Going to voice my complaint here since it's not really being acknowledged in the Events section.
I have an issue with paying cash for Simucon giftbags (4 across 4 accounts), being told they'd be available mid-August, then not getting any updates since August 8th despite emailing GM-Zythica and posting about it multiple times on the official forums. I can understand there being delays at times, but updating customers on delays and changed timelines for delivery isn't too much to ask.
Re: Simucon Giftbags
09/13/2017 02:50 PM CDT
Your complaint is absolutely legitimate. DR received theirs on 8/15
She did respond on the SimuCon boards yesterday: http://forums.play.net/forums/SimuCon/SimuCon%20'17/General%20Discussions/view/234
>Hey guys,
>Sorry for the lack of response so far. We had a major snafu with the scripted item we had planned, and I'm working on getting a replacement. Hopefully I can get this turned around in the next week. I'm really very sorry about the delay. :(
Re: Simucon Giftbags
09/13/2017 10:53 PM CDT
Glad she responded. I'm cool with waiting as long as i have a general idea how long i'll be waiting!
Re: Simucon Giftbags
09/27/2017 04:40 PM CDT
Just copying this update here for those that don't read the other Simucon folder:
<Hey everyone, we're sorry about the delay in this goodie bag. Some staffing changes happened during the development of the Goodie Bag that has delayed the distribution of the items.
The memento item is being finalized and then everything will be ready. Due to the delay, we'll also be adding an additional item to the Goodie Bag.
In previous years, a GameMaster usually tries to track everyone down in game, but moving forward, we're going to use another system that we already use for global item distribution to hopefully speed this up.
Again, sorry for the delay.>
<Hey everyone, we're sorry about the delay in this goodie bag. Some staffing changes happened during the development of the Goodie Bag that has delayed the distribution of the items.
The memento item is being finalized and then everything will be ready. Due to the delay, we'll also be adding an additional item to the Goodie Bag.
In previous years, a GameMaster usually tries to track everyone down in game, but moving forward, we're going to use another system that we already use for global item distribution to hopefully speed this up.
Again, sorry for the delay.>
Guild Night lag
09/27/2017 09:17 PM CDT
I'm getting really discouraged by the week-in, week-out horrible lag on Wednesday nights. I heard Wyrom said on Discord that it's largely due to Hand of the Arkati farming Reim. If true, I'd like to see them encouraged to move to another night. Or give us the ability to use guild point doubling at any time and not just when the servers are being crashed every week.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/27/2017 09:36 PM CDT
I'm curious why ANY number of users now would create as much lag than there was in the 90s, running on modern hardware. Is it possible that all the scripted items and weighted/padded/etc. items that folks are using now are doing hundreds of division calculations on the fly each time they are swung, or swung at? Or just a router issue? I don't particularly mind the lag, but I find this interesting.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/27/2017 11:37 PM CDT
It's not a number of users thing that is creating the lag. It's the specific thing that Hand of the Arkati is doing. I don't really want to elaborate, but lets just say that we enter so many simultaneous commands with our scripts that it breaks our local XML parser every couple rounds of mobs, so I can't imagine what kind of load it is having on the server. Basically, each wave of mobs that arrives causes the command buffer to be jammed full of commands for a brief moment every couple of minutes while we are in Reim.
If 30 characters are all entering commands with a human level of simultaneousness, the server doesn't seem to care, but when all 30 commands are executed within nanoseconds of each other, it seems to cause some hiccups.
If 30 characters are all entering commands with a human level of simultaneousness, the server doesn't seem to care, but when all 30 commands are executed within nanoseconds of each other, it seems to cause some hiccups.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/27/2017 11:46 PM CDT
maybe that group should break up into smaller groups and go on different nights for the sake of everyone else. I applaud their success, but it should not come at the cost of everyone else's enjoyment.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 08:51 AM CDT
Wednesday night for Wizards, Saturday night for Sorcerers...
Given the number of people who have mass-effect capabilities at that level, and the number of creatures spawned by a group that size, I am unsurprised that there is lag; I have taken to being in non-lethal areas on Tuesday night (when I first noticed it) and more recently on Wednesday (when they added the Farming).
Their behavior is no more nor less offensive than the guy who had an extremely capacious bag, who kept skinning myklians. At one point he wanted to see how many he had, so he looked into it...
...and when the game came back up, he realized that he had never found out, so he looked into it...
