Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 10/25/2017 07:14 AM CDT
Are you specifically planning on rolling a Prime HARDCORE character that forges his own katars and bastard swords?

!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 10/25/2017 09:19 AM CDT
Maybe? I haven't really decided what I'm playing yet but I do know I am always a fan of forging my own weapons.


Keith is correct
-Wyrom, APM

Keith is correct.
-GameMaster Estild

Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 10/25/2017 05:39 PM CDT
I love this... I will definitely participate!
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 10/31/2017 11:19 AM CDT
I have decided to allow all Artisan Skills in the HARDCORE competition, but included a level gate in order to even out the process.

* The Artisan Skill Fletching is permitted beginning at level 0. Crafting and Forging of no more than two weapon types is permitted once the HARDCORE character has reached level 20. Training in Cobbling and the remaining weapon types is permitted once the character reaches level 40.

The other recent change involves F2P characters and Rewards:

* F2P HARDCORE characters will be awarded the same silver prize as the first character to reach each level milestone regardless of their time to reach said level range (20, 40, 70, 100). Use of F2P only Simucoin items such as spell or society passes is allowed, though doing so disqualifies the HARDCORE character from receiving the F2P reward bonus.

If there are any further questions/comments regarding the rules of the competition, please voice them now. Note that the competition starts tonight at 12:00 EST. I will open the official HARDCORE thread post at or shortly before that time.

!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 04:09 PM CDT
"I will cap entries if there is enough interest so I don't go broke. Doug has offered to help with costs as well if it's needed, so it shouldn't be too bad. Staff can of course get as involved as they like, but I imagine that won't come until the ball is rolling and there is enough interest/participation to warrant an investment of their time." -- Evarin

Servants' entrance to Hearthstone. (i.e. can get in ONLY if you are HardCore)
With access to the wine cellar. (i.e. new set of custom drinks)
And new set of goblets on the mantel. (i.e. "First to 40th" in each profession.")
Said goblet, USABLE as a drinking container, if you happen to be the person named. (i.e. "Designer Wins card in a CCG")
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 04:16 PM CDT
That'd be great. Just know that if the perks become in any way desirable to the common player, the temptation to cheat will increase accordingly.

!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 04:19 PM CDT
"The Player of HoC (PoHoC)[<-- two can play at this game!]" -- Other-Robert

I'm giving fair warning that I claim the character-name "Hichaechoc", in perpetuity.

Note that all of my Hard of Core character-names will include (probably terminate with?) 'hoc'.
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 06:00 PM CDT
To be clear (and specifically with a view to the self-cast scroll and item issue): with the new changes to under-20 capabilities, it IS permitted to take advantage of the "freely move training points"?
Or do we have to play as though we were over-20, and training was 'stuck'?
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 06:28 PM CDT
Okay, so not all of my HoC characters will include hoc.
But I've been wanting to make a new Brawler with that name for a while, and this was a good chance. <beam!>
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 06:38 PM CDT
That's a good question, Krakii. I'm fine with migrating points/stats around as desired. It can be used to massive advantage, but that is entirely by design.

If someone wants to come up with a good argument against it I'll listen, but for now I'll allow it. I'll give it 24 hours or so for people to weigh in before adding it to the rules.

!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 06:45 PM CDT
I think it's good.

HoC is supposed to let us contest over how well we understand the game and capitalize on what 'any player could capitalize on without direct support from another player' (in very broad terms). Knowing how to do 'cheaty-face', or 'min-max' or '1700 shuffle' is all good in my book.

After all, when the PoHoC (heh, nice. . . ) picks that path, it's up to that PoHoC's game experience, understanding, persistence and patience to make it all work. I won't mind a bit if someone else thinks 'cheaty-face' is the way to go.

Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 07:48 PM CDT
Oh, and because of the name, I am also foreswearing use of the UAC 'kick'.

(Look it up, if you're not into classical Russian music.)
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 08:09 PM CDT
Is resting while grouped permitted? (+1/pulse)
If so, do they need to be other PoHoC, like hunting?
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 08:17 PM CDT
>>and because of the name, I am also foreswearing use of the UAC 'kick'.

