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Combat Logger RAVIK 01/31/2009 12:14 PM CST
>cast ravik
Prowler Ravik just arrived.
You gesture at Ravik.
A brilliant stream of pure white light jumps from you to Ravik, warping into a hammer-shaped force that slams into him!
It lands a vicious strike against his chest!
The hammer-shaped light silently explodes.
Ravik is severely stunned!
Roundtime: 2 seconds.
>cast ravik
...wait 2 seconds.
>cast ravik
...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 2 seconds.
Ravik just left.

I mean come on, combat logging is the most pathetic thing ever. I don't even know what else to say.
Smite first, ask questions later.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 01/31/2009 01:24 PM CST
you cast at someone just as they come into the room and that's combat to you? what a wuss!

And from the looks of it, I dare say Ravik was on a script that logs him off whenever he is stunned/killed...
I will not speak to being afk or not as I am not him and have no clue as to if he was or wasn't.

report: not sure if this is a problem.. but there are two sentinel Kristef's on the streets.

SEND[Abasha] That's not Kristef, that's his evil twin, um... Kristeff. Anyway thanks for the heads up!
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 01/31/2009 01:58 PM CST
>>you cast at someone just as they come into the room and that's combat to you? what a wuss!<<

>>Good job casting at him before he was even in the room <<

Apparently you two have never had to try track somebody down that soils themselves the second they see you and runs away. Wuss, I think not. More like out of options.

Smite first, ask questions later.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 01/31/2009 02:23 PM CST
Doesn't matter, what you showed us says you're a wuss... shrugs You don't like it, actually show the entire conflict.

on a side note, there seems to be someone that I can't see posts of, and yet I have no one in my ignore list....

report: not sure if this is a problem.. but there are two sentinel Kristef's on the streets.

SEND[Abasha] That's not Kristef, that's his evil twin, um... Kristeff. Anyway thanks for the heads up!
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 01/31/2009 03:12 PM CST
>>on a side note, there seems to be someone that I can't see posts of, and yet I have no one in my ignore list....

That forum bug also happens when someone (or a mod) deletes their post, and it's the last one in the category.

-TG, TG, & GL, et al.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 01/31/2009 05:29 PM CST
me and soth finding each udder on opposite philosophical sides! <3

i dont know the backstory, so...

but that early cast is either a doctored log or AWESOME timing!

if only i could replicate that at will.

:oP Ragran
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 01/31/2009 05:41 PM CST
>>but that early cast is either a doctored log or AWESOME timing!

>>if only i could replicate that at will.

Its things like that that make me glad I dont go for the PvP thing. A perfect ambush like that could get really ugly really fast. Personally I dislike combat logging. Being up the creek without a paddle is part of PvP. If you do PvP, dont log out. Gives you a bad rep in the long run.

"Between the silver of his naked fur, the drying blue splotches, and bits of green, he looked like a bizarre, tinsel Christmas tree. If, that is, Jeffery Dahlmer or Ted Bundy had decided to celebrate Christmas." John Ringo: Honor of the Clan
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 01/31/2009 08:34 PM CST
>>but that early cast is either a doctored log or AWESOME timing!

Or perhaps they've been hounding each other long enough to have a good idea where the other is going to go and when? The guy's not actually popping him for no reason, you know, and it doesn't smell much like week-old revenge.

Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 01/31/2009 09:29 PM CST
>>Doesn't matter, what you showed us says you're a wuss... shrugs You don't like it, actually show the entire conflict.<<

I thought after giving you that last explanation you would get it, but I guess your slow and I'm giving you more credit than you deserve. I'll make sure to log the part for you next time of him running out of room A and me waiting 15 min for him to show back up in room B. I hope that was simple enough for you, otherwise I'm at a loss.

>>but that early cast is either a doctored log or AWESOME timing!<<

Not doctored in the least bit Sir Ragran. I could come up with something more creative than that if so.

>>Or perhaps they've been hounding each other long enough to have a good idea where the other is going to go and when? The guy's not actually popping him for no reason, you know, and it doesn't smell much like week-old revenge.<<

Spot on.

Smite first, ask questions later.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 06:25 AM CST
You're the one that's slower than molasses. You make a post whining about him "logging" which he was most likely afk scripting and the stun caused the trigger.. You only give the one part where you cast just before he gets in the room, you give no background or anything. You just assume that everyone that reads the post will think that there was a reason for it. You clearly need better communication skills, let alone the other half of your brain back so you can make clear posts that can give everyone more information.