...and when the game came back up, he realized that he had never found out, so he looked into it...
...and when the game came back up, he started getting [SEND]s from GMs yelling to PLEASE STOP DOING THAT.
Wasn't HIS fault the thing got built that way... :) It's not THEIR fault Simutronics is probably not using the SGI box any more...
Given the number of people who have mass-effect capabilities at that level, and the number of creatures spawned by a group that size, I am unsurprised that there is lag; I have taken to being in non-lethal areas on Tuesday night (when I first noticed it) and more recently on Wednesday (when they added the Farming).
Their behavior is no more nor less offensive than the guy who had an extremely capacious bag, who kept skinning myklians. At one point he wanted to see how many he had, so he looked into it...
...and when the game came back up, he realized that he had never found out, so he looked into it...
...and when the game came back up, he realized that he had never found out, so he looked into it...
...and when the game came back up, he started getting [SEND]s from GMs yelling to PLEASE STOP DOING THAT.
Wasn't HIS fault the thing got built that way... :) It's not THEIR fault Simutronics is probably not using the SGI box any more...
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 08:55 AM CDT
XPost from Elanthian Forums:
Hand of the Arkati farms Reim every Wednesday night. "Farming" Reim means that unlike a normal Reim progression, we're just hanging out in the plaza for 2 hours from 8:30 to 10:30 PM. Being in the first area allows people the ability to invest in simucoin Reim entries, and re-orb their progress. If you burn a simucoin entry while in the midst of a run, it will reset your scrip progress. On a typical farming night, most individuals can reorb up to 10 times, for 10k scrip. Since many of us are going for Ethereal armor, Adding ethereal armor on armor and fully unlocking it requires 2,280,000 scrip. Doing this once a week boosts weekly gains from 7k scrip up to 18k scrip. Meaning we can complete in 2.4 years instead of 6.2 years.
There are proportionate spawns to the participants in Reim. Having more people means more per wave, means more script per wave, means faster scrip gain per person, means more silvers (but more splits... kind of nets out). We are not spam-attacking. With >25 people, each person can usually only attack once per wave for the tag, credit, etc. We really just want scrip as fast as possible. The timetables are intense, and we want our shiney armor! People come and go, burn their Long Term boosts, their instant absorbers, refill favor, gather their necro energy, etc. It's our little service night... except... in Reim, killing creatures.
It's worth pointing out that our recent Wednesday farming nights are far from the maximum quantity of people we've had in Reim with us. We've reached up to 32 people running Reim, without falter, without lag. I have detailed information about how many people have run any event with HoA since our first run on 7/19/2016, and over 280 events since then. We have been running Wednesday farm nights officially on the calendar since 5/20/2017. It's a great display that combat, and the systems that use to support Gemstone are becoming more complex as times go on. While it's obvious when we see lag with >700 people when we used to see lag with only >2500 people, it's because every attack is now not just evaluating a weapon for enchant, weighting, flares, but also now confirming your enhanced stat, looking for a variety of script flares, evaluating ensorcelling potential, potentially checking both weightings, etc, etc. Everything across Gemstone has gotten infinitely more complex since yesteryears. Complex for the better. But realistically, outside of early Dreavenings, there really wasn't an organization such as this to really stress the servers. So, every <.1% processing speed loss over the last 20 years may have added up! All that said, I admit this is mostly speculation on anecdotal observation.
We are doing our best to attempt the various built-in mechanisms for lag reduction. Wyrom stated in Discord that the lag was predominantly generated by third-party messaging. That doesn't mean Lich, that's more about Whirlin casts 518, and then the other 27 people get a bunch of scroll with his 99999 AS attacks against 52 different critters. That transmission to the 27 other people was more strain than the calculation/execution of the attack. To help remediate this, we tested out the combatbrief flag yesterday, and observed a decrease in the quantity of XML that was being transmitted to our clients. That being said, the xml packets still contained critical flavor text, which while was not prompted on the UI, was incredibly prevalent in the logs being sent by the simu Servers. Unfortunately, combatbrief alone (for at least a dozen of the 28 people) was insufficient to curb the lag. We discussed Lost Ranger's ;briefcombat script, but it's really a post-transmission filtering process, and would not reduce the Simu Server load.
