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Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 01:24 AM CDT
<You are wrong, learning that a powerful spell at low levels can hurt ya or even kill can be quite fun! It only grows wearisome for those too stupid to learn that it takes more skill to be <good at it so don't try and cast it 10 times in an hour.

Are we using "powerful" in the RP sense of the word? Because I can't think of anything powerful about 418. It was and is an irrelevant spell that rarely gets used by most players who have access to it. The fact that it's newly "improved" with higher training requirements really didn't add anything to the spell.

<Some of you folks slay me, you don't want the spells to get easier as your power grows you want instant gratification. Then you one trick pony so much and gain so much more ability, and are <bored because you refuse to break out of that 1 trick pony style.

What other tricks does the wizard pony have, RROY? Do tell! Last I checked if you weren't either an immolate mage or a war mage, you cast bolts. Bolts, which are all functionally the same spell. Where are all these tricks you think we have? And what have they done thus far to change that as they should if they're going to break our little pony?

<Immolate Immolate rinse and repeat, so boring... Now you can mix in some other nifty fire spells both CS, and AS.

Yes, nerfing the power of immolate so that bolts seem a little bit better by comparison is a truly innovative design. Brilliant! Of course, I hope there's more to it than that. Don't you?

<Haste was being exploited, it was never meant to be up 100%, much less for a whole hunting party

This is 100% nonsense.

<Poor people can't survive and die sometimes, most of you are so min maxed and over trained and so geared you don't die often enough. Your boredom is your own fault.

<You have an incomplete data set because you don't know all of the release and you nitpick every release and once you have that accomplished you resume your poor lil' you whine about the <spell nerf thats near and dear to your heart.

<You quote wow, which is always buffing/nerfing like its sliced bread and yet you can't wait and see after all the releases that are buffs are in place? I think Estild stated the nerfs were <last....

Blah blah blah.

Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! Minium failure rate? 08/30/2015 02:27 AM CDT
I didn't have time to read every page.

Anyway, I think these are all nice updates to this spell.

For what it's worth, my most common use of the spell is for the Beacon Hall Workshop when I'm doing Scroll Infusion work. At some point, the house may ever splurge for adding a true earthnode, but overall I don't find that most workshops are earthnodes, and this spell helps the situation substantially. I presume this kind of theory ought to apply for wizards as well for charging items.

Unless I'm mistaken and there are piles and piles of workshops around that are earth nodes? The ones in the sorcerer guild are not.

Check out who's dying any time! https://twitter.com/GSIVDeathLog

>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! Minium failure rate? 08/30/2015 10:00 AM CDT

I thought most workshops were nodes, but I guess I'll have to double check next time I use one.

Having risk on powerful, useful things like cross-realm sorc portal is reasonable.

Increasing the risk on a spell that already had a poor usefulness::risk ratio seems like the wrong way to go.
I've cast this spell twice in my life, once almost dying from it. While these types of effects sound good on paper, in actual usage the punitive side-effects just make me do without.
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! Minium failure rate? 08/30/2015 10:06 AM CDT

>I thought most workshops were nodes, but I guess I'll have to double check next time I use one.

At one point most workshops were nodes. Nodes were not removed from workshops, but many workshops were added, specifically the ones to sorcerer guilds, that are not nodes.
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 06:59 PM CDT
Hi everybody!

After reading all of the player feedback about this spell and going through some discussion, we've made a few additional changes to Mana Focus (418).

- A base 25% has been added to the success formula, which should make it much simpler to cast at the lower levels as well as cap out at the 97% success chance. The formula now reads: (25 + (MnE spell ranks / 4) + (Elemental Mana Control ranks / 2) + Aura stat bonus)

- The caster now loses no additional mana for failing on a cast of the spell. (Failures cost 18 mana just like successes now)

- The maximum damage dealt on a failure is now based on the amount that the caster failed by on the roll to succeed. Damage will still be dealt, but the amount of damage will be noticeably lower on average. This means that as you gain a higher chance to succeed at casting the spell from training in EMC and/or the MnE circle, the amount of damage that the spell deals will go down. It is still possible for a failure to be lethal, but that case is now very rare and should not be possible for anyone with a decent chance to succeed with this spell.

Questions? Comments? Love? Hate? Send them on my way!

~ Konacon
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 07:08 PM CDT
Thanks for listening Konacon. Those changes make a lot of sense and seem to address most of the complaints/issues.

-- Robert

"All wizards are beginners; some of us have just been beginning longer!"
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 07:15 PM CDT
Much better, Konacon. Thank you (and the associated DEV team) for working to get this spell improved.
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 07:19 PM CDT
Lots of love for the changes. Especially making the damage get reduced as you gain further training. Makes a lot of sense and increases the usability of the spell for pretty much everyone. Thanks for listening and adjusting.

Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 07:35 PM CDT
Excellent update! That should prove much more useful, and far less frustrating. Thank you! :)

~ GtG
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 07:50 PM CDT
Hi everybody!
After reading all of the player feedback about this spell and going through some discussion, we've made a few additional changes to Mana Focus (418).
- A base 25% has been added to the success formula, which should make it much simpler to cast at the lower levels as well as cap out at the 97% success chance. The formula now reads: (25 + (MnE spell ranks / 4) + (Elemental Mana Control ranks / 2) + Aura stat bonus)
- The caster now loses no additional mana for failing on a cast of the spell. (Failures cost 18 mana just like successes now)
- The maximum damage dealt on a failure is now based on the amount that the caster failed by on the roll to succeed. Damage will still be dealt, but the amount of damage will be noticeably lower on average. This means that as you gain a higher chance to succeed at casting the spell from training in EMC and/or the MnE circle, the amount of damage that the spell deals will go down. It is still possible for a failure to be lethal, but that case is now very rare and should not be possible for anyone with a decent chance to succeed with this spell.
Questions? Comments? Love? Hate? Send them on my way!
~ Konacon

Thank you Konacon, I feel like this was a vast improvement to the spell, and knowing some concrete numbers behind the mechanics have alleviated my concerns with these changes.

... ... ... Will it still cause Bards to blow up who sing 1018? Because that's almost as much fun as causing people to spellburst by casting 919 on them. WHICH IS NOT A CRIME!!!!

Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 09:33 PM CDT
Learned two things:

1) Whirlin is an evil troll :D

2) The power of my whine is strong. I promise to only use it for good.

In all seriousness, I really appreciate you discussing our concerns and coming up with a solution that, I think at least, is excellent. Both parts are good! Having a success chance > 70% on my character is great, and knowing that my skill will probably keep it from being fatal is awesome.

I know nothing has been discussed about familiar gate, but if some of this excellent design philosophy could find it's way over there eventually, I would use that spell a lot more too. I really want to save my whining for haste so if I could get 930 as a freebie that'd be great ;)

Very Good Change.
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 09:49 PM CDT
Has this gone into game yet? I got a little 418 happy from the news but I failed 3 times in a row. No fatal injuries, thank gods.

Are some areas out of bounds? Don't need spoilers, a simple hinted yes will suffice.

I was using it in Sheruvian temple but it was definitely not an earthnode or anything.

I would have experimented more but I wanted to make sure the changes were in before I got myself killed on the moon for nothing.
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/30/2015 09:56 PM CDT
The changes should definitely be in. Bad luck obviously does happen sometimes, but if you test it out more and feel like something is wrong, feel free to let me know. :)

~ Konacon
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/31/2015 01:19 PM CDT

Konacon I knew you were great! Just readin' your funny stuff convinced me of that. This new update should be really good for the lower level folks, I don't see any compliments about this updated from some of the people voicing their concerns, but maybe they are at work still.

I was happy with it before, now I'm ecstatic. I have been using it a lot since its revamp and release.

Just an elf about town...
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/31/2015 01:49 PM CDT
That helps a lot. At least now lower level players should be able to actually use the spell and it won't be much of a risk to high level players. I would have liked to have seen some sort of addition or change to the base functionality of the spell to make it more practically useful. As it stands, the spell is still fairly irrelevant.

Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/31/2015 02:00 PM CDT
It's a good improvement. I haven't cast the spell in about 50 trainings, and doubt I will ever see the need to do so, but it certainly can't hurt to have the changes in place.
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 08/31/2015 09:08 PM CDT

Just keep in mind that just because 418 isn't useful to you that it might be useful to others. Capped and multi-capped characters might not find lots of stuff isn't useful. My old almost triple capped Sorc and my over triple capped mage, both hunted empty-handed, to them both the whole runestaff system was useless...

Haste was very useful for gobbling herbs with those characters too, until I had F/A, Survival, and health capped (Not sure exactly how it helped but I know they boosted healing quite a bit)

At 71 trainings I been using it consistently since its initial ELR release, around 25-30 casts and no deaths. Now today its made less deadly.

There are plenty of ways it can be useful even to you uber folks. Example You know some areas take a bit of time to spawn critters, so you are resting somewhere, but your mana isn't full and your experience buckets empty. You go out to the hunting area and cast 418, and in 2 min. you got your mana full, lost no exp, and the area is critter primed.

Just an elf about town...
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 12/08/2017 03:59 PM CST
I realize that it is heresy for a Bard to consider training in Elemental Lore that is not Air, but I'm thinking of picking up some Water because I am all things mana-related.

As I understand the spell's rewrite, there are two effects:
- the 'normal' cast of the spell, which affects ONLY the room in which it was cast, and which characters need to be IN that room to receive; and
- "The Watering", which affects ONLY the caster, and happens no matter where the caster happens to be at the time.

For the Watering, is there anything in either the "spell active" or "mana" results that tells us we are entitled to +10 mana for some number X remaining pulses?


Have I parsed everything out correctly?
Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 12/08/2017 04:33 PM CST
>For the Watering, is there anything in either the "spell active" or "mana" results that tells us we are entitled to +10 mana for some number X remaining pulses?

Yes already in spell active:

You currently have the following active spells:
Mana Focus Water Bonus ............. 0:09:58


Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 12/08/2017 05:04 PM CST
And also mana:

Normal Enhanced
Maximum Mana Points: 508 508
Remaining Mana Points: 508

Mana gained off node: 96 106
Mana gained on node: 147 157

Re: HSN: ELR - Mana Focus (418) Updated! 12/08/2017 09:53 PM CST
Ahhh, excellent.

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