And by your reply this time, you're still saying that you're a wuss. Just camping out in a room because you know his script takes him there at certain intervals is pathetic. Hell, it's not even interesting enough to post on the boards for everyone to see. So, not only do you show that you're being a wuss, you're not even being entertaining. At least if you had been able to be entertaining, there might have been something to be commended.

report: not sure if this is a problem.. but there are two sentinel Kristef's on the streets.

SEND[Abasha] That's not Kristef, that's his evil twin, um... Kristeff. Anyway thanks for the heads up!
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 06:44 AM CST
play to win


Thieves will continue to be dominated by the awesome power of the perceive health ability - that which causes rivers to dry up, babies to cry, and the earth to shake.
Stand back mortal, lest ye health be perceived.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 08:59 AM CST
>You make a post whining about him "logging" which he was most likely afk scripting and the stun caused the trigger..

How do you figure his script combat logging him makes the tool any less of a tool than if he typed quit himself? Either he logged or he fixed it so that he would log, either way he's lame and you're stupid for throwing such a hissy fit about the whole thing.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 10:05 AM CST
and you're a retard for trying to put in your two cents and make it seem like I'm taking his side.

Both are idiots for their own reasons. Just like you're a moron for a totally different reason.
Not once did I feel the need to remark about Ravik's pathetic-ness. That was fairly obvious. My comments were towards the pathetic way to go for the attack. If you're going to do something do it right, go all out. And if you're really in a serious conflict with someone, then you two need to get together and do something that'll entertain the rest of us when you post it. Not too hard to understand.. well except for Silus, Sendithu, and, possibly, Ravik.. But then again, can't expect much from them...

report: not sure if this is a problem.. but there are two sentinel Kristef's on the streets.

SEND[Abasha] That's not Kristef, that's his evil twin, um... Kristeff. Anyway thanks for the heads up!
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 10:43 AM CST
Yeah, i've got to agree with Sothios. This 'conflict' has fail written all over it. Sitting in a room spamming CAST RAVIK while waiting for his script to run him through is lame. Complaining when a stun trigger logs him off is lame. This isn't a conflict, this is just Silus whining about his inability to kill someone. Should probably just move this whole thread to the Paladin folder where his inability to PvP will be more well accepted.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 11:36 AM CST
<<You're the one that's slower than molasses. You make a post whining about him "logging" which he was most likely afk scripting and the stun caused the trigger.>>


I asked Ravik about this last night and his response was "I had stuff do to and didn't feel like being dead".

So, no.

Every post you've made about this subject has been completely off the mark.

When the kid gets stunned or down on health to the point that he feels like he's going to die, he logs off. Then later, he expects other people to play by the rules or he exercises his right to report.

DR Conflict. Resolved by "quit\r" macro. Only the strongest survive.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 11:51 AM CST
>>Sothios & Nerdinstincs post, bla bla bla bla bla, wuss, bla bla bla bla, fail, bla bla bla<<

This post didn't get into the background of the story because that is a moot point. However feel free for you conjuer up a epic struggle between good and evil that takes you back to the times your mother used to read you before bedtime if that will better help you understand. The point of this post was to simply state the lameness of him combat logging. No more no less.

Also, why would you assume that a script was running, which it wasn't. I don't know of anybody that is such a "WUSS" that would take the time to modify their Kraylest Travel scripts to log upon stuns/deaths with the exception of the Legendary Thief Sothios, PVP Authorty Nerdinstincs, or Combat Logger Ravik.

Smite first, ask questions later.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 11:57 AM CST
Considering Woodhamr3's post, we can agree that Ravik is lame for combat logging and reporting.

However, I also present Exhibit A for Silus' lameness: standing in an empty room spamming CAST RAVIK.

I stand by my previous post, you both fail.

And yes, in comparison to these two shining examples of PvP greatness, I am a PvP authority.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 01:36 PM CST
ok i hate to admit it.

when the hate is not directed at me....its funner than i remember.

its just been so long i thought all hate was unfun. really its just when its directed at me that i object.

:oP Ragran
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 01:43 PM CST
There's no "fair" when it comes to PvP. There's nothing wrong with waiting to ambush someone in a room when they pass through. Who knows, maybe Ravik has more skills and stats than the original poster to face head on.

It sure beats hitting that "handy" report macro that I'm sure most of you would do when faced with someone too tough to fight head on.


"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."