Changing the date does not address any of these underlying concerns. There is a structural concern with how groups of this size are managed. We are looking to further expand the HoA roster, and Wyrom has stated that end-game content is on the horizon, probably even before Savants (yes, that was a joke). Changing the date isn't kicking the can down the road, it's moving a mattress from the middle lane of the highway to a different lane of the highway rather than having it removed. It's still going to cause an issue until the mattress is removed. While also impacting every single one of our members and guests that have scheduled Wednesday nights with us to gather their Favor, their Necro-Energy, burn their Long Term boosts, their Instant-clearers, their Reim Orbs. We have a roster of 78 with probably about 2 dozen rotating guests to consider. We are willing to work with the GMs on stop gaps, and sit down with further discussions about things we'd like to see from capped hunting, etc... but swapping the dates does not address anything that caused it to be a problem in the first place.
Don't misunderstand, we want this lag gone too. I know of at least 3 people that would join our ranks if our events were more feasible to execute. But with the lag introduced, they were having more difficulty hitting the rares, and progressing through Reim, and they didn't feel welcome because of their 286 computer with their 14.4 modem not being able to keep up.
Wyrom stepped in last night on Discord and said that he will be making it a priority to speak with Rester and some on-site people regarding options. We welcome anything short term such as capping out spawns in Reim based on X people, but would request script per kill increased proportionately as to not directly/exclusively nerf us. This is likely easier/faster to do than an overhaul of the combatbrief command. And once that overhaul does go live, I will work with our members to ensure that they are running the commands to reduce system utilization and streamline the game for all players. We just need time to get there.
Regarding specific comments here:
JGalt, mentioned above already.
Kandor, I agree
Khariz: Simultaneous execution of commands is not the culprit of the lag, as confirmed by Wyrom in Discord Last night. Our scripts have absolutely NOTHING to do with the lag; the attacks are resolved server side no problem, in rapid succession, the problem comes populating the attack to the Non-attacking viewers in the group, and sending that information their way. The scripts that we run actually REDUCE additional actions being taken per wave and help mitigate lag concerns in that regard. XML corruption is a Lich byproduct associated with a buffer overload depending on the number of objects in a room. This was exacerbated by the introduction of 709. Yes, we script XML corruption fixes through LNET, which have 0 system implication on the Simutronics side. There's also assumptions in simultaneously executed commands which rely on personal systems not only receiving, but also interpreting, and responding to XML packets in the same speed, and responding at the same time, which is an erroneous assumption. I'm sorry, your complaint sounds like someone with limited knowledge of the mechanics of what we run, how we run it, and downplays the technical expertise of the individuals that we have working on supporting these things for us.
Allereli: It defeats the purpose, as outlined above. More people, more tags per time, more rewards, more XP, more fame, more favor, more everything. Breaking the group into smaller groups not only fragments our participation, could causes clicks for people that want to be in close proximity to other members, forks any pre-made reorbing scripts already set to return to the plaza (off the beaten path, per request by Retser), introduces an additional unsafe rooms in the Reim area for soloers, etc. It's overall a lose-lose-lose, it defeats the purpose of a single, cohesive MHO, it reduces individual benefits, and potentially introduces more drama. Additionally, it does not address any underlying system concern that are causing the problems in the first place.
Hand of the Arkati farms Reim every Wednesday night. "Farming" Reim means that unlike a normal Reim progression, we're just hanging out in the plaza for 2 hours from 8:30 to 10:30 PM. Being in the first area allows people the ability to invest in simucoin Reim entries, and re-orb their progress. If you burn a simucoin entry while in the midst of a run, it will reset your scrip progress. On a typical farming night, most individuals can reorb up to 10 times, for 10k scrip. Since many of us are going for Ethereal armor, Adding ethereal armor on armor and fully unlocking it requires 2,280,000 scrip. Doing this once a week boosts weekly gains from 7k scrip up to 18k scrip. Meaning we can complete in 2.4 years instead of 6.2 years.
There are proportionate spawns to the participants in Reim. Having more people means more per wave, means more script per wave, means faster scrip gain per person, means more silvers (but more splits... kind of nets out). We are not spam-attacking. With >25 people, each person can usually only attack once per wave for the tag, credit, etc. We really just want scrip as fast as possible. The timetables are intense, and we want our shiney armor! People come and go, burn their Long Term boosts, their instant absorbers, refill favor, gather their necro energy, etc. It's our little service night... except... in Reim, killing creatures.