That would be pretty hard core - Having some small modicum of experience with half-krolvin monks (now), I'd say foreswearing kick is. . . unlikely to be tenable?

I'm curious though - did you get the last name 'Handful' (in Russian, of course)?

Doug, who ponimayet's ye ole ruskij yazik just otlichno, doncha know.

P.S. As a brief aside, the first time that half-krolvin monk looks at my character and says 'ty nekulturny', we're going to be testing out that 'killed by another PC' thing. Just sayin'.
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/01/2017 10:05 PM CDT
I thought you had to make 20th to claim a last name?
But yes, I'm looking forward to 'Kuchka'.


Mighty Handful? How can I possibly use 'kick' with that, I mean come on... :)
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 07:39 AM CDT
Is resting while grouped permitted? (+1/pulse)
If so, do they need to be other PoHoC, like hunting?

Resting while grouped is permitted only if the other characters are HARDCORE.

!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 08:44 AM CDT
"Resting while grouped is permitted only if the other characters are HARDCORE." -- Evarin, replying

This should be added to the Wiki guidelines.





Two things I have observed last night & this morning:
- It sure is a lot faster to head out hunting! (Can I cast anything, myself? No? Off we go!)
- It sure does take a LONG time to build up enough rat pelts to afford to buy some herbs to heal a bleeder. <mutter, curse, grumble, swear, kick puppy>


<NOT kick puppy; I've sworn off kicking...>
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 09:14 AM CDT
>- It sure does take a LONG time to build up enough rat pelts to afford to buy some herbs to heal a bleeder. <mutter, curse, grumble, swear, kick puppy>

You know you are HARDCORE when you buy wolifrew lichen. (I don't think I've ever done that before)
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 09:17 AM CDT
Some additional thoughts:
- Are Empaths allowed to heal other characters? Since that is, basically, their primary source of experience? Only HoC?
- I'm disinclined to do the Adventurer's Guild myself, but would you consider a prize level for "first fully-blinged out badge" shown?
- Likewise averse to Profession Guilds, but prize level for "first full Master"? (Master of all skills; MAA, in the Warrior Guild.)
- Do you want help with prize funding?
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 09:24 AM CDT
Doug, all I did was delete my Alt+K ("kick\r") macro, and change the 'followup kick attack' highlight to black-on-black. Problem solved, no temptation!

Note that I would lend NO credence to any rumors that may be going around that he has been seen using a kick in an MStrike.
(I haven't found a way to disable an auto-tier-up activation. I can give the preference for what I want, but I haven't seen a way to NOT take advantage of the automatic.)



Oh. Half-Krolvin. Sucky shop prices.

Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 09:56 AM CDT
>>Only HoC?

A couple of thoughts.

First, the HoC empath will probably need to be permitted to heal others. Second, HoC suggests a PoHoC not accept healing from any source (which includes HoC empaths presently, based on my read).

But most importantly, we need to be very careful about how we position HoC in the general community. If we were to say HoC can only interact freely with HoC, I think that's a slippery slope. We've seen a couple of decisions land that way already. I'm not suggesting a revisit, but I am suggesting that the thought beyond the contest to community impact begin to take shape.

Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 09:59 AM CDT
>>Problem solved, no temptation!

It's not a question of temptation, Robert. If anyone can do it, I suspect it's you.

I'm simply saying that taking a profession whose powerhouse move is 'kick' into HoC without ever purposefully using 'kick' is going to be Very Hard Core (VHC).

Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 10:10 AM CDT
As I said, I can't control it if it happens in an MStrike, and I'm perfectly willing to shift around a bunch of ranks at, what, 16th level (when double MOC allows a double-tap) to enable that.

But I'm not going to go out of my way to do it, either.