- Sima Yi
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 01:48 PM CST
>>There's nothing wrong with waiting to ambush someone in a room when they pass through.<<

This is often the only way you can do it, since there's no way to force someone to turn and fight.

- Mazrian

The Flying Company
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 02:04 PM CST
<<This is often the only way you can do it, since there's no way to force someone to turn and fight.>>

I think this is basically it.

I really don't see what the issue is with the smite spamming. A lot of these critics act as if they haven't typed "fire bolt [person]" and just kept hitting ctrl+enter over and over hoping to catch the person when they can.

The cat and mouse game is fun. However when you're the cat, you've gotta do whatever you can do to catch them in a game where someone can travel half a province away within literally 30 seconds.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 02:31 PM CST
> A lot of these critics act as if they haven't typed "fire bolt [person]" and just kept hitting ctrl+enter over and over hoping to catch the person when they can.

who's acting. I've never done that. I consider it pathetic to have to do that. If I'm going to kill you, I'm stalking you until I get the right time (if you're a wuss and gonna run). I'm not going to spam fire <person> over and over. I'll go out and wait until I see the perfect time.

Do I care about fair? No.. why would I have a thief if I cared about fair. I would be complaining that I couldn't use magic or that other guilds are getting what we've had for years. But guess what! I don't really care. I'm all for letting anyone carve picks. I'm all for people hiding at melee. I'm all for other guilds getting to use the slips. I couldn't care any less if I never got to cast magic. I have my own ranged attacks should I have to use them.

report: not sure if this is a problem.. but there are two sentinel Kristef's on the streets.

SEND[Abasha] That's not Kristef, that's his evil twin, um... Kristeff. Anyway thanks for the heads up!
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 02:37 PM CST
This entire thread is full of fail. Ranging from combat logging to whining about somebody combat logging, and all the way to calling said whiner a wuss.

I don't know what you expected to come of this thread since it was painfully obvious this is the route it would take straight off the bat. If you're trying to give Ravik a bad name you're doing so at the expense of giving yourself a worse one by whining about him, but thanks for dragging Sothios into all of this with you, now I have even more of a reason to preemptively <facepalm> when I see he's posted.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 03:15 PM CST
I used to respect Sothios. =(

"Close your eyes -
For your eyes will only tell the truth..
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark, it is easy to pretend
That the truth is what it ought to be." - Erik Claudin
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 03:28 PM CST
<who's acting. I've never done that. I consider it pathetic to have to do that. If I'm going to kill you, I'm stalking you until I get the right time (if you're a wuss and gonna run). I'm not going to spam fire <person> over and over. I'll go out and wait until I see the perfect time.>>

Since you have all the answers can you please advise, as a paladin, what you would have done in said situation?

I'm being genuine about this. I'm sure we can all learn something here from your extensive experience.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 04:20 PM CST
>>If you're going to do something do it right, go all out.<<

>>who's acting. I've never done that. I consider it pathetic to have to do that. If I'm going to kill you, I'm stalking you until I get the right time (if you're a wuss and gonna run). I'm not going to spam fire <person> over and over. I'll go out and wait until I see the perfect time.<<

This is what you call going "all out". You've got to be kidding me, "wuss".

>>Since you have all the answers can you please advise, as a paladin, what you would have done in said situation?<<

Great question. Make sure to confer with PVP Authority Nerdinstincs, since you guys seem to be the residen experts.

Smite first, ask questions later.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/01/2009 09:09 PM CST
<<There's no "fair" when it comes to PvP. There's nothing wrong with waiting to ambush someone in a room when they pass through>>


in the sage words of mr myagi in The Next Karate Kid, introducing Hillary Swank, "Fighting not good...but if must fight, win."

:oP Ragran
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 06:05 AM CST
>>There's nothing wrong with waiting to ambush someone in a room when they pass through.<<


Also, so much objection to taking a cheap shot in the Thieves folder, of all places? Seriously?

I've lived in darkness a long time. Over the years my eyes adjusted until the dark became my world and I could see.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 06:28 AM CST
<<Also, so much objection to taking a cheap shot in the Thieves folder, of all places? Seriously?>>

It was done mechanics-wise. If it had been a RP-ed out thing, then the objection would be the perpetrator was Silus, who is a guilded paladin. There's nothing wrong with a Thief taking a "cheap shot", but Paladins are supposedly more "honorable" than that.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 07:06 AM CST
There's no "fair" when it comes to PvP. There's nothing wrong with waiting to ambush someone in a room when they pass through. Who knows, maybe Ravik has more skills and stats than the original poster to face head on.

