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Re: Avalon 4.3.3 08/04/2016 06:54 PM CDT
I noticed that Avalon doesn't work exactly like SF scripts where a roundtime is concerned.

In SF it (mostly) waits for the RT to be over before sending the next thing. I discovered this when I was preparing a performance. I could not force it to send any kind of speaking during a loresong RT, back when loresinging generated even longer RTs than they do now

Not in Avalon, it just sends stuff willy nilly. So I'm going to have to take that into consideration, too, now.

I just thought I'd mention it.
Re: Avalon 4.3.3 08/07/2016 01:47 PM CDT
More Avalon Oddities of Note

The Preferences/Highlights/Sounds

... does not make noise when set. I wanted to make sure I never missed a private message because the window for thoughts goes away when focus is off of Avalon. Set it, message came through. No sound was heard.
Re: Avalon 4.3.3 08/07/2016 06:50 PM CDT
Thanks - I'm just about set with this next version, I'll see if I can figure out what's up with the sound too.

I'm pretty sure that I have the script speed issue that you noticed and DVDMORSE also brought up fixed, the missing checkboxes for highlight entire line and transparent highlights, the variable replacement (I'm still making sure that I didn't break something there though), and some other minor things that don't really have a visible effect.

When it becomes available is going to depend on when I'm confident that I've fixed the issues, and can get it packaged up and sent into the office. I'll let you all know though.

Re: Avalon 4.3.3 08/07/2016 09:46 PM CDT
Thanks very much for all of your work, Ixix. I very much appreciate it, and I am sure I am not the only one.


"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Avalon 4.3.3 08/07/2016 10:59 PM CDT
By the way, Ixix, were you also able to fix the fact that echoes were not working as well? If so, that would be very helpful--I use a lot of reference scripts that involve calling up text in the game window from a script.



"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Avalon 4.3.3 08/08/2016 07:34 AM CDT
Hmm - I haven't had any issues with the echo command, is that still happening? Can you post a snippet of script that isn't echoing, or if not, email the script to me at

Re: Avalon 4.3.3 08/08/2016 07:19 PM CDT
Sure. I just tried it again--none of my echoes are working.

Here is a simple one. It is just to help me remember how much each gem is worth for adventurer's guild purposes I will only post the first part, which should be enough:


IF_1 goto %1%

echo ********* Gems A ********
echo * Aquamarine Gem 650
echo * Asterfire Quartz 850
echo *******************************

echo ********* Gems B ********
echo * Banded Onyx 450
echo * Black Opal 1050
echo * Black Pearl 1050
echo * Blue Dreamstone 650
echo * Blue Lapis Lazuli 650
echo * Blue Moonstone 850
echo * Blue Sapphire 1050
echo * Blue Shimmarglin Sapphire 1250
echo * Blue Tourmaline 450
echo * Bright Chrysoberyl Gem 450
echo *******************************

Now, I know that has a variable before it gets to the echoes, so the problem could be with the variables. So this next one is my main reference script. It does use variables, but this text should come up just from starting the script:


IF_1 goto %1%
echo *
echo **** Reference Directory **
echo To access any menu item from the list below, type ".ref <menu item>". For example, to access
echo armor information, type ".ref armor". Use the same format to access any item from a sub-menu
echo unless other instructions are given.
echo * alchemy: Various bits of information on alchemy and related items
echo * armor: Armor Information
echo * combat: Information on Combat Skills and Mechanics
echo * create: crafting processes for various systems
echo * days: Day and Month Translation
echo * gods: Gods and Goddesses of Elanthia
echo * healing: Herbs and Potions from Around Elanthia
echo * magic: Spells, Wands, CS calculation, Lores, spell guides
echo * material: Armor and weapon material values
echo * other: A collection of miscellaneous information that did not fit elsewhere
echo * pick: Locksmithing information
echo * puzzle: Game Puzzles and Secrets
echo * race: Culture Info, Racial Modifiers, and Other Mechanical Information
echo * society: Information on the various GSIV societies
echo * train: Information on training points and skill costs
echo *

Neither one displays anything. As I said, none of my echoes work.



"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
Re: Avalon 4.3.3 08/08/2016 07:29 PM CDT
Thanks - both of these examples are working for me in the 4.3.4 version (that only I have at the moment) - so hopefully that issue was resolved unwittingly.

Re: Avalon 4.3.3 08/08/2016 07:59 PM CDT
That would work for me. Thanks. :)


"At a moment like this, I can't help but wonder, 'What would Jimmy Buffett do?'"
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