It's worth pointing out that our recent Wednesday farming nights are far from the maximum quantity of people we've had in Reim with us. We've reached up to 32 people running Reim, without falter, without lag. I have detailed information about how many people have run any event with HoA since our first run on 7/19/2016, and over 280 events since then. We have been running Wednesday farm nights officially on the calendar since 5/20/2017. It's a great display that combat, and the systems that use to support Gemstone are becoming more complex as times go on. While it's obvious when we see lag with >700 people when we used to see lag with only >2500 people, it's because every attack is now not just evaluating a weapon for enchant, weighting, flares, but also now confirming your enhanced stat, looking for a variety of script flares, evaluating ensorcelling potential, potentially checking both weightings, etc, etc. Everything across Gemstone has gotten infinitely more complex since yesteryears. Complex for the better. But realistically, outside of early Dreavenings, there really wasn't an organization such as this to really stress the servers. So, every <.1% processing speed loss over the last 20 years may have added up! All that said, I admit this is mostly speculation on anecdotal observation.
We are doing our best to attempt the various built-in mechanisms for lag reduction. Wyrom stated in Discord that the lag was predominantly generated by third-party messaging. That doesn't mean Lich, that's more about Whirlin casts 518, and then the other 27 people get a bunch of scroll with his 99999 AS attacks against 52 different critters. That transmission to the 27 other people was more strain than the calculation/execution of the attack. To help remediate this, we tested out the combatbrief flag yesterday, and observed a decrease in the quantity of XML that was being transmitted to our clients. That being said, the xml packets still contained critical flavor text, which while was not prompted on the UI, was incredibly prevalent in the logs being sent by the simu Servers. Unfortunately, combatbrief alone (for at least a dozen of the 28 people) was insufficient to curb the lag. We discussed Lost Ranger's ;briefcombat script, but it's really a post-transmission filtering process, and would not reduce the Simu Server load.
Changing the date does not address any of these underlying concerns. There is a structural concern with how groups of this size are managed. We are looking to further expand the HoA roster, and Wyrom has stated that end-game content is on the horizon, probably even before Savants (yes, that was a joke). Changing the date isn't kicking the can down the road, it's moving a mattress from the middle lane of the highway to a different lane of the highway rather than having it removed. It's still going to cause an issue until the mattress is removed. While also impacting every single one of our members and guests that have scheduled Wednesday nights with us to gather their Favor, their Necro-Energy, burn their Long Term boosts, their Instant-clearers, their Reim Orbs. We have a roster of 78 with probably about 2 dozen rotating guests to consider. We are willing to work with the GMs on stop gaps, and sit down with further discussions about things we'd like to see from capped hunting, etc... but swapping the dates does not address anything that caused it to be a problem in the first place.
Don't misunderstand, we want this lag gone too. I know of at least 3 people that would join our ranks if our events were more feasible to execute. But with the lag introduced, they were having more difficulty hitting the rares, and progressing through Reim, and they didn't feel welcome because of their 286 computer with their 14.4 modem not being able to keep up.
Wyrom stepped in last night on Discord and said that he will be making it a priority to speak with Rester and some on-site people regarding options. We welcome anything short term such as capping out spawns in Reim based on X people, but would request script per kill increased proportionately as to not directly/exclusively nerf us. This is likely easier/faster to do than an overhaul of the combatbrief command. And once that overhaul does go live, I will work with our members to ensure that they are running the commands to reduce system utilization and streamline the game for all players. We just need time to get there.
Regarding specific comments here:
JGalt, mentioned above already.
Kandor, I agree
Khariz: Simultaneous execution of commands is not the culprit of the lag, as confirmed by Wyrom in Discord Last night. Our scripts have absolutely NOTHING to do with the lag; the attacks are resolved server side no problem, in rapid succession, the problem comes populating the attack to the Non-attacking viewers in the group, and sending that information their way. The scripts that we run actually REDUCE additional actions being taken per wave and help mitigate lag concerns in that regard. XML corruption is a Lich byproduct associated with a buffer overload depending on the number of objects in a room. This was exacerbated by the introduction of 709. Yes, we script XML corruption fixes through LNET, which have 0 system implication on the Simutronics side. There's also assumptions in simultaneously executed commands which rely on personal systems not only receiving, but also interpreting, and responding to XML packets in the same speed, and responding at the same time, which is an erroneous assumption. I'm sorry, your complaint sounds like someone with limited knowledge of the mechanics of what we run, how we run it, and downplays the technical expertise of the individuals that we have working on supporting these things for us.