Good grief, I can't believe I'm reading half of this. "No, you're a pansy unless you meet him behind the water tower, take 10 paces away from each other and attack on the count of 3"


Seriously, PLAY TO WIN. I doubt 90% of the people in this thread saying that he was a tool for spamming >cast ravik KNOWING the dude was going to be coming through any moment actually engage in conflicts. It's no different than rubbing an inviso ring or turning a polo cloak and ambushing someone.

Triggers and macros are your best friend, if you aren't using a frontend that allows you to do that then do whatever you need to do to get the hit off. Even if it is spam >cast while waiting for the person's script to bring them through the room you've watched them run through for the last 10 minutes.

>>who's acting. I've never done that. I consider it pathetic to have to do that. If I'm going to kill you, I'm stalking you until I get the right time (if you're a wuss and gonna run).

Stalking someone around that can't see you until you get a good chance to ambush them when they don't know it's coming is no different. Your posts are dripping with hypocrisy. You're blatantly trolling, and miserably.


Thieves will continue to be dominated by the awesome power of the perceive health ability - that which causes rivers to dry up, babies to cry, and the earth to shake.
Stand back mortal, lest ye health be perceived.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:06 AM CST
This is a pretty stupid thread and I'm dissapointed, though not really surprised, to see that so many people who've posted in it don't know how to fight.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:09 AM CST
dude a preps a spell, waits for dude b to show up, dude b walks in and takes a blast to the chest. Looks like A+ roleplay to me.

And yes, I know what it's like to track someone that soils themselves whenever they see me.

It'sa mea, a Kruglero
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:15 AM CST
why am i not surprised? you would think anything that involves killing is RP. spoken like a true PVP junkie. congrats.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:18 AM CST
Well at least Gonif's stalking is staying strong


Thieves will continue to be dominated by the awesome power of the perceive health ability - that which causes rivers to dry up, babies to cry, and the earth to shake.
Stand back mortal, lest ye health be perceived.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:19 AM CST
>And by your reply this time, you're still saying that you're a wuss. Just camping out in a room because you know his script takes him there at certain intervals is pathetic.

What are you talking about? That's smart, not pathetic.

It's the same idea as sneaking into a room, advancing to melee while hidden, and backstabbing someone. What's the difference between that and casting a spell at someone when they come into the room? That's PvP in Dragonworlds.

>standing in an empty room spamming CAST RAVIK.

I could be wrong, but it appears as though he knew Ravik would be running through that room so he ran a simple script to attack once Ravik came in. Lots of people do this. There's nothing wrong with it.

In short, he did exactly what he should have done and anyone calling him a "wuss" has no clue what they're talking about.

Satfiki wipes a bit of Rmel's spittle from her arm.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:22 AM CST
>why am i not surprised? you would think anything that involves killing is RP. spoken like a true PVP junkie. congrats.

right, cause letting your sworn enemy walk through the room on a script while you go OH NO >prep sf makes a lot more sense. God you're bitter.

It'sa mea, a Kruglero
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:32 AM CST
<< letting your sworn enemy walk through the room on a script >>

you just proved my point.

your RP'ed sworn ememy in the realms? or your RL sworn enemy? because your CHARACTER would have no idea what a "script" is.

And again, a Paladin should have other options.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:35 AM CST
>>your RP'ed sworn ememy in the realms? or your RL sworn enemy? because your CHARACTER would have no idea what a "script" is.

I'm fairly certain your character wouldn't know how to report either


Thieves will continue to be dominated by the awesome power of the perceive health ability - that which causes rivers to dry up, babies to cry, and the earth to shake.
Stand back mortal, lest ye health be perceived.
Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:39 AM CST
>>And again, a Paladin should have other options.

Such as?

Re: Combat Logger RAVIK 02/02/2009 08:48 AM CST
<<And again, a Paladin should have other options.>>

<<Such as?>>

well, since Silus only posted the smite and not what led to it, and he's posting it in the Thieves folder, lets presume it was a theft.

In which case theres a few options.

1. Accusing to the guardhouse.
2. This is one Rock used, it was annoying as hell to the thief, but it was RP'ed out well, he'd HALT and then lecture you for a long time if he caught you in his pockets.
3. Justinian in plat used to brawl people to the ground, then drag 'em to the guardhouse.
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