced parry skill percentage

>If I did that, I'd never ever train shield again.

By that logic, no weapon terts should train parry since it's inferior to evasion/shield. I don't see why giving people flexibility in their defenses is a bad thing. We're not asking for shield to be bad, just for all defenses to be equally viable.

>Really liking the idea of making Parry an exceptional defense when overwhelmed. It does give it a better niche.

Parry is already fine for most PVE, as long as you're not fighting something with ranged or spells. Please don't make parry a niche skill, or something that people just train for TDPs until they switch back to evasion/shield for PVP. IMO the best system would make all three defenses important at all times for both PVP and PVE, but second best would allow people to choose their best two based on the situation.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/03/2014 05:04 AM CST
>>Please don't make parry a niche skill, or something that people just train for TDPs until they switch back to evasion/shield for PVP

Thats more or less what we're facing now. Any progress Kodius makes is a step forward.

Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/03/2014 05:22 AM CST
I would also like to point out that this is not entirely a PVP issue. As far as i know there is eventually no way around hunting either assassins or armadillos and i don't even know what happens after that. So, unless you want to be forever stuck in a web or become a human pincushion, you need to have a shield for PVE.

I like the idea of shield and parry co-existing in a complementary manner. I suppose this would allow training both parry and shield on ranged attacks?
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/03/2014 06:03 AM CST
I use this stance hunting elder armadillos...

You are now set to use your parry stance:

Attack : 100%
Evade : 90%
Parry : 100%
Block : 7%

Yes I get webbed, but I break out or whirl and keep right on hunting.. Once I lock parry, I switch to a shield stance...

Attack : 100%
Evade : 100%
Parry : 0%
Block : 97%

and put up tornado.

Kertig Heart Magdar Bluefletch, Forging Guru of M'Riss
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/03/2014 10:25 AM CST
100 evasion/ 90 shield for walking around, bow hunting/shield training
100 eva/90 parry for pvp or invasions unless I swap it over to shield(sometimes I go back and forth a few times in a minute depending)
100 parry/ 90 eva for training parry

90 eva /100 shield is my custom that I never use since it gets me killed(few hundred rank gap between shield and evasion)

>>hunting without using a shield

You Could milk resuscitants or sky giants to lava drakes and be able to ignore assassins and dillos, but that wont' help you any against the drakes ash attacks, or the cabalists fire shards that come after them, or if you're a cleric you can hunt souls since they flex to infinity

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/03/2014 10:35 AM CST
>We're not asking for shield to be bad, just for all defenses to be equally viable.

The thing is, if all defenses are equally viable and we stay in a "you need 2 defenses" situation, then there's no reason to ever train the 3rd defense (other than TDPs). The goal seems to be to make training all 3 defenses necessary.

In my opinion, the only way to solve this is to make all 3 defenses necessary for all attacks. If it's not, then there will always be one "lesser" skill that gets ignored.

Put in a system like magic has for stance points so that there's still some customization options. Then have attacks contest the average of defenses, with special attacks (DFA, maneuvers, etc.) contesting defense in a special weighted way.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/03/2014 10:42 AM CST
>The thing is, if all defenses are equally viable and we stay in a "you need 2 defenses" situation, then there's no reason to ever train the 3rd defense (other than TDPs). The goal seems to be to make training all 3 defenses necessary.

Ya! Just like we have to train every weapon, and every armor, and every magic, and every survival, to be viable!

I don't, really, see the issue with allowing a 2 defense system, even if it means we 'don't have' to train the one we regard as crap.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/03/2014 12:19 PM CST
> 100 eva/90 parry for pvp or invasions unless I swap it over to shield(sometimes I go back and forth a few times in a minute depending)

Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/03/2014 05:08 PM CST
I stick with parry since it's 250 ranks higher than my shield, if they pull out a thrown weapon or bow and I swap to shield I'm going to be taking damage either way, AC protects me from TM, if they put their missle away I move back to parry - usually the other person doesn't notice the defense swap, and could easily catch me off guard stuck in parry if they just swapped back real quick or threw their melee weapon.

Really depends on what the other person uses - most people use missle weapons but will stop if they miss too much, empaths tend to brawl, not many people use exclusively melee weapons either.

An agonizing pain fills you as you feel your tongue turn to powder in your mouth! Through a haze of uncertainty and loss, you realize that something you just said was very wrong.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/03/2014 10:07 PM CST
>The goal seems to be to make training all 3 defenses necessary.

That can't be the goal... parry is not necessary. For some reason, it's important for shield to remain necessary and parry not to be.
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/04/2014 12:23 AM CST
From the numbers and the code, it appears to me that DR's inventors didn't feel it was logical, even in a fantasy universe, for players to parry arrows, bolts, slingstones and fireballs with a dagger. I tend to agree in principle.

It is also my opinion that Evasion was always intended to be the most versatile defense at the expense of potency. Pre-100 ranks, evasion was crippled by armor hindrance. Evasion was also most affected by status effects and balance, and as % increase its effects were not felt much at low ranks.

Unfortunately the inventors failed to write code with math that worked properly above about 100 ranks. As people advanced past circle 30, evasion became better and better, and shield became a handicap. Parry... well, poor parry!

We can likely accept that parry should be useful in some way against incoming ranged attacks. But honestly, I do not see messaging for parrying ranged attacks ever happening. We'd probably just default it to use evade messaging.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
Re: Mandatory shield for PVP 01/04/2014 12:40 AM CST
> We can likely accept that parry should be useful in some way against incoming ranged attacks. But honestly, I do not see messaging for parrying ranged attacks ever happening. We'd probably just default it to use evade messaging.

That idea is the most logical for parry. If you were holding a sword and someone fired an arrow at you, there would be no attempt to parry, you would abandon all efforts to parry and focus entirely on getting out of the way (increasing your base evasion as compared to using evasion/parry)
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