Allereli: It defeats the purpose, as outlined above. More people, more tags per time, more rewards, more XP, more fame, more favor, more everything. Breaking the group into smaller groups not only fragments our participation, could causes clicks for people that want to be in close proximity to other members, forks any pre-made reorbing scripts already set to return to the plaza (off the beaten path, per request by Retser), introduces an additional unsafe rooms in the Reim area for soloers, etc. It's overall a lose-lose-lose, it defeats the purpose of a single, cohesive MHO, it reduces individual benefits, and potentially introduces more drama. Additionally, it does not address any underlying system concern that are causing the problems in the first place.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 09:01 AM CDT
I have been corrected.
Briefcombat is Daedeeus
Spellmerge is Lost Rangers
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 09:10 AM CDT
This further solidifies my concerns with spending anything beyond my monthly subscription moving forward if the framework of the game is not being actively developed and maintained to be able to handle the increase in players and or features.
Wyrom says, "Ordim is the reason savants won't be coded as well."
Wyrom says, "Ordim is the reason savants won't be coded as well."
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 09:11 AM CDT
CombatBrief may be good, and maybe should be left alone (like for smaller groups), but there needs to be a MassCombat flag that automatically gets turned on when "# of players in room >= 10" (or some number) and the server needs to send out all that messaging.
The caster (or MStriker, as the case may be) gets his normal results (full output, or CombatBrief, whatever s/he has set), but everyone else in the room sees:
He swings at an orc!
(ONLY IF status change [stunned, proned, webbed, dead], message status change.)
He swings at an goblin!
He swings at an kobold!
He swings at an hobgoblin!
He swings at an troll!
He swings at an giant!
And done. One line--MAYBE two for some of them, if there's an effect that is worthy of note--but no AS/DS w/die roll, no HP messaging, no crit messaging, no flavor messaging.
For what it's worth, this is exactly the same issue with 'lebenty squillion people wearing 'lebenty squillion ambient-generating messages in the same room with the other 'lebenty squillion people. Boatloads of messaging. (Not quite as bad as mass combat, but still a ton of junk having to go out.)
And also explains why I run screaming away from busy, player-infested rooms.
The caster (or MStriker, as the case may be) gets his normal results (full output, or CombatBrief, whatever s/he has set), but everyone else in the room sees:
He swings at an orc!
(ONLY IF status change [stunned, proned, webbed, dead], message status change.)
He swings at an goblin!
He swings at an kobold!
He swings at an hobgoblin!
He swings at an troll!
He swings at an giant!
And done. One line--MAYBE two for some of them, if there's an effect that is worthy of note--but no AS/DS w/die roll, no HP messaging, no crit messaging, no flavor messaging.
For what it's worth, this is exactly the same issue with 'lebenty squillion people wearing 'lebenty squillion ambient-generating messages in the same room with the other 'lebenty squillion people. Boatloads of messaging. (Not quite as bad as mass combat, but still a ton of junk having to go out.)
And also explains why I run screaming away from busy, player-infested rooms.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 09:19 AM CDT
/Tongue in cheek
that idea will totally ruin my immersion durring Reim runs.
that idea will totally ruin my immersion durring Reim runs.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 09:27 AM CDT
Well played... :)
Immersion should be just fine, because you still get to see BigGiantWarrior swinging his tremendous golvern whacking-axe (of Doom!), you just don't see all of the rest of the junk that goes with it. (Including cutesy crit messaging, for the really low ranks of injuries.) So you know that BigGiantWarrior just attacked, and is in roundtime, and he affected a bunch of creatures.
Immersion should be just fine, because you still get to see BigGiantWarrior swinging his tremendous golvern whacking-axe (of Doom!), you just don't see all of the rest of the junk that goes with it. (Including cutesy crit messaging, for the really low ranks of injuries.) So you know that BigGiantWarrior just attacked, and is in roundtime, and he affected a bunch of creatures.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 09:33 AM CDT
That's what I was stating as well in Discord as well. Would be nice to know if it landed or missed though. This would also be beneficial during big invasion storylines to cut down on the lag that can happen there as well.
Bobby swings at an orc, hit!
He also swings at a goblin, miss. (same for evaded, blocked, etc, miss for all of them)
He also swings at a kobold, hit!
