Creatures 200 - 260 Ranks
Creatures 200 - 260 Ranks
New Thread
Rock Guardian spawn broken again
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created by - KREEGHOR
Moving up from Twisted dryads...
- (6 replies)
created by - CJDIRAC
Cave Trolls
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created by - GULFFLAME
Warcat Calm
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created by - MEEKSTER
hulking black barghest
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created by - COLDBLADE
Muscular Firecats
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created by - MITHYLDR
Boxes and skins
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created by - BADGOPHER
Forest geni spawn
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created by - ABSOLON
After Angiswaerd Hatchlings
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created by - IGNATIUSDR
WTH in Zoluren
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created by - CARDINALE01
Ice adders
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created by - THAYET
Not sure what to hunt here
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created by - SQUIRRELYB
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created by - BADGOPHER
fledgeling/young gryphon rooms in Rossman's landing
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created by - RANGER827
Hiding for moruryns?
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created by - APEXER
Pirates on the Kree'la
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created by - DRAKONIC
Red Leucros
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created by - IGNATIUSDR
Between Warcats and Gryphons
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created by - VCHEN
Frostweavers and ...snowbeasts?
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created by - BICKFORDS3
WTH, box dropping mobs
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created by - CARDINALE01
Adan'f Shadow Mages
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created by - CARDINALE01
Gryphons readability
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created by - SLEE1
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created by - DAVIAN-KAIN
Which gryphons to hunt?
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created by - SHEATH
Retch Fiends' Special Attack
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created by - JARAGONA
Blue-green Pivuh
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created by - KHIOL
Caracal White Oak
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created by - BUUWL
Faenrae Stalkers
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WTH 3.0
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created by - DISCOTEQ21
Elder Brocket Deer - Possible Cross Tactics bug?
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created by - JHALIASCLERIC
Swamp Troll Bug?
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created by - JHALIASCLERIC
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created by - TARQUIN02
Brocket Deer
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created by - JHALIASCLERIC
Red Leucro
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created by - KHIOL
Seordavor Kartais
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created by - KHIOL
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created by - REWYN
(no subject)
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created by - REWYN
What to hunt advice?
- (11 replies)
created by - DJP2
Black Leucros
- (9 replies)
created by - THESAGEONE
Another WTH
- (4 replies)
created by - YAKULISJ3
New Thread
Creatures 200 - 260 Ranks