And hey! Think of the money I'll save in not-buying footwraps! <beam>





Speaking of which! Finros! Have hand- and foot-wraps ever wound up being released to the random treasure system? I know I see yierka-spurs and tiger-claws and whatnot ALL the time....
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 10:34 AM CDT
"Second, HoC suggests a PoHoC not accept healing from any source (which includes HoC empaths presently, based on my read)." -- Doug


"No outside services from OTHER CHARACTERS are allowed. This includes: Healing" --, bullet 12, point 5


My takeaway was that I couldn't get a PC healer.
Healing from scrolls should be fine.
Healing from herbs should be fine, as long as you buy (or find as treasure--I'm still waiting for some of that frickin' sovyn clove to drop--or forage) it yourself.
I don't see any reason why paying Surtey wouldn't be allowed--since it's available to all as an NPC shop--but I couldn't even recall where his tent was, so I just limped through all of 2nd level with a bleeder. <shrug>


And 'demeanor cold empath' took care of that for me, I think.

I also put a note about 'Prime Hardcore' in my profile quote. Just in case.
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 10:45 AM CDT
>If someone wants to come up with a good argument against it I'll listen, but for now I'll allow it. I'll give it 24 hours or so for people to weigh in before adding it to the rules.

I don't think using it in GMA ways should be encouraged, but provided migration is only being used to switch between builds fast rather than access benefits a build isn't entitled to I don't think its a problem, and should be left to the player to decide just how hardcore switching builds between every hunt is. I don't think there are significant GMA possibilities with stat changes, but fast migration has quite a few quite significant ones.
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 11:00 AM CDT
Some examples:
1) Spell Research (+ Lore, like for more defensive Iron Skin/1202) and Harness Power to spell up in town, then drop them all for melee skills while hunting.
2) Max out CMan for higher Surge in the field (carrying back armor to pawn), drop them to double in Trading back in town.
3) Doubled in FAid & Survival to skin in the field, drop them all to get the Trading back as above.
4) Get rid of all of that to max out Arcane Symbols to read the scrolls at the pawnshop, then get back the Trading to actually buy them.


This was pretty much why I was asking about it in the first place.

Since it was changed back in January, though, I don't think the GMs squawked about it at all (because I know exactly those same scenarios were mentioned, then).
And, of course, it's in effect for everyone, so a level playing field.
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 11:14 AM CDT

Yeah, sorry - the context I was offering was from the 'empath' player perspective. All sources you listed are fine, far as I know. I wouldn't use Surety, but that's me personally; I'm pretty sure it's allowed.

>>I'm still waiting for some of that frickin' sovyn clove to drop

I've seen clove. I haven't seen spine. Ever. Damned annoying.

Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 11:20 AM CDT
>>This was pretty much why I was asking about it in the first place.

Man, I just gotta say if someone wants to go to all that effort for an extra 200 silver a hunt under 20th level, I say let 'em. Based on my past and recent experiences, I don't believe it will be material at all.

If I were a bettin' elf, I'd say the race to 20 is on, and then the slog begins. Thereafter, unless there's a tight-nit cadre of adventurers of like purpose (Cadre of Hard Core Adventurers - CH-CA) working together, I think we'll see a significant tapering of accomplishments being announced. Even with the Plat head start of 3 (?) months, we have one announced Lord, at least one additional Lord that I know of, and one master of Voln. And. . . several tombstones. Now, true - EG put a crimp in one of those months in Plat.

Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 12:18 PM CDT
Honestly, I can't see doing it for very long, no. I'm looking forward to getting up to low-teens or so--where my [spell enabled!] Monk, begun last month, has made it to--and finding some moderately decent gems laying loose.

And thinking about it, I should probably have chosen a Rogue, because I'm starting to build up a stack of three-item boxes [so box, coins, plus one other] in my locker until I've got a few levels to be able to shift some points into trying to open them. OR, having to pick up more armor from the kills to afford Larton. :)
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 01:14 PM CDT
Bah. Just go get the locksmith to open them.

You'll find out at the lower levels that you come out handily ahead below 10th level. After that - then seek alternate routes if you must.

And remember, this is not a dwarf. Say it with me. This is not a dwarf.

Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 01:36 PM CDT
Let me guess: hunting Elemental warding-spell casters? :)


Or were you reminding me?
It's been so long since I actually hunted with any of the Dwarves (two I can think of, may be another in the stable somewhere) that I don't recall a time when I haven't been over-vulnerable to spells. (Elves and their minuses. <snort>)
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 02:37 PM CDT
>1) Spell Research (+ Lore, like for more defensive Iron Skin/1202) and Harness Power to spell up in town, then drop them all for melee skills while hunting.

I'd expect that to be definite GMA, and wouldn't do it for Policy rather than hardcore reasons, though its what a GM says that counts.

> 2) Max out CMan for higher Surge in the field (carrying back armor to pawn), drop them to double in Trading back in town.
>3) Doubled in FAid & Survival to skin in the field, drop them all to get the Trading back as above.
>4) Get rid of all of that to max out Arcane Symbols to read the scrolls at the pawnshop, then get back the Trading to actually buy them.

Might not be the hardest of core, but I wouldn't be bothered by someone doing it. I could see a GM calling some of those mechanics abuse too, but I don't think its in the same class as wearing self cast spells you aren't trained for in the field.
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 02:53 PM CDT
Part of me agrees that it's abusive.

Part of me thinks it's just demonstrating good knowledge of the capabilities for the level achieved (or 'not' achieved/reaching the cutoff at 20th level where you lose the ability to do so).


Come next May, how does it differ from a character choosing to fully spell up, then FixSkill out of the relevant skills all at once?
Yes, they'll be limited to "just that four hour duration" (as opposed to monkeying with 'goals' every few minutes, or multiple times per day to re-cast), but fundamentally it's exactly the same thing.

To some extent, so is holding/wearing enough Enhancives to get you another 25-rank breakpoint of Mana Control, and doing a 'spellup' in town, then putting those Enhancives away and getting out your combat ones. Until the Bard's item ran out, I was consistently seeing "used 4 of 3 available" on his 'mana' readout.


We're looking at gaming how the system works, right?
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/02/2017 07:06 PM CDT
I'd have to have a GM weigh in on what constitutes abuse with the migration period before I change the rules. Obviously, HARDCORE characters are expected to follow all game wide policies and what not.

As to healing, you definitely cannot heal HARDCORE characters. There was some talk about banning any healing in the past, but i'd defer on how it was handled in Platinum. I'll shoot Kithus and Doug a message.

!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/03/2017 08:06 AM CDT
- Should we be updating our own progress on the leaderboard (like when we make a level, or get a new creature), or leave that to you?
- Since traps can be lethal, should there be a column/bragging rights/Profile display for 'hardest trap'?
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/03/2017 01:00 PM CDT
It's difficult for me to keep levels up to date due to PROFILE not working when someone isn't logged on. Feel free to update your level and strongest foe whenever you wish via the wiki. If you want to track best trap/lock, feel free to create that leaderboard as well. If you're not up to it, I may do that later. It's a good idea.

I've some updates I want to get out about collecting/disseminating information, but I'm not sure when i'll try to get those out. Likely sometime over the weekend.

!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/03/2017 01:13 PM CDT
I'm not as concerned about the locks, because those can't kill you. :)
(At least, none of MY characters have ever been slain by shards of flying lockpick to the eyeball.)

But traps, now, that's a whole other story.
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/03/2017 05:24 PM CDT
It's still a matter of showing the most skill in doing a task in comparison to your peers that is easily verified via the PROFILE verb.

!>tell child to be quiet
The child cries, "I don't wanna!"
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/05/2017 04:15 PM CST

Khrayla - Half-Krol - Warrior

(note: It's a good idea to choose your training in the character gen tool. I did not so my character genned without any weapon or shield. Fortunately I recall that the sprite will provide a shield and some coin if I do the quests).

-- Robert
Re: Gemstone Prime HARDCORE: Assessing Interest and Establishing Rules (UNOFFICIAL) 11/05/2017 04:18 PM CST

I forgot to mention that I chose to start in Ta'Vaalor.

-- Robert