Johnny casts at a wraith, success!
He also casts at a lich, warded!
The above would be helpful for bandits, Reim, etc for when you need to know everyone landed on something.
That should work. Or something similar.
Bobby swings at an orc, hit!
He also swings at a goblin, miss. (same for evaded, blocked, etc, miss for all of them)
He also swings at a kobold, hit!
Johnny casts at a wraith, success!
He also casts at a lich, warded!
The above would be helpful for bandits, Reim, etc for when you need to know everyone landed on something.
That should work. Or something similar.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 09:38 AM CDT
Oooh, combined information on the lines! I like it!
Add " It is stunned!" (prone, webbed, killed) afterwards, and we have a winner.
Add " It is stunned!" (prone, webbed, killed) afterwards, and we have a winner.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 09:50 AM CDT
>Allereli: It defeats the purpose, as outlined above. More people, more tags per time, more rewards, more XP, more fame, more favor, more everything. Breaking the group into smaller groups not only fragments our participation, could causes clicks for people that want to be in close proximity to other members, forks any pre-made reorbing scripts already set to return to the plaza (off the beaten path, per request by Retser), introduces an additional unsafe rooms in the Reim area for soloers, etc. It's overall a lose-lose-lose, it defeats the purpose of a single, cohesive MHO, it reduces individual benefits, and potentially introduces more drama. Additionally, it does not address any underlying system concern that are causing the problems in the first place.
you're being selfish. Until the hardware is updated on the Simu side, you should keep in mind that GS is more than your group, and if your group is causing problems for everyone, then you should do whatever it takes to not cause problems for everyone.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 10:01 AM CDT
>>you're being selfish.
Does anyone else play Path of Exile and did you immediately think of Shellfish man?!
~Amanda, player of Treeva
Does anyone else play Path of Exile and did you immediately think of Shellfish man?!
~Amanda, player of Treeva
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 10:13 AM CDT
When Darkstone castle was closed and we built new critters for it (roa'ter, harbingers, kiramon, banshee, MTKs, etc.) one of the things I designed was a trap in the magic system to "do really bad things on occasion" to magic spells, up to and including casting a different spell than was cast, fizzling, damaging the caster, spell failures, etc.
Upon testing, I had the system working great, and we were ready to release. We did our little RP event to open the area (you guys killed me as Estrion... way to fast... RIP Estrion), and let the masses in. They fanned out into the area, starting attacking the critters there (including casting spells at them)...
The game slowed... and slowed.. and... CRASH.
We came back up, the game slowed... and slowed... and... CRASH.
A couple of times later, Greg says to me, "Blake, your magic system in Claedesbrim is killing the game...". "What?? But we tested this!"
It turns out, I was pushing just enough memory onto the stack that we were running out of resources ONLY when enough players were trying to cast spells at the same time within the Darkstone area.
I ended up having to close it for 2 or so weeks, while I totally re-built the system a different way in order to reduce stress on core memory.
It's an example of a MASSIVE change in a short period of time being affected by # of users. This situation with Reim however is an example of many SMALLER changes over a longer period of time, but the end result is very similar. The combination of those changes is likely causing some resource constraint that didn't exist before, be it message bandwidth, CPU, Memory, etc. etc. (there are many many things that could be at play here).
That said, there are two things I think will or SHOULD happen:
1 - I am confident the team will find and fix the issue. There are many more tools available to them to find the source of the problem than I had.
2 - I do not think the Reim group should change their timing, # of people in the area, Plans, or anything having to do with their weekly event. End game content and large player organizations are too important for GemStone's continued growth and viability.
#1 will take care of #2.
I know it sucks for everyone else, but what I do is just plan on doing non-lethal related things on Wednesday nights. The fact that we had a lot of raffles going on was great, but maybe we could have done some stuff for basic accounts too that did not involve requiring them to engage in combat as well. Typical Wednesday nights for me include locker cleanup, artisan stuff, working on alts, or whatever. At the end of the day it's really only a 2 hour window out of a much longer week.
Upon testing, I had the system working great, and we were ready to release. We did our little RP event to open the area (you guys killed me as Estrion... way to fast... RIP Estrion), and let the masses in. They fanned out into the area, starting attacking the critters there (including casting spells at them)...
The game slowed... and slowed.. and... CRASH.
We came back up, the game slowed... and slowed... and... CRASH.
A couple of times later, Greg says to me, "Blake, your magic system in Claedesbrim is killing the game...". "What?? But we tested this!"
It turns out, I was pushing just enough memory onto the stack that we were running out of resources ONLY when enough players were trying to cast spells at the same time within the Darkstone area.
I ended up having to close it for 2 or so weeks, while I totally re-built the system a different way in order to reduce stress on core memory.
It's an example of a MASSIVE change in a short period of time being affected by # of users. This situation with Reim however is an example of many SMALLER changes over a longer period of time, but the end result is very similar. The combination of those changes is likely causing some resource constraint that didn't exist before, be it message bandwidth, CPU, Memory, etc. etc. (there are many many things that could be at play here).
That said, there are two things I think will or SHOULD happen:
1 - I am confident the team will find and fix the issue. There are many more tools available to them to find the source of the problem than I had.
2 - I do not think the Reim group should change their timing, # of people in the area, Plans, or anything having to do with their weekly event. End game content and large player organizations are too important for GemStone's continued growth and viability.
#1 will take care of #2.
I know it sucks for everyone else, but what I do is just plan on doing non-lethal related things on Wednesday nights. The fact that we had a lot of raffles going on was great, but maybe we could have done some stuff for basic accounts too that did not involve requiring them to engage in combat as well. Typical Wednesday nights for me include locker cleanup, artisan stuff, working on alts, or whatever. At the end of the day it's really only a 2 hour window out of a much longer week.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 10:21 AM CDT
>I know it sucks for everyone else, but what I do is just plan on doing non-lethal related things on Wednesday nights.
yes, people planned to do guild night, which is non-lethal, but were unable to enjoy it because of the lag caused by a group that has control over what they do. And telling me that your scripts are set up a certain way as a reason not to break it up is laughable.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 10:25 AM CDT
The Hand of the Arkati doesn't want to lag out other people. Heck, we hate the lag ourselves. However, we've been running Reim every night at 8:30, with generally 10-20 people, for over a year. The lag spike is a recent issue and will ideally be fixed on the back end shortly; Wyrom and Retser and such are already on it. A MassCombat flag, or something that works like the Room window, which auto-disables with X number of people in the room, would be great. We could indeed move farming to a different night (though it breaks a schedule people are used to now), but we run a Reim group every night at 8:30 (come join us; it's open to anyone 90+!), so there would be minimal impact to doing it on a different night.
Accusing us of being selfish for playing the game the way it was designed because we're slowing down your alchemy script is just rude.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Accusing us of being selfish for playing the game the way it was designed because we're slowing down your alchemy script is just rude.
~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox
You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 10:29 AM CDT
"something that works like the Room window, which auto-disables with X number of people in the room," -- Nuadjha
(And not just StormFront. I'll take one for the Wizard, kthx. [I mean, most of my characters have this whole 'Familiar' window sitting there doing nothing...])
(And not just StormFront. I'll take one for the Wizard, kthx. [I mean, most of my characters have this whole 'Familiar' window sitting there doing nothing...])
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 10:29 AM CDT
>Accusing us of being selfish for playing the game the way it was designed because we're slowing down your alchemy script is just rude.
I've completed all my guild work, I help others during guild night. I don't think the game was designed for group hunting to mean regular groups of 30+ double and triple capped characters with all the toys and all the spells standing in one room for two hours.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 10:32 AM CDT
"something that works like the Room window, which auto-disables with X number of people in the room," -- Nuadjha
(Actually, that wouldn't work: by the time it reaches the front end the work of pushing it out from the server is already done. THAT step--at that end--is what needs to be addressed, not re-routing where it displays here at ours.)
(Actually, that wouldn't work: by the time it reaches the front end the work of pushing it out from the server is already done. THAT step--at that end--is what needs to be addressed, not re-routing where it displays here at ours.)
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 10:45 AM CDT
If everyone not coming with HOA to Reim could not play on Wednesdays between 830 and 1030pm est this would go a long way to help us reduce the lag we get as well while in there. Thanks for stepping up and showing us how not to be selfish in advance.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 10:45 AM CDT
>>by the time it reaches the front end the work of pushing it out from the server is already done
Yup. The server doesn't necessarily know if or assume that everyone in the room wants brief messaging, so it has to actually process for everyone. They'll need a server side solution.
That said, as I mentioned before we could possibly only require some optimizations of recent combat related releases in order to drop below the threshold of "omgLAGGG!" to something more acceptable.
Yup. The server doesn't necessarily know if or assume that everyone in the room wants brief messaging, so it has to actually process for everyone. They'll need a server side solution.
That said, as I mentioned before we could possibly only require some optimizations of recent combat related releases in order to drop below the threshold of "omgLAGGG!" to something more acceptable.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 11:03 AM CDT
how about instituting a group number max of what the game can take in terms of these farming activities until hardware issues can be resolved?
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 11:29 AM CDT
These lag issues crop up with every event that has too many people in one room. Even some raffles have caused it, though for shorter periods of time. We have needed a server side solution for a while now, let's hope we get one soon.
Speaking in Faendryl, Jahosk says, "You will now be known as Blade Durakar, the Palestra."
Speaking in Faendryl, Jahosk says, "You will now be known as Blade Durakar, the Palestra."
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 11:56 AM CDT
Could we also cap how many guild ranks you can earn durring guild night so people dont stay logged in and make more lag?
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 12:00 PM CDT
>Could we also cap how many guild ranks you can earn durring guild night so people dont stay logged in and make more lag?
since people don't typically sit in a room with 30 other people running scripts and casting AoE spells during guild night, the lag is not caused by that. It has been identified to be mainly caused by one group.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 12:09 PM CDT
"We are working on this." -- Wyrom
You've got a week! <whipcrack!>
(Well... five more days, assuming they do their normal Reim assault on Tuesday.)
You've got a week! <whipcrack!>
(Well... five more days, assuming they do their normal Reim assault on Tuesday.)
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 12:13 PM CDT
>You've got a week! <whipcrack!>
actually they have until Sunday evening, when the storyline for EG starts. We all know how fun the lag for that is.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 12:14 PM CDT
They typically dont....so sometimes they do....nerf guild night.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 12:19 PM CDT
I thought the 64 bit upgrade was supposed to solve this, way back when.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 12:34 PM CDT
>>I thought the 64 bit upgrade was supposed to solve this, way back when.
Raised the ceiling. Resource constraints still exist.
Raised the ceiling. Resource constraints still exist.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 01:08 PM CDT
I've been wondering what was causing me lag in the evenings lately. It's been so bad at times I've had to either find something to do other then hunt in the short windows I've been able to be on or just not play.
I wasn't going to post here cause NIR is looking for a solution (kudos for that), but then I got to some comments from the group that's apparently responsible for the lag that they should truly be ashamed of. Sure, you're playing as it was ment to, but you're also knowingly causing others to have a difficult time enjoying a game that they too are paying for during peek hours. Whether or not that's griefing, it's definitely inconsiderate.
The least you all could do is put your massive group hunts on hold or shorten their duration until Wyrom et al find a solution.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
I wasn't going to post here cause NIR is looking for a solution (kudos for that), but then I got to some comments from the group that's apparently responsible for the lag that they should truly be ashamed of. Sure, you're playing as it was ment to, but you're also knowingly causing others to have a difficult time enjoying a game that they too are paying for during peek hours. Whether or not that's griefing, it's definitely inconsiderate.
The least you all could do is put your massive group hunts on hold or shorten their duration until Wyrom et al find a solution.
A severed gnomish hand crawls in on its fingertips and makes a rude gesture before quickly decaying and rotting into dust. A gust of wind quickly scatters the dust.
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 01:19 PM CDT
Would a short term fix of breaking the group into two help? That seems pretty reasonable to me, and has been done in past large events to help with lag in the past. I wouldn't go so far as to say that the HOA hunts are selfish, but it's a bit unreasonable to have a group of 30 lessening the game play of everyone else. I'm glad for their success, which is made obvious by this problem, but there has to be a solution here. Going back and looking at it through the lens of "what did we change that started this?" would be a useful place to start. Make some short term adjustments, like breaking the group in half, and then moving on from there.
Note that breaking the group in two could mean different start times or two different rooms.
Good luck,
Note that breaking the group in two could mean different start times or two different rooms.
Good luck,
Re: Guild Night lag
09/28/2017 02:08 PM CDT
I have to second Kerls comment. Not saying longterm change your habits but short term until a fix is in change of habits that benefit all wouldnt hurt. I get the want to max out each run bjt missing a week or two for the good of the whole during prime time isnt